Love to Last A Lifetime| Damo...

By briannat23

173K 4.1K 930

Addison Gilbert is the younger twin sister of the famous Elena Gilbert, and considered by everyone in Mystic... More

Chapter One: Pilot
Chapter Two: The Night of the Comet
Chapter Three: Friday Night Bites
Chapter Five: You're Undead to Me
Chapter Six: Lost Girls
Chapter Seven: Haunted
Chapter Eight: 162 Candles
Chapter Nine: History Repeating
Chapter Ten: The Turning Point
Chapter Eleven: Bloodlines
Chapter Twelve: Unpleasantville
Chapter Thirteen: Children of the Damned
Chapter Fourteen: Fool Me Once
Chapter Fifteen: A Few Good Men
Chapter Sixteen: There Goes the Neighborhood
Chapter Seventeen: Let the Right One In
Chapter Eighteen: Under Control
Chapter Nineteen: Miss Mystic Falls

Chapter Four: Family Ties

10.7K 225 29
By briannat23

Addison Gilbert POV*

Waking up this morning was a bit of a chore seeing as my almost five month old baby just wouldn't stop being fussy and would not fall asleep last night.

After I pulled myself out of bed, I looked to see Chloe not in her crib. I'm assuming Jenna took her for me this morning seeing that she is literally a god send. The best aunt of the year award goes to... wait for it... Jenna Sommers!

I then made my way down the stairs, seeing Jenna standing in front of the TV and the high chair positioned beside her. I made a bowl of Frosted Flakes and plopped down in the chair next to her and turned my attention to the news.

"To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught." Asshole Logan was telling the residents of Mystic Falls over the stare box.

"Scum ball. Scum bucket." Jenna said in her baby voice while hading Chloe the toy she just threw on the floor. I was laughing at her as Chloe gave her a grin, and that is how Elena found us.

"Who are you talking to?"

Jenna pointed at the TV, "Him."

Lena gave us both a weird look as I was still laughing beside Jen in the chair, "The news guy?"

I finally calmed myself down and told her, "Also know as Logan "Scum" Fell, or my personal favorite..." Jenna cut me off putting her hand over my mouth.

"Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" She told Lena after giving me a grossed out look because I licked her hand.

"Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute." I gaped at my older twin and jokingly moved to cover Chloe's ears.

"You don't speak the devil words in front my baby brown eyes," I told her, trying to hold back my laughter so I wouldn't sound stupid. That would just be embarrassing..

"He is not cute. There's nothing cute about him." Jenna shook her head and we both noticed a safety deposit box in Lena's hands. "What are you doing with that?"

I playfully smacked Jenna, "I was just about to say that Jen, not fair!" I fake pouted and crossed my arms.

Before Jenna could say anything back, Lena cut her off, "I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display."

I picked Chloe up as we went through the stuff. Jen picked up a ring and asked, "Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?"

"Actually it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring first." I answered her before Lena could. Ha, beat that Lannie-poo.

Jer, who had just recently joined us picked somthing up and asked, "How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?"

Lena glared at him gritting out, "You're not gonna find out."

"Lena its just a joke," I told her as I grabbed her shoulder to get her from berating our poor baby brother.

He watched her put the stuff in a box and angrily stated, "That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away."

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Lena 'calmly' told him.

Before anymore arguments could be made the doorbell rang. I didn't bother to get up and answer it, but I heard someone sounding similar to hot back greeting my sister at the door.

I caught a glimpse at her dragging him up the stairs and rolled my eyes. I tickled Chloe's stomach and muttered, "Kids," under my breath, grinning as she let out a super cute squeal.


Later, after I had showered and dressed the doorbell started ringing again as Jer and I were watching Criminal Minds. I got up and walked to the door, leaving Chloe in the jumparoo I had put her in, Jer hot on my trail.

I opened the door, coming face to face with Tyler and gave him a small smile before suddenly the door was closing again. And you can imagine how much more confused I was when the door stopped moving all together.

I noticed that Tyler's hand had kept the door from shutting and looked behind me seeing Jeremy had tried to shut the door, now that makes sense.

I could feel the glare that Jer was giving Ty, which I would assume is what made Tyler let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "I'm here for my mom. I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff."

I was then shoved a bit from the door and turned to glare at the asshole who pushed me thinking that it was my crackhead little brother, only to notice that it was indeed my doe eyed twin. "Right here. Please be careful."

"Yeah, be careful with it, dick." Jer butt in repeating what Lena had said.

I got between the two, "Let's keep it clean here ladies, your both pretty, no one needs an eye clawed out."

