Love to Last A Lifetime| Damo...

Galing kay briannat23

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Addison Gilbert is the younger twin sister of the famous Elena Gilbert, and considered by everyone in Mystic... Higit pa

Chapter One: Pilot
Chapter Two: The Night of the Comet
Chapter Three: Friday Night Bites
Chapter Four: Family Ties
Chapter Five: You're Undead to Me
Chapter Six: Lost Girls
Chapter Seven: Haunted
Chapter Eight: 162 Candles
Chapter Nine: History Repeating
Chapter Ten: The Turning Point
Chapter Eleven: Bloodlines
Chapter Twelve: Unpleasantville
Chapter Thirteen: Children of the Damned
Chapter Fourteen: Fool Me Once
Chapter Fifteen: A Few Good Men
Chapter Sixteen: There Goes the Neighborhood
Chapter Eighteen: Under Control
Chapter Nineteen: Miss Mystic Falls

Chapter Seventeen: Let the Right One In

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Galing kay briannat23

Addison Gilbert POV*

When I woke up this morning, Damon was already downstairs, most likely finishing the patching up of the window in the parlor. And after getting up I noticed that he must have gotten Chloe out of bed when he himself got up, because she wasn't in there.

I rooted around in my bag and pulled out the most comfortable clothes I could find to put on. Once I had done that, and done the rest of what I needed to do in the bathroom to get ready, I left Damon's room to head downstairs.

I spotted Chloe sitting on the floor, babbling about surrounded by toys I didn't even know she had, so I went over to her to give her a kiss. When she saw me she started speaking her gibberish louder, and gave me a toothless grin. That's when I noticed what her shirt said. "Daddy's Princess."

I was kinda shocked, but still leaned down and placed a kiss onto her forehead, before standing straight and looking around for Damon. I didn't have to look long, because as I started looking, he walked right in. "Good morning." I greeted him.

"Morning," He replied, walking over to that window with a large board over it.

"So uh," I started off to sound casual, "When did you get those clothes for Chloe?"

He didn't look over at me, "A few days ago."

I couldn't hide the grin coming over my face, "Is that your way of admitting that you're actually Chloe's father?"

The blue eyed vamp sighed, set the stuff in his hands down, and turned to face me, "Yeah, I guess it is."

"Good." I told him, moving towards and stopping in front of him. "You're already a really good dad, so I wouldn't worry about that, if you are."

He looked into my eyes for a few moments before opening his arms and wrapping me in a hug. I sighed contently against his chest and I could feel him press a lingering kiss against my forehead.

It was an amazing hug until the sound of a throat clearing ruined it. I pulled away and turned around seeing Stefan holding Chloe on his hip. "Elena will be here in a couple minutes." He told us, before pointing at my little bugs shirt. "Who dressed her in this?"

My lips lifted, "Damon did," I informed him, causing him to shoot a look of confusion at his brother that had already gone back to what he was doing before to avoid this. Stef's gaze came back to me, to which I nodded in agreement before plopping down on the couch, to watch Damon work.

Lena burst into the house like she owned the place not long after that, and we are now currently watching Damon as he boards up the window. Stefan placed Chloe into my lap when my buzz kill of a sister walked in, probably so he could have the free hands to be all lovey dovey with her.

"I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night." Damon told us while working.

Stef sighed, "Yeah. And then what? We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say, 'Oops. Sorry?'"

"I can't believe you made a deal with her." Well there Lena goes, being all judgey again.

Damon faced us, "It was more like a helpful exchange of information. And it's not like I had a choice. She's...scary. Besides, she thinks she's gonna help me get Katherine back. And I wanna kill Kathrine." Well, at least he isn't love sick over his ex that looks exactly like my sister anymore, so that's a plus.

"Of course she is." Oh here we go, "Damon gets what he wants, as usual. No matter who he hurts in the process." Why does she always have to be so bitter?

"You don't have to be snarky about it." My drama queen informed her with that dry sarcasm thing he does.

"I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, well, not everything that happens is all about you dear sister. I know that its difficult to hear, but it's true." Man, I love the amount of effort she puts in everyday to shoot me those wonderful looks of hers.

Damon sat down beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, "How long are you going to blame me for turning your birth mother into a vampire? Addie doesn't."

