Voltron: The Next Generation

By DearestZero

19K 523 383

It has been six years since the paladins first found the blue lion, one year since the end of Zarkon's reign... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen

Chapter eleven

907 27 21
By DearestZero

Pidge lets out a sigh as her bladder decides to wake her from a very pleasant dream of her, Hunk, and Lance back at the garrison eating ice cream. The paladin rests her hand impatiently on her growing belly, "Really kid? It was just a dream about ice cream! Why must you make me pee again." She groans.

Heaving herself out of bed, Pidge makes her way over to the bathroom. With a glance over to Rover 2's charging port, not surprised that the small robot still plugged in seeing as the clock sitting next to it reads 2:30 am.

I wonder where Shiro is. She wonders to herself, since the man is usually joined with her in bed by this time of night.

After relieving herself, Pidge puts on a pair of shorts she had stolen from Lance and one of Shiro's shirts. "The comfiest clothes are always someone else's, especially when you are pregnant." Pidge chuckles to herself.

Also considering her normal sleep wear consisted of her undies and a tank top, she figures it would be best to throw something on. She walks out of her room to roam the castle for her missing human pillow, not putting it past the black paladin to fall asleep somewhere while working on something.

Stopping first at blacks hanger, Pidge peeks her head through the door blinking as the harsh light flickered on. The black lion lets out an almost sleepy rumble as a greeting to the small paladin.

"Sorry girl, just looking for Shiro." Pidge apologizes, feeling as though she had waken the lion up. Backing out she continues down the hall, the lights on the wall activating with her as she walks.

Where to next? She wonders to herself while stifling a yawn, Perhaps the training deck, if he couldn't calm his mind that's probably where he is. Shiro often finds that aimlessly punching training robots can get his mind to stop running at 100 miles per hour.

Pidge stumbles around the next corner rubbing her eyes sleepily, finding it harder to keep them open. She comes to a stop when the door down the hall that leads to the cryopods opens up, with light pouring into the hallway.

Odd. She thinks slowly creeping forward, trying to keep her weight even to make sure her footsteps don't make a sound. Not that she had to be sneaky in the castle, but after years of stealth missions sometimes her body insticntly switches itself into ninja mode. Pidge doesn't mind this seemingly auto-piloted skill at all, finding it useful when she can get some pretty hilarious reactions from her teammates when she suddenly pops into a room.

Continuing her creep she makes her way to the door and gives the room a quick once over. Barely keeping back a gasp of surprise, the green paladin pushes herself into the room abandoning her stealth.

Shiro is leaning against one of the cryopods holding his side as blood seeps through his fingers. Hunk is standing concerned by his side and both have their eyes fixed on something across the room, neither noticing the green paladin.

Pidge follows their gaze and finds none other than the Prince of the Galra empire standing wobbly near his pod, challenging Hunk and Shiro's eyes with a unsteady gaze. Pidge's hand automatically shoots to the side of her leg where her paladin suit carries her bayard, but sadly Lance's shorts hold nothing.

Taking advantage of the men's staring contest, Pidge leaps forward grabbing a heavy book from a neighboring table. She pushes her legs faster and swings her body around, using the momentum of the swing to deliver a nasty blow with her book.

It connects with the center of Lotor's chest and he is sent flying backwards. Pidge jumps on the fallen prince, not wanting to give him a chance to recover. She brings the book above her head to give another blow, but before she can attack a hand covers her own stopping her from moving.

"Pidge, wait!" Allura's voice rings out.

Pidge stops and moves off of the prince reluctantly. "What do you mean wait?!" She shoots back, rounding on the princess. "Look what he did to Shiro!"

"I'm fine Katie. Really it was a accident." Shiro says, not moving but giving Pidge a forced smile.

"An accident?! No, an accident is when Keith hurts Lance's feelings, or when Hunk steps on our toes during training. Shiro you're bleeding." Pidge snaps, waving her hands dramatically.

"Right yeah, I know how this must look." Hunk says, coming forward with his hands up in surrender. "But really it was a misunderstanding. Lotor was super confused when he got out and Shiro got a little to close."

"Just drop the book Pidge." Allura says, resting a hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "I'll explain everything.

"You better princess." Pidge huffs, dropping the book.


Is anyone else still reeling from that new season of Voltron???? Cuz I freakin am. So much new content! So many new ideas for my story!!! So very very excitedddd

Sorry it took so long to update but I have a million hw assignments to do by July 2nd.
But good news is that it's almost over!

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