It's More Than A Crush

By Just_listen96

68.4K 1.1K 403

When your the most popular girl in school, head cheerleader, the girl every guy want, and the one every girl... More

It's More Than A Crush
Meeting Austin
Kiss Me
Figuring Out Secret Number Two
And The Big Secret Is Out... At least One Of Them Is.
Figuring Out The Truth
I'm A Werewolf

Figuring Out Secret Number One

5.4K 135 47
By Just_listen96

Hallaaaaah !

Alright guys so I think this chapter is a little shorter but I haven't posted in a couple of days so I wanted to give you what I had. Any way.... Did you notice my new cover ? :D Freaking gorgeous! I love it so much and it's all thanks to SarahTheColdplayer ! So go check her out ! She also writes so if you're looking for something to read... you know where to go :D

Any way I want to thank all of you guys that are reading you truely are amazing :D



“Well? Aren’t you going to open the door so I can get out.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“no.” he said simply. What did he mean no? Was he going to kill me! Was his hobby killing people! Is that why he wouldn’t leave me alone yesterday, so he could get to know his victim!

“What do you mean no! Come on open the door for me!” I half yelled at him.

“You owe me for the ride.” He said raising his eyebrows and looking at me with a grin.

My eyes widened at this, “What do you mean I owe you? You practically kidnaped me.”

“Well the only way you’re getting out is to kiss me.” He said this so calmly that I was in complete disbelief he said this.


“I’m sorry, what?” I asked softly since I was in shock.

“I said the only way you can get out is if you kiss me babe.” His grinned turned into a wider one and I could see his eyes turn brighter like they had yesterday.

“fine.” I said.

“Really? Wait are you serious.” His eyes widened and I could see the bit of green in his eyes get brighter.

“Yeah, close your eyes.” I said in a flirty tone. He leaned in and closed his eyes slowly, I leaned in slowly and when I was the closest I could possibly get without our lips meeting I smiled and said, “Bite me.” I quickly backed away from him and leaned against the door so I could get a good view of his reaction.

He hadn’t opened his eyes but he let out a short chuckle and a smile crept on his face, “When and where babe.” He flirted with me. He opened his eyes and leaned against his door mimicking me.

“Come on let me out.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Well, since you’re so beautiful I’ll give you another chance.” He smirked at me.

“I’m not going to kiss you.” I shook my head at him.

“Alright, well how ‘bout a date.” He said raising his eyebrows.

“In your dream lover boy.” I teased him.

“Well then you’re not getting out.” He narrowed his eyes and stared at me. Two could play this game I thought. I narrowed my eyes back at him and stared at him fiercely; I can’t believe he was challenging me. A smirk appeared on his lips after about a minute into our stare down, “Oh and warning, I will kiss you if we stay in here any longer.” His smirk turned into a wider one when my eyes widened a bit. Would he really kiss me? I decided it wasn’t worth the testing him, even though this was breaking my rule of staying away from him this was my only option to get away from just us two being alone, even on the suppose date I could force him take me to a place where thousands of people would be.

“Fine, but you have to answer my question first.” I said sharply.

“Ask away beautiful.” He gave me a charming smile that made my knees weak. Thank god I’m sitting down I thought.

“Why are you so obsessed with me.” I said flatly, there was no other way I could put it.

His jaw clenched and he licked his lips, a move that looked extremely seductive on him. “It’s hard to explain babe.” He said softly.

“How? I mean come on do you have a crush on me or something?” I felt my own eyes widen as I said this. The last part wasn’t mean to come out it was supposed to stay safely tucked in my head only available for me.

A smile formed on his lips making my stomach turn a little bit, he looked cuter when he smiled instead of smirking, although smirking made him look hot and seductive. What am I saying! I can’t be thinking about stuff like this, I promised. “It’s more than a crush babe.” My eyes meet his and I could see the sincerity in them. What is he hiding? More importantly why can’t I stay away from him, I’m supposed to hate him.

Austins Pov.

When I confessed to her that what I felt for her was more than just a crush I knew it was a mistake. I had just met her yesterday but I knew she was curious and full of questions; she wasn’t going to just drop this. Maybe I should tell her everything but how? She was so innocent and I didn’t want to involve her in this crazy life of mine. Most importantly she looked hurt, I could feel it. When she would do her work or listen to the lesson she didn’t look right.

I knew this wasn’t the real her, I’ve only gotten small glimpse of the real her, the bright, full of life one. I first noticed it yesterday at lunch when her and Mia where laughing together about something and earlier today in second hour when she was laughing yet again with her. As soon as we walked in the class she went with Mia, I was hurt that she much rather be with Mia than me but it was what made the real her that she hiding come out and I had to accept that. The fact that she has never been like that in front of me killed me, what was wrong with me? Did she not feel the connection with me? Werewolf or not your mate still feels that connection with you. Could it be that she did feel it and was just simply trying to stay away from me? I was going crazy over this I needed her; I needed her to be mine.

