Love to Last A Lifetime| Damo...

By briannat23

170K 4.1K 927

Addison Gilbert is the younger twin sister of the famous Elena Gilbert, and considered by everyone in Mystic... More

Chapter One: Pilot
Chapter Two: The Night of the Comet
Chapter Three: Friday Night Bites
Chapter Four: Family Ties
Chapter Five: You're Undead to Me
Chapter Six: Lost Girls
Chapter Seven: Haunted
Chapter Eight: 162 Candles
Chapter Nine: History Repeating
Chapter Ten: The Turning Point
Chapter Eleven: Bloodlines
Chapter Twelve: Unpleasantville
Chapter Thirteen: Children of the Damned
Chapter Fourteen: Fool Me Once
Chapter Fifteen: A Few Good Men
Chapter Sixteen: There Goes the Neighborhood
Chapter Seventeen: Let the Right One In
Chapter Nineteen: Miss Mystic Falls

Chapter Eighteen: Under Control

5.1K 145 64
By briannat23

Addison Gilbert POV*

I got out of bed this morning with the full intention of feeding my child so that I can get to school to study, since I have to take a stupid math test today. Thanks, Mrs. Walters, your now officially worse than bitch ass Tanner was.

I had stepped into the kitchen, to get Chloe's baby food, and found Jentastic in all of her morning glory at the bar sipping from her coffee. I sat my stink bug into her high chair, and when I turned around to open the cabinet I specifically designated for the baby food, Jen spoke up. "They have the same eyes."

I faltered for a second, but continued what I was doing as I asked, "What?"

"Chloe and Damon," she clarified when I sat down on the stool I had moved to the opposite side of the bar, "They have the same eyes."

I lifted the spoon to my baby's mouth, "Oh yeah," I paused trying to think of something to say, "Would you look at that, I guess they do." Great idea Addie, lie, because you're just sooo good at that. Excuse me while I face palm.

"Ads, you suck at lying." She chuckled and leaned forward to smooth Chloe's hair from her face, but then her face turned serious. "You know you don't have to lie to me right?"

I sighed, turning my head away from her gaze, "I know, I just wasn't really sure how to bring it up."

She stood up and came around to hug me from behind, "I think you'll find that he'll be a really good dad."

I couldn't contain the tears that were filling my eyes as she said that, but then Lena came downstairs and ruined it all. She started slamming around the kitchen and stopped for a second when she noticed us looking at her, "What?"

"Nothing!" Jenna and I spouted at the same time before both laughing at the other.

"Come on Jeremy, going to school! Walking out the door now!" By now you guys should know there was no chance that I would be able to resist the temptation to roll my eyes at this bitch. But never the less, I stood by the door with Chloe's car seat sat on the floor beside me, waiting for everyone to leave.

As Lena reached for the door knob, Auntie Jen came around the corner holding what I would assume to be a thermos with coffee in it that Lena left in the kitchen. "Forgot this." She then turned to me, "And this," and handed me a package of pop tarts, then gave me a look that I translated as, 'You didn't eat and need to.'

"Thank you." Lena said at the same time as I said, "Thanks Jen."

I stood back as Lannie girl opened the door and couldn't suppress the groan that came out of my mouth when I saw who was standing there. "Elena!"

I'm sure Lena has her fake face on right now, "Uncle John! Hi."

That's when we locked eyes a strange look came upon his face, and he looked between me, and the babbling baby girl on the ground, then back to me, "Addison, Chloe, its nice to see you."

"Oh my gosh, Uncle John, my life is now just perfect since your here!" I sarcastically spat at my adoptive uncle.

John, used to my attitude, turned his attention to Jen, "Jenna."

"John, you made it." My main bitch spoke in the same sarcastic tone I had not 15 seconds ago.

"I said I'll be here before noon." He said like we cared as he finally entered the house.

Jenna and I shared a look, before she spoke, "Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things." I didn't get a chance to add my own little something something, because that's when the most punkiest little brothers in the land decided to come downstairs. (Don't mind me, I read Chloe a fairy tale last night.)

"Uncle John, what's up?" Why does the little traitor actually sound happy right now.

"Hey!" John replied as Jer bear walked by and slapped his shoulder before leaving.

