Waiting for your return

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Minhyung laid on his bed and pat his sore eyes from crying too much. Its been months since he last saw Haechan...

He missed Haechan so much.

"I miss him." Minhyung frowned and laid on his back.

He heard yelling outside and he went to check it out only to see Renjun, Jungwoo and Lucas.

Jeno was also there, glaring at Renjun with hateful eyes and if looks could kill, Renjun is probably laying on the cold floor, lifeless.

Speaking of Renjun, he was only wearing a towel which was wrapped around his waist securely. He still have soap suds on his hair which screams he was showering when Lucas summoned him.

"I told you I can't. Stop summoning me at random moments! I wAs ShOwErInG!" Renjun snapped and Lucas sighed.

"Come on. You can help me trace Jaemin and Haechan's demons. You said you're the demon prince-"

"I am so you don't have the right to order me around. Ask that angel of yours." Renjun said and pointed at Jungwoo.

"But... I can't do that too." Jungwoo said.

"I have to continue showering. Don't summon me again or I'll end you. Get that?" Renjun said then entered a portal.

"I will make that little bitch pay." Lucas growled and Jeno smirked.

"Teleport him somewhere." Jeno said.

Minhyung just shook his head and went outside. He walked to go to Jeamin and Haechan's cabin. He even passed some of their servants searching for Haechan and Jaemin.

He ignored the odd looks from the witches and entered the cabin. He went straight to Haechan's room and laid on his crush's bed.

He looks like a lovesick fool smiling as he inhaled Haechan's scent. He loved Haechan's scent and he will never get tired of it.  He is one of a lovesick fool afterall...

"I hope you're okay and safe... Nana too." He sighed and closed his eyes.

"So where is Winwin?" Taeyong pouted when he didn't saw the skinniest and tall pureblooded vampire.

"Aish that kid. He really need to stop being a kid and acting like a kid." Johnny said and rubbed his temple.

"He still haven't found his other half. That's why he still childlike." Hansol said.

Jaehyun just smiled and they continued talking about important matters. Then they landed on a certain topic which caught everybody's attention.

Yuta and Hansol are still childless and same goes to Taeil and Johnny. Yuta is unable to conceive a child and Taeil has the same problem. It always leads to miscarriage and its sad.

"How about you adopt Jaemin? What do you say Hansol and Yuta?" Taeyong said.

"That will be nice... but what if the kid won't like us?" Yuta asked.

"Oh shush. Jaemin is such a sweet child. Its much better if he'll turn into a vampire tho but Jeno said he's not thinking about it." Jeno said.

"Then... can we adopt Haechan then?" Taeil asked with a sweet smile.

"We'll talk about it when we'll find them... those kids are out there somewhere."

Kun, Chenle, Jaemin and Haechan were walking inside a forest. They don't have any idea who owns the forest but they are a hundred percent sure Humans don't own the land they are walking on anymore.

"I wonder where are we..." Haechan said.

They continued walking and they reached a waterfall. Chenle and Kun excitedly stripped their clothes and jumped into the water. Haechan and Jaemin joined them too...

"Wow... your tails are amazing." Jaemin said as he eyed Chenle's multi colored tail and Kun's vibrant sky blue tail.

"Thanks." After swimming and swimming, they decided to continue their journey.

Hearing growls behind them, the four ran and the wolves chased them. They were running and running until they were cornered with wolves.

"What are you doing in our terrritory?" Asked a werewolf who transformed into his human form. There were Ten wolves in total that surrounds them they look like they were on the same age as Haechan and Jaemin.

"W-we were just lost! We didn't mean any trouble or danger!" Haechan said.

"Then why are you running away?"

"Because you wolves were chasing us?" Jaemin answered.

"Taeson, what should we do about them?"

"Nah. They said they were just lost. Just let them be Jihun."

They were werewolves and the four guessed it was the werewolves land.

"U-uhm... so how do we go to the vampire's land?" Haechan asked and the youngest looking werewolf gave him a suspicious look.

"You are humans. Why would you go there? Are you a living bloodbank?"

"Kangmin that's rude! Anyways... if you are lost, this is the TS forest. You still need to pass three forests to arrive at the Vampire's land."

"Oh... thank you." The four bowed and smiled.

"Why are you humans going there? Are you going to commit suicide?"

"Wooseop!" Taeson growled and the four shared looks.

"Anyways you four should go before our parents get you." Taeson said and the four shared looks.

"I'll walk you to the boundary then." Taeson said and Kangmin decided to tag along.

"Tell mommy Jae and daddy Dae Me and Kangmin went somewhere. Don't tell them we're with humans or I'll skin you eight alive." Taeson threatened and the eight remaining wolves nodded.

"Bring food on your way back!"

"Okay." Taeson said and they started walking.

"Hey. Why are you going there? I'm curious." Kangmin said and tugged Chenle's hand.

"Oh. Our friends live there. Me and Kunnie hyung are mermaids actually." Chenle answered and Haechan and Jaemin smiled at Kangmin.

"Really?! You two are mermaids?" After endless chatting, they finally arrived at the borderline and they hugged the wolves as thank you and goodbye.

"No wait. Is the JYP forest near?" Haechan asked.

"Yeah. You will enter Pledis forest and after Pledis forest you'll be on JYP forest." Taeson said.

"Oh. Thank you Taeson and Kangmin." Jaemin said and flashed them a smile.

"No problem. The resident at Pledis forest are all nice." The two said and they waved goodbyes.

"OMO!" Chenle covered his mouth and Haechan covered Jaemin's eyes. Kun awkwardly looked away and Haechan covered his eyes.

A naked Renjun suddenly appeared that shookt all of them.

"YAH HUANG RENJUN!" Haechan shrieked and Renjun covered his privates he didnt even grab a towel and this is all Lucas' doing.

Renjun was about to enter the portal but Haechan grabbed his hand.

"No wait Renjun!"

"I'm fucking naked Haechan!"

"U-uhm... take us back to our cabin. Please! We want to go home."

"After I change my clothes of course. Where is this again?" Renjun asked.

"Pledis forest."

"Alright be right back." Renjun said and entered the portal.

Jaemin and Haechan were covering their eyes. Kun was looking away but Chenle stared at Renjun's nakedness. His cheeks was on fire and he even found the demon hot.

Minhyung waited as he laid on Haechan's bed but then, he eventually fell asleep while waiting for Haechan...

At least he's waiting.

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