"That's because Addie doesn't give two shits," I informed him before Lena could say anything about it.

Elena shot me her best bitch face, "I'm not blaming you, Damon. I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities."

"Please," I cut in, "It's homicidal mass murdering psychopath, get it right would you?"

"Ouch." He said as he pinched my shoulder, making me smack at him.

Stefan finally cut in, stopping our childish conversation, "This isn't being very productive. We're gonna figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires. Yeah? Hmm." Damon and I took that as our que to leave, because it looked like Steffie-poo and Lannie-girl were about to start eating each others face's.


A little while later, after I had thoroughly searched the kitchen in hope that we had some baby food here for Chloe, and sadly found that we don't. So I let Damon know I was gonna run to the store, and could take Chloe with me if he wanted me to.

"No, it's fine, we'll be good for like a half and hour." He told me from his place over by the clock he was fixing.

"Well, okay. I'll be back in a little bit."

So I took off, and ran into the local grocery store, and I luckily didn't run into anyone I know, because who wants to run into anyone they know at the store? No one, that's who. After I had bought my stuff, and was already on my way back, I had, for the second time in my life, had to slam on the brakes due to a rando man standing in the middle of the road.

Except this time I didn't hit him, because I had actually gotten slowed down and pulled over before noticing that he had disappeared. "What?" I mumbled under my breath as I surveyed the forest on the side of the road.

I'm probably one of the dumbest dumb asses in the world for doing this, even dumber than Lena (yeah, I know, how?) but I opened the door to get a better look outside because I couldn't really see with the amount of rain beating down on the windows. And right when I did that, the man seemed to materialize right in front of my face.

I didn't have time to slam the door shut, because the next thing I know, I was out of the car and the dude was yanking me out of the car, making me mentally curse at myself for unbuckling my seat belt before opening the door.

When I was standing in front of him I yelled out, "Get the fuck off of me you vampire fuck!"

I was going to insult the asshole more, but he shoved a hand over my mouth and said, "Hello Salvatore pet," before raising his arm up behind my head and next thing I knew was darkness.

3rd POV*

Damon. Was. Pissed. Not only was his little brother missing, but so was Addison. And to make it worse, on the way to the Gilbert House to see if her phone died or something, He found her car on the side of the road with the door wide open with no trace of her. And from that moment on he had been blowing up Elena's phone.

So now here he was, Chloe on his hip, phone to his ear standing in front of Addie's front door, ready to knock if Addison's dumbass twin refused to answer her phone. And guess what? He shoved his phone in his pocket and reached forward to rasp his knuckles onto the front door.

And guess who opened the door? "You're ignoring me."

"The 6 missed calls? Sorry. My phone is dead." And she wonders why Ads is the favorite? Its seems pretty obvious to him, but whatever.

He rolled his eyes, "Is Stefan or Addison here?"

"No. Why? Something wrong?" Well at least she looks worried.

"He went out in the woods and didn't come back, and Addie was going to get baby food, same thing. I can't get them on their phones. I figured he was here with you."

He watched as the taller Gilbert twin lifter her phone to her ear, "It's going straight to voice-mail. Where could he be?"

Damon sighed and glanced down at the little girl on his hip taking in her surrounding before answering, "You're not going to like what I'm thinking."

Addison Gilbert POV*

When I came to, I noticed that I wasn't alone, mainly because I could hear someone moaning out not far from me. Instantly my eyes shot open fearing the worst, but couldn't help but feel a bit relieved when I figured out that the person was just moaning in pain, and nothing else. But then I got a closer look, "Stefan?" I called out, somewhat surprised.

He slowly glanced up, "Addison?" Damn, on the ground in agony and he still calls me by my full first name.

I let my eyes slip from the prone vampire on the floor to take in our surroundings. "Where are we?" I asked him, not really expecting an answer. I didn't even get one anyways, because there was suddenly banging on a door not far from us. "Pearl! Open this door. I swear to God I'll bust through and rip your head off." Oh I know that voice.

I heard the door open before another familiar voice said, "Pearl's not home. Hmm. Beautiful weather. Not a ray of sun in the sky." Shit! That's the dude that yanked me out of my own fucking car.

"Where's my brother? And where is Addison?" My favorite vampire growled out.

