Double Crossed

By littledaydreamers

48K 1.9K 144

Aria and Drake exchange a mischievous look and some hidden joke passes between them. "Let's just say our stor... More

Chapter 1~Drake
Chapter 2~Aria
Chapter 3~Drake
Chapter 4~Drake
Chapter 5~Aria
Chapter 6~Drake
Chapter 7~Aria
Chapter 8~Drake
Chapter 9~Aria
Chapter 10~Drake
Chapter 11~Drake
Chapter 12~Aria
Chapter 13~Drake
Chapter 14~Drake
Chapter 15~Aria
Chapter 16~Aria
Chapter 17~Drake
Chapter 18~Drake
Chapter 19~Aria
Chapter 20~Drake
Chapter 21~Aria
Chapter 22~Aria
Chapter 23~Drake
Chapter 24~Aria
Chapter 25~Drake
Chapter 26~Drake
Chapter 27~Drake
Chapter 28~Aria
Chapter 29~Aria


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By littledaydreamers

I was at Elena's house almost a month after everything happened. Drake and I announced we were back together. Of course Elena immediately smacked me on the head.

"Are you insane? Do you remember what he did to you?" she questioned.

"Yes. But we worked it out. Really," I insisted when Elena gave me a quizzical look. It looked like she was questioning my sanity.

That was all I could tell her. It's not like I could explain that Drake only pretended to cheat on me so I would hate him and never want to see him again, therefore protecting me from the people who wanted to kill him. I wanted to tell Elena the truth but that would mean revealing Drake's secret.

Thankfully Elena was the best friend I could hope for. She seemed a little worried but accepted my reason for taking Drake back. It still took some time but she began to ease up to Drake again. I guess her seeing how happy we are together helped. And I am happy. Truly and without a doubt, the first time I've been in forever.

"Hey Aria which necklace?" Elena asks. I'm helping her get ready for prom which isn't even for another four hours.

"The one in your left hand. The other one is too flashy," I respond.

Elena looks at the two necklaces and nods her head. "You're right."

I place the simple diamond necklace around her neck. It adds just the right amount of sparkle. It draws your attention to the neckline of her dark purple gown but doesn't take away from it at the same time.

Once I place the lock, Elena pats her hair a couple times and turns around. She stretches her arms out and spins in a circle.

"How do I look?" she asks.

Elena is wearing a strapless floor length gown. The neckline is heart shaped and hugs her figure perfectly. Her hair is up in a braided bun updo and she applied her makeup for a smoky effect. The simple diamond jewelry and dark gray heels complete the perfect outfit.

"Absolutely ravishing," I say with a smile. "Reid is going to go crazy for you."

A guy named Reid in our history class asked Elena to prom. He's sweet in a laid back boyish way. It doesn't seem like he'll get along with Elena's hyper personality but they really click. I can tell she likes him and it won't be long before he does too.

"I know he will," Elena says smugly. She sits back down at her dresser and faces me. Her lip is sticking out in a small pout.

"You sure you can't go? You can just join our group. I promise you won't be a fifth wheel."

I roll my eyes and nod. I've had this conversation with Elena plenty of times. Unfortunately Drake has a mission tonight of all nights. He told me I could take somebody else but that felt like cheating on him.

"Come on! Just because Drake is out of town doesn't mean you need to miss out on the best day of your life!"

"It's just a dance. I'll have one almost exactly like it next year," I tell Elena but I can't help the twinge of sadness in my voice. I really wanted to go with all my friends. Elena and Reid were in a group with Wendy and Jack and for sure that will be an amazing night.

"At least let me dress you up. We can take pictures. That's like half of it anyway," Elena begs.

"Elena..." I say in a whiny voice.

She shakes her head adamantly. "I don't care. I'm dressing you up." Elena pulls my hand and makes me sit down in the chair of her vanity. I try to move but give up since every time I try I get a slap to the head.

Elena pulls out her curling iron and curls my hair so that it falls in gentle waves around my face. Then she pulls out a section and twists it before securing it in place with a beige flower clip. Then she does my makeup. Elena adds bronze eyeshadow over my eyes and black eyeliner. It's all really simple but does wonders to bring out my best features. Plus she does all of this in less than an hour.

