He's Not You

Par AprilRosee95

1.4K 23 0


What's Next?
Deja Vu
I Waited

The Past

280 5 0
Par AprilRosee95

Four years ago

"Amelia, do you mind coming over to watch the house while we are away?" Melissa asked through the phone. "Isnt Chase there?" I replied. "Yes and Adam, I just don't trust them at the moment. I need someone I can trust." She sighed. "How long are you going away for?" I queried. "Two weeks."

I thought about it for a moment. Watching over the house for Melissa, it could be okay, except for Chase being there. You see Chase and I were really good friends. I even introduced him to Declan, my partner well as partner now. They became even better friends which was fine with me, until Declan and I broke up and Chase just stopped talking to me. It was like I dropped off the face of the earth.

"Sure, yeah okay. I'll come over and watch the house for you." I told her. "Oh thank you so much Amelia. I don't know what I would do without you. Can you come over tomorrow morning? We are leaving early hours tomorrow." Melissa asked. "Yeah of course." I smiled.

All that night all I could think about was seeing Chase again. Would he be an asshole to me for the next two weeks? I really hope not. I really just want my friend back. I miss how we could be ourselves around eachother. I don't have many people I can be one hundred percent myself. Chase knows everything about me, from my darkest secrets to my biggest fears in life.

The next morning, I start packing my clothes for the next two week. My phone starts to vibrate. 'Chase' pops up on the screen. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, uhm. I'm going to come out and pick you up. Is that cool?" He asked. "Yeah, that's all good. When did you want to come out?" I asked. "I can be out there in twenty minutes." He replied. "Sweet, I'll see you soon then?" I asked, even though I didn't really mean it as a question.

After we hung up, I started to get a little nervous. Why does he want to pick me up? We haven't spoken in like 2 months. He's plainly ignored all my efforts of contact. Maybe hes had a change of heart? Does he want to be my friend again?

After almost ten minutes of contemplating why Chase wanted to pick me up, I brought myself out of my thoughts to finish getting my stuff ready. Checking everything as I go to make sure I have got everything I needed. Clothes? Check. Toothbrush and paste? Check. Wallet? Check. I think I'm good now. Just in time as Chase pulled into the driveway.

I grab my things and head outside to put them in the car. "Hey." He said and nods his head. "Hey." I smile smally. Chase pulls out of the drive way and drives in silence. Even driving in silence it felt nice to just hang out with him. "So, since Mother is away, I just wanted to see what you thought about Anna coming over. I just don't want Mother to find out though." He explained. Anna is the girl Chase has been in love with for years. They are 'special' friends if you know what I mean. Melissa doesnt like Anna because there has been some much wrong doing on her behalf. For example, Anna has a boyfriend yet she insists on toying with Chase and playing on the love he has for her. He thinks she is going to leave her boyfriend for him. I have my own opinion on her, yet i was always pulling for them for Chases sake.

"Yeah, that's cool. I won't tell your mother." I sighed knowing hes getting in deep with her again. I wanted to say something, I just don't want to push him away. I guess that's why I've always pulled for them.

The rest of the drive was pretty normal, it felt like we were starting to get our friendship back to what it was. I know he was probably just trying to be nice though.


Later that evening Chase, Adam and I were watching some crap on tv. I honestly felt like I was losing braincells. I'm guessing Chase did as well. "I'm going to watch a movie in bed." He said as he got up and walked away, leaving Adam and I. I don't know what it is but Adam has always given me the creeps. He makes me feel so uncomfortable so you could say it was a relief when I got a text 'You want to come watch deadpool?'

I walked into chases bedroom, he scooted over so I could lay down next to him. Even though it was a queen sized bed I stuck to the edge of the bed. Towards the end of the movie I looked over at Chase who was lightly snoring. I smiled, he looked so cute and peaceful.

Deadpool had finished and I turned off the tv and scooted out of the bed making sure to leave some blanket on Chase. Walking through the house I turned the lights off and made my way to Melissa's bedroom where I was sleeping for the next two weeks.

It was the beginning of winter so I quickly changed into my pajamas before I started to freeze. Laying in bed I tossed and turned. I just couldn't sleep. BING my phone sounded. I looked over to see who was messaging me at 2am.

'Sorry about tonight, I had to try and make myself sleep. I was thinking of things I shouldnt have been thinking about.' Chase messaged. 'It's all good, so what things shouldn't you have been thinking about?' I asked smiling to myself.

'I can't tell you. You'll get all awkward. You're always awkward around me.' He messaged back. 'I am not! Just tell me, please? I won't get awkward, I never get awkward.' I defended. 'So your saying if i come into the room with just my underwear on, you wouldn't get awkward?' He replied. Well that went from zero to one hundred pretty quick.

