i'm not queen || the original...

By GEMOfTheNight

348K 11.2K 4.7K

⚜️I'm Not Queen || The Originals⚜️ "the evil hybrid, or the psychotic maniac?" "the moral, or the alpha?" "th... More

•i'm not queen || the originals•
•i'm not pregnant•
•i'm not marcellus' mother•
•i'm not having a baby girl•
•i'm not happy that elijah's back•
•i'm not happy to see marcellus again•
•i'm not broken-hearted•
•i'm not making new friends•
•i'm not sticking with the girls•
•i'm not devastated•
•i'm not on lockdown•
•i'm not a witch•
•i'm not betrayed by the truth•
•i'm not caught in between•
•i'm not saying goodbye•
•i'm not the leader of the werewolf faction•
•i'm not representing the werewolves•
•i'm not livid•
•i'm not writing a love letter•
•i'm not the powerful immortal being•
•i'm not attracted to a witch•
•i'm not tricked into a date•
•i'm not tempted•
•i'm not his anchor•
•i'm not meeting the important ones•
•i'm not shock•
•i'm not a love that lasts•
•i'm not with my love and my hope•
•i'm not a mikaelson witch•
•i'm not personifying love and hope•
•i'm not willing to risk•
•i'm not having an army•
•i'm not keeping a promise•
•i'm not the alpha•

•i'm not a labonair•

12.9K 416 301
By GEMOfTheNight


A broken-hearted Imogen Farien Avery stared at the clear lake of the Bayou. Millions of thoughts running around her head. She and Hayley only wanted to find their origin. She only wanted to know the truth about her family. She didn't know that her search would lead her back to New Orleans. She didn't know while she searched for her origin, she was already carrying her child with Klaus'.

'Oh, Niklaus Mikaelson.'

The noirette remembered the hurt look on his face when his own brother accused him of only caring for the baby to make his hybrid army and Hayley quickly judging him without knowing the truth. The look of pain he gave her when he said she and their baby will look only at him as a liar, manipulator and a bastard like everyone else.

She desperately wanted to believe he just said those words out of spite.

She didn't believe that he would have an ulterior motive for caring and loving their baby. She didn't believe that he would just use her. She didn't believe he knew what the baby could do. She didn't believe in Tyler, she believed in him.

It hurt her knowing he gave up on her, their baby and worse, himself.

She trusts that things will be different once everyone clears their heads.

Imogen looked down at her pregnant stomach and caressed it. 'I am sorry, little one, that mommy couldn't fix things easily with our family like before. And don't blame yourself for what happened. It's not your fault, neither your father's, it just got so complicated.' she sighed sadly as a single tear escaped from her left eye.


The noirette closed her eyes refraining her tears from falling completely before quickly wiping the tear that fell from her face as Elijah Mikaelson slowly walked over to her.

"Do understand that I have no intentions to make you feel this way."

Imogen opened her eyes as she turned to face the Original vampire with a blank look on her face yet her eyes were teary and full of sadness.

"Though I regret nothing."

"Why are you doing this to your own brother, Elijah?" Imogen asked the Original vampire. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Elijah looked sadly at her. "I only wanted to protect you." he said, determined.

"You don't have to, Elijah."

Elijah smiled. "I want to. It's the least I could do for everything you've done for the family, for centuries."

"Why are you so persistent in protecting me?" Imogen asked softly.

"I promised that I will and I'll keep it until the end."

"Why do I feel there's a deeper meaning to that?"

Elijah placed his hands on the noirette's shoulders, looking directly into her chocolatey brown eyes, seriousness in his eyes. "For centuries, you stuck by our sides, Niklaus' side. The good times and the bad times, you were there with us. For centuries, every time I watch my brother do things impulsively, the consequences will come back, not to him but unfairly to you."

"The Original family, the Mikaelsons are nothing without you. You've always been our light and pillar of hope."

Imogen stared softly at the Original vampire. "Oh, Elijah."