"Billy. Cane." The kidnapping asshole called out.

I was roughly grabbed by my upper arms, and dropped into the hallway where Stefan was just dragged by two vamp assholes. After I landed hard straight on my ass I looked up and locked eyes with a very pissed off Damon. "You're dead." He ground out, eyes flicking between myself and Stefmiester.

"Whoa. I'm sorry. You haven't been invited in. Miss Gibbons?" I watched from my place on the floor as a woman maybe in her mid to late 50's walked up and stopped beside Mr. Kinapper.

"Yes, Frederick, honey?" His name is Frederick, no wonder he's always so pissed. I'd be pissed too if that was my name.

Fred-dick started to compel the little old woman, "Never let this bad man in." Ugh, spoil sport.

"I'll never let him in."

Then Stefan moaned out beside me, "Ugh!" making my head shoot over to him, but I looked away when Fredrick the kidnaping asshole started speaking again.

"145 years left starving in a tomb, thanks to Katherine's infatuation with you and your brother." Well nobody's perfect man, "First few weeks, every single nerve in your body screams with fire. The kind of pain that can drive a person mad." I cant see him, but I'm sure Freddie boy hand a sick smirk on his face, "Well...I thought your brother might want to get a taste of that before I killed him. Billy." Then Billy was shoving a stake into Stefs stomach.

Then he was taunting again, "I also thought we'd all see how good your little pet taste's, must be delicious if your keeping her around." He paused looking back at me, and I have a feeling I'm not going to like this very much. "Cane."

Then vamp that had been standing in front of me then started turning around to come to me, and all I gotta say is, "Oh hell no. You take those pointy yellow teeth of yours and shove 'em up Freddie-poo's ass."

It didn't help, because not two seconds later I'm letting out a loud ass scream as this dude takes a damn chunk out of my pristine neck. Like what an asshole.

Maybe 20 seconds later he pulled away, leaving me to slump to the side, feeling quite woozy. I could see the black spots in my vision, a sign that I was most likely about to pass out again.

I couldn't focus my eyes on anything, and the last thing I heard was, "You have a nice day." Sounding like it was being spoken 20 yards from me instead of a few feet. And that's when I finally let myself fully slip into the welcoming world of dreamless sleep.


When I woke up again, I was tied to a chair in what looked to be a super dusty and gross cellar, and I could once again hear someone (probs Stefan) groaning in pain. "Vervain on the ropes." Oh wonderful, Freddie, my favorite person in the world. That makes me really happy. "That's gotta sting. Speaking of..."

When I looked up at where I knew everyone was in front of me, I saw Mr. Kidnapper standing in front of Stef with his back facing me. I don't know what he's doing, but it doesn't look like its gonna be fun for Stefan, and in turn, probably wont be too fun for me either.

I was correct, because five seconds later Stefan was screaming in pain, and right after that, someone else entered the cellar, and called out, "This isn't right!"

I tried to look behind me to see who it was, but couldn't move my neck that far, so I settled on watching Fred. "He killed Beth-Anne. One of us, Harper. And don't you think for a second he wouldn't kill you if he had the chance. Pearl says we're not here for revenge, right? I say that's exactly what we're here for. Starting with this." I then screamed when Mr. Kidnapper grabbed a knife from thin air and started running it across poor Stefan's chest.

Fredrick then put his hand over my mouth to shut me up, "Then the little pet. And then his brother. And anyone else that gets in our way."

Then, good ole Fred's hand wasn't on my face anymore and I finally got a look at the vampire defending Stef and myself, "This isn't right!"

The good amongst bad vamps had ahold of Freddie's arm, causing him to yell out, "You're gonna want to let go of me!"

"Miss Pearl will be home soon." My new best friend shot out at Fred-dick.

"Miss Pearl is no longer in charge." This asshole then proceeded to shove the would be hero into hid lackey's arms. "Tie him up! And then stake him down."

And that ladies and gentlemen his how Stef and I got a new bunk mate.

3rd POV*

Today was just supposed to be a normal day for Alaric. Ya know, go to school on a Saturday and catch up on grading papers and shit. And it was all screwed up when he was walking down the hall, only to be met with the same Vampire that not only turned his wife, but killed him a few weeks ago. "Well, don't you look...alive?"