“Hey dude.” I heard someone say bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked to see who it was and it was Liam. We were in sixth hour which was sadly one of the classes I didn’t have with her.

“Hey man, what’s up?” I asked him.

“I told her.” He said looking down at the floor.

My eyes widened, what was he thinking he just meet her and he already told her! What if she freaked! I mean if she were to tell anybody I doubt anyone would believe her except for a few people that were ones to believe in suppose conspiracies. “And!” I said wanting to know what happened, as future alpha I have to be concerned with something like this.

“She’s fine with it. I mean she was shocked when I shifted real quick but she’s fine now.” He smiled.

“We’ll that’s good, you claim her?” I asked even though I knew he didn’t you could tell when a werewolf claimed someone.

“No, were taking things slow as in we haven’t even kissed yet she invited me to her family party so I’m pretty nervous.” He said with a nervous look on his face. I chuckled at this and just shook my head. Liam has always been the worried one of the pack, he took caution in everything he did he cared how people felt and he was a good guy and I knew he would make a perfect beta.

The rest of the class he wouldn’t shut up about Mia and how perfect she was which only made me think about Payton even more if that was possible. I thought about how close we came to kissing even though she did it to tease me, I thought about how smooth and soft her lips looked, I thought about the way she ran her fingers through her hair with her not even knowing she did it. I just thought about how perfect she was.

The way she asked me so bluntly if I had a crush on her surprised me, that meant she was curious which could mean she had feelings for me. Well I mean she had to she was my mate she had to feel something towards me, didn’t she? What if she didn’t what if she already found the suppose love of her life. Is that why she has those two rings on her necklace?  Anger boiled through my veins, she was mine no one else could have her and who ever thought they could have her would realize they were wrong, I assure them on that.

It felt like the class lasted an eternity, when the bell rang I jumped out of my seat and walked as fast as I could to study hall. I walked in smiling expecting to see Payton but she wasn’t in there, no one was except the teacher. After the warning bell I heard her laugh and I decided to hide behind the massive book shelf and I waited till I heard her and when she was close enough I jumped out and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. Her body felt so warm against mine making me take in a deep breath, she jumped up in shock and screamed. She then elbowed me in the stomach trying to hurt me but failed badly.

“Austin get off of me” she yelled.

I tilted my head downward so my mouth was right to her ear, “Hey gorgeous.” I felt her body tremble which made a smirk form on my lips I knew I was affecting her, and it was exactly in the way I wanted to.

“Get off of me!” she said trying to wiggle her way out but I only pulled her closer to me.

“You have to say I’m hot.” I grinned.

“You’re full of yourself” she elbowed me once again and continued trying to get out of my grip.

“Say it.” I said calmly.

“No!” she kept trying to free herself but the only thing she was doing was making herself tired I laughed at her which earned me another hit on the side.

“fine then I guess I’ll keep you here forever and I can do this” I brought down my face again and kissed her cheek she froze for a second then continued trying to get away I then kissed her jaw bone and I felt her tremble she slowly stopped trying to get away and I went down to kiss her neck I slightly brushed my nose against the skin on her neck and I felt her head tilt back, I brought my lips closer slowly only to regret on doing it so slowly.

“Okay! Okay! Fine your hot Austin there.” I sighed and let her go. I smiled slightly because she did call me hot which was good but I would of much rather kiss her perfect little neck.

“You guys looked like you were about to make porno.” Mia said flatly with no expression on her face. I turned to see Payton to notice her eyes were wide and I could see her cheeks turn bright red. I couldn’t help but laugh at this even though I was so shocked that came out of her mouth.

“A simple kiss would have been enough for me but I wouldn’t mind…” I got cut off my Payton.

“Don’t say it! Don’t you dare say it!” she eyed me fiercely, she then turned her attention to Mia ‘’And you! We’re going to have a long talk!” she grabbed Mia’s hand and pulled her to sit down at the same table we were at yesterday Mia couldn’t stop laughing along with Liam and I.

Sadly the class went by all too fast and before I knew it the bell rang. The entire class I was trying to talk get at least a decent conversation with Payton but all I really managed was small talk and it was usually her telling me to leave her alone and going back to her homework. She jumped out of her seat and rushed out the class, I quickly followed her and picked her and literally had to drag that pretty ass of hers to my car. She was kicking and yelling at me to let her go but I was not about to have her walk home again.

“I hate you.” She said when I finally placed her in the car. I shook my head and I went to the driver’s side of my car. She let out a loud sigh and turned her attention to me, “For our date where going to Mia’s family party. Oh and don’t expect me to stick by your side all night.”

A smile instantly formed on my lips when she said our date, I wanted to just slam on the breaks and kiss her. I don’t know how much longer I can go with not doing anything to her, I needed her, the wolf in me was just screaming to claim her but I knew I couldn’t, not yet.

“Hello? Is anyone in that empty head of yours?” she asked seriously even though I knew she was just being sarcastic.