"As we gave up on ourselves, you didn't and continued fighting for us when we couldn't anymore."

The noirette wasn't angry or upset with him but she couldn't understand why he would quickly believe what Tyler said to her and expect the worse from his own brother.

"You said Nik's judgement was blinded with jealousy but Elijah, something is clouding yours as well."


"You have to hear Nik's side and not---"

"Because I love you!"

Imogen's eyes widen in complete shock as Elijah placed his lips on hers.

Elijah tightened his hold on the noirette's tensed shoulders as he continued kissing her.


Elijah slowly pulled away from her. "I only want to protect you. I have watched Niklaus endanger you for centuries and every time he does I only turned a blind eye. But now, I will not allow it."

Suddenly, Elijah fell to his knees, groaning in pain as he placed a hand on his neck, where Klaus bit him.

"Elijah!" Imogen called out to him worriedly and kneeled beside him.

Elijah smiled assuringly at her. "I am fine, Farien. Don't worry." he said.

"But Elijah!"

"The bite won't kill me." Elijah assured her. "Like Niklaus himself, it's more than a nuisance than anything."

Imogen looked worried as Elijah stood up and looked down at her.

"Come. Hayley's back at the shack. She's worried about you."

Imogen stared at Elijah. 'He is acting as if he didn't kiss me.' she thought and sighed. 'These brothers, seriously.'

The Immortal and the Original vampire walked back to the shack. Imogen immediately noticed a book, laying on the corner of the porch. She quickly walked over to it and found it was a bible. She picked it up and flipped the cover, immediately seeing a name she hadn't seen for a very long time.

"How?" she mumbled.

Elijah quickly went to the noirette's side when she saw her eyes widen. "Farien? What's wrong?" he asked in concern.

Imogen looked at him before showing him the bible. "Someone left this here." she told him.

"What is it?" Elijah asked.

"A bible with a family history that goes back for generations." Imogen answered. "And I found the name of someone from long ago."

Elijah looked at her confused. "Who?"

"Mignon Farien."

Elijah's eyes widen. "Your mother?"

Imogen nodded, confused. "But? How---"

"Imogen! Elijah!"

Hayley Marshall rushed out of the shack and tightly embraced the noirette. "I was so worried about you."

Imogen looked at the female werewolf and smiled. "Hayley, I found something."

"What is it?"

"A bible with a family history that goes back for generations. It was left outside the porch." Imogen told her.

Hayley's eyes widen as Imogen flipped the pages. The two pore over the bible's pages as Elijah stood beside the noirette. There are many names and birth dates documented in the bible and the last of which was Andréa Labonair born on 6 June 1991.

Imogen and Hayley's eyes widen in shock as they looked at each other.

"Is that---"

"It is!"

Elijah looked confused at the two women. "What are these names? Who is Andréa?" he asked.

Imogen looked at Elijah. "I think Andréa is Hayley and 6th June 1991---"

"That's the day that I was born." Hayley said.

Imogen flipped the pages back to the first page and points at the name of her mother. "Look, this is my mother's name."

Hayley's eyes widen. "Mignon Farien. Mignon Farien Labonair. She's one of the first Labonairs."

Elijah looked at Imogen, confused. "Your mother came from a werewolf family?" he asked.

"Esther and Mikael never told me anything about my mother coming from a werewolf bloodline." Imogen told him. "Only my father."

"Were you not born in the 10th Century?" Hayley asked.

"I am. Why?"

Hayley took the bible from her and flipped the pages, stopping on the first page. "Why was your mother's date of birth listed here as 500 A.D?"

"She must be more than 500 years old when she had you." she added.

Imogen, Hayley and Elijah exchanged confused looks.

"I don't understand. Werewolves can't live that long."

"How is that possible?" Elijah asked.

The noirette took the bible from Hayley and looked at her mother's name then flipped a page of the bible and saw her name.

"Mignon Farien Labonair, 500 A.D."

"Imogen Farien Labonair, 10th Century of the spring month."