Tyler glared at Jer, "I'm fine. He's just being a punk."

"I got your punk." What a strange snap back choice there Jer. Oh, haha, that rhymed.

"Look, Tyler, maybe you should go. Tell your mom that I'll see her tonight." Lena stated, trying to be the voice of reason I would assume, but then she left so I don't know what she was trying to do there.

"Hey. Would it make a difference if I told you I actually like Vicki?" Ty asked my baby bro at the last second.

Jer shook his head, "Not even if you meant it." Then he left me with Tyler.

We stood there for a few seconds before I looked at the sky, "What nice weather were having today huh?"

All I got in response was a laugh as he turned to leave, "Bye, love you too!" I yelled after him and he turned flipping me off before getting in his car to leave.


The next day I was getting myself ready for the founders party when I heard a commotion going on in Jeremy's room, but I decided to ignore it and finish getting ready, mostly because I had yet to get Chloe dressed. As I had finally found the perfect dress, Bonnie knocked on my door.

"You ready Ads?" She asked, making her way into my room

I nodded a bit at her, "Yeah, just lemme get Chloe changed, and we'll be good."


I'm ready for a horrible night of many glares from the parents and teens of Mystic Falls.


Walking up to the house, Bonnie and I greeted Carol and Richard Lockwood. Mrs. Lockbitch was the first to talk while Mr. Lockdick gave me a glare, "Bonnie, you look amazing!"

Bonnie smiled, "Thank you."

Then Carols eyes flipped to me, "Addison, you look well."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her pettiness, "You look quite well too Mrs. Lockwood." Then Bonnie pulled me towards the snack table and left me there.

I feel like Carol and Richard hate me 10 times more then they actually would when I had become a pregnant teen if it weren't for the fact that they thought they could force Tyler and I together. It never would have worked to be honest, Ty and I are both too stubborn to give in, well that and the fact that we have literally only ever seen each other as best friends.

After a whole 5 minutes after we got there I was bouncing a fussy Chloe on my hip, and trying to pick up the only toy I brought to keep her occupied for the night. Suddenly there was a hand in front of my face snatching the toy off the ground. And when I looked up to see who it was, I rolled my eyes at the sight of the raven haired blue eyed asshole that was standing in front of me.

"Hello Addison, you look... dashing." Wow.

I rolled my eyes again, I really need to stop doing that, they'll get stuck there. "Damon, hello."

He gave me his signature smirk before turning his attention onto Chloe, "Oh and don't you just look so beautiful miss Chloe." He paused his eyes flickering up to mine before looking back at her and holding out her toy, "I believe you dropped this."

I watched as her face lit up and she started to reach for Damon. And if I hadn't decided that I don't like him, it probably would have made my heart melt. Awe who am I kidding, my heart is in a puddle on the ground right now.

"So, did you want something, or are you just here to bother me," I asked, grabbing the toy from him to make it seem like I wasn't just inwardly drooling over this man playing with my daughter.

He smirked, of course he smirked, because when doesn't he ya know, "I just came to say hi. Plus I saw a damsel in distress and had to act."

Before I could say anything else Caroline was beside us, "Hey I've been looking for you." Then she saw me, "Oh hey Adds, you look good. Oh and is that little Chloe, oh aren't you just a beautiful girl. Oh yes you are."

I tried really hard to hide my eye roll as she made a fool of herself talking to my baby, but I think Damon saw it because I heard him chuckle behind her. And I was thanking the lord above when he told her, "Come on Caroline, we have things to do and people to see." He grabbed her hand but as they were about to step away he spoke, looking over his shoulder at me, "It was fantastic seeing you and Chloe again Addison."

I looked at him shocked before saying, "Yeah. you too." And watched them walk away.

I bounced Chloe slightly as they walked away, looking around to see if I could spot Elena or Jenna anywhere around here.


I honestly have no idea how I've lasted so long at this stupid party with a fussy baby. I talked to Jenna for a little while, then I found Matt, and we also talked for a solid 5 minutes. But I still have no idea where my sister is, nor do I have any idea where Bonnie, my supposed date is.

But finally, it seems, my luck is turning, because when I walked into the heirloom room, haha, that rhymes, I found Lena staring at something. And as I made my way closer I realized what she was looking at, those are our parents wedding rings.

We just stood there for a few minutes, both of us not saying anything, taking comfort in each others presences. That all ended when Stefan came up behind us and scared the crap out of me.

