Love to Last A Lifetime| Damo...

By briannat23

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Addison Gilbert is the younger twin sister of the famous Elena Gilbert, and considered by everyone in Mystic... More

Chapter One: Pilot
Chapter Two: The Night of the Comet
Chapter Three: Friday Night Bites
Chapter Four: Family Ties
Chapter Five: You're Undead to Me
Chapter Six: Lost Girls
Chapter Seven: Haunted
Chapter Eight: 162 Candles
Chapter Ten: The Turning Point
Chapter Eleven: Bloodlines
Chapter Twelve: Unpleasantville
Chapter Thirteen: Children of the Damned
Chapter Fourteen: Fool Me Once
Chapter Fifteen: A Few Good Men
Chapter Sixteen: There Goes the Neighborhood
Chapter Seventeen: Let the Right One In
Chapter Eighteen: Under Control
Chapter Nineteen: Miss Mystic Falls

Chapter Nine: History Repeating

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By briannat23

Addison Gilbert POV*

That morning, the first time Damon stayed, I woke up by myself, and honestly I wasn't too surprised. But in the last couple of weeks he sporadically shows up an hour before I put Chloe down for the night, and then he stays. But every morning when I wake up I'm alone.

Anyways, enough about my maybe baby daddy situation, back to the issue at hand. Caroline and Bonnies little cat fight that for some reason became a really big deal for no reason.

"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" The twin asked Caroline as we were walking up to the school, heading for our first class.

"No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move." Well damn Care.

"Be the bigger person." Lena told her, because that would totally be a Caroline move. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the girl, but that is just not her.

"Impossible in her presence." See.

I decided that now would be the perfect time to add in my piece, "What if I bribed you with a baby? And like, 20 dollars?"

Care and I shared a smirk before Lena slapped the back of my head softly and then proceeded to ask my blonde best friend, "Why are you so pissed at her anyway?"

Oh here we go, "She's a thief, that's why." Harsh, "I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle."

Lena sighed, "All right. Well, I tried. I'm officially out of it." That only took a month.

"I was never in." I told the two, and reached up to pat the both of their shoulders, but they are both way taller than me, so I gave up half way there.

Caroline gave a little smirk, "Good. Your turn. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?"

I rolled my eyes as Lena told the blonde, "He's avoiding me."

"Why?" Because he's a vampire and so is his brother, so he's trying to 'keep Lena safe' by staying away from her.

I glanced over at her as she hesitated, but she finally said, "...It's complicated." The bell rang, making El say, "I'll see you later."

Caroline gave me a questioning glance to which I shrugged before telling her, "See ya later Care Bear."

"Bye." I heard her call as I walked away.

I entered Tanner's old class room a few minutes before the bell rang, so I was just chilling in my seat in front of Stefan's old spot and doodled waiting for the bell to ring. I observed as Bonnie darted into class mere seconds before the bell rang, followed by an attractive guy. Who is this?

"Good Morning everyone. Alrighty." I watched as mystery man started to write what I would assume to be his name onto the chalkboard. "Alaric Saltzman." So it was his name, "It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston." Hey man, I was born in raised right here.

I sat back, full of interest and all I can think right now is how this guy is perfect for Jenna. "Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably want to pronounce "Alaric" but it's "Alaric," okay? So, you can call me Rick. I'm your new history teacher."

He glanced down at his desk and looked back up at the class, "Is Addison Gilbert in this class?"

I spoke up, "Yeah, I'm right here."

"I need to speak with you during lunch." Well alrighty then.


After sitting through all of my classes, not really paying attention because I was too busy wondering why the hell our new history teacher needed to talk to me, it was finally lunch. I knocked before popping in and sitting down on the desk directly in front of his desk where he was eating.

"What's up Mr. S."

He sat back and grabbed some file out of his desk drawer. "I found this file in my desk." He handed it out to me so I accepted it. "I assumed it was another jack ass file, but I opened it and found that its basically a little shrine built up around you."

I raised my eyebrows, "Well, that's creepy."

"Your telling me." He paused and walked around, opening the file to a certain part to show me something. Holy shit, "After sometime last year he started writing stuff about a baby, there is even some pictures." Is it bad that I want to skip the rest of the school day and be with my daughter?