A sick looking Elijah was lying on a bed in the shack, tossing and turning restlessly as Imogen sat beside his bed, worried. He was pale, sweaty and clearly miserable.

"You are worse than before, Elijah. I should---"

Elijah shakes his head weakly. "No, no. Don't. The last thing I want is you going back to Niklaus."

"But Elijah----"

Elijah looked at her pleadingly. "Please, Farien."

Imogen sighed and gently wiped his sweat on his forehead. "I thought I was the stubborn one in the family when I became pregnant." she mumbled.

Hearing her, Elijah let out a weak chuckle. "All of us are."

"And that includes me."

Imogen turned and saw Hayley rushed inside the shack with a chalice of clean water.

"Here, I got some water."

"Thank you, Hayley."

Hayley stood beside Imogen as the noirette tried to feed Elijah some water.

"Here, Elijah. Drink this."

Imogen supported Elijah's head to drink from the chalice she offered, but he immediately started to gag and cough.

"Forgive me. Please."

Imogen smiled softly at him. "It was nothing, Elijah. Don't worry." she said and carefully laid Elijah's head back on the pillow.

Hayley sighed annoyed. "Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy." she told the Original vampire.

Elijah chuckled weakly. "Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line."

Imogen sighed at the two. "Do I remind you that the one you two want to annihilate is the father of my child. I am not letting my baby grow up without a father." she said sternly.

Hayley and Elijah glanced at each other, silently agreeing not to anger the Immortal Being.

Hayley shrugged. "It doesn't help that we decided to shack up in a swamp either." she said, walking out onto the porch, leaving the door open to let the breeze into the shack.

Suddenly Elijah started to cough again, Imogen and Hayley looked worriedly at each other.

"Are you okay?" Hayley asked, walking back inside.

"I'm fine."

"Elijah." Imogen said his name softly.

"Please, just return to your reading." Elijah told her.

Hayley sighed as she picked the bible from the table. "Imogen and I went through the whole thing. It's just a regular bible. With an entry in a family tree that may or may not be me. But I doubt it, Imogen's name and her mother's name are here though."

Imogen sighed and took Elijah's hand in hers. "But, you know, we've been a little busy worrying about you." she said softly.

Elijah looked at the two women. "Farien, Hayley, please. This fever will make me unstable. And once the hallucinations begin, I'll start to see things. You must leave me here."

Hayley quickly shakes her head in protest. "I'm not leaving you like this."

Imogen nodded. "So am I, Elijah. I promise to be there for you wherever whenever. And you can't make us." she said with a smile.

"You two are stubborn." Elijah said weakly but there was a smile on his pale face.

Imogen and Hayley smiled at each other. "We are family, after all."

Unbeknownst to the three, the werewolf Eve was lurking around outside the shack.


Imogen sat outside the shack near the lake, watching the peaceful scenery before her. Hayley left her and Elijah to look around the encampments, trying to find the person who left the bible to them.

She suddenly heard Elijah groaning in pain inside and quickly returned to his bedside. She sat down on the bed next to him and placed her hand on his forehead to gauge his temperature. When she touched him, she saw Elijah's memory from the 1800s, which was with the Creole witch, Celeste, relaxing in her bathtub.

"Celeste?" Elijah said.

Imogen's eyes widen as she stared at Elijah concerned as he caressed her arms. The noirette quickly pulled her hand away from Elijah's forehead and looked away as Elijah realized he was just hallucinating.

Elijah looked up at her in concern. "Farien, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." he said.

Imogen looked at him and smiled. "Celeste, I know." she said, softly. "I miss her."

Elijah looked confused. "Did I let you enter my thoughts without using your ability?" he asked and Imogen nodded as he tried to get up. "I'm not well. I should go. This is---"

"This is fine, Elijah. You're sick and I'm taking care of you." Imogen said and gently pushed Elijah back on the bed.

