Maybe Tomorrow

By diamondelf193

19.9K 485 232

Spontaneous Kim Sungah meets the shy Kim Ryeowook. Helping him overcome his depression and all of his insecur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26

575 15 6
By diamondelf193

Maybe Tomorrow


"Your tie is loose again." Donghae straightened and tightened Ryeowook's tie.

"Careful, Ryeowook. These tuxedos are expensive." Eunhyuk flattened and smoothed out Ryeowook's tux, starting with his shoulders, then fixing his cuffs.

"Donghae, you're choking me." Ryeowook lightly slapped Donghae's hands and loosened his tie back to the way it was. "Eunhyuk, I'm fine, you can stop pampering me now."

"Sorry, Wook. We just want everything to be perfect for you." Eunhyuk backed up a little. "You are one of the first to get married after all."

"Who would've thought, right?" Kyuhyun laughed a little, Heechul giggling with him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ryeowook gasped.

"Nothing." Kyuhyun replied, an evil grin on his face.

Ryeowook was nervous beyond belief. It was that roller coaster ride at the theme park all over again. Anxiety filling his body at every inch, making his palms sweat, his heart race, and made his stomach feel like it was being sucked into a black hole.

"Don't be nervous." Sungmin patted Ryeowook's shoulder gently. "Everything will be fine, trust me."

"Thanks, Min." Ryeowook took multiple deep breaths to try composing himself.

"I'm going to go wait for Sungah." Donghae gave Ryeowook a sweet smile, then walked up the aisle. He opened the door and made his way to the room Sungah was getting ready in.

Victoria and SoonYee finished their makeup and smoothed out their lavender dresses.

"Do you think this color clashes with my hair?" Victoria looked at the dress and patted her red velvet bun.

"No, it looks great," SoonYee answered, pulling her lavender gloves up more. "How about me? Do I look like an acceptable bridesmaid and maid of honor?"

"You both look great." Sungah remained sitting in her chair in front of the mirror.

"You look even better." SoonYee hugged Sungah's shoulders from behind.

Sungah just stared at herself in the mirror. Her heart was thumping a mile a minute, so hard that it was going to burst out of her chest.

"Oh, you look so beautiful." Sungah's mother walked in, already getting teary-eyed.

Sungah was so nervous. She felt her knees shaking under her white dress as she stood to hug her mother. Everyone kept telling her how beautiful she looked, but she was so nervous that she didn't even notice. She didn't notice how beautifully done her smokey eye shadow was, or her peach lip gloss or her long blonde hair curled and pinned back with white flower pins. She hugged her mother tightly with her elbow-high white gloves.

"I wish your father was here to give you away." Theresa wiped her eyes with her thumbs.

"Me, too. But I've got Donghae." Sungah forced a smile, putting her hands on her heart, feeling it race to no end. "I'm so nervous."

"There's nothing to be nervous about." SoonYee hugged Sungah tightly. "You look so good, Ryeowook won't be able to keep his hands off of you!"

"SoonYee!" Sungah playfully smacked her shoulder as Victoria and SoonYee laughed like crazy.

"I'm sorry. I meant his eyes, I swear." SoonYee laughed harder.

"You're not helping me." Sungah hit her again.

"Come on, let's go wait with Hannah outside before our pretty bride kills someone." Victoria pulled SoonYee to the door. "Good luck Sungah! See you on the other side!"

"I guess I'll go find my seat." Sungah's mother gave her another hug. "Donghae's in the hall waiting for you. Are you ready?"

"I have no idea." Sungah put a hand on her stomach, trying to calm the raging butterflies. "Do I really look okay?"

"Of course you do sweetheart. I am so happy for you, and I know your dad would be, too. You'll be fine, just relax." Theresa patted Sungah's shoulder. She went to leave but then turned back around, grabbing the bouquet, and handing it to Sungah. "Don't want you forgetting that."

"Wasn't planning on it." Sungah smiled nervously, holding it tightly in her hands.

"Well, it's almost time. Good luck." Her mother replied, finally leaving the room, letting Sungah have a moment to herself.

Ryeowook's nerves were on edge. Negative thoughts tried to invaded his positive ones. He was getting impatient. He looked at the clock every few seconds then the door Sungah was supposed to be coming out of.

"Where have you been? It's almost time to start." Kyuhyun lectured SoonYee and Victoria. They had left the building minutes ago for whatever reason. "You guys have to stand on Ryeowook's right side while I'm on the left. Go quickly, quickly!"

"Alright, Mr. Pushy." SoonYee grumbled, making her way to her spot.

"Shouldn't she be out by now? When is she coming? She's okay, right?" Ryeowook knew he was asking too many questions, but he couldn't help it.

"Calm down, it's not even time yet. Be patient." SoonYee answered.

"Donghae just texted me. Sungah is ready." Kyuhyun pocketed his phone and took his place beside Ryeowook.

"It's time?" Ryeowook felt his palms sweating more. He quickly tried wiping his hands on his pants, not wanting to touch Sungah with sweaty palms.

"You're going to ruin your pants doing that." SoonYee handed him some tissue. "Here."

"Thank you." Ryeowook took the tissue and rubbed it on his palms.

"Ryeowook, we're starting. Put that away," Kyuhyun whispered as One Fine Spring Day started playing. Spazzing, Ryeowook just threw the tissue onto the floor behind him. He fixed his posture, trying to look presentable for Sungah, his soon to be wife.

Sungah exited her dressing room, clutching her bouquet with one hand. She saw Donghae standing there waiting for her.

