Worse Games To Play (Hunger G...

By infinity_and_beyond3

41.9K 1.4K 528

~ A modern day Hunger Games High fanfiction. ~ In Hunger Games High there are two different groups. The Caree... More

Worse Games To Play (Hunger Games High Fan fiction)
Chapter One: The New Girl
Chapter Two: The Victors & The Careers
Chapter Three: The Gym Incident
Chapter Four: Something's Not Right
Chapter Five: Homecoming Part 1
Chapter Six: Homecoming Part 2
Chapter Seven: The Hospital
Chapter Eight: The Hospital Part 2
Chapter Nine: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter Eleven: The Christmas Concert
Chapter Twelve: The Very First Date
Chapter Thirteen: A Secret Is Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: The Discussion
Chapter Fifteen: Christmas Day
Chapter Sixteen: New Years at Finnick's

Chapter Ten: Dinner With The Mellark's

1.7K 89 50
By infinity_and_beyond3

Heyyyy guyssss!  So sorry for not updating in so long. I came back from Jacksonville yesterday afternoon and I was tired and I didn't want to do anything. So please forgive me.

Anyway, I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I don't know but, I feel like I don't get enough votes or comments (feedback) on my chapters.

I don't know. If you guys love the story so much,  please recommend it to a friend, a cousin, anyone who's interested in this kind of story. It would mean a lot. :)

You guys will probably skip over this but oh well. Enjoy Chapter 10. :)


*Katniss' POV*


What is Thanksgiving?  I ask myself.

It's a holiday we all celebrate that's between Halloween and Christmas. It all started with the Pilgrims. As I remember, Mr. Beetee saying during another boring lesson in History class.

Let's just say that the Pilgrims made food or caught food, decided to sit all together, and eat as a big family. They said their thanks and ate.

Well, I think that's what happened. I don't pay attention in History class so I don't really know exactly what happened or how Thanksgiving happened. 

I was released from the hospital yesterday morning. I must say, it felt weird walking into my house when I came back from the hospital.

After awhile I felt comfortable again.

I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door and my mother's voice. "Katniss, may I come in?"

I look in the direction of my door. "Yeah." The door opens and I see my mother's head pop in.

"We have people coming over for dinner. They should be here soon." I knit my eyebrows. "Why?"

She smiled. "It's Thanksgiving Day. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. May I ask who's coming?"

She opens the door all the way and walks over to my closet. She opens it and turns to me. "The Mellark's are coming."

The Mellark's are coming. I hear my mom's voice run through my head. Peeta is coming. I haven't seen him since I woke up from that so called 'Coma'.

"How about you take a shower and get dressed until they get here." My mother suggests. I look at her and nod.

She smiles and walks out of my room, closing the door behind her. I get up from my bed and race to the bathroom.

I shower and wrap the towel around my body. I rush back into my bedroom, closing the door behind me and locking it.

I throw the towel onto my bed and walk towards my dresser. I grab a matching bra and underwear and quickly put them on.

I walk to my closet and skim through my clothes. I need to find an outfit that will leave Peeta breathless. "Which will never happen," I mutter to myself.

I sigh and pull out my light pink skater dress. I smile and lay my dress down on the bed. I walk to my shoe rack and grab my beige gladiator sandals, as I call them. 

I place it on the bed next to the dress.  I hear a light knock on my door. "Katniss,  they should be here in any minute. Hurry up and get downstairs."

"Okay I'm coming!" I say, quickly putting on my dress. I walk back to the bathroom and grab the blow dryer.

I blow dry my hair and turn on my straightener. I straighten my hair evenly and walk back to my room. I put on my sandals and grab my makeup bag.

I put on a light pink lip gloss and a light amount of mascara. I grab my Pearl earrings and put them on. I look at myself in the mirror.

I smile and walk out of my bedroom. As I walk down the stairs, I hear talking and laughing. I reach the bottom of the stairs and my eyes meet Finnick's.

"Finnick," I begin, "What are you doing here?"

"A hello would of been nice." I roll my eyes. "I'm here with Peeta's family. My parents left on a last minute business trip, so Peeta's father invited me to come," Finnick explains.

"Oh," I say, fixing my dress. I look up at Finnick and he's grinning. "You look nice. Did you dress like that for Peeta?"

I slap his shoulder. "Why don't you say it louder, idiot!" I huff. He rubs his shoulder and laughs. I roll my eyes and punch his other shoulder.

"Keep it up, I'll be sure to punch you harder," I threaten.

"Wow, you're very fiesty today. Are you on your period or something?"

I snap my head in his direction and punch him twice on his shoulder. "Okay, okay! I'm done!" He whimpers.

"Don't ever ask me that? Got it?"

He smirked. "So I'll take that as a yes."