"You can't hurt me."

The eldest Salvatore rolled his eyes, "Oh, I can hurt you, all right." Then some one came up behind him, holding something. A baby? At first he thought it was Addison, but Addie would have made a sarcastic and/or snarky comment by now. So that makes it Elena. Does she know that that's not how you hold a baby?

"Mr. Saltzman. We need your help." This is such an awkward day for him.

So they all migrated to his classroom to talk, and it didn't really surprise him when Damon took little Chloe from her aunt before they even made it two feet from their starting position. It still kinda got him that Chloe was so comfortable around a killer vampire, but then again what would he know, he hates the monster.

Once they were all in the classroom, the taller Gilbert twin began explaining the situation to him. "Stefan's in the house. Damon's a vampire. He can't get in. We need you. I would go, but..."

He wasn't at all shocked when the hostile man standing in the back of the room, who seemed to be gravitating to the desk where Addison sits for class everyday, cut Elena off, "Addison is in that house too. You're human, and would die right away," The man then looked at him, "You on the other hand."

Alaric was actually taken aback. Addison was taken by a shit ton of vampires, and could possibly die? He didn't know how to explain it, but from the second that he found that folder shrine over her, and met her finding out she's a teen mother, he's felt weirdly protective of her. It's why he was so shocked to find out that these two girls might technically be his step-daughters.

Alaric was startled from his thoughts by his other maybe step-daughter speaking, "Stefan told me about your ring."

"What about it?" He asked subconsciously bringing his hand up to grab the ring given to him by his late vampire wife.

He watched as Damon carefully placed the peacefully sleeping baby in his arms into a car seat he hadn't noticed before. Yet it was obvious that the man pissed off with this whole situation and conversation. "Let me recap...You tried to kill me. I defended myself. You died. Then according to my brother, your ring brought you back to life. Am I leaving anything out?"

"Yeah. The part where I try and kill you again. Only this time, I don't miss."

Elena spoke up, probably trying to diffuse the tension, "Mr. Saltzman. Please. It's Stefan."

"And Addison, your sister." Damon growled out, startling Alaric a bit.

Alaric sighed, looking down at his desk. On one side of things, a girl, a human girl that has a daughter that just so happens to be in this room right now, is there. But on the other side of things, this is pretty much all centered around the vampire that turned his wife and his brother.

He didn't even get the chance to answer, "That's a shame." Damon spoke, taking his silence for him refusing to help, "Because the woman in charge of the crowd can help you find your wife."

"You're lying."

The vampire smirked, "Am I? Why don't you ask her for yourself? Coward. Come on, Elena." The two imposters in his classroom then started to leave.

He couldn't let that happed, "All right! Wait. I'll go."

As the other two settled back into his classroom, Alaric started pulling out his collection of vampire hunting/ slaying weapons. "Teacher by day, vampire hunter by night."

"I've you to thank for that." He sarcastically told the other man.

"What are these?"

He looked over to see what the girl had picked up and is now examining. "Those are tranquilizer darts filled with vervain."

Damon then leaned over, "Just get me in. I'll get Addison and Stefan out."

Alaric watched as the girl who seems way more worried about her boyfriend scoffed, "That's your plan? You're just gonna take them all on yourself?" Well, now he's pretty sure he understands why Addison seems so exasperated with her twin majority of the time.

"Well, I'll be a little stealthier than that, hopefully."

Alaric then observed as the less enjoyable Gilbert twin took one of his vervain darts. "Whoa. What are you doing?" He inquired before giving a vampire a look that said 'is she serious?'

"I'm going with you guys." Jesus Christ.

"No. No. No. No. No way." Alaric nodded along in agreement with Damon's protests.

"You need me. I'll get in. You could distract them, and then I'll get Stefan out." She tried to reason.

Alaric then spoke up, "You seem to keep forgetting your very human sister." His eyes traced over to the desk where Chloe is asleep in her car seat.

"You'll get yourself and Addison, the mother of your niece right over there, killed. You're not going in there." Damon commanded.

"I'm going." Death wish was all that came to Alaric's mind.

He tried to hide his amusement as the vampire turned to face him, "So, when you get me in, get out as quickly as you can. I know how to sneak around where they can't hear me. You'll basically just be in the way."