"Your parents?" He asked as I was trying to clam my heart rate, and also switching arms because this whole, 'carry the baby around' thing really sucks. Especially because the little bundle is lulling to sleep despite the noise and my arms are honestly probably the weakest thing on my body.

And while all of this was going on in my head, it seemed Stefan hadn't scared Lena at all when he made himself known, "There's a lot of history here." I'm sorry, did I miss something, because what she just said isn't making much sense to me.

And after all of this Elena started walking away, grabbing Stefan's hand pulling him away with her. Yeah, lets just pretend that I'm not standing right here, that makes my self esteem just soar.

Anyways, I really don't want to be left by myself so I follow after the happy couple even though they make me wanna claw my eyes out, but its fine.

Then Elena stopped by the registry from the first stupid little party this town had to celebrate the whole Mystic Falls founding and all that jazz. She got pretty excited by it while she was reading it, but I didn't miss the worried look that came across hot backs face while she was reading off the names.

"Look at all these familiar names—Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?" Hold up stop the music, what did she just say?

I was rudely yanked away from my thoughts when there was a familiar (sexy) voice behind me. "The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually."

Hmm, my interest is peaked, but before I could ask him to explain Stefmister spoke up, "We don't need to bore them with stories of the past."

"I want to hear about it, sounds pretty interesting honestly," I spoke, letting the raven haired man what I wanted him to do.

Elena spoke up as well, "It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family."

Caroline, however, didn't feel the same as us Gilbert girls, "Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me."

"Mm-hmm." Was all Damon said, making me glare at him. Dick much.

"Could I just borrow your date?" My blonde best friend asked my sister as if it something completely normal. Its not, just so ya know. Lena can be very, very territorial if she really wants to be.

I raised my eyebrows at the pretty blonde as Lena said, "Oh, uh..."

"I don't really dance." Boom, Stefan to the rescue.

"Oh, sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all." And boom, Damon, with the big fuck off, giving his brother a victorious look that screamed, haha look at me, I win!

"You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?" Care asked again, giving the big sis a pleading look.

Elena did her best to hide that it was in fact, not okay for her, "It's up to Stefan."

Care reached out and grabbed the poor Stefman's arm, "Well sorry, but I'm not going to take no for an answer." And then she dragged him out of the room to go dance, leaving Elena, Damon, and I alone, and also a passed out Chloe.

Damon turned to us, mostly me and said, "I want to apologize to you for being such a world-class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you Addison. There's no excuse. My therapist says I'm...Acting out, trying to punish Stefan."

I gave him a weird look as I shifted Chloe in my hold, "How would kissing me punish Stefan?"

He didn't say anything, just kept looking at me before he said, "Here, I'll take her, you look like your arms are about to fall off." And the offer was just so tempting, that I handed Chloe over with no objections.

I gave him a grateful look, "Thank you."

Before he could say anything Elena butted into the conversation, "Why would you punish Stefan?"

Damon sighed, "It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry. And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers." Damon paused, looking over at the both of us as he bounced my baby ever so slightly.

"The Salvatore name was practically royalty in this town. Until the war. There was a battle here—"

"The Battle of Willow Creek." Elena interjected, causing me to glare at her for interrupting the story.


Elena continued on about what she only knew because Stefan said it in class that one time, "I know, we talked about it in class. Confederate soldiers fired on a church with civilians inside." I just realized, she really isn't good at telling story's, its a shame, I'm a great story teller. I know because Chloe loves it when I read to her.

"What the history books left out was the people that were killed. They weren't there by accident. They were believed to be union sympathizers. So some of the founders on the confederacy side back then wanted them rounded up and burned alive. Stefan and Damon had someone they loved very much in that church. And when they went to rescue them, they were shot. Murdered in cold blood." Damon told this to us with passion, almost as if he was actually there.

"Who was in the church that they wanted to save?" The sis asked as I stared at the man holding my child with a look of awe on my face.

Damon shrugged as best he could with a sleeping 5 month old baby, as he answered her question, "A woman, I guess. Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman?"

I gaped at him as he made direct eye contact with me towards the end of his sentence, but didn't have the chance to say anything to him when suddenly a head full of straight brunette hair took up my whole field of view.

"Look, I'm sorry that you and Stefan have this thing between you, but I can't get in the middle of it, Damon." She paused looking back at me making me raise my eyebrows at her, making her turn back to the man, "I just...I hope you two can work it out."

"I hope so, too." He said as she turned and walked away, leaving the two of us by ourselves.