'Thats exactly what I'm saying, come in and I'll prove it. ;)' I bit my lip trying to decide if i should send the message. "Fuck it." I said to myself, you can only live once. I waited a moment for a reply, but nothing. Maybe he doesn't want to come in here. Did I press it to far?

At that moment the bedroom door opened. Chase walked in and closed the door behind him. He looks at me and smiles. I looked him up and down shaking my head. I really didn't think he would walk in here in only his underwear. He walked around the bed and climbed in.

Holy fuck. Chase is actually in bed with only his underwear on. A few minutes went by in silence. He looks at me with the biggest sheepish smile. God damn it. "So am i making you awkward yet?" He asked, I wanted to say yes and that he won because in this moment I was a little awkward. However what came out of my mouth was a little different. "Nope." I replied with a teasing smile.

"Give me your hand." He demanded. "Why?" I laughed. "Amelia, just give me your hand." He rolled his eyes. I held my hand out, slowly he took it. Pulling it to him and placing it on his semi-hard cock. I gripped him and started to move my hand up and down at a slow and steady pace. A moan slipped through Chases lips.

In that moment I realised something. I quickly pulled my hand away and laid it beside me. Frozen I couldn't look anywhere but up. "Feeling awkward now?" He giggled. "Oh shut up." I looked at him and laughed. "Why did you stop?" He asked. Why did I stop? I thought to myself. "I stopped because its you, Chase. We always told everyone that nothing has or would ever happen between us, we were just friends."

Moving closer to me Chase looked at me. "I just want to forfill your fantasy." He bit his lip. "My fantasy?" My breath hitches as he closes in. I cant help it anymore, I give in. His lips move closer to mine, each of us leaning in until we touch.

Our lips finally met in a sweet embrace. Often you'll hear stories of how when someone kisses another person they felt as if fireworks were going off. Yet, for me? There were no fireworks, there was no magicial zap of electricity sparked from our desires. No, not at all. For me, it felt like the world had stopped for just one fleeting moment.

Our kiss deepened, Chase's hands traced up and down the side of my body. My hands, tangled within his short hair. Our tongues collide in a battle meant for us. I pull away breathless, yet never wanting to stop. "W-whats wrong?" Chase asked while trying to catch the breath that escaped him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, I know its wrong, yet it just feels so right. "Amelia, if I didnt want to do this I wouldnt be here with you. I wouldnt be gripping your pants ready to rip them off you. I want you, I want to forfill your fantasies about me, I want you to feel me inside you."

The thought of having him inside me and wanting to forfill the fantasies I have of him just made all sense fly out the window. I pull him into me, our lips collide once more, this time with more fire, passion and desire for one another.

His hands slide my pants down until they are down enough for me to kick them off. Sliding his hands up the inside of my thigh, reaching the top he slowly slides two fingers inside me. Playing with me, teasing me, having my body beg for more. I moan as his fingers glide over that very sweet spot every female has. He smiles into my lips knowing exactly what he is doing.

"I want you inside me." I whispered onto his lips mid-kiss. In that moment Chase answered my bodies plead. He lowers his pants and hovers above me. Kissing me once more as he slowly enters.

I wince in pain. "Are you okay?" He asked, pausing for a moment for me to answer. "Yeah, I've never had anyone as big as you." I smiled. "I'll go slow for a bit until you get used to me."

Chase started to move inside and out, the pain subsided as pleasure took over. "Fuck, you're so tight." He breathed out as I bit his neck. He began to fasten his pace. My legs wrapped around his body, pulling him closer. I could feel all sorts of emotions and pleasure rise up, my nails stretching his back. "Oh Chase." I moan, the pressure of having him inside me is building up, I don't know how long I can hold on. I moan again even louder as the pleasure is getting unbareable. "Fuck." Chase breathed as pleasure courses through his body.

My body tenses ready for a release. "Oh fuck." I let out a scream. Chases hand covers my mouth so I don't wake Adam. Chase slides his free arm under my neck to pull me closer to him as he nears his end. I moan through Chases hand as he fucks me harder and faster than before. His cock sliding deeper and deeper inside with every thrust. My body collapses beneath him as waves of intense pleasure washes over me.

Chase thrusts his cock inside me, "Oh fuck yes." He moaned, pulling my hair to the side to make my neck visible. He bites down hard as he fucks me. I can sense he is close, my hips thrust up to match his rythem.

He let out a loud moan, thrusting once more before slowly coming to a complete stop above me. Our bodies collapse into one another, holding each other as we try to catch our breath.

We lay like this for what seemed like forever before he moved. "Well that just happened." I laughed. "Yeah, it did." He smiled. "That was great though." He continued.

"It definietly was." I smiled.


Well it's been a while since I posted on wattpad, a few years to be exact.

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Hes Not You.

Save this to your library for more chapters of Amelia & Chase! There is plenty more to come!

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