Elijah shakes his head. "Farien, please. I do not---"

"I will stay and will continue to take care of you, even if you don't want to." Imogen said sternly.

Elijah stared lovingly at her. Imogen, noticing the way Elijah looks at her, smiled slightly before looking away from him.

"That is enough talking about harming my best friend and her baby. Klaus is the one we're putting a stop to."

Imogen was worried when Elijah started hallucinating and now she's even more worried for him. She sat on the bed with Elijah's head on her lap as he continues writhing restlessly while he hallucinates more memories, the noirette seeing it.

Celeste was relaxing in a large bathtub in the middle of a bathroom when Elijah, in 19th century finery, entered the room. Celeste playfully threw her sponge at him, but he caught it deftly as she giggled at him.

"Assister-moi, please, good sir."

"No, I'm much happier taking in such a wondrous view. It's perfection." Elijah said and leaned on the wall staring at his lover.

"Your brother is again up to no good. He's challenging the gentry to duels as though they have any chance of a fair fight." Celeste said.

Elijah walked over to Celeste. "I do grow weary of sacrificing my joy to temper my brother's mischief. Surely, you can cast a spell to put him in his place." he said.

"It would take a hundred witches to put him in his place. Besides, I do not want Imogen to lose someone she deeply cares for." Celeste said and smiled at Elijah. "I am sure you do not want to upset her."

Elijah smiled sadly. "Yes, Farien deeply cares for our family and unfortunately, my younger brother. I do not want to upset her in anyway."

Elijah gasped as another torturous memory slipped that Imogen saw.

Imogen sadly looked at Elijah."Celeste, she's always taking care of me." she mumbled. "Even if she doesn't have to."

"More than you thought, Farien." Elijah said weakly and groaned in pain.

Imogen gently wiped his sweat on his forehead. "Nik has been a real troublemaker since." she said and chuckled.

Elijah shivered and groaned in pain. "Farien, please. This fever. My mind is flooded with these torturous memories. You have to leave." he pleaded. "Go find Hayley."

Imogen shakes her head. "Absolutely not, Elijah. I will take care of you until you recover."

Elijah looked pleadingly at her. "There are consequences for those that care. You've been paying that price for centuries. I will not have you pay that price this time." he said, determined.

"Get over it, Elijah. I'm staying." Imogen said with a soft smile on her face.

Elijah looked at her and sighed, knowing the noirette was stubborn. "Farien, you and Hayley came here to gather an information about your family, not to play nursemaid to a vampire with a temperature. Please, find the one who left the bible. Learn what you can."

"No, I'm staying." Imogen said, stubbornly.

"Stubborn." Elijah mumbled weakly.

Imogen caressed his cheek. "You should get used to it by now. Plus, I'm more of a babysitter than a nursemaid."

Elijah smiled weakly at her. "I think it's time you should know something about Celeste and I. The truth."

Imogen looked at him confused. "What truth? You've always been honest with me, Elijah." she said.

Elijah grunted in pain. "Celeste. I might have used her to my own selfishness."

"What, what are you talking about?" Imogen asked, confused. "You couldn't have used Celeste. You love her."

Elijah looked at the wooden ceiling of the shack. "I did and I regretted it." he mumbled and closed his eyes, then opens them again. "I used her to distract my myself and this feelings of mine."

Imogen shakes her head in disagreement. "You love Celeste, Elijah. I saw how you looked at her, the way she looked at you. You two were in love."

Elijah looked at the noirette and smiled weakly at her. "In the past, I know my feelings for you were only one sided. I know you can't return them. I was distressed how close Niklaus was with you, even now. I was determined to move on, find someone else to love." he said and placed a hand on Imogen's hand, which was on his forehead.

Imogen looked at Elijah's hands on hers and sighed. "Elijah, you should be resting. Please."

"Yet, yet I couldn't. You. It's always have been you." Elijah said and squeezed Imogen's hand as the noirette's eyes widen.

"Imogen will be upset with us and our plan but if this ensures that she and her baby will be safe from danger and away from my brother, the hell with it."