"I'm not on my period!" I snap. He laughs and points behind me. I turn around and see Peeta standing there, smiling, with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey," I mumble.

"Hey," He says back. "You look nice." I smiled. "Thanks."

Finnick stands next to me and says,"I guess I'll leave you two love birds alone." He gently pat's my shoulder and walks into the living room.

It's silent for awhile until Peeta clears his throat.  "How've you been?"

"Fine, I'm just getting used to being at home since I came back from the hospital. What about you?"

"I've been good," He replies. "Good. So. How are you and Glimmer?" I don't even know why I asked that but I'm kind of hoping he says things are going horrible. 

"We're doing good. We have a date this Saturday," He says.

My heart sinks. "Oh.. That's cool."

"Katniss! Come help me in the kitchen!" I hear my mother yell. "Coming!"

I walk into the kitchen and my mom hands me kitchen gloves. "Put those on and carry the mashed potatoes to the table. When you're finished with that, come back and take the sweet potato casserole to the table as well."

I nod and put on the gloves. I pick up the glass pan of mashed potatoes and walk into the dining room. I gently place the pan on the table and walk back into the kitchen.

I grab the pan of sweet potato casserole and walk back into the dining table. I gently place it on the table and walk back into the kitchen.

"Thank you for your help. Tell everyone to sit at the dining table. I'm just about ready to take out the Turkey from the oven," My mother says.

"Okay." I take off the kitchen gloves and leave it on the kitchen counter. I walk into the living room and say,"Dinner's ready everyone. Let's sit at the dinner table."

I walk into the dining room with everyone else following behind me. I pull out my chair and sit down. I turn to my left and see Peeta sitting down next to me.

He looks at me and smiles.

I smile and look down at my empty plate. I feel a nudge on my side. I look at Peeta and he points to a handsome blonde man and a very beautiful blonde woman.

"Katniss,  I would like you to officially meet my oldest brother Cayden and his wife Rayne."

I smile and say,"Hi, nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you two."

Cayden smiles and says,"I could say the same thing about you. Peeta talks about you a lot."

Peeta clears his throat. "Cayden,  stop." I smile and look at Cayden. "What does he say about me?"

"Here comes the Turkey!" My mom sings as she walks into the dining room, carefully holding the pan with the Turkey.

She gently places it in the center of the dining table. "I'll be back with the yeast rolls and green beans." My mom says, walking out of the dining room. 

My mom comes back soon after with a bowl of yeast rolls and a bowl of green beans. She places it on the table and sits down in her seat.

"Okay,  before we eat, we should all say what we're thankful for. I'll start. I'm thankful for my two beautiful daughters Katniss and Primrose," My mother says, smiling.

"I'm thankful for my family," I hear Peeta say next to me.

I clear my throat. "I'm thankful for life. And for my family of course."

From there on, the rest say what their thankful for. My mother smiles. "Let's eat!"

We all serve ourselves and begin eating. "So Katniss, What are you doing after graduation?" Mr. Mellark asks me.

"Uh, I plan on attending University of Miami," I say, taking a bite of my mashed potatoes right after.

"That's a very expensive school. A very good school actually. What do you plan on studying?"

I smiled. "I want to study to be a Pediatrician."

"How nice. Peeta here wants to study Business/Economics."

"Nice," I say, still smiling.

We all finish our meals. "Who's ready for dessert?" My mother asks all of us. I pick up all the plates and head into the kitchen with my mother following behind.

"Peeta seems to like you," My mother says,  while walking to the fridge.

I put the dishes in the sink and I turn to her. "What?"

My mom places a beautifully decorated carrot cake and pumpkin pie on the counter. "I said that Peeta seems to like you."

"Well he doesn't. We're just friends. Besides he's dating Glimmer."

My mother turns to me, puzzled. "As in Glimmer Edwards?" I nod.

She purses her lips and shakes her head. She opens the cabinet and takes out small glass plates. "I don't like the Edwards family. They're rude and snobby."

"You've met Glimmer?" I ask her.

"I know her parents. They're not a joy to have around. I assume her daughter is the same."

"She is. Maybe even worse," I say.

She smiled. "I still believe Peeta likes you. I see the way he looks at you. He looks at you the way your father looked at me." She takes the desserts and walks out of the kitchen. 

I sigh and take the small plates to the dining room. I give everyone a plate and sit back down in my seat.

My mother smiles and looks at Mr.Mellark. "This cake looks beautiful. Did you make it?"

He takes a sip of his water and shakes his head. "Peeta made it."

I look at the cake and then at Peeta. I smile and say,"It's beautiful. I bet tastes amazing." I take a knife and cut myself a piece. 

I place the slice of cake on my plate and I take a bite. "Mmm," I quietly moan. "This tastes absolutely delicious. Best Carrot Cake I've ever had," I say, looking at Peeta.