"Damon, now is not the time to be the lone ranger."

"Fine. Elena, you can drive the getaway car. You're not going in the house."

"You can't stop me. It's Stefan we're talking about here. You don't understand."

"Oh, I understand. I understand. He's the reason you live. His love lifts you up where you belong. I get it. Except for you aren't even worried for your little twin sister, that could be being drained of her blood this very moment! Can you take two goddamn seconds to think about someone else! This. Is. Your. Sister." That's when the baby started crying.

So while Damon and Elena continued arguing, he went over and lifted the little girl from her seat and into his arms to comfort her. "Can you just worry about your brother for 2 seconds?

"I am! But you aren't worried about your own flesh and blood!" Damon paused, calming himself down, "I don't know how many vampires there are in there. (Snap) That's how long it takes you to get your head ripped off. I have to be able to get in and get out. I can't be distracted with your safety. Or this will end up a bloodbath that none of us walk away from...Including Stefan or Addison. And none of us want that."

Once Alaric calmed the baby down he spoke up, "If we're gonna go, let's go." Before he put Chloe back into her car seat. Then he turned and started grabbing his bags.

Addison Gilbert POV*

So for the last who knows how long these asshole vampires have been taking turns biting me, some of them on my neck, some of them on my wrists. I'm obviously really woozy, and I really cant see straight. And there are only three things I know for sure.

One, Stefan is in front of me, tied to a pully system keeping him upright. Two, the homeboy that tried to help us earlier is named Harper and he's sitting beside me. And Three, all of the vampires in this house are little cock suckers, and I really hope that all of them heard it when I cussed them all out earlier.

If you didn't get the hint, we're all still trapped down here in the cellar and Steffie has just recently decided to be conversational, "Uhh. Thank you. For trying to help us."

"Yeah," I said really slurred, "You're a real one." I finished off as best I could.

"They just needed somebody to blame." He paused, trying to breath through the pain he's in, "Someone to punish."

I felt myself slump forward in my chair, and I'm pretty sure I passed out again, because the next thing I knew there was someone else here, because I could hear muffled talking. I grumbled, trying to left my head to look around then there was a hand on my face, "Hey baby. Can you open your eyes for me?" I really tried, but it was pretty hard, I partially opened them for maybe a half a second.

"Damon." Someone frantically called.

"Can you get him in the car?" The best voice in the world asked the annoying one that wa invading my senses a few seconds ago. I didn't hear an answer, but the nice voice said, "All right, go."

"What about you two?" Wait, I know these voices.

That was when an arm pressed against my mouth, with a matalicy tasting substance on it that started slipping into my mouth. "There you go baby." It's my Damon! He saved us, oh thank god. I was then lifted, and slung over what felt like a shoulder. "You rescue, I'll distract. Go."


After a short while of feeling like I was flying because of my place on Damon's shoulder, and basically being lulled to sleep, I was suddenly placed a bit recklessly onto the ground, making my eyes fly open because of the fighting I could hear going on. I watched as Damon fought with Fred-dick the kidnapper.

It all happened so fast, and then two more vamps joined, Freddie ran off. One of the two vamps about took out Damon from behind, but surprisingly, Mr. S popped in and saved the day. Damon turned and looked between me on the floor and Alaric, "You got her?" And at Alaric's nod he called out, "I'm going after Frederick!" and then took off.

Ric came over to me and helped me stand up, "How you feeling Ads?"

I breathily chuckled, leaning against his side for support, "Oh I feel like a million bucks Ricky."

We got to walking through the house, and since it was boring me, I asked him a very important question. "So, on a scale of one to fucked up, how wreaked his my white shirt?"

We stopped in a hallway, and he helped me lean against a wall. He was reloading his dart gun while he answered, "Um, I'd say ripped to shit."

I laughed out, and didn't notice the vamp about to attack my cool history teacher until it was in fact attacking said teacher. I felt bad because I could help him out in my condition, but he luckily got it with some sort of horror syringe.

I didn't get to question him about it though, because Damon was suddenly there. "Frederick's gone."

"Let's get out of here." Alaric demanded while getting up off the floor.

Then Damon was in front of me, scooping me up bridal style, making me wrap my arms around his neck. "Hi." I mumbled when I was fully lifted.