"Jesus Christ. I had my daughter in May, and this actually super strange because I thought he hated me. I mean I knew I was one of his favorite students, but I always sassed him because its just how I always acted." He nodded and patted my shoulder.

"Well congrats, and I can shred this file if you want." I nodded at him on thanks and closed the file handing it back to him. "So are you by any chance related to Jeremy Gilbert."

I smiled at the thought of my baby bro, "Yeah, he's my little brother, and Elena is my twin. Why do you ask?"

"That jack ass file I was talking about, well it just so happens that its all about your little brother," He paused, "Your old teacher sure had a thing for you Gilbert kids."

I sighed and leaned back on my hands, "That doesn't make me feel better."

Saltzman sat back down at his desk and picked up his sandwich, "It really shouldn't."

If Tanner was still alive I'd probably go to Liz about this, but the dude is dead, so what the hell would an investigation be good for? I sighed and mumbled, "Maybe I should tell Damon about this."

Mr. S gave me a strange look, "What?"

"What?" I answered back.

And luckily Jeremy came into the room, saving the day, "Hey Mr. Saltzman, I'm Jeremy Gilbert. You wanted to see me?"

Saltzman sighed and gave me a look before talking to Jer, "You know that your old teacher had a jackass file? No joke." He held up the file, "It's typed on a label. It has all the troublemakers in it. But really it's just an opus-- to you." I watched as Jeremy gave him an alarmed look, "Don't worry about it." He threw the file into the trash can, alongside the file on me, "I'm not him. Clean slate. Now...let's talk about grades."

I stood from my spot and told the two, "Well, that's my que to go, I'm gonna go eat lunch now." And then I skirted out of there before either of them had a chance to question me.


After school was finally over I was walking out to the parking lot, getting ready to go hang out with a bunch of children until 5. But luckily after that its girls night, and I know for a fact that Lena is going to try and get Caroline and Bonnie to forgive each other.

I glanced over by chance to see Damon following Bonnie out of the school. I stood by my door and watched as they walked over to her car, and opened the door for her. After she drove off he turned, and started making his way over to me, so I decided to get into my car and wait for him to get here.

He opened the door and settled into the passenger side, "What was that all about?" I asked with a accusing tone in my voice. I'm almost 85% sure that it was about that stupid necklace that she seems to be feuding with everyone about at the moment.

He gave me a sarcastic look, "The weather."

I rolled my eyes at him and decided not to get into it any farther. So I told him about the whole Tanner situation. And let me tell you, he was not a happy camper.

"I'm glad I killed the fucker when I did, at first it was to get a Stefan. If I hadn't done it then, I defiantly would now." Dramatic as usual.

I gave him a unimpressed look, "Have you been this homicidal when you where human, or did that come with the vampirism?"

My turn to earn the unimpressed look, "Don't you have somewhere to be."

"Actually I do drama queen, you gonna ride with me there or are you gonna do that weird vamp speed thing outta here..." I looked over and trialed off. The vamp speed thing it is then.


After leaving work with my beautiful daughter I met up with Jenna and Jeremy at the grill because I was the one picking up supper tonight for the girls and myself, because I was already in town.

Jenna was hogging Chloe while I was sipping on my Dr. Pepper waiting for a text from Elena that it was safe to come to the house without getting into the crossfire of Bon Bon and Care Bear's cat fight. Although I noticed that Jenna kept looking over at Mr. S who was sitting alone at a table looking through papers while eating. "I like a man who can dine alone. A quiet strength."

Jeremy and I shared a smile as he said, "I thought you were still in that whole Logan-depression thing."

Jenna smiled and handed Chloe over to me because she was reaching for me and told us, "I've sworn off men forever, but it doesn't mean I can't observe them from a safe distance."

I piped up, "Well, Jer Bear and I can introduce you if you'd like."

"I was meaning to ask, why did Mr. Saltzman need to talk to you earlier?" Jer asked with an inquisitive look upon his face.

I grabbed a fry from Jenna's plate as I said, "You know how Tanner had a jackass file on you?" He gave me a small nod, "Well Tanner built up a little shrine file over me, there were picture and everything."