Imogen worriedly checked Elijah's forehead as he panted loudly while he hallucinates again.

"Celeste. Forgive me. I'm sorry."

Klaus and another man were standing back to back with revolvers in their hands as they prepare for a duel. Klaus gave unintelligible orders in French, and they walked away from each other as Klaus counts them down.

"Huit, sept, six, cinq, quatre, trois, deux."

They each turned around and shoots. Klaus remained unharmed, while the man fell down, dying from a headshot.

Klaus looked unimpressed. "Is that it? Is this the best New Orleans has to offer?" he mocked the men standing by the carriage.

Another man dragged the duelist's corpse over to a pile of bodies several feet away as Elijah arrived to the field, looking furious.

"Brother! Please, this is high folly. Is it not enough you have slaughtered dozens in just these past several weeks? Word of a city littered with bodies will surely travel the oceans. Do you want to bring our father upon us? By doing this, you are endangering our family, Farien's life!" Elijah said and glared at his brother.

Klaus glared back but then smiled. "Relax, brother. Imogen's safe, after all the witches are on her side but I've sent rumor that the bodies are result of the witches seeking blood sacrifice for their rituals." he explained.

Elijah looked even more furious. "You did what? Have you forgotten? Celeste is one of those that you recklessly point your finger at?"

"Who's Celeste?" Klaus asked, feigning innocence but Elijah glared angrily at him. "Oh, yes! One of the witches that Imogen befriended and the same witch you've been knocking around with. Well, fear not. Harlots are like rats in the Quarter. You trip over one every step you take."

Elijah snatched a revolver from a nearby man and shot Klaus in his torso with it as the other men backed away. Klaus looked down at his bullet wound in annoyance and sighed.

"You care about her. Well, that is fortunate in my part but unfortunate to yours. I hear they're rounding up the towns witches as we speak."

Elijah awakened with a start and screamed angrily. Surprised, Imogen jumped from the bed and looked down at him with a worried look on her face.

"Elijah?" she softly called out to him.

Elijah looked up at Imogen and began hallucinating her as Klaus. "Niklaus, I'll kill you, you bastard." he said angrily, grabbing her in a choke-hold and pinned her against the wall.

Imogen grunted in pain. "Elijah!" she yelled worriedly.

Tears were forming under the noirette's chocolatey brown eyes as she fought for air when suddenly, Eve appeared and staked Elijah in the back, incapacitating him.


Hayley ran inside the shack, towards Imogen and embraced her tightly. "Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

A shaken Imogen nodded as she stared at Elijah's body on the wooden floor then looked at the person who staked Elijah, already staring at her.


"Come outside."

Hayley led Imogen out of the shack with Eve, leaving a staked Elijah inside.

"I'm sure you got questions." Eve said.

"Only a thousands of them. Like who are you? Why are you following us? Where the hell is everyone? And, if the people in this book," Hayley said, holding the bible in her hand. "Really our family, what happened to them?"

"I'm Eve. I'm following you two because you," Eve said, looking at Imogen. "Brought an Original to Werewolf Country, which is pretty much the same reason why everybody else skedaddled. If you wanna know what happened to the people in that family tree, I'll sum it up nice and quick. Marcel happened. Your son."

Hayley and Imogen furrowed their eyebrows as they exchanged confused looks.

"Marcellus? What did he do?" Imogen asked.

"He killed most of them." Eve said as Imogen's eyes widen in shock. "Later, the descendants of the ones who dodged death, he strong-armed a witch into putting a curse on them."

Hayley looked angry. "What kind of curse?" she asked.

"Swap nature around, inside out. Made it so their natural state is wolves. They only turn back human on the full moon. We're hunted by the marks we carry. That crescent moon birthmark."

Imogen and Hayley looked at their birthmarks on their shoulders.

"That is why I got rid of mine. I didn't wanna get found up." Eve said and turned, revealing her burned skin on her shoulder, where her birthmark was.