I watched her walk away before I turned and looked at the incredibly hot man, "Well, I don't know what that was about, and I'm also not sure if I want to know what it was about anyways." I looked over at him with a questioning look. All I got in return was a shrug as he turned to leave, motioning me to following him with a head nod as he did.

On the way to find the others I spotted Bonnie sitting at a table, so I gathered Chloe back from Damon before I made my way towards her. "Hello Cinnamon Bon."

She smiled at me as she sat down and then her attention turned to the candle that got blown out by me as I walked by it. I watched as she transfixed her gaze on it, and then suddenly it was lit again.

I looked at her surprised, "Uh, Bon, you saw that too right?" I asked looking up at her.

She looks just as shocked as I feel right now, rightly so, that is some crazy shit that has transpired here today. She looked back at me, "I have no idea what's happening."

She looked so freaked out that I decided I needed to be a little bit of a comic relief, "Yeah, well now you know how I feel like 50, no wait, more like 75 percent of the time."

She gave me a small smile in thanks, and afterword's we fell into an easy conversation, talking away the time.


A little bit later Bonnie, Elena, and I were all eating ice cream together while Bon Bon and I listened to Lena complain about her relationship. This, in turn made Bonnie feel bad because I guess she told Lena some gossip she herd from Care, "This is my fault. I planted doubt. I'm a doubt planter."

Lena, of course, was trying to convince her it wasn't because of her, "It's not your fault. I just—I feel terrible because I said that I wouldn't get in the middle of it, and then that's exactly what I did. I got all snotty."

Before I could comfort the 2 of them Carol Lockbitch came over to us, glaring at Chloe, who had recently woke up and was alert. "Elena, honey, there you are. I notice the watch still isn't in the collection."

I rolled my eyes at the woman while my taller twin told her, "Oh, um, I'm sorry, Mrs. Lockwood. I, um, I couldn't find it. I guess it's still packed up in my parents' stuff somewhere."

I could see Carols eye basically twitching in agitation as she tried to sweetly tell my sister, "I see. Well, please let me know if you do find it."

"Okay," Lena said as she walked away.

When she was just out of sight I looked over at my 2 companions, "Oh my God, what a bitch."


Right as I was getting ready to leave, Chloe decided, 'hey, since mom just packed my whole diaper bag up, let's blow up the diaper she changed me into 5 minutes ago.' If that doesn't explain what happened you might need some help.

But as I walked into the bathroom I heard some that sounded distinctly like my best friend say, "Don't!"

So I shoved myself the rest of the way into the room only to see my twin lifting up Care-bears scarf and looking at her neck which had a pretty disgusting bite mark on it.

"What the hell is that," someone asked, wait, no. I'm pretty sure I asked that.

Elena also seemed to find the sight disturbing, "Oh god, Caroline, what happened?"

But all seemed fine and dandy in Care's eyes, "Nothing, okay?!"

I blanched at her as Lena spoke what was on my mind, "That is not nothing! Did somebody hurt you?"

I bounced Chloe who was about to start crying as I told Caroline, "Care, you can tell us, we can help."

"No, okay, nothing. It just...My mom would kill me." That's reason enough to tell someone what going on.

I was shocked when Lena has the audacity to yank on Cares shawl revealing another bite mark on her back. Lenas on some stupid shit, you can't just yank on peoples clothes, that's a good way to get a lawsuit.

"Did Damon hurt you?" Elena asked her, and it honestly got me thinking. Is Damon into the kinky shit. Biting and all that? Honestly though... I'm really not surprised at this for some reason. He really seems like the type ya know?

I was startled by my thoughts when Care-Bear basically yelled at my twin, "No! Of course not! Just leave me alone. Okay, Elena?!" Then she slammed into my shoulder that luckily wasn't holding my child on her way out of the bathroom.

I can't seem to catch a break though because not 5 seconds later my bitch of a twin (sometimes) did the same thing that care did.

Which left me in the bathroom asking myself the important questions, is it like, hurt Addison day? Did some put a, 'Kick me sign on my back? Is there still ice cream and brownies at home or did Jer eat them all when he had the munchies last night? Like I said, the important questions.

Once I finally had Chloes diaper changed I walked outside, heading to my car when I spotted Caroline yelling at Elena on the lawn, so I started heading towards them to help defuse the tension between the two.

The second I got there though I noticed Care was about to burst into tears. "Care? Come here," I told her opening my arms after placing Chloes car seat on the ground.

Caroline launched herself into my arms, basically engulfing me because she's super tall compared to me. I rubbed her back as I tried to keep her nice and calm. My whole life at this point is just a bunch of consecutive question marks in a row.

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