He smiles and takes a bite of his pumpkin pie. "Thanks," He says, smiling.

I look at my mom and I see her smiling at the both of us. She turns to Mr. Mellark and says,"Henry, you never did tell me why your wife didn't come today."

"Uh, she's sick." His voice sounded a little dark and weird. He seemed different everytime my mom would mention his wife. I look at Peeta and he shifts in his seat.

He seemed uncomfortable and tense. "Are you okay?" I ask him quietly. He wipes his mouth and gets up from his seat.

"Peeta." He throws his napkin on his plate and leaves the dining room. Mr. Mellark sighs and says,"I'm sorry about him. It was rude of him to walk out. Maybe I should talk to him."

Mr. Mellark starts to get up but I stop him. "I'll talk to him. I mean, if you want."

He nods and says,"Yes, of course." He sits down and I get up from my seat. I leave the dining room and walk into the living room.

I see Peeta sitting down on the love seat, staring at wall. I sigh and sit down next to him. "Are you okay?" I ask him. 

"Yeah," He mumbles. "Are you sure? Peeta, don't be afraid to talk to me."

"I'm fine,  I promise. I just needed a little time alone. That's all."

I sigh and say,"Okay. Just remember I'm here if you ever want to talk. I'll always be here."

He looks at me and I look back at him. It's quiet. I feel this sudden urge to just grab him and kiss him. I could feel our bodies move closer.

My heart starts beating faster. My breathing quickens. I look at Peeta and he leans in.  Oh. My. God. Is he going to kiss me? 

He reaches my face and gently kisses my cheek. He sits back and says,"Thanks Katniss. You're a great friend."

I frown and look down. "No problem," I mumble.

"Peeta, say goodbye. It's time to go," Mr. Mellark says, walking into the living room. "Okay."

Peeta looks at me and smiles. "I'll see you at school." I nod and he gets up from the love seat. I really thought he was going to kiss me. I just let my hopes get the best of me.

He'll never love me the way that I love him. And it sucks. I'm wasting my time loving a guy who doesn't love me back.

A tear makes its way down my cheek. I love him so much it hurts. I wipe my tear away and run upstairs.

*Peeta's POV*

I look at Katniss and I see her wipe her cheek. Is she crying? She gets up from the love seat and runs upstairs.

I hope I wasn't the one that made her cry. If I did, what did I do to make her cry?

"Sorry for leaving the dining room like that. I didn't mean to be rude," I tell Mrs. Everdeen. She smiles and says,"It's fine Peeta. No need to apologize."

"Thank you for having us for dinner Mary. It was delicious," My dad says next to me.

"Thank you Henry. It was my pleasure."

She opens the front door for us and we walk out. "Goodnight Mary."

"Goodnight Henry. Drive home safe."

We get in the car and my dad drives off. "Dad,  can we stop by Glimmer's real quick?"

He sighs and says,"Just for a minute. We have to get home to your mother." I roll my eyes at the mention of my mom.

My dad parks on Glimmer's driveway and I quickly exit the car. I walk to the front door and ring the doorbell.

The front door opens and Glimmer's mom appears at the door. "Hello Mrs. Edwards. May I see Glimmer for a minute."

She smiles and says,"Of course Peeta. Come in. She's upstairs in her room."

I smile and say,"Thank you." I walk inside the house and I hear laughing and talking coming from the dining room.

I walk upstairs and walk all the way down the hallway to Glimmer's bedroom. As I reach Glimmer's bedroom door,  I hear music playing.

I open the door and I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Glimmer is making out with Marvel, on her bed, naked. "Glimmer?"

Glimmer pulls away and looks at me. "Peeta, it's not what it looks like."

"It's exactly what it looks like! You're cheating on me!"

Glimmer slips on Marvel's T-shirt and walks towards me. She holds my hand and I quickly yank it away. "Don't touch me," I growl.

"Everyone was right. You're just a slut. And I thought you were different."

I leave the room, slamming the door behind me. I run downstairs and walk out the front door. I get inside the car and put on my seat belt. "Let's go home."

"Peeta,  are you okay?" My father asks me.

"I'm fine. Just please drive. I want to go home."

He nods and pulls out of the driveway. He turns on the radio and drives off. 

Finnick was right. Katniss was right. Everyone was right. I was just stupid enough not to listen to them. And I'm even more stupid to believe that Glimmer was different.

I'm done with her.

Glimmer is officially dead to me.



Ahhhhh,  soooo I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter! Peeta and Glimmer are officially broken up! What do you guys think of the story so far?

Anyway, I'm sorry for any typos. I typed this Chapter on my phone. I should probably be updating again around Sunday. So be ready for that.

Until next time my lovely readers! :)





All rights go to Suzanne Collins! :)

xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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