"Good evening."

Imogen, Hayley and Eve turned and saw Elijah walking towards them with the wooden stake in his hand. Hayley stood protectively in front of Imogen while Eve stood beside her as they looked at the Original vampire.

Elijah looked at Eve. "Think I might have something which belongs to you." he said, lifting the stake, which she used on him.

"Elijah." Hayley warned, not wanting him to step closer to them.

Imogen gently pushed her out of the way. Hayley looked at her and opened her mouth to protest but quickly stepped back when the noirette gave her a look.

Imogen smiled at Elijah and walked over to him. "Elijah, are you okay? How are you feeling?" she asked, worried.

The noirette wasn't scared of Elijah for what he did. She knew he mistook her as Klaus because of the hallucinations.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at Eve before looking softly at Imogen. "The wound is healed, the fever is broken, but for some strange reason I have this sharp and lingering sensation in my back." he said as Eve glared at him.

Imogen smiled at him. "I am glad."

Hayley sighed in relief and looked at Eve. "We have to get him home. But we'll be back, okay?" she said.

Imogen turned to Eve. "We need to know more." she added.

Eve looked at Hayley then to Imogen. "Keep that mark covered up." she told them and left, walking back into the encampments.

"What happened?" Elijah asked.

Hayley glared at him, still angry for hurting Imogen. "Like you didn't know." she muttered and walked away.

Elijah looked at her confused before turning to Imogen. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked.

Imogen stood in front of him and smiled. "She's angry at you because you tried, you tried to kill me." she said, awkwardly.

Elijah's eyes widen in shock and took a step back, terrified for what he has done to the woman he loves. "I, I what?!"

Imogen's eyes widen as she quickly stepped closer to him. "Hold on! It was unintentional, Elijah. Don't worry." she assured him.

Elijah lost his composure. "I tried to kill you, Farien! I didn't even know what happened."

Imogen sighed tightly wrapped her arms around Elijah. "I am fine, Elijah. You mistook me as Nik. You were angry at him for killing Celeste."

"I am sorry, Farien. Truly. I did not---"

"What is important is that I'm well and still alive, Elijah. Don't worry." Imogen assured him. "Plus, you can't kill me that easily."

Elijah looked at the stunning noirette, who smiled softly at him.

"While you were unconscious, Hayley and I just met part of our family."

"Now that my brother has what he wanted from you, your kingdom. He'll take Imogen and her baby with him. He always wins!"

As soon as Imogen, Hayley and Elijah arrived at the mansion, Hayley quickly stepped out of the car and glared at the Original vampire.

"I am still angry at you for what you did to Imogen." Hayley said and went inside the mansion, leaving Imogen and Elijah in the car, not ready to return to the house.

Imogen sighed and looked at Elijah. "Hayley's not gonna get over it anytime soon." she said.

Elijah smiled weakly. "I expect that. I'm sorry I tried to hurt you. I would never want that, Farien." he said, guilty.

Imogen smiled softly as she placed a gentle hand on his cheek. "For so many times, Elijah, I'm fine and it's okay. I understand you weren't in your right mind. If it makes you feel better, I forgive you."

Elijah looked lovingly at her as he took her hand from his cheek and kissed her knuckles. "That will be first and the last time I will do such act." he swore.

"Celeste died because of Nik, didn't she?" Imogen asked.

Elijah quickly looked away. "Yes."

Imogen sighed. "Thousand years of memories and that's what breaks through your fever brain? You truly did love Celeste, Elijah. You cared for her more than you think." she told him.

"That time, it was a cruel and bloody time to be a witch, courtesy of Niklaus." Elijah said, looking back at the noirette.

"It was Nik's fault....."

Elijah shakes his head. "She died because of me. You're right, I cared too deeply for her. I had allowed Niklaus to slip through my grasp. I loosened the reigns while Celeste consumed my every moment. I had abandoned him in the name of my own happiness. Celeste payed the price."