As the little emo walked by, I muttered, "Traitor," so only he could hear. All he did was wink, the ungrateful little whipper snapper.

"I had some business in town; I thought that a visit was in order."

"How unfortunate," I said as Lena asked, "How long are you staying?"

Creepy John answered, "I don't know yet." He looked back over at me, before saying, "Addison, I can see your stomach."

Oh for the love of all things holy, "Yeah, well I can see your face so I think I'm the real victim here." I then grabbed Chloe's car seat and turned and left.

What an asshole, I mean who does he think he is, my father?


3rd POV*

"The coroner's office has officially ruled Vicki Donovan's death a drug overdose." Is what Damon heard as he entered the founders hall for the council meeting, "Her family has been notified, the truth will stay in this room and we can put this behind us."

He gave Liz a welcoming smile as she came over to stand by him, following giving her bit of information to the rest of the room. Before any formalities were shared, the mayor started to talk, "Thank you Sheriff. And on to a more pressing issue, John Gilbert has asked to say a few words."

Damon did his best to hide his shock at hearing the very familiar last name on someone he didn't know. "Welcome back John, it's good to see you." Mayor Lockwood supplied before stepping out of the way.

The unfamiliar man stepped forward and addressed the council, "Hello everyone, it's wonderful to see you, I wish it were under better circumstances. As a founding family member I find it's my duty to report some very distressing news."

Damon leaned down a bit to discretely to ask Liz, "He's a Gilbert?"

"Elena and Addison's uncle." She gave him a sly look, "His name is John, but I call him Jackass." She paused and when she noticed Damon's raised eyebrow gave him an example, "When they all found out about Addie being pregnant, John threw a bigger fit than Grayson did. Said something about 'ruining the family name.'" '10 bucks says Addison just loves him,' he bet himself him his head all the while reminding himself to ask Ads about him later.

Before he could reply to Liz, John spoke again, "A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst has reported several break ins over the past two weeks. 7 hunters, 4 campers and 2 states employees have been reported missing as well. All of this within a 75-mile radius of Mystic Falls."

That's when the Mayor cut in, "Okay okay, no need to get alarmed right at this moment."

"Meaning he doesn't want to cancel the Founders' Day Kick-off Party." Liz muttered to Damon

John continued, "You think all of your problems are over but I'm here to tell you, nothing's been solved." Damon did his best to hide how uncomfortable he was. Yep, he really needs to get Addison's view on Uncle John as soon as possible.

Addison Gilbert POV*

I was just walking out of Mrs. Walters class after my test when Mr. S texted me and asked me to meet him in his classroom. So I moseyed on in and was greeted with not only Ric, but also my darling twin. He waited for the bell to ring before he spoke, "I made a copy of a paper Jeremy wrote for me. I think you two should take a look at it."

He handed both of us a copy and I read the title out loud, "Fact or Fiction: The Truth About Vampires in Mystic Falls." I took a deep breath, "Well isn't that just lovely."

"Jeremy wrote this?" Lena choked out.

I took a seat on one of the desks, and started to read what Jer wrote in his little essay. "He's very clear that he didn't think it was real."

"Good, Lena might try to mind control him again," I casually stated as I glanced up from the essay to shoot her a hard glare.

"I really hope you're right because I've done so much to protect him from all of this." My twin said after ignoring me and handing the paper back to Ricky S.

I continued to read the essay as Lena and Ric had a little conversation, "So, how do you deal with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"With all the lies and the secrets. You have to lie to everyone who's important to you. Both of you do." I must have bad timing, because I was taking a drink from my water bottle as he asked this and literally almost choked myself to death.

After recovering from that near death experience I answered him, "The lying part wasn't really my choice, if you'd believe that."

Lena gave me one her special looks she saves just for me before giving some self righteous speech. "It's not safe for them to know the truth." pause for dramatic effect, "So, yes I keep it from them, but it's only because I love them."

If it wasn't Lannie Girl giving the speech I would have shouted 'Mic Drop!" by now.

The was an awkwardly long pause as I glared at Lena, she tried to give Papa Ric puppy dog eyes, and he collected himself. After a few seconds he got up and moved to the other side of his desk.

