Lost Then Found (Colby Brock)

By VAMP25100

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Celeste (my OC) is hanging out with her fam and they get attcked. She is the only one to survied beacuse she... More



121 1 1
By VAMP25100

Celeste's POV

Colby, Sam, and I all walk out the front door and get in Colby's car. Colby drives, and Sam takes the passenger seat. As we head down the road I realize something I DON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING!!!!  "Hey, Babe?" I quietly say to Colby. "Yeah?" He says back. "Where are we going?" I ask kind of concerned. " Suicide Bridge," Sam says back smirking a little. "Oh yeah, Elton, Kat, Amanda, Devyn and Corey are meeting us there!" He says like it will make it better. "WHAT!?" I scream. I see a look of concern go over both of their faces. "DO YOU GUYS NOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME!!!!???" I say kinda scared for my life. "Yeah we do, but honestly, I want to know more, I wanna know why that happened," Sam says in a calm almost scary voice.  "ISN'T KNOWING THAT YOU ALL GOT POSSESSED IN YOUR SLEEP ENOUGH!!!!" I say still very scared. "Celeste, calm down, if you want we can drive you back to the house, you don't have to come," Colby says trying to calm me down. "THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I AM LETTING YOU GO WITHOUT ME!!!" I scream back at him. "Thanks but seriously if you want to go back just tell me." He says is a caring voice. "No, no, I'll be ok. What I want to know is how the fuck you got Corey to agree to come!?!" I say surprised. "He said he would come as long as he didn't have to touch the ouija board and Elton doesn't put blood on it again!" Sam replies. "Oh, ok, Wait... Oujia board???" I say realizing what Sam said. "Yeah, we brought it with us, but you don't have to play if you don't want to," Colby says. "I don't know if I will or not, let's play it by ear," I say super nervous. "Ok, that's fair," Sam says. We pull up to where we are going to park.  We get out of the car and wait for everyone else to arrive.  First Elton and Amanda arrive, then Kat, then a very nervous Corey with an only slightly less nervous Devyn.  After that Sam and Colby set up the camera. Sam hit's record then walks back over to the group. After that Colby yells "WHAT'S UP GUYS IT'S SAM AND COLBY!!!" Then Sam says "Today we are here with, Colby's girlfriend Celeste, My girlfriend Kat, Elton, Amanda, Devyn and Corey! And we are back..... at Suicide bridge!" After that Sam, Colby, Kat, Elton, Amanda, Devyn and Corey talk a little about what the plan is for tonight. I add a couple comments here and there but for the most part, I am sticking to Colby. After they finish explaining, Sam turns off the camera. Sam packs up that camera and get's the vlogging camera. We start walking down to the place where we are going to spend the night. After walking for a few minutes I hear a quiet child-ish voice scream. "What was that?!!?" I say very scared. Sam faces the camera towards me, with a very concerned look. Colby looks at me too. "Babe? What happened?" He asks. "I-I just heard a child scream" I say studdering a little.  "It's only been like max 5 minutes your probably just scared and hearing things." Elton says. Uhg I think I know what I heard!  Stupid Elton not believing! I doubt that will last long if the night continues like this I bet he will believe by the end.  "Lets keep moving" Sam says. I wrap my arms around Colbys left arm, and cling to him for dear life. "Did anyone else just hear that!?" Devyn asks scared. Everyone shakes their head, and Corey walks over to Devyn. "I'm not kidding I swear I just heard a child scream." I let go of Colby's arm and run over to Devyn. "Dev! That's what I heard too, like a little girl screaming?" I ask. "Yeah, she was saying something but I couldn't tell what" She says. "Same!" I say getting really scared at this point. Devyn sticks to Corey and I stick to Colby. We walk a little more. The the same thing the happened to me and Devyn happens to Kat. Then after I little more walking it happens to Amanda. At this point all the girls are sticking to there boyfriends like glue. We get to the place where we are going to spend the night. Elton sets up the camera. Then the guys get out the Ouija board.  Colby, Sam, Kat, Amanda, Devyn and Me all agree to play. We start the game. Sam asks "Are there any spirts hear who want to talk to us?" . The planchette moves to 'yes'.  Then I ask, "what is your name?". The planchette moves to 'no'. "I guess it doesn't want to tell us it's name." I say. We continue to ask the basic questions like How old are you, How old were you when you died, etc. The spirt doesn't give us an answer and keeps avoiding the questions. Then I ask the ever fated question, "Are we going to be safe here tonight?" After a minute of waiting, it spells out 'Watch your back'. We hear a loud crash. We all look behind us. The path to leave is completely covered in rocks. We all freak out and back up from the board. With none of us touching it we all see the planchette move to 'Goodbye'.  We all start freaking out. All of a sudden Amanda drops to her knees and starts screaming while holding her head. Then the same thing happens to Kat, then Devyn. Then I hear a super high pitched noise and get a headache so bad it feels like my skull is being ripped in half. Then I fall to my knees and put my hands on my head, and I start to scream, the pain is so bad I can't help it. 

Colby's POV

I see all the girls one by one fall to there knees and start screaming. The Celeste falls and starts screaming. I run over and kneel down in front of her. She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes full of tears and the widest I have ever seen. She looks like she is in so much pain. She looks back at the ground and starts screaming again. "G-Guys l-look!" I hear Elton say really scared.  I look over and see Elton pointing at the wall. I look over at the wall. A message is scratched into the wall. 'We thought we scared you away, yet you come back and mess with things you don't understand. You disrespected the ones we love, by asking them how they died when you know how they died and that they regret it, so now the ones who you most love are going to suffer.' "FUCK! WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE COME HERE" I yell. The screaming stops. We all look back over at the girls. They have all passed out on the ground with blood coming from their ears. "HOLY SHIT!" I yell. I run over to Celeste. I look at her for a minute, my eyes filling with tears. No time to cry now, Celeste needs your help. You know what you have to do!  "GUYS! WE NEED TO GET THEM OUT OF HERE AND TOO THE HOSPITAL!!!" I scream. "HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!?" Corey yells through tears. "We need to get the girls over next to where the path is!" I say. We all pick up our girlfriends and set them next to the wall.  Then everyone goes and grabs our bags, and the camera, we leave the ouija board and candles. They keep the camera rolling cuz it caught the whole thing before, and if the doctors ask what happened and they think we are crazy we will have proof so they keep recording. I climb on top of the wall which is a few feet wide. "Guys help me get the girls up here!" I say. One by one they help me from below pull the girls up. I set them on top of the wall near me. Then they hand up the stuff. "Ok guys I am going to jump down the other side and you guys jump up so we can get the girls down!" I say. I jump down the other side taking a couple of the bags down with me. I set the bags to the side. Then Elton jumps on top of the wall. Sam is still recording from the other side. Elton helps me get the girls and the rest of the stuff down. Then he jumps down. Corey jumps on to the wall than off, then Sam does the same while holding the camera. Sam set up the camera so it will stick out of one of the bags and still record in case something else happens. Then we each pick up one of the backpacks and put them on, luckily we only packed 4 bags. Then we each pick up our girlfriends. We run to the car, rocks falling and random things moving behind us and next to us the whole way. We get to the cars. I drive my car with Celeste in the passenger seat, Sam drives Kat's car with Kat in the passenger seat, Elton drives his car with Amanda in the passenger seat, and Corey drives his and Devyn's car, with Devyn in the passenger seat. We all speed to the hospital.  


Sorry for the cliffhanger! Hopefully, I will update again soon, sorry I have not been updating often.

See ya later! 

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