Jenna looked shocked as Jer said, "Damn, I knew he was creepy, but I didn't think he was the pedophile type." I nodded in agreement before getting up and walking to the bar checking on the progress on my take out. When they told me 5 minutes I went back over to my lovely family.

When I got back I heard Jenna asking, " Have you picked a topic?"

"A topic for what lil b?" I asked the boy while fixing Chloe's dress that had ridden up.

"It's extra credit for Mr. Saltzman." He told me before answering Jen, "No, not yet. It's gotta be local and non-internet research, so..."

"That's easy! You've got all your dad's stuff." Jenna informed him.

"Oh, like the journals and stuff?" I asked.

She gave me a answering nod as the emo boy asked, "What stuff?"

"'How the Gilberts came over on the Mayflower' stuff, all that family lineage from way back. Your dad really loved all that family history stuff, I'm pretty sure that he's how Addison got into all of that stuff. It's all boxed up in the closet." After Jenna stopped our new teach approached our table.

"Mr. Saltzman." Jeremy and I greeted the man at the same time before giving each other a fist bump.

"Jeremy, Addison. What's up, guys?" His eyes went to Chloe, "Is that your baby?" He asked.

I answered, "Yeah, her names Chloe."

My phone buzzed as Jeremy told the man, "This is my aunt, Jenna." I got up and checked my phone.

Lannie-Girl: Its safe to come now, its all good here

I texted back a short answer before informing the small group, "Excuse me guys, I've got girls night to head to." And with that I went up to the bar to grab my bags and pay. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Damon sitting at the bar having a drink. I gave him a smile over my shoulder, to which I received his signature smirk in return. Then I turned and left.


I walked into the house holding the food and Chloe's car seat to hear Caroline calling out, "Elena, you can come in now. We're done." I entered the living room at the same time that she did, and Care gave us a smile, "There is just way too much drama in this room. So, what do you guys wanna do? I have an idea. Why don't we have a séance?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Took the words right out of my mouth Bon.

"Come on. Let's summon some spirits. This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do." I am not doing that.

The next thing I know we are all sitting in a circle in Lena's bedroom after I put Chloe in her crib seeing as how she feel asleep during the ride home. There were candles lit in the middle of our little circle. "What are we doing?" Bonnie asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine Cinnabon," I told the young witch.

Caroline sighed before telling us, "Be quiet and concentrate. Close your eyes. Now take a deep breath." We all breathed in sync, "Bonnie. Call to her."

And I'll have you know I learned something about Bonnie today, she sucks at talking to ghosts, "Emily, you there?"

I had to do my best to hold in my laughter as mine, Caroline, and Lena's eyes all opened at the same time. But I couldn't help but giggle a bit as Care said, "Really? "Emily, you there?" That's all you got? Come on."

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Fine, geez. Emily. I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen."

I jumped back as the flames on the candles grow, making us all jump. "Did that just..." Lena started, only to get cut off by Caroline.

"Yeah, it just happened."

"Well no shit it just happened," I told the two of them sarcastically.

Suddenly there was cold air wafting through the room, cause Caroline to shiver, "It's just the air conditioning." Bonnie was telling herself more than she was telling us.

But suddenly the candles flared again, this time staying that way causing Care to tell Bonnie, "Ask her to show you a sign. Ask her." But when Bon refused she took matters into her own hands, "Emily, if you're among us, show us another sign."

We all sat there in anticipation, yet nothing happened. So Bonnie said, "See? It's not working."

And directly after that the windows busted open, scaring all of us, and while Care, Lena, and I backed away, Bonnie shot up and yelled, "I can't, I'm done." She then proceeded to rip off the amulet and throws it down beside the candles. And in some weird domino effect, the candles blew out, making the room pitch black.

We were all freaking out, but it was Bonnie who yelled, "Get the light. Please, get the light!"

Elena shot up off the floor and said, "Hold on. I got it."

Care I and were holding onto each other for dear life and Lena was standing over by the light switch when Bonnie said, "You guys, the necklace. It's gone."

All of us were standing around trying to gather ourselves in the aftermath of whatever the hell just happened when Elena decided she was gonna place some blame, "Okay, fun's over, Caroline. You made a point, and I get it. Now give it back."