"I think Stefan is a good guy. But at the end of the day he's still a vampire." I'll be honest, I don't think he's talking to me, based on the fact that he's only looking at Lena.

I kept my mouth shut as Lena responded to him, "I know it's hard to understand but Stefan is different. He would never do anything to hurt me." And with that Lena turned and left.

I got up, making my way towards Mr. S, extending the paper out to him, and I could tell he was about to say something to me, so I started to talk before he had a chance to. "Look, I know what your gonna say, Damon's a vampire," I paused and gave him a smile, "and also not a very good man. But I trust him, and he trusts me. I'm not gonna sit here and say that he would never hurt me, because love prevails and all that crap, cause its not true. He's hurt me before, and he'll probably do it again. But he loves my little girl, and I know that he'd never hurt her, and that's all I ever wanted."

I smiled, and leaned across the desk to pat his arm before I left the classroom.


After school I picked up Chloe from daycare and planned to have a nice quiet evening watching supernatural and whenever Damon shows up asking about John (Yeah I got the text telling, not asking, me we were gonna talk about him earlier) I will ignore him and put on an episode about killing vampires just because he is making me talk about Creepy John.

My plan however, was spoiled by Jenna as soon as I walked through the door. "If I am forced to do this, you are too." And that's how I got where I am now, sitting at the head of the table beside Jeremy, feeding Chloe while also eating dinner myself.

I was trying to coax Chloe into eating while Jeremy told Uncie John, "I've no interest in the Founders' Day Kick-off Party."

I chuckled out, "Good luck with that little bro."

John looked completely shocked, "Sure you do, its tradition."

Jenna laughed across the room, agreeing with my little emo brother, "It will be our role to break the tradition."

"The Gilberts have been a part of this town for a hundred and fifty year." John started off his rant, "We're one of the founding families and with that distinction comes certain obligations including going to the party. One day, when you can appreciate the significance, I'll tell you all about your heritage." He made eye contact with me at the end there, so I'm gonna assume he's talking about the V word.

I squinted at John, who was trying to maintain eye contact with me, but we were both startled by Jenna, who had walked over to the table, "Hmm, the Gilbert family legacy. I forgot how sacred it was. I'm not a Gilbert so I was never cool enough to hear it."

"Don't worry Jen, when I hear it, you'll be the first to know what its all about." I said, leaning over and shooting her a wink. Jenna gave me a high five, before heading to the kitchen as I noticed Jer leaning over to ask John a question.

"Why does she hate you?"

I snorted, "Its just the affect he has on all women and children, he really can't help it."

If anyone is as good as ignoring my remarks as Lena is, it's creepy uncle John, and he displayed his ability to do so as he loudly whispered back at my baby brother, "We used to sleep together."

I scrunched my eyebrows in disgust as I looked away from the group and back at my  babbling stink bug, and after that the distinct sound of something hitting the floor. "I'm standing right here." I have deduced that Jentastic launched something at John's head and fortunately, it hit its destination. You can imagine how hard it was for me to not jump with joy.


After the amazing family bonding moment that had went on in the dining room last night, Lena ran down the stairs and forced me to call Damon and tell him to come here in the morning. It turns out he wasn't going to be able to come here last night either way because something had come up (I was pretty bummed about this cause I hadn't seen him in like 3 days.)

So, first thing in the morning, I was sitting in the living room with Chloe, who just woke up like 5 minutes ago. I had just finished changing her diaper, and was about to head into the kitchen to get her the bottle I was warming up when there was a knock on the front door. I'm just going to go ahead and guess that that's Damon at the front door, based on the fact I can hear Lena running around upstairs right now.

I was standing right beside a sitting Jeremy, so I placed the sleepy baby on my emo teen brothers lap, before grabbing the bottle, and handing it to the said teenager. After that I made my way to the door, opening it up before she even had a chance to come down the stairs. "I'm sorry, can I help you sir?" I addressed the man in front of me sarcastically.

"You ask I come. I'm easy like that." He gave me his signature smirk as he crossed the threshold and pulled me into his arms.

I smiled a dopy smile up at him as I rested my chin on his chest, "Hi."