"You could seriously become a stylist," I say in awe as I admire my reflection. It looks like me but like a Greek goddess version that I didn't know could exist.

"It's nothing," Elena says humbly.

I purse my lips and look at her through the mirror. "Humility doesn't suit you."

"Oh shut up!" Elena laughs. Then she throws me a dress. "Put this on."

I catch the dress she passes to me and hold it up against the mirror. It's a peachy salmon color made of flowy chiffon. Then there's a lace belt adorned with small diamonds.

"What's this?" I ask. I put it on, making sure to keep my back to Elena so she doesn't see my scar from the bullet wound. That would be hard to explain. I'm still trying to think of a good excuse in time for summer.

"I bought two dresses since I couldn't decide," Elena says. "It looks like it fits you."

I fix my hair and turn around to face Elena. Her lips part and for once Elena is speechless, but only for a few seconds.

"Wow I'm good," she whispers. I laugh and take out my phone to take a couple of pictures. We make funny faces at the camera as we snap some selfies.

The doorbell rings and I hear Jamie call Elena from downstairs. "Your friends are here!" she screams in a high pitched voice.

"Okay we're coming!" Elena shouts back.

"I'll just stay he--"

"Ridiculous!" Elena interrupts. "You're taking more photos."

I roll my eyes but know better than to argue with Elena. I follow her down the stairs in heels I borrowed from her too. I didn't think we were the same size but everything fits perfectly. Elena saunters to the front door and swings it open while I stay in the living room with Jamie.

"Hey Reid!" I hear Elena greet.

"You look beautiful," Reid tells her, sounding awed.

"Thanks," Elena says in a way that she so obviously knows how good she looks right now. "Aria come here!"

"Why?" I yell back. Jamie said she was going to bring cookies and I'm hungry.

"Just cause!"

I groan and force myself off the couch. I smile at Reid and glare at Elena as I pass. She points at the door, demanding that I open it, and I drag my feet forward.

"Why can't you open...Drake?" I exclaim when I swing the door open and see Drake standing there. I glance behind me in confusion. Elena is holding on to Reid's arm and grinning at me. That's when I realize she knew Drake was coming this entire time.

"Surprise," Drake says with a smirk on Elena's front steps.

I try to look angry at him for tricking me, but I can't stop staring at him. Drake just He's wearing a suit that fits him perfectly. It hugs the contours of his well muscled chest and shoulders. His hair is properly messy and just makes him even more attractive.

Drake places his hands on my hips, bringing me back to reality. I look up at his dark eyes. I've only seen them glowing this much once, when I told him I love him.

"You look, um, I...pretty, wow," Drake stumbles as he looks at me. I laugh as Drake struggles for words, but I can't help but blush at his intense stare.

"Courtesy of me!" Elena shouts from inside.

"I can't believe you tricked me," I tell Drake. He could've saved me weeks of being miserable about not going.

"I know. I'm sorry," he apologizes as he kisses my hand. "But I swear I didn't know I could make it until a few hours ago. I rushed my job to make it back here in time, and I didn't want to stress you out with trying to find a dress and stuff. But I knew Elena would be able to help me pull of this miracle."

Drake is looking at me with a bashful smile and apologetic eyes. I can't take it any longer and pull him in for a kiss. "I love you," I tell him.

I feel Drake smile against my lips. "I love you too."

"Will you guys hurry up? I want to take pictures!" Elena shouts.

Drake and I go outside to Elena's garden where her mom takes a lot of pictures of us and then our whole group once Jack and Wendy arrive. We strike pose after pose, starting the chaos that is prom. Afterwards we rush back to the front since we're running late for the dance.

"A limo?" I exclaim when I see it parked in the front with a chauffeur holding the door open.

"Drake got it," Elena calls as she rushes inside excitedly.

"I have connections," is all Drake says before ushering me inside.

I've never been inside a limo before. We explore every nook and cranny but unfortunately the ride isn't long enough. Before we know it we're at the Hilton hotel and being shown to the ballroom. It's decorated with flowers and simple draperies. Looking around I understand why the tickets cost so much. I guess Drake took care of that too since I didn't buy any.