“Real funny babe, but that who Mia’s party is our date thing isn’t working for me I can go with you since I know how badly you want me to but that doesn’t count.”

“Umm no. You’re lucky I’m even agreeing to this. It’s Mia’s party or no deal.” She was testing me. I narrowed my eyes at her and she did the same towards me.

“Fine, Mia’s party it is.” I groaned. I focused back onto the road and from the corner of my eye I could see her smirk, god was that a turn on.

Payton’s pov.

I didn’t know what game Austin was playing but one thing for sure he knows damn well how to play it. As much as I wanted to stay away I would find myself wanting to know more about him. I know he’s hiding something, he had to be.

Before I knew it Austin was pulling into his driveway getting out of the car, I tried opening my door but it wouldn’t budge I hate child lock! I heard him laugh as If he read my mind and he opened my door and I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. He took me inside of the house and as much as I kicked, yelled at him, and screamed for help I still ended up in this house.

Things I learned today: One, Austin didn’t take no for an answer. Two, I really need to work out because if I were to ever be kidnapped I wouldn’t put up much of a fight since Austin barely flinched when I would hit him.

Once he closed the door with his foot he let go of me and just watched me as I looked around. “wow.” Was all I managed to say. Austin’s house looked so simple but yet complex, it really made it feel like home. I turned to face him and smiled.

“Yeah, my mom loves the whole home décor thing.” He laughed. He led me to the kitchen and I found myself following him without even realizing it.

His kitchen was covered with granite counter and stainless steel appliances I laughed at how careful he opened the fridge. “Hey, she gets really mad when I leave fingerprints.” He laughed. He walked over to me with bottled water and he grabbed the plate of cookies on the counter that smelled so delicious. “So were out of milk so the best I can do is water.” He pushed the plate of cookies towards me.

I didn’t want to seem rude or seem like a pig but I gave in quickly to the delicious smell, I grabbed a cookie and took a bite of it, oh my freaking lord of cookies this was the best cookie I have ever eaten in my entire life. “This is the best cookie ever!” I said biting it again.

 He laughed at me “There’s my mom for you.”

I ate a few more cookies and had to force myself to stop or I would’ve eaten the whole plate. When I was finished Austin came up to me and wiped the corner of my mouth, “You had a bit of chocolate.”  He smirked then sucked the tip of his tongue. “Yummy.” He smirked. I laughed at this and pushed him slightly.

He grabbed my hand making the tingles that I have with him get stronger, what was this boy doing to me. He took me up the stairs and we walked through a long hallway, “My rooms the last one.” He said while pointing to the door that was about five feet away.

I noticed another door next to that one and curiosity got to me, these were the only two doors on this side of the hallway except for a bathroom that we just passed. “What’s this room?” I asked.

“Uhh, nothing.” He said and kept walking towards his bedroom. I couldn’t help myself so I opened the door to reveal a studio making my mouth hang wide open.

“You have a studio, in your house.” I said. In all the houses I’ve ever been to I’ve never, ever seen someone have a studio.

“It’s nothing come on.” He said with a different tone in voice. I saw the computer was on and it had something on the screen but I wasn’t able to quite make it out, I squinted my eyes and was able to see the outline of Austin’s body, it was pretty hard to not recognize that was Austin’s body it was simply hot. “That’s you!” I walked in the room and quickly hit play on the computer since I felt Austin come after me. That’s when I heard it, Austin was singing. The few I heard I was able to tell it was She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 but he had his own style to it, he was making a cover of the song. He quickly stopped it and just looked at me.

“You can sing?” I said making it sound more like a question I already knew the answer too.

“No forget you ever saw that come on.” He turned around I could tell he was uncomfortable but I was determined to get to the bottom of this one so I grabbed his hand making him turn to face me.

“No, Austin you can sing! Your actually good!” I said excitedly.

“Alright yes I sing but Payton you cannot tell anyone!” he begged. He had pleading eyes and I knew he really didn’t want me to say anything.

“Why? You’re so good!” I said playing it again to watch the rest of the video. I felt him watching me as I watched him on the computer; I turned to look at him and gave him a smile and got a warm one back from him.

The video finished and I was still locked in Austin’s gaze when I noticed a bunch of guitars in the back of him. I got up and walked over to them, somewhere acoustic while the others where electric. I grabbed the prettiest one and walked over to him. “Sing.” I said flatly.

He looked at me as if I was crazy, did he not remember I already heard him. “I am not going to sing. Come on let’s just go do something else.” He said getting up and leaving towards his room. I brought the guitar with me as I went to his room I pushed him onto his bed and gave him the guitar.

“Sing.” I said again.


Did you guys like it? Comment and vote :D and don't be shy go fan me (:

anyway no one is answering the questions I ask so it makes me wonder if you guys read this part? Anyway if you do comment on what you think and vote and it would be nice if you answer my questions I want to get to know you guys x333 (:

1. What's you're favorite place to go?

2. How many languages do you speak?

Peace Homiesssss (;

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