He leaned down, and captured my lips in a brief kiss, before pulling away, "Hi," at that, I stepped out of his arms to turn and face my frantic sister coming down the stairs. Lena stopped on the last step, and gestured for us to follow her up to the second floor. I sighed and tapped his chest before I called out to my little brother, "I can take her."

"Nah, its all good sis," He told me, briefly looking up. I gave him a nod and grabbed Damon's hand to lead him upstairs.

Damon sent me a smirk as he followed me, "No Addison, I will not go to your bedroom with you."

"Don't forget protection, I don't need another niece or nephew yet!" Jeremy yelled after me, making me bark a laugh. I didn't answer as I pulled Damon into Lena's room where she was waiting for us.

I let go of my favorite blue eyed vampire's hand, leaving him in the doorway with the most darling twin and plopped down onto her bed. "Ah, just like I remember." I looked around, noticing a broken lamp in the corner, but didn't get the chance to answer because Lena lashed out.

"Stop messing around." He ignored her as he got onto the bed next to me and grabbed her teddy bear, setting it on his chest.

"Did you two know that your uncle has been kicking it with the Founders' Council?"

I face palmed and grumbled, "Why am I not surprised?"

Lannie girl seemed shocked as hell though, "What?"


"Perfect, we'll just add it to the growing list of how everything is falling apart." Alright Lena, go ahead and keep complaining why don't ya.

At that moment, I finally slapped Damon's shoulder and motioned towards the lamp in the corner. He zeroed in on it and pointed the teddy bears arm to it. "What happened right there?"

"Uh...nothing." Oh yes, because that is so convincing, really, your selling it so great with that look on your face right now. Damon and I shared a look and just after she opened up her damn mouth, "Look Damon, I'm worried about Stefan. He says that everything's okay but he's clearly struggling. How long is it gonna take before he goes back to normal?"

I raised my eyebrows and decided that this wasn't a conversation I necessarily had to be in on and stood up. "I'll be in my room when your done." After that I went downstairs and took Chloe from Jer, before heading up to my room.

When I got there I put Chloe in her bouncer so she would be too preoccupied with that to want my attention while I worked on a paper for my English class. I had been working on the for a good 5ish minutes when in my peripheral saw Damon stick his head in the door. I shut my laptop and looked up at him, "Were you able to tame the dragon at all?"

"For now," The blue eyed man informed while moving to sit on the bed with me. "So, what can you tell me about John."

"Ah, Creepy Uncle John. Should I start with how he tried to get my dad to force me to get an abortion?" A snarl ripped through the room, and I paused to take a deep breath while he calmed down a bit, "Or should I start with how I'm pretty sure that he's here to reveal all of the vampires in town to the council?" I waited for him to respond before adding, "I think we should start with the whole vampire thing."

He stood up and in a blink he was back in his old position but he had Chloe settled on his lap. "Yeah, the vampire thing, tell me about it." So I did.


Later, after Damon left with the information he wanted, I was waiting for Chloe to get up from her nap while I worked on some homework. I had just finished up my English paper when Jeremy's head showed up in my doorway after a brief knock. "Elena said we need to take a walk to talk about things. You wanna come?"

I looked over at Chloe, who was probably going to wake up soon anyways, "Yeah, sure, why not? Just give me a couple minutes."

Jer nodded his head a left, as I got up and made my way to my sleeping baby. I reached my hand down and started rubbing my girls back, talking in a soothing voice, "Hey baby girl, time to wake up."

I watched as her little eyes blinked open and smiled down at the stink bug. I slung her diaper bag over my shoulder and proceeded to pick up the sleepy girl, and headed downstairs where my siblings were waiting. "We ready?"


So Lena's big plan was to drag Jeremy out here, without me, even though Jer Bear asked me to come anyways, then tell the little emo that were adopted. Without me I feel I must reiterate. Lannie Girl can be such a bitch sometimes.

Anyways, at the moment Jeremy is holding Chloe on his hip as we walk by the lake, with the fresh knowledge that his twin sisters are adopted. "I just can't believe mom and dad never told you that you were adopted."

"Unlike our dear sister, I knew from the second we found out about it, they would've told us when they thought the time was right." I piped up before my twin had a chance.