I cut in before Care could defend herself, "Whoa Lena, don't blame her, we were by each other the whole time, Care didn't take anything.

Care nodded in agreement with me, "I didn't take it."

Just then, Lena and I both noticed a dark figure walking by the door way making me yell, "Oh my god! Who the hell is that?"

Care jumped as Lena started to move towards the door, "What? What happened?"

I stayed where I was as my twin said, "I don't know. Nothing. Jeremy, are you home?"

Lena walked into the hall to see if the figure was in fact our dear baby brother when I noticed Bonnie move to the bathroom. I stayed where I was, but moved into action when Bonnie started to speak, "Guys..."

Yet she was immediately cut off by the door slamming shut, locking her in the bathroom. She stated yelling, "You guys open the door! Help me!"

Then we were all gathered around the bathroom door trying to get in and calling for Bonnie over her screams for help, this went on for several seconds before Elena said, "Try the other door. I'll check the hallway."

The lights started doing some crazy shit and the screams were still coming, but we weren't giving up. Finally the door swung open and we all went into the bathroom where Bonnie was standing with her head in her hands.

Elena kept questioning her if she was okay, and when she answered, she just did not seem like herself at all, "I'm fine."

Care didn't see it the same way I did though and yelled, "Unbelievable. You were totally faking it." Elena tried t calm her, but she just yelled, "No! You scared the hell out of me."

"Bon Bon?" I question when Caroline left the bathroom.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine." That is just way too monotone for my Cinnamon Bon. Maybe she's possessed or something?

After maybe Bonnie exited the bathroom, I did a quick check into my room only to find that Chloe had somehow slept through all of the screaming and banging that just went on two doors down. After closing the door I met back up with the little group hearing Care say, "I can't believe I fell for it."

Elena ignored her though and asked Non Bon, "Are you okay?"

"I must go." She informed, and honestly, if she's possessed, maybe its by Emily?

"She's leaving. I'm leaving." Caroline piped up.

"You guys can't leave." Lena told Non Bon and Care Bear.

Caroline just shot Lena a glare saying, "I can. I've had enough freaky fake witch stuff for one night."

I was keeping quiet and tying to stay close to the teen witch and she said, "Thank you for having me. I'll take it from here."

"Take what from here?" I asked while Lena asked, "Where are you going?"

"Back to where it all began." Ya know, sometimes I question how I got here, and I always come up blank.

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" Lena yelled desperately trying to get her attention.

But I decided to take matters into my own hands, "Emily!"

Her head flipped around to see me, "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed."

I was right behind her when she opened the door, but somehow I couldn't get out behind her, I heard Caroline ask, "What's happening?"

I spoke up before the twin could though, "Its not opening. Damnit!" I yelled smacking my hand onto the door.

Then the door opened, causing the two behind me to scream, causing the person behind the door, who just happened to be Jeremy, yell, "What the hell?"

I didn't pause to wait or anything before shooting out the door to follow Bonnie into the woods.


I chased Non Bon all of the way out to the old Fell Church ruins, and watched as she set up some spell. It was silent before she looked up at me and said, "She is his."

"What?" I asked, hoping she would maybe shed a little more light onto what exactly she was saying.

But before she could, I heard familiar voice speak behind me, "Hello Emily. You look different."

I stood there in shock as she said, "I won't let you do it."

"We had a deal." He ground out.

"Things are different now. I need to protect my family." She told him calmly.

Damon basically growled, "I protected your family. You owe me."

The prehistoric witch possessing one of my best friends said, "I know. I'm sorry."

"You're about to be a lot more than that." I screamed as Damon moved to attack her only to be thrown against a tree, and getting impaled on a branch through his stomach. I ran to him as he was writhing in pain.

"Damon! Oh my God!" I yelled after I got there. The most I could do to help him was grab his hand. I mean come on, its not like little old me could pull him off of a tree branch. "Hey, look at me. I'm pretty sure Stefan will be here soon, he can probably get you down."

I spent however long trying to comfort him until Stefan finally go here ands pulled him off of the branch. I let out a wheezy laugh when he told his brother, "It hurts. This is why I feed on people."