The six of us sit at the table reserved for us. We talk and eat like we've been best friends for years. Even Reid fits in perfectly. I think Jack has finally gotten past the fact that Drake is part of our group. He's actually talking to Drake without a constant tone of wonder.

"So why couldn't you tell me Drake could come?" I ask Elena pointedly.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Elena says with a shrug.

I'm about to bite back a retort but Drake holds a forkful of food up to my mouth. "Eat, love," he says. Him calling me love takes me by surprise that I just obediently open my mouth. Drake places the food in with a smile before looking apologetically at Elena.

We eat and then dance as we shout to be able to be heard over the music. We stop to take photos in the photo booth. We all have crazy hats on, masks, and feather boas as we strike silly poses. Our pictures come out and I smile as I hold them in my hand. I'm definitely keeping these forever.

A slow song begins to play and Drake drags me on to the dance floor. His hands are resting on my hips like they were meant to be there while my arms are wrapped around his neck. I lean into him so that my head is lying on his shoulder. Usually I can't do that but in heels it's perfect. I breathe in his comforting scent and smile into his neck.

"Don't be so hard on Elena. I put her up to it," Drake says as we sway back and forth. I can feel his voice vibrating against me.

"I know. I'm just playing with her. I'm not mad," I say with a smirk. Drake laughs and shakes his head. "If I was mad she definitely made it up with this dress. I still have to pay her back for it."

"No need. I picked it out on the flight back. I just told her to pick it up," Drake tells me. I look up incredulously with my eyebrows arched. Drake sighs. "Okay fine Megan helped."

I nod with a smile. "That makes more sense. Tell her thank you."

"I already did. I texted her saying thank you for making my girlfriend the most beautiful girl in the room."

I blush as Drake looks at me with a goofy looking smile. Then he leans down and kisses me slowly on the lips, sweeping me off my feet and making me completely his. No matter what happens, no matter how complicated things get with his job, I can never leave Drake now. He's become too big a part of my life.


Let's just say the night was perfect, not to sound cliche or anything. It really was. I went over to Drake's place after prom. I was supposed to stay at Elena's but she said me and Drake needed some alone time. But none of what people would think happened.

Megan and Martin were staying at Drake's indefinitely, and they would make overprotective parents proud. Things never got heated between Drake and I. We just sat on the couch watching movies and eating our hearts out. However we did sneak in a make out session in his room before Martin burst in with his trusty flashlight.

"Out!" Martin yells while pointing outside. "You guys are sleeping in the living room where we can keep an eye on you."

Drake rolls his eyes. He pulls me past Martin, making sure to shove him playfully on the shoulder as we pass. When we arrive in the living room we see that Megan already laid out sleeping bags for the two of us across the room from each other.

Drake looks at the two sleeping bags disapprovingly before dragging his next to mine. Then he glares threateningly at Megan and Martin who are watching with scowls. Eventually they shrug their shoulders and get into their own places.

I snuggle close to Drake and he instantly wraps his arm around me. "I love you, Aria."

"I love you too, Drake," I whisper against his chest. I feel him sigh contently right against me. "Tonight was amazing."

"It was more than amazing," Drake says. "For once I actually did a normal high school thing. Most people hang out with friends on a Friday night. I'm usually in another country on some assignment. Tonight I felt like a real teenager for the first time. All because of you."

I look into Drake's deep, dark eyes that used to be such a mystery. They're no longer guarded or hardened to the world. Now all they hold is a happiness I could never imagine in him before.

I gently place my hand on Drake's cheek and pull him in for a kiss. "Well get ready because there's still one more year to feel like one."

"Then another four to feel like a reckless adult," Drake says.

We've never talked about the future like this. Before, Drake acted like this relationship was a great thing that could be taken away at any moment. I guess at the time it was or he was just afraid. We'd take it one day at a time so I never imagined us being together beyond a week into the future. Now suddenly I can't imagine a different one. I'm sure it's going to be crazy and filled with drama but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I can't wait," I whisper into his lips.

Thanks everyone for reading! I hope you liked it :)  

Song that inspired me: Glowing by The Script 

Check out my newest story Lost in Translation if you want another crazy story. And I wrote my first short story named Fallen Angel. It would mean a lot if you checked them out!

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