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"Haechannie. Can you just live here? Its safer and-"

"No." Haechan said and smiled causing Minhyung to pout and whine.

"Aish. Seriously. Do you want foster parents?" Minhyung asked and Haechan rose his brow.

"Now why so suddenly?" Haechan asked and eyes Minhyung suspiciously.

"Well... hehe. As you can see... Daddy's friends are both childless and uhm... they want to try having a child. They are actually my uncles-"

"So we'll be relatives?! Oh my gosh! That's awesome-"

"No its not... we... we can't be relatives. I don't like it." Minhyung said with a pout.

Haechan snorted and laughed before hugging Minhyung and resting his head on the prince's shoulder.

"I can't leave Nana." Donghyuck said.

"Who said you are leaving him?" Minhyung said with a pout.

"Uhmmm... I don't know?"

Minhyung smiled and pinched Haechan's cheeks before ruffling the human's hair.

"Do you want to be a vampire?" Minhyung asked and Donghyuck shook his head.

"No. Not yet."

Minhyung's face brightened and he went to face Haechan who was staring at him.

"So you are planning to???"

"Mhmmm... Maybe?" Haechan giggled and a precious smile bloomed into Minhyung's face.

"What are you waiting for then?"

"Just... just want to be sure whether I'll regret being a vampire or not."

"But I want you to be happy Haechan." Minhyung said with an adorable pout.

"Can't I be happy being a human?" Haechan asked and Minhyung fell awfully silent.

Now Haechan panicked because he thought he made Minhyung upset. He then wrapped his arms around Minhyung's cold body and rocked him back and forth.

"I'll ask Jaemin about this okay? I just can't live Jaemin alone. I am his family and he only has me..." Haechan explained but Minhyung was still upset.


"Heee. Don't be upset." Haechan said and Minhyung wasnt buying it.

Haechan tried his best to make his friend smile again. Minhyung broke into a precious smile when Haechan did aegyo which was too much for his heart.

"Smile often Prince Minhyung... you look more precious that way." Haechan said.

"Hands off or I'll bite you!" Minhyung hissed and Haechan laughed before shaking his head and stucking his tongue out like a bratty child.

"Why can't I hurt you mhmmm?" Minhyung hummed and wrapped his arms around his close friend.

"Because I'm good looking. Ha-ha." Haechan mocked and Minhyung laughed.

"Idiot. Go talk to the love of your life Na Jaemin. Come on. I'm getting impatient here... talk about it to Jaemin." Minhyung said Haechan got off him.

"So bossy. You go talk to him and explain. Why me huh? Its you who wanted--- okay. Okay. Don't make that face. Okay... I'm going to Jaemin now as what you told me so be quiet Minhyung, Don't cry." Haechan said and left.

Haechan went to find Jaemin and bowed at the people who saw him. They were all nice to him. He met Taeyong and Jaehyun along the halls and bowed at them.

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