My Property || MarkHyuck

By dyliannesaber

104K 4.6K 3.1K

"-I was yours since the beginning..." Minhyung is the second vampire prince but he cant help but be so lost... More

Am I strange?
I'm Jelly Baby
Next to you
Waiting for your return
Back to you
Say yes
Dear dream
The golden heart
The lovesick fool
You in me
Can't help myself
My Property


7.4K 378 257
By dyliannesaber

Haechan is really pretty in Minhyung's eyes. Just thinking of the human can make Minhyung smile and squeal like a little girl when he's alone.

He was on his own now and he was hugging his pillows as he squealed like a girl as he kept on thinking about Haechan...

"He's so... pretty." Minhyung sighed dreamily and he smiled before burying his face on the pillow.

"Is he an angel? Nah. He said he's a human and angels can't lie." Minhyung said and laid on the bed.

"What are you doing to me Lee Haechan?" Minhyung sighed and screamed on his pillow.

His door was kicked open revealing Jeno who was on his white button up shirt and shorts. He was wearing an black knee socks and his shoes. Normally Jeno wears his coat to complete his royal clothing A but he decided not to.

"What do you want?" Minhyung sighed and rose his brow at his younger brother who was taller than him.

"Come with me. I need to go somewhere." Jeno demanded and Minhyung groaned but he got dressed into the same royal clothing as Jeno but he was wearing pants and he also wore his blue coat.

Jeno rolled his eyes and grabbed his coat that will complete his outfit. It was a red coat. He had his sword with him and it will never be left behind.

"Where is Lucas hyung?" Minhyung sighed and fixed the annoying jewelry on his head.

Among the three Princes, it was only Minhyung who wears the crown often. Jeno rarely wears his crown because he doesn't like the color and he loved wearing the ring his parents gave him on his first birthday. Lucas on the other hand believes he is a useless prince which is total crap and he feels like he doesn't deserve to wear such thing so he wears a earing given by his parents.

"He didn't say where he was going exactly but he said he will search for a certain boy who hunts his dreams." Jeno answered and they went to the stables.

They were riding their horses and Minhyung just let Jeno led the way. He was busy thinking about Haechan afterall which made him look like an idiot but thankfully Jeno was not watching him.

Later on the entered the forest and Minhyung guessed they were visiting the vampire army who were guarding their territory.

"What's the update Seo Changbin?" Jeno asked not even getting off his horse and looking at his second in command.

"Ever since we killed those humans who were chasing Price Na Jaemin and Haechan, no more attacks and no more news of a vampire's death." Changbin informed and Jeno nodded.

"Well then. Good job." Jeno said and  Minhyung bowed and smiled back at the vampires who would greet him politely. Felix the weirdo and Changbin obsessed was also there, clinging and trying to kiss Changbin who just pushes him away.

"How dare you disregard me Daddy." Minhyung didn't fail to hear Felix whines and he can't help but cringe everytime he hears it from Felix who looked so innocent and a major fluffball.

"Heeeyyy~ I've bought food for you hyungs? Uhm... I know a human like me is not welcome here but I'm thankful you still let me live." Jaemin and Haechan appeared and the vampire princes flinched.

"How can you do such delicacy Prince Jaemin?" A vampire asked who accepted Jaemin's offer.

Jaemin and Haechan figured out vampires won't get full if there's no blood so they would make 'human' food then mix them with human's blood from the blood bank.

"Have some Prince Jeno and Prince Minhyung." Jaemin smiled sweetly at the two and Jeno's breath hitched.

"H-ho-ow a-are y-you now?" Jeno asked nervously as he took a the muffin. Minhyung could only chuckled and shook his head.

He got off his horse and went near Haechan who was busy distributing food. Minhyung was indeed in a good mood and he can see Haechan smiling happily as he distributed food for the hungry and tired vampires. He was like a ball of sunshine.

"S-so... how are you living with Prince Jaemin? You know, you two are always welcomed to stay in the palace." Minhyung said nervously. He was like his brother who was a stuttering mess.

"Ah no your highness. Prince Jaemin and I can't do such thing. Living with the witches is quite scary but Felix is there to help us... not just Felix but the other nice neighbors. Haechan said with his usual bright smile that never fail to make Minhyung smile.

"Come on. Its safer that way." Minhyung said.

"Its also safe there your highness. We believe we are just burden-"

"No you're not." Minhyung huffed and crossed his arms.

"Bit still... we are going to live on our place. Its peaceful and comfy there." Haechan said.

Haechan and Jaemin finished distributing the foods they made so it was time for them to go but the princes stopped them.

"U-uh... uhm... Can we go for a walk Prince Jaemin?" Jeno asked nervously and Minhyung cringed at the taller male.

"Buts it will be dark soon and we live quite far away from here-"

"I will walk you home safely!" Jeno blurted out without stuttering.

"Yeah. Okay sure." Jaemin answered with a bright smile.

"Guess we'll do the same. Lets go Haechan..." Minhyung smiled and Haechan looked really worried.