"Hey." She spoke up, catching his attention.

"Hey." Donghae grinned, walking up to her. "You look beautiful."

"I wish I felt beautiful." Sungah replied. She felt her knees shaking again.

"Don't be nervous, you know who is very excited to see you." Donghae sent a 'we're ready' text to Kyuhyun. "And you really do look beautiful."

"Thanks for doing this for me." Sungah said. She gave him a quick hug. "It means a lot."

"It's no problem." Donghae smiled, holding his arm out to her. "Shall we?"

Sungah held onto Donghae's arm tightly and took deep breaths.

"I'm ready." Sungah looked at the closed in front of her, ready for them to open.

The doors opened, making Ryeowook stiffen his shoulders. But when he saw the gorgeous angel coming towards him, he felt his heart melt. So starstruck by her, he relaxed, the reality setting in. He was marrying her. The most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. Kim Sungah. Her white dress, it hugged her body perfectly, so perfectly, he felt his body freeze up in the spot he was standing in.

White flower pins were in her curled blonde hair. Elbow-high white gloves, and red rose bouquet. Her peach lips, those lips he couldn't wait to kiss, her smokey eyes that sparkled. Her. The compliments everyone gave her were such understatements, it frustrated him. She was not just "pretty" or "beautiful" or "cute" or even "gorgeous". How would he describe her? Well, how would he describe perfection? She was perfection, beyond any beauty of this world. If he didn't know any better, he would've thought she was a real angel sent down from heaven just at the sight of her. She was an absolute angel, flawless. She was everything.

Sungah looked at the floor, watching every step she was taking. As if sensing her nervousness, Donghae gave her a comforting squeeze with his arm, silently telling her everything was okay.

Lifting her head, trying to loosen up, she saw him. Her Ryeowook. The most handsome man in the whole wide world. He was standing there, watching her. He looked so handsome in a tuxedo. Just one gaze and she reminded herself of why she was here today. She was marrying the man she's loved since the moment she first laid her eyes on him. Se built up the courage to keep going the rest of the way. She could repeat it in her head forever. She loved him. He was hers forever.

Donghae gave Sungah to Ryeowook and took his own seat in the front, in between Eunhyuk and Sungmin. Sungah handed her bouquet to SoonYee and turned to face Ryeowook. One look at her up close had Ryeowook forcing down his urges to kiss her right away. As the priest spoke, Ryeowook took the time to stare into Sungah's eyes and whisper "you look beautiful" to her. She whispered a quick "I love you" which he returned.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres. Love never fails."

It was something Sungah could finally understand. She didn't know if it was the way she looked at him, or the way he looked at her, or the butterflies she would get in her stomach when he smiled, laughed, sang, or just his warm presence alone. She loved him. Kyuhyun handed Ryeowook their rings.

She missed so much in the time she was gone. She had missed him grow up. His sudden change in appearance. His rise to fame. His first stage performance. His first win. She even missed him graduate high school and college. And for a moment, she had forgotten all she did get to experience with him. Now that she could remember, she wasn't going to miss anymore. She missed enough, way more than she should have. She wanted to experience everything with him, to be as close with him as humanly possible. She wanted to be with him forever, to never leave him again. He could have a million more accomplishments to make, and she was going to be there to whiteness every single one of them. It was no longer remember today, forget tomorrow. She wanted to remember every day.

"I do," Ryeowook said it without a moment's hesitation. Sungah quickly mimicked his words and threw her arms around him, kissing him.

"I was just getting to that part." The priest laughed, tapping Sungah's shoulder.

Ryeowook wasn't complaining. Her eagerness to be close to him made him happy because he felt the same way. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her back, loving the fact that she was forever his, and no one else's. They didn't hear Heechul's jokes, they didn't hear anyone's laughter or admiration, they didn't hear Kyuhyun's wolf whistle. They were the only ones there, no one else. Just them. It was as if a huge weight was lifted off of their shoulders. Finally, after all this time, they could really be together. Deep down, it was always real.


"You know, I used to think I knew everything about you." Ryeowook smiled as he danced with Sungah.

"What do you mean?" Sungah giggled as she tightened her arms around his shoulders so she could be closer to him.

"I didn't know you could dance so well." Ryeowook laughed, kissing her forehead.

"Stop it." Sungah giggled more.

"What? It's true." Ryeowook replied, "Oh, my favorite part of the song is playing."

Ryeowook put his lips to her ear and began whispering the song lyrics in tune with the song playing.

"​The memory of all those days of love, a heart that can't stop."

"Stop it." Sungah giggled.

"Wakes up my heart that wants to sleep." Ryeowook continued, twirling her around.

"Ryeowookie." Sungah swayed with him. She hid her face in his chest to hide the growing blush in his cheeks.

"You're my endless love." Ryeowook sang, tightening his hands on her waist.

"It's not the happiest song," Sungah said, her words muffled a little from her face in his chest.

"I know. But when we released it, I began listening to it all the time. It reminded me of what I felt about you." Ryeowook rested his cheek on the top of her head. So that was why he picked it.

"I'm stuffing that cake in your face later," Sungah said, no longer hiding in his chest, making Ryeowook laugh a little.

"Should I sing to you again?"

"No, no more singing." Sungah laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Would you marry me? Will you approve of this heart of mine?" Ryeowook giggled, singing anyway.

"Ryeowookie." Sungah began blushing again.

"Please take this shining ring in my hand. That I've been preparing for you for