"Elijah, you deserve to be happy. So does Rebekah." Imogen said. "And Nik---"

Elijah smiled sadly at her. "He has you. Always has since the very beginning, for centuries. He doesn't deserve you yet here you are still going back to him. You deserve to be happy too, you deserve it more than we do."

Imogen chuckled. "My happiness starts when I give birth to my beautiful baby girl safe and sound to this world." she joked.

Elijah smiled softly at her. "Farien."

Imogen looked at him with fierceness in her eyes that he has never seen before. "Yes, I admit that our family is broken. You said before, to you, the very definition of the word broken suggests that something can be fixed. And I believe our family can still be fixed. Nothing is broken forever. Like you, I have a whole eternity to accomplish a single task. Yours is Nik's salvation and mine is making this family whole again."

Imogen gently placed her hand on top of Elijah's and squeezed it. She smiled softly at him and leaned to kiss his cheek. Elijah smiled at her before stepping out of the car and towards the mansion.

The noirette sighed as she caressed her pregnant stomach. "All of this because of the wrong accusations thrown at your father. This isn't going to end well, little one. Let's stay strong, alright?"

When Imogen walked towards the mansion, she immediately felt eyes on her. She looked up in one of the window of the mansion, which was her room and saw Klaus looking down at her with anger and sadness in his eyes.

"Oh, Nik, what is it now?" she mumbled.

Imogen smiled softly at him and walked inside the mansion while Klaus tightly held a dagger in his hand. Rebekah slowly walked inside the noirette's bedroom and saw her brother looking out the window.

"Elijah's home. There's only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today?" The blonde Original asked her older brother bravely but she was scared.

"I contemplated a game of eenie meenie miney moe." Klaus vamp speed behind Rebekah and held the dagger at her neck. "You betrayed me. My own sister!"

Elijah walked in and looked angrily at his brother. "Niklaus, don't you dare!"

Klaus turned and points the dagger at him. "Perhaps it should be you, brother!"

When Imogen heard shouting from her room upstairs with Hayley, she told her to stay and quickly rushed to her room. She found Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah arguing.

"Stealing my Imogen and my child away with every fawning moment of love you show to them!" Klaus yelled at his older brother.

Elijah glared at him. "This has nothing to do with Farien."

Klaus glared back at him. "It has everything to do with her! It was since the very beginning! And now my child, my blood, will grow up to call you father!" he said as his eyes watered.

Imogen's heart broke when she saw the tears forming under Klaus's eyes as Elijah looked thoughtfully at him.

"Is that what it is? You are once again worried that you will be left behind? Has history taught you nothing? We don't abandon you, Nik, you drive us away! Has Imogen being with us all this time, not leaving us especially you, hadn't made you realize something? Imogen's always been there for you!" Rebekah said angrily.

"Is that so? What have I done lately, other than cooperate? I bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you." Klaus said as tears ran down his face, breaking Imogen's heart even more. "For the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home. Looked the other way, sister, while you repeat the same cycle with Marcel. Falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built! That he took! Now, I make no excuses for past sins. But in the one moment when you two could have chosen to stand by me, to believe in me, to believe my intentions for my own child were pure, you chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies. I wanted our home back. Now I have it. So, I'm going to live there. And the two of you, you can stay here together and rot." he said and hands the dagger into Elijah's hands as he turned to leave but stopped when she saw the most important person in his life, the woman he loves standing by the door of her room.


"My love."

Rebekah quickly turned around and saw Imogen for the first time since she tried to leave New Orleans. "Imogen." she mumbled, a tear ran down her face.

Elijah closed his eyes before opening them and face Imogen. "You should have waited downstairs with Hayley, Farien."

Imogen Avery stood in front of Klaus and placed her gentle hands on his tear stained face. She smiled softly at him, her eyes watering. "I am here, Nik. I'm here." she assured him.

It only took those simple words from the noirette to make the Original hybrid rush into her arms and tightly embraced her.