The raven haired man simply kissed my head in response before telling pretty much no one, "I'm gonna kill him." Then team badass, which consisted of Damon, Alaric, and Myself (because I'm cool and after the day I've had I deserve it,) started to head outside.

And we cant catch a damn brake, because as we got onto the porch, we saw a whole bunch of vamps slowly approaching the house. Damon looked over to Ric, "How many of those vervain darts do you have left?" So that's what those syringes were.

"One." Lovely.

"Not gonna be enough." Then we slowly backed into the house.

Once we were back in, Damon set me on the ground to lean on him while still standing, "So, what you said to get me to do this, about my wife. It was a lie, wasn't it?" Mr. S asked.


I groaned, "Damon! You cant just manipulate people to get them to do what you want."

I saw a brief smile flash across Ric's face, making me proud I could give him that little bit of amusement before we all die. The door started to open, but it wasn't who we thought it was going to be.

"Stop. What's going on here? What did you do?" Ah, Miss Pearl. Where the hell have you been all damn day?

"Me?" He sounds exasperated, "Your merry little band of vampires spent the day torturing my brother and girlfriend." Oh my goodness, he just called me his girlfriend. *mental squeal*

Pearl looked at me, probably smelling the blood on my shirt, "Trust me. The parties responsible for this will be dealt with."

Damon bent down, pulling me back in his arms to hold me bridal style once more. "Our little arrangement doesn't work unless you learn to control them."

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Well, it did." I was gonna say that! "If I had a good side...Not a way to get on it." Then we turned and left.


After dropping Alaric off and picking up Chloe from some women I have a suspicion Damon compelled to watch her so she wouldn't be in danger, we went to my house. Damon sat out on my room with Chloe, feeding her while I took a shower and put on fresh clothes. I was finally dressed and sitting on my bed, ready to just get a nice night of beauty sleep when my phone started ringing.

It was Jeremy, he was blubbering a bit, so I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but I think someone took the phone from him, because I could hear his protests before Tyler started talking into the phone. "They found Vicki's body. We're all at Matts." Then he hung up.

I shot up, but Damon was already in front of me, "I have to-"

"I'll take you." He told me, grabbing my hand to lead me down the stairs.

We got there in no time, and I said a quick goodbye to Damon, unbuckled Chloe's seat, and rushed inside. I out the car seat with Chloe in it on the table and sat down right beside my brother, to give him comfort.

I noticed Tyler sitting by himself across the table, so I reached over and grabbed his hand that was resting on the table. He looked up at he in surprise, but when he saw the comforting smile on my face, he squeezed my hand back and gave me a small smile before gazing off into the distance again.


When everyone started to leave the Donovan residence, us Gilberts were quick to follow. Elena drove and I let Jer sit in the front, putting me in the back with Chloe. I wasn't following the law and didn't put a seatbelt on, so I could sit forward and hold Jer-Bears hand all the way home.

I was a bit reluctant to let Jer go off by himself, but when he told us he was going to bed, I let him and climbed the stairs after him, ducking into my own room.

I don't know how late it was when Damon showed up in my room, I just know that he scared the shit out of me. I didn't scold him for it though because he looks mega worried. "Damon?" I asked him as I closed my laptop and sat up in bed.

"Stefan in drinking human blood."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Doesn't he drink animal blood?"

He nodded, "But I think your sister gave him some blood, because I found him in his room surrounded by empty blood bags."

"Is he going to hurt someone, or?" I asked, scooting closer to him.

He took a deep breath and shook his head, "No, it should be okay, it just surprised me is all." He then changed the subject. "Anyways, your okay right? No lasting affects or anything?"

"Aside from the fact that I feel like I could sleep for a week and my brand new white shirt was completely ruined, I feel fine. But I think that if you gave me really good cuddles, I'll feel like 100 percent."

He chuckled, getting onto the unoccupied side of the bed, making me move back under the covers. I snuggled in as he stated, "That sounds like fair payment. And if you give me a kiss, I might buy you a whole new white shirt."

"Deal." I plainly stated, lifting my head up to connect out lips for a brief second before pulling away. "Night drama queen."

"Night baby."

Let me know what you guys think about the third persons. I'm trying them out to see if they work with the story, but I'm not sure. Thanks for reading!

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