Reverse Falls become Gravity...

By HufflepufThunderbird

4.2K 144 47

Dipper is dead. Will is dead. Mabel is broken. Bill is lost. Pacifica is lonely. Billina is sick. Willa mana... More

A/N (please read)
Being 17 sucks


156 4 4
By HufflepufThunderbird


We sat around the table in the front yard of the cabin.

The inside of the cabin wasn't large enough to hold the table plus all of us, so Willa had decided to Summon it just a few feet away from the front door.

Bill sat next to me, looking much better, as the poison had finally made its way completely out of his system. Next to him, Billina sat, what color she'd had before almost firing had returned, however she still found it hard to be awake for more than a few hours.

It was slow progress, however, in the three days we'd been at the cabin, she's gotten significantly better.

Dipper sat on my other side, glaring at evil Dipper, who sat on the other side of the table. That was how it normally went with those two.

Mira and Proditione sat next to Dipper. In the three days we'd been at the cabin, Mira never once spoke, and Proditione never shut up.

I had asked Willa why we let him stay not long after we healed Billina, to which she pointed out that he had let us go. For what ever selfish reason we all knew he had, he'd let us go.

Willa sat next to evil Dipper and Proditione, looking rather upset with the seating arrangement, as she put food in her plate.

As it turned out, Willa wasn't a bad cook, and had been cooking for us the past three days.

Looking away from his evil counter part, Dipper asked the same question he'd asked every day at dinner for the past few days, "So, how much longer till we can go home?"

Willa glanced at Billina, and sighed, "I've told you Dipper, I'm not sure, I'm having a hard time recovering enough energy to transport us there." She explained, for the forth time.

"I don't understand!" He complained, "I remember you saying it only took a few hours to recover!"

"Actually I said that!" Billina interjected, before shoveling more food in her mouth.

Willa once again sighed and sounding slightly agitated she continued, "Normally, yes, but being held captive like that for so long weakened my powers." She explained, "I'm honestly surprised that I got all of us here."

Dipper didn't say anything, instead looked down at his food, his long hair covering his face.

I could understand why he was mad, he'd been away for four years, however, I was sure he could wait a few more days if it meant we got home safely.

There was a question I wanted to ask, one I'd been holding off, partially out of fear for the answer.

"How long were we held captive any way?" I asked

Willa looked solemnly at me, "Six months."

"Six months?!" I gasped, I'd figured three months at the most, not half a year.

Willa only nodded, taking a bite of food, probably hoping it would get her out of answering anymore questions.

"How is it even possible for us to have been gone that long?" I asked.

"Time travels weird there." Proditione said off handedly, inspecting a piece of cornbread, "It may have felt like your were there for two, three months, when in reality you missed half a year of your life!" He continued.

"You don't seem to care very much about that." I said accusingly.

"Because I don't!" He replied cheerily. Next to me Bill scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Of course you don't care." He muttered. 

"I know what your really mad about." The red head said looking up, "So why don't you just yell and get it over with?"

"You don't even care do you?" Bill growled. Dipper looked at me in confusion, but I had no answer for him, I wasn't sure what was going on, all I knew was that Bill was mad.

"Why should I?" Proditione asked? "It was years ago-"

"HE WAS OUR BROTHER!" Bill roared, standing up suddenly, shifting the table slightly.

That was when it clicked what was going on, they were talking about Will.

"Your point?" Proditione asked raising an eyebrow.

"You don't even care that he's dead!" Billina spat

"Or that his death is partially your fault!" Willa pointed out, crossing her arms.

"It was still his choice." Proditione shrugged.

Bills eye flowed bright blue, he looked ready to tackle his younger brother.

Mira, who, as usual, had been quiet during this whole ordeal, stood up and unsheathed her sword. She held it threateningly in front of Bill.

"Bill." I said quietly, "I think you need to back down, now!"

Bill said nothing, instead he only glared at Proditione. A ball of blue flames appeared around his fists.

Mira held her sword up, ready to strike him when Proditione said, "No no, if it's a fight he wants," His eyes glowed purple as purple flames appeared at his hands, "than it's a fight he'll get."

Bill lunged at him, letting out an unearthly cry.

Willa quickly made the table disappear, and ushered us all inside. She helped Billina to the chair, sitting next to the window looking out into the fight.

The anger I felt from Bill was unlike anything I'd felt before.

It wasn't a natural anger, it was almost scary. I could feel it effecting me as well, as I watched the fight from the window, my hands balled into fists.


I lunged at Proditione, letting out a screech like battle cry. It was one that our father had taught all three of us,

I hated to use it, but when it came to Proditione, my instincts took over.

Each one of my pale fingers turned into long black claws. I swiped at Proditione, but he dodged, jumping into the air.

I chased after him, but when I was in clawing distance, he placed the bottoms of his palms together, and unleashed a first storm on me.

I could feel my self getting angrier, my teeth became longer, and pointed.

Proditione's eyes had morphed into slits, and his mouth had stretched across his face.

When the fire stopped, I lunged once more, my clawed hand grabbing his throat. I flew downwards, and slammed his body into the ground. He held on the my arm, trying to move it, but it was all for naught.

"He was your brother!" I yelled, my voice coming out distorted, "How could you not care!?"

"What does it matter?" He asked, his voice coming out much deeper, "Your going to kill me any way!"

"That depends on your answer." I growled raising my other hand.

"Fine!" He gasped, "Fine! I'll tell you! I didn't want him dead." He admitted, "I actually didn't want either of you dead. I hoped that you would join our side, or something like that!"

"That didn't answer my question." I said, tightening my grip on his throat slightly.

"That's because I wasn't done!" He snapped, "When he gave him self up, I was mad alright? I didn't get why he was so against us. But then I was with our father for the past four years, and, I get it. We may be crazy, but he's straight up insane!"

For a few moments neither of us spoke. We only stared at a higher as I took in what he said.

Finally, I asked, "How can I be sure your not lying, you've tricked us before."

He nodded, or did the best her could as his head was pinned to the ground, "True. I have don't that, a lot. But this time I need you to trust me."

I thought for a moment, and as I did, I glanced up, I saw Billina, Willa and Shooting star all staring at us from inside the cabin.

Shooting Star's brown eyes met mine, and I knew what I needed to do, "I won't kill you." I told him, "But I won't trust you either."

I removed my clawed hand from his throat and he sat up, his eyes were becoming larger, as him mouth shrunk. I could feel my respective body parts transforming back to the way they should be.

The others, aside from Mira and evil Pine Tree, came running out side to see what had happened, Billina lagging behind, obviously exhausted.

After the others had congratulated me, and Shooting Star had hugged me, I looked down at my daughter.

"You should go to bed." I told her.

She rolled her eyes, "Yea yea!" She said dismissively, "That seems to be Said a lot now a days." She continued as Willa helped her walk inside, "Oh look! Something interesting happens, but to bad, I don't get to enjoy it! Nope! I've got to go sleep!"

A/N: wow, I haven't written I chapter this long I a while, probably because I actually sort of care about this story again, why, I don't know, but I do!

What do y'all think about that Proditione stuff?

What about Billina's new attitude?

Next chapter we find some more stuff out about Bill/Will/Proditione's childhood! Anything in specific you want to know? I can't promise that it'll be in the chapter, but who knows, maybe it'll come up at some point, the story's not over yet!

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