"Why were you worried about what I thought?" Jer stopped and looked between Lena and myself waiting for an answer.

Lena went first, "Because...I don't know. It's weird. Going you're whole life thinking you're related by blood to someone."

Then it was my turn, "I wasn't worried, you are and always will be my baby bro. I just could never find the right time."

Jerry then turned his attention to our sister, "Does it bug you that we're not?"

"No,'re my brother, that's all that matters."  Lena told our brother causing him to flash an actual genuine smile.

Lannie girl then took the opportunity to ask Jer about. School/ vampires. "So, Mr. Saltzman said you've been doing great in history now."

Lil baby B shot me a confused look to which I gave a small shrug before answering, "Yeah, yeah he's really been helping me out. He gave me some extra credit and stuff."
"He's a really good teacher," I told my brother in agreement.

"He loved your vampire paper." Oh, way to be subtle about your real motive here twinny.

Chloe cooed up at her uncle, causing him to shoot her a smile before telling Lena, "He thought I had a clever angle."

"What drew you to that subject matter?" Goodness this just keep sounding more and more like a freaking interrogation.

I think Jer Bear agrees, "I don't know, boredom or maybe I'm just as nuts as the long line of Gilbert crazies."

Both Jerry and I laughed at that as Lena said, "Gilberts aren't crazy."

"I disagree." I said as Jer said, "Easy for you to say, you're not one."

I snickered and grabbed the baby that my brother way holding out to me as Lena stopped dead in her tracks, "Ouch."

Jeremy laughed and ran away after Lannie girl playfully hit him with her shoulder, leaving me in the dust with a giggling Chloe. "Break it up you two!" I called out after the pair.

Sometimes a halfway dysfunctional family is the best kind of family to have.


That night, after we got back from our walk, I got ready for the Founders day party with Jentastic and Lena. After all that fun stuff, we all headed out as a family for the surely boring party at the Lockwood mansion.

We all walked in together, but John split in one direction while Jeremy took off in another leaving us girls to stick together. Jen, Lena, and myself were all laughing at a joke Auntie Jen made while I swayed Chloe on my hip.

Elena seemed to notice something over my shoulder and said, "History teacher three o'clock."

I discreetly looked over my shoulder as Jenna asked, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful," Lannie and I answered at the same time.

5 seconds later, Mr. S showed up to the left of me, "I was looking for you." By the way he's looking at Jenny boo I'm just gonna assume that he's talking to the pretty red head.

"Here I am. I haven't seen you in a while." I haven't seen that look on her face in a long time, and it makes me very happy for her.

"Well uh..." Ricky paused, glancing over at my twin and myself, "Things have been a little crazy but I'm here now." He locked eyes with me and I gave him a encouraging smile and nodded towards the drink table, "Do you want to get a drink?" I love that he can take a hint.


He literally looks like a teenage boy right now, "Okay."

Lena and I both watched as the pair moved away, and I couldn't suppress the grin on my face as they did. I noticed my dear boy Matthew walking up to us, and when He stopped I was quick to give him a hug, and a kiss on the cheek, and when I stepped back he patted a giggling Chloe on the head.

I could tell that Matty boy and Lena wanted to talk, so I spoke up, "I'm gonna go find Jer."

Chloe babbled about as I wondered the Mansion looking for my baby bro, but after 10 minutes of looking, I headed over to the bar to order some soda and take a break from lugging around my little bug. Once I got there I caught sight of Damon, who was chilling at the bar.

"Hey," I greeted him, settling down onto the stool next to him.

He glanced over at me, and shot me a smirk, "How are my girls doing tonight?" He asked reaching over to lightly pinch Chloe's fat cheeks, causing the little girl to squeal in excitement followed by little giggles.

"I'd have to say we're doing pretty good," I answered him with a grin. He looked back up to me and leaned over placing a small kiss on my lips, before Lena popped up out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me.

"Have you noticed what your brother has been up to?" She exclaimed, effectively wiping the smile off his face which in turn caused me to glare at my oh so lovely twin.

The blue eyed vamp sat back, and took a drink of his most likely bourbon, before answering, "No, I have been too preoccupied with yours."