"But what about Felix? We three walk back to our place together." Haechan said and Jaemin froze. He totally forgot Felix.

"Oh yeah... Felix." Jaemin said and Jeno's face became gloomy.

"Changbin. Escort your wife back to their house. Minhyung and I will take these humans with us." Jeno ordered and Changbin wanted to decline and say no but it was the prince and their leader who ordered him to.

"OMG! He just called me your wife!" Felix squealed happily and tried to wrap his arms around Changbin who ran away from him.

"DoNt ToUcH mEeE!" Changbin shrieks as the witch attempted to touch him again.

"Also Changbin, use my horse. I prefer walking than riding horses." Minhyung said and turned to look at Haechan.

"Are you okay with walking Haechan?"

"Yes your highness." Haechan answered with a sweet smile that made Minhyung felt giddy inside.

They started walking and Minhyung found the human really cute, funny and pretty. He was really pretty in his eyes. He also gives off a sunny and warm vibe that makes people smile.

"May I ask where are your parents?" Minhyung asked and Haechan smiled at him. Not knowing what smile it was...

"My parents were victims of the hunt. The night they sent me off to live with the humans... that was the last time I saw them." Haechan answered.

"I'm so sorry Haechan-"

"Its okay your highness. Its okay." Haechan smiled and they continued walking.

While walking, their hands accidentally brushed and Minhyung started hyperventilating and as he felt some electricity struck him.

"Prince Minhyung? Are you okay?! Let me get some help-"

"I'm good. Just felt like I was struck by an electricity... I'm good. Lets continue walking like this." Minhyung said and they continued walking.

They met people too who would bow in respect for the second vampire prince.

In Haechan's eyes, Minhyung is sweet and charming. He was also humble and kind... they kept on walking while talking... he was doing all the talk because Minhyung was listening eagerly and silently at him as he kept on blabbering about himself until they reached the vampire's boundaries.

"So I'll see-"

"No. Not yet... I want to send you to your home... door to door. Like that." Minhyung confessed and fiddled with his thumbs.

"Okay. Come on. Hold my hand? I know some vampires are not welcome here..." Haechan said and offered his hands for Minhyung to hold who hesitantly took it.

Minhyung felt like thunder struck him as their hands were laced. His heart was beating alive... his heart was alive and he found himself panicking. He had no idea what was happening to him.

"Are you okay?" Haechan asked and Minhyung nodded with a smile as he observed his surroundings. He've been here and the witches and vampires are allies for years now... witches are like neutrals because they are allies with humans and vampires.

There was a commotion and Haechan and Minhyung went to check what it was. Haechan was really embarrassed to see it was his idiotic friend, Felix who caused it again.

"What's going on?" Minhyung asked.

"They are cornering Changbin... I forgot he was the reason why some vampires are not welcomed here anymore." Haechan said.

"What?! What did Changbin do?!"

"Aparrently, Felix is the Head witch's son, he is like the prince here but when the place knew their prince's love was not returned by a vampire, they were unhappy about it... now take a look." Haechan said and Minhyung snorted.

"Now look at him defending his man." Minhyung giggled as he saw Felix wrapping his arms around Changbin who was clearly uncomfortable.

"Lets go? They can handle it... I wanna see your place." Minhyung said and Haechan shook his head and sigh.

"Its like a normal house."

"But its your house!" Minhyung exclained and Haechan can't help but smile wider.

"NO WAIT YOUR HIGHNESS!" Changbin yelled as they left. Now the villagers attention was now on them.

"Changbin its okay. I'll just send Haechan back to his house safely. No worries, we can go back to the kingdom after Jeno arrives here." Minhyung smiled and bowed at the Head Witch.

"Yay! So you're stuck longer here hubby." Felix said and attempted to kiss Changbin on the cheek who dodged it easily.

"We are just here to send Haechan home, Changbin was assigned to take Felix home and My brother will be here later on with Prince Na." Minhyung explained to the Leader.


Minhyung smiled and bowed again before Haechan led him to a cabin. They entered the cabin and the place smells like Haechan and Jaemin. They went to a certain room and Minhyung really loved it. It screamed Haechan and he instantly went to bed and laid down.

"Sooo comfy." Minhyung moaned and Haechan laughed and shook his head.

"Your bed is much bigger, softer and comfortable." The human said and Minhyung shook his head.

"Big but its lonely." Minhyung said while grabbing a pillow and his happy face changed when he inhaled a foreign scent.

"Who... who sleeps beside you?" Minhyung asked with the stabbing sensation on his heart.

"Ah. My friend Han Jisung slept over here last night. He's a sweet omega and-"

"Is he your boyfriend?" Minhyung asked, the pain in his heart worsened.

"No... why would I have one  and Jisung has a mate named Minho. A sweet and charming alpha." Haechan answered with his brows furrowed.

Minhyung's eyes turned into tiny crescents as he smiled and giggled while hugging a pillow that left the human dumbfounded.

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