I grabbed his arm and tried to help keep him up as Non Bon greeted Steffie, "Stefan."

Stefan looked over at her, and returned the greeting, "Hello, Emily."

Non Bon spoke again, "These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil."

I gave her a look of confusion as Stefan asked, "What do you mean evil?"

Damon shoved off of me and yelled, "Emily. I swear to God, I'll make you regret this."

"I won't let you unleash them into this world." What the hell?

I finally had enough of the confusion, "Unleash what?"

But I was ignored by both brothers as Stefan question Damon, "Them? What part of the story did you leave out, Damon?"

"What does it matter?"

Stef turned his attention back onto the witch, "Emily, tell me what you did."

"To save her, I had to save them." Her?

"You saved everyone in the church?" The church?

"With one, comes all."

I ran my hands through my hair, which is something that I always do when I get stressed and my breathing started to get all wonky. And it all got worse when Damon said, "I don't care about them. I just want Katherine."

"Kathrine?" I whispered to myself.

Stefan then seemed to come to a realization, "I knew I shouldn't have believed a single word that comes out of your mouth. This isn't about love, is it? This is about revenge."

I felt a single tear run down my cheek as Damon sarcastically said, "The two aren't mutually exclusive."

"Damon, you can't do this." Stefan told him.

"Why not? They killed 27 people, and they called it a war battle. They deserve whatever they get." Damon told him.

"27 vampires, Damon. They were vampires. You can't just bring them back." The innocents in the church were vampires?

"This town deserves this." As the conversation went on, I found myself moving more towards Emily/Bonnie and I eventually ended up on the other side of her little pentagram thing.

"You're blaming innocent people for something that happened 145 years ago." I am such a fool.

"There is nothing innocent about these people, and don't think for a second it won't happen again. They already know too much, and they'll burn your little grandwitch right next to us when they find out. Trust me."

"What about Chloe?"

"What about her!" He yelled at me, making me jump back and cry harder.

"Things are different now." The witch informed him.

"Don't do this." he pleaded.

The witch yelled, "I can't free them. I won't." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her, and then chanted, "Incendia!" I screamed as the pentagram set ablaze and they rose forming a wall between us and the other three.

I heard Damon yell, "No! No please."

I saw Elena run into the little clearing where Stefan and Damon were, "Bonnie! Addison!"

Damon yelled, "No!" As Emily threw the necklace in the air. I screamed and almost fell over if it wasn't for the witch grabbing my arm and keeping me up. Right after though her body language changed, and I'm almost for sure that she isn't Emily anymore.

Everyone was watching Bonnie in shock, but I noticed that Damon looked like he was about to attack something. And then I realized, he was going to attack Bonnie I jumped and pushed her out of the way, and then there was a sharp pain flaring up on my neck. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. After a minute, maybe less I started to feel weak and then suddenly he was yanked away.

I felt myself falling, and I don't really remember much after, but when I woke up there was an arm pressed against my face and a strange tasting liquid going down my throat. I jumped forward, but the arm kept me from getting up. My eyes flittered around, trying to see something, and I was confused at who I saw. Because the last thing I remember him doing was attacking me.

"Damon?" I asked confused.

He gathered me into his arms and started whispering to me, "Shh baby." And from where we were sat on a log, I could see Elena and Stefan talking. After Stefan left though, Lena came over and helped me to the car. And then we were heading home.


I barely remember the ride home. I do however remember taking a shower to wash away the blood, and then changing my clothes before getting into bed.

A short while later though I woke up to the sound of Chloe crying, so I got up and picked her up, trying to soothe her, and figured that a bottle would probably do the trick. So I took the fussy baby with me downstairs only to find Jenna chilling in the living room watching a soap opera.

We shared tired smiles as I went into the kitchen and started to make a bottle and was super surprised when the doorbell rang because it is super late.

I left the kitchen with the finished bottle in my hand and Chloe on my hip, only to let the bottle slip from my hand in surprise at who was at the door. "Hello, Jenna."

No, there is no way, Damon said he's dead, that he killed him. "Logan!" Jenna exclaimed shocked.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?"

You have got to be kidding me right now.

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