That caught both Lena and I's attention, because both of our heads turned in his direction at the same time. "Jeremy has been asking questions about Vicki Donovan's death."

I sighed, "Oh for the love of..." I muttered to myself.

At the same time Elena told him her all knowing voice, "He knows that her death was ruled an overdose."

"Really?" Damon all but ground out, before imitating Jer, "'Oh but sheriff, someone buried her. Who would do that?'" He turned and glared at my twin, "I know I know! Me!" He looked back down at his drink and mumbled out, "I mean I could compel him but he's wearing vervain."

I was quick to shoot him down, "No, your not doing that again, no matter what."

"No, I don't want you to compel him." You could probably imagine how surprised I was when Lena agreed with me, because if I were to have been taking a drink when she said that someone would have probably ended up wearing it.

"If he keeps asking questions..." Damon trailed off, pissing me off a little bit.

I could tell by the look on her face Lena was about to agree, so I instantly said, "You are NOT compelling him, end of discussion. Got it?" Before I stood up, made sure Chloe was secure on my hip, and then I basically stomped away.

I got to a balcony and had stopped there when a hand was placed on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks, "Baby..."

I flipped around and instantly shot the blue eyed asshole standing there a glare, "Don't 'Baby' me." I basically spat at him.

"I'm sorry, okay, I wont compel your brother." I raised an eyebrow at him, trying not to smile because of the pout he had on his face. I watched with a blank look as he pulled a rose out from behind his back and smelled it before handing it out to me, "Do you forgive me?"

I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the dopy look on his face a I took the rose from him with my free hand. I brought the flower up to my face and took in its scent, and sighed as I looked up at him, "Oh I guess."

The smile that shot across his face made my heart melt as he plucked Chloe out of my arms and started to spin her around, "Yay!"

I watched the pair contently when there was suddenly someone cleared their voice behind us, "Damon, right?"

Damon turned, and moved Chloe to where she was resting on his hip, "John." He greeted the intruder in a monotone voice. I stepped over so I was right beside Damon, and reached out and grasped the crook of his arm that he was holding Chloe with.

"We didn't get the chance to meet at the council meeting." John spoke, completely ignoring me in favor of the vampire.

"Yeah. It's a pleasure." Couples that are sarcastic together stay together, "Are you enjoying the kick-off?"

I don't like creepy uncle John's smirk, "Oh yeah. I forgot how much fun these small town celebrations can be."

"Yeah. When was the last time you were here?" Damon asked, most likely trying to figure out how much Johnny probably knows.

"Hasn't been that long, my brother's funeral. How long have you been in town?" The last time John was here Chloe was still in the NICU at the hospital.

"Oh, not long at all."

John looked the blue eyed man up and down, "So what do you think Damon? You know this vampire problem is real, right? It's a potential blood bath."

I bet Damon is rolling his eyes right now, "I wouldn't overreact John."

"Oh, I think it's like 1864 all over again, vampires running amok. I guess we're just gonna have to hunt them down, throw them in a church and burn them to ash." Oh my lord, he's asking to get his neck snapped right now.

"That's the story, huh?" He even sounds homicidal right now.

"Part of the story, yeah."

Since I'm not supposed to know this stuff in the mind of Uncle John, I placed a confused look on my face, "Oh, there's more?"

"Oh, there's a lot more." Why does he sound so... gleeful? "See, it seems there was a tomb under the church, where vampires were hidden, waiting for someone to come along and set them free. But then you already knew that didn't you?"

I can tell by how his shoulders have tensed that he's uncomfortable and halfway pissed off. I think John knows this too, cause when Damon didn't answer he said, "I mean, you're the one that did it."

"And you're telling me this why?" Damon ground out at him.

"I just thought we get the introductions out of the way."

"You know that I could rip your throat out before anyone would notice?" Oh here it comes, this is the part where people die.

John smirked, "Yeah. I also know that my nieces daughter seems to look a whole lot like you."

I can hear the low growl emitting from the man, "Addison, take Chloe and go inside."

"Are you..." I got cut off.

"Go inside." I instinctively jumped a bit, before moving around him and taking the sleepy baby out of his arms before heading inside, but only after shooting a glare at John for this whole thing.

I had decided I was gonna go looking for Jeremy again to make sure that whatever Lena says to him doesn't piss him off too much. I had no luck finding him so I settled for Mr. S, who I found standing by himself.

We made little small talk and I was sure to mention that I was pretty sure Damon was gonna end up killing someone, most likely John, Ric really didn't seem to surprised with that. Chloe had fallen asleep against my chest, her head resting on my shoulder, and I was slightly swaying ot keep her soothed where she was.

Ricky and I talked until the Mayor started to make a little speech. "Thank you all, thank you very much, thank you. Thank you all for joining us tonight in just a few moments we will officially begin the countdown to our upcoming Founders' Day celebration and it's a very special one this year. The one hundred and fiftieth birthday of our town." I simply watched as some guys wheeled in a little table with a bell on it.

"And...and I would like to welcome back one of our town favorite's sons to do the honors of ringing our official charter bell. John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?" Uncle John is the favorite son? Say sike right now.

Ric and I watched as John walked to the stage, "I thought you said..." He started, but I stopped him.

"I thought he did." I answered with confusion.

I found myself looking around the room to see if I could find Damon as John started, "One hundred and fifty years of community, prosperity, family. We take care of each other, we look after each other, protect each other," I feel like that was specifically directed at someone, "It's good to be home."

As I was staring at Johnny across the room so intently that I didn't notice when Damon showed up by Alaric, so I jumped when he started talking, "Look at his right hand."

"Whose?" Ric asked as I turned my attention towards the vampire.

"Towns favorite's son." That nickname best not stick, or I will fight someone, "Look at his ring."

Both Ricky and I head moved to look that way at the same time. "What's so special about it, it looks like the one dad used to wear?" I asked the man.

I didn't get an answer because Ric said, "Well, it looks like mine."

"Yeah, and that would be a big coincidence if he didn't just came back from the dead five minutes ago. Where the hell did you get that ring?" Um, excuse me what?

"The ring brings you back from the dead?" I asked Ric, trying to get a better look at the ring on his hand.

"Isobel, my wife." He told us after giving me a slight nod.

I know where these to are going with this, "Who gave birth to twins Elena and Addison, under the medical care of the esteemed DR Grayson Gilbert, John's brother!"

The pair both looked at Uncle John, but I level my slightly wavering gaze on Damon. "Do you think John knew Isobel?" Ric asked.

Damon then looked away from my uncle setting his sights on me, "I think John knows a lot of things."

"Oh my God," I choked out, finally one hundred percent understanding what he was trying to get at. "Oh my..." I repeated, and I could feel myself start to crumble under the news. I'm very grateful for Alaric, seeing as how he settled me.

"Oh God." I whispered one last time.


After that whole bomb shell was dropped on me, Alaric and Damon disappeared outside after escorting me to my Aunt since we were about to leave. The ride home was quiet on my part, and when we got home I basically ran straight to my room.

I put Chloe, who was already asleep down after pulling off her dress and changing her diaper, just opting to leave her in that and covering her in a blanket.

Once I was sure that she would be fine for the night, I slowly sat onto the floor, my back against my bed, finally letting the tears fall after the shock wore off. Pretty soon I was hyperventilating from crying so hard and that was when Damon walked in.

"Addie. Addison." He said, trying to get my attention but I just shook my head, refusing to look at him while sucking in a breath. Then he grabbed my chin, "Baby, look at me." I slowly opened my eyes and looked right into his blue orbs. "Come here."

He wrapped his arm around my back and hauled me up, before he helped pull off my dress. I just stood there watching as he pulled his shirt over his head, before he gently pulled it over my head. He took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers, and then he helped me into bed.

Once under the covers I cuddled into him, and snuggled in closer as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt him press a kiss to my hair, and I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth, "He's my father."

"No, he's not. Grayson is your father, not John. Just because he made you it doesn't mean he raised you, or took care of you. He will only ever be creepy uncle John." I looked up at him and we locked eyes.

"Thank you Damon." I told him debating on whether I should say what else I wanna say. It didn't take me long to fall asleep after that, exhausted from all of the crying and the shock. As I was about out I whispered, "I love you."

I'll have to find out how he reacts to that in the morning.

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