"I am sorry, my love. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. I'm sorry." Klaus said as he buried his head on the noirette's shoulder. "Please forgive me."

Imogen smiled as she continued to tightly embraced the wrecked hybrid. "I will never get tired of telling you this over and over again. I'm here for you Nik. I'll stay with you and be with you."

Klaus looked at the love of his life and smiled at her as caressed her cheeks. "I have our home back, my love. Let's go."

"I am not permitting this!" Elijah protested and faced his brother.

Klaus glared at him. "Go on then. Let's see if you can stop me from bringing my woman and our child home, the only place they truly belong." he said.

"You will only endanger their lives!" Rebekah told him angrily as tears in her eyes started to fall. "Are you even thinking that Imogen's life is always harmed because you!"

Elijah looked at Imogen before looking at Klaus. "Niklaus, think for a minute. Bringing Farien back---"

"I am not listening to traitors like you two!"

"Enough!" Imogen yelled, silencing the Mikaleson siblings.

She didn't want to see them like this. She didn't want them to argue. She didn't want her family fighting, especially over her.



"My love."

She looked at Rebekah. She promised her that she'll support every decision she makes.

She looked at Elijah. She promised that she has his back whenever wherever.

She looked at Klaus. She promised to stay with him and she will.

"I will go with Nik, Elijah, Rebekah." Imogen said and smiled sadly. "Take care of Hayley for me."

Elijah sighed sadly and he closed his eyes as he face Imogen. "Farien, please. Don't do this."

Rebekah shakes her head in protest. "No! You can't be with him anymore, Imogen. Haven't you realized yourself that he'll continue to harm you, not only you but also the baby?"

Imogen sighed. "Rebekah."

Elijah walked over to the noirette. "Farien, please, don't be stubborn at a time like this."

Imogen shakes her head to them. "I am not. I trust him and I believe in him that he has pure intentions with our baby." she said as she and Klaus walked out of the door. "Rebekah, Elijah, maybe you should too."

Klaus turned back to his siblings and smirked at them before following Imogen downstairs, where she and Hayley were talking.

Hayley frowned. "And where do you think you're going, Imogen?" she asked.

"I am leaving with Nik to live with him back at The Abattoir." Imogen told her.

Hayley's widen in shock. "You can't leave with him!" she yelled in protest. "Have you forgotten what he has done to you?"

Imogen smiled sadly. "Take care of yourself, Hayley. Go find out more about our family from Eve, okay?"

Hayley's tears formed under her eyes as she shakes her head. "You can't, you can't."

Imogen tightly wrapped her arms around Hayley. "I will be fine, Hayley. Trust me. I leave you to Elijah and Rebekah." she said.

Klaus placed a hand on her back as they walked out of the mansion towards the car. He opened the door of the passenger seat as Hayley and his siblings ran out of the door.


"Niklaus! Stop this."

Imogen turned to face Elijah, Rebekah and Hayley and smiled reassuringly at them. "You three are looking at me as if Nik has taken me prisoner but I'm not." she said and walked over to them.

Elijah sighed, troubled. "Farien, please. We talked about how you payed the price every time Niklaus---

"I chose to stay with him. And I will continue to." Imogen said softly.

Elijah looked dejected. "Farien."

Imogen looked at him, then to Hayley and Rebekah. "You always expect the worse from Nik. I suggest you change that. Because whatever happens, we are still family. We only have each other." she said, making the three looked thoughtful.

Imogen smiled at them before turning to walk back to Klaus, who smiled softly at her. The noirette looked softly at him before getting inside the car.

"In the end, she's always the one to stay with me." Klaus said softly and looked at his siblings with a smirk on his face. "What? You think I didn't know?"

"She couldn't leave him. She believe in him. She trust in him. And he's her weakness, he is the weakness of the powerful Immortal Being. The Original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson, my brother. But he's also her strength, like she does to him. Niklaus will do anything for her even if he dirties his hands even more. She's everything to him."

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