Moments Like This (Louis Toml...

By CaseyRoseHazzaHoran

173K 1.2K 298


Moments Like This (Louis Tomlinson FanFic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note

Chapter 14

4.1K 29 6
By CaseyRoseHazzaHoran

Louis' POV

"Hi uncle Si.." I said nervously through the phone. I was going to have to tell him about the baby eventually, and I thought now would be the best time to tell him. "Hello Louis, the boys told me there was something you had to tell me?" he stated calmly back. He seemed in an oddly good mood...maybe this wouldn't be so bad? "Uh...yeah. Yeah, I do have something to tell you..and it has to do with me and Nicole.." I said trying to hold off the news as long as I could. "Oh yes, the boys told me you guys got together, I was wondering when that would happen! Congradulations." he spoke cheerily to me. Did everyone know that Nicole and I had feelings for each other, before we even knew we did? I swear he's like the millionth person that's said they 'were wondering when we were finally gonna be a couple.' I took a deep breath, before I finally built up enough courage to just tell him. "Um..thanks. Simon...Nicole is sort of um...well, she's...she's pregnant." I gulped, and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I knew his reaction would be the worst out of anyone's. "My god Lou, are you sure it's yours? This isn't good. This isn't good at all." he snapped at me, I mentally pictured him giving me a dissapointed look. "Yes, I'm positive it's mine. And why is it so bad? If the fans truly care about me and the lads, this shouldn't change anything." I said, a sudden surge of confidence traveling through me. I heard Simon let out an annoyed sigh, did I just win in an arguement with Simon Cowell? "Ugh, I suppose you're right. But, don't screw up again. Do you understand me? One more stunt like this, and you'll be in huge trouble." he snapped in an angry tone. I nodded, then I realized that he couldn't see me through the phone. "I understand Uncle Simon!" I shouted back with enthusiasm. "We're starting to record new songs for you guys' first album in 3 days, will you be back in London by then?" he asked in his naturally serious tone. "Yes I'll be back by then." I spat back at him. "Good. I will see you then. Behave yourself. Goodbye." he said, hanging up on me before I could respond.

I exited my bedroom and made my way into the kitchen. My mum went out to the shops with Lottie, Fizzy, and the twins to pick up some groceries. Nicole was sat at the counter, sipping tea and reading a book. She was gorgeous; she truly was. Her strawberry blonde hair falling into ringlets around her shoulders; her eyes fixed on her book. I noticed she bit her lip in concentration as she read. She wasn't wearing a trace of makeup, and that's truly when she looked her best. I know how massively cheesy that sounded, but I mean it. I just leaned against the doorway, taking in her beauty. I'm lucky enough to say I'm completely and utterly in love with my best friend. She brought her head up, finally breaking her eyes away from the book, and they caught mine. Her cheeks turned a crimson color, "Lou, stop staring at me you weirdo." she said giggling. She had the most adorable laugh I've ever heard, it was contagious too. I let out a giggle, and took a seat next to her. Taking a glance at the book she was so fixated on only moments ago. The title read Pregnancy For Dummies. A small chuckle managed to escape my lips. She quickly caught on to why I was laughing. "What? I'm a first time mother! I need to know what to expect!" she said in defense. "You're adorable." was all I said. Her cheeks turned that crimson color again, and I couldn't help but feel accomplished. I make her blush quite a lot.

"So who were you on the phone with?" she chirped, ripping me away from my thoughts. "Simon...I explained everything to him. You and me..and the baby." I said, replaying me and Simon's conversation in my head. "How'd he take it..?" she questioned, with the slightest bit of nervousness in her voice. "At first, he was angry. But that was to be expected, it is Simon Cowell we're talking about here. But then he calmed himself down, and said it wasn't the worst thing ever. He then continued to tell me if I screw up again that I'll be in huge trouble. And apparently me and the lads are heading into the studio in three days to start reccording our first album." I said, taking a deep breath at the end. I watched Nicole sit there and take in all the information I just told her. She sighed in relief and put an almost invisible smile on her lips. "Well it sounds like he took it a hell of a lot better than I thought he would." she said now showing a full smile. "Yeah, I was expecting there to be much more screaming." I chuckled. I leaned in and kissed her lips gently. She pulled away, leaving me with a frown on my face. "Now the only people we have left to tell are my parents." she said with a weak smile. "Yeah. Are they coming over tonight?" I asked, the littlest bit of worry in my voice. "Yes, you're mom already invited them. I think they'll take it fine though." she chirped, a smile forming back on her face, revealing the little dimple she had on her chin. "I hope." I said, forcing a smile on my face. I was more nervous to tell her parents than I was to tell Simon. Her mum loved me like a son she never had, and her dad liked me too...but I don't know how much he'd like me after this. To say I was nervous, was more then an understatement.

"I'm going to take a shower." she said standing from her seat. "Can I join you?" I asked with a cheeky smile plastered on my face. "No you may not. I'll be back down in a bit." she said kissing my cheek before she walked away. She was out of sight, and I was left alone with my thoughts.


Nicole's POV

I turned the water off, and stepped out of the shower. My parents were arriving at 5:30, and it was already 4:40. I slipped into the outfit that I set out on Lou's bed; a white, yellow and gray checkered button up shirt, some skinny jeans, and a pair of brown knee-high boots. I used my curling wand to create messy bed-head waves, and put on some light makeup. When I was satisfied with how I looked, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Jay was cooking the dinner, and Louis was sat at the table texting away on his Iphone.  I decided I should help Jay with dinner. She was cooking chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls.


Right when Jay and I had finished setting the table, the doorbell rang. I ran to open the door, revealing my parents who I haven't seen in about 5 months. I squeezed them both into a hug. "Mum! Daddy! I missed you!" I squeeled excitedly loosening my grasp around them. "We missed you to darling, it's been to long since we've seen you last." my mum said looking at me with her warm expression. "I need to see my little princess more often!" my dad said while kissing me on the cheek. I've definitely always been a daddy's girl. "Come in! Jay and I have just finished cooking dinner." I said dragging them into the kitchen. "Chloe, John, how was you're holiday?" Jay asked hugging my mum, and then my dad. "It was absolutely lovely, and much needed." my dad said sitting himself at the dining table right next to my mum. I forgot that they were on a holiday. "So where did you guys go on holiday?" I asked curiously, since neither of them had informed me that they had even gone on a holiday. "We went to Paris." my mum said, looking at my dad smiling. They were so in love. They never faught when I was growing up. They have the type of marrige that I hope to have with Louis. Speaking of Lou, where is he? "uhm, Jay, where has Louis gone?" I asked searching the room for my boyfriend. "He's in the loo, he should be out in a minute." She said smiling at me. He's probably so nervous, I can't really blame him. I have a feeling my dad's reaction will not be all smiles. Just as I looked up I saw Louis walking into the room, he had a nervous smile tugging at his lips.

"Mr. and Mrs. Saunders! How are you?" Louis said greeting them warmly, but I could tell he was scared to death inside. "We are wonderful, you've grown up love! You're not the little boy you were the last time I saw you." my mum said, causing Louis to blush a bit. "Yes, you've grown into a young man son. Now how are you treating my little girl? Well, I hope." my dad said looking Lou straight in the eyes. I put my hand on Louis' thigh giving him a reassurring squeeze. "I've been treating her very well sir." he said smilingly weakly at my father, before looking down at his food. We all ate our dinner, having some friendly banter through out it. When we were all finished eating, it was time for tea...and to tell my parents.


Louis' POV

We all finished eating, and it was now time for tea. It was also time to tell Nicole's parents the news. God, was I nervous. I felt as if I was going to get sick at any moment. I sweating prefusially. Nicole pulled me into the living room, so we were away from our parents. "You ready to tell them babe?" she asked me smiling, she didn't seem nervous at all. "I guess so. Just a bit nervous." I said hoping to earn a kiss. I did, she leaned in and pecked my lips softly and gently. "You don't need to be nervous love. They love you." She said, quoting the exact same thing I told her before we told my mum. I nodded, the nerves still growing inside of me. We walked back into the kitchen, to where our parents were talking and sipping their tea. I cleared my throat, to get everyone's attention.

They all looked up at me and Nicole. She took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "Mum, dad, Lou and I have something very important to tell you." she said in a serious tone. "What is it darling?" her mum said looking back and forth between Nicole and I. " I need you to promise me you won't get angry with us when we tell you, okay?" Nicole asked in a pleading tone. "Sweetie, what's going on, why do we need to promis-" Nicole cut her mother off before she could finish. "Just promise me, mum." Nicole said in a stern voice. Both of her parents nodded, and we continued. "Mum, Dad...I'm pregnant." her mother's face lit up with joy the second those words came out of Nicole's mouth. I turned to see what her dad's reaction was, and suddlenly I became stiff. His face was full of anger and rage, like he was going to strangle me at any moment. Nicole noticed this too, she squeezed my hand harder, letting me know she was still there. "You're having a baby?! I'm going to be a grandmother?!" her mother shrieked in excitement. "Yes mummy, you're finally going to be a grandmother." Nicole said, her mother jumping up and embracing us both. I managed to force a weak smile on my face.

"Daddy...say something. Please?" Nicole pleaded looking at her enraged father. I swear he was giving me the death look. "I'm gonna kill you Tomlinson." he said, causing my weak smile to fade into an expression full of terror. I was scared now. "Daddy, no! Stop! Why can't you just be happy for us like mum and Jay?!" she snapped, glaring at her father. His expression changed from angry, to dissappointed. "Princess, I won't hurt him. But I need to atleast know that he's going to take care of you and love you, before I can give you my blessing." He said looking at her with a caring expression, and then turning to me. "Are you going to take care of my daughter, and this child, or are you going to put your precious little singng career before them?" he snapped at me. I gulped, trying o hide my nervousness. "Sir, I love your daughter more than I have ever loved anything in this world. And I will love our child with the same intensity as I love Nicole. I will always put them first, and I will give them both a good life. I promise you Mr. Saunders, I plan on marrying your daughter after the baby is born, with your permission of course." I said, a new found confidence growing inside me. I looked him straight in the eyes, he relaxed a little. "Alright Lou, I believe you. Yes you can marry my daughter. But if you EVER hurt her I will kill you. That's a promise." he said in a stern voice, but this time I didn't flinch at all. "Yes sir, thank you sir. I won't let you down." I said happier this time. Nicole ran and hugged her father, before running back into my arms. The rest of tea was much more relaxed and I was finally at ease. Her parents both approved of this, and I don't plan on letting them down. Her parents left at around 11. We both said goodnight to my mother, and headed upstairs. I put on some sweats, but I stayed shirtless. I slipped under the covers, waiting for Nicole to come to bed. She walked out of the bathroom wearing Family Guy pajama bottoms and a shirt that had The Simpsons on it. I let out a laugh, and just thought how I got so lucky with Nicole.

"What are you thinking so hard about babe?" she asked, ripping me away from my thoughts. "You. Us, the future." I said pulling her close to me and leaving a kiss on her head. "You're so cute." she said, kissing me on the nose. "I love you." I said, looking her in the eyes. "And I love you." she said nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. I could stay in this moment forever. "Babe, I called the doctors and made an appointment for my first ultra sound tomorrow." she said meakly. "I'm coming with you." I said, and I meant it. "You don't have to, if you don-" I cut her off immediately. "I'm coming love." I said in a serious tone so she knew I meant it. She sighed in relief. "Thank you love. Goodnight." She said, kissing me on the lips. I kissed back, and she pulled away, snuggling back into my chest. "Goodnight my love." I said, turning off the lamp next to my bed. We both slept good that night.


Hi loves! I know, I know, this is a short chapter :( I'm sorry! But I'll be updating againt tomorrow to make up for this short chapter! And the song for this chapter is Cleaning this gun by Rodey Atkins, because I sort of felt like it relates somewhat to what Nicole's father felt. I hope you liked this chapter, please comment/vote/fan pleaseeee! love you guys, thanks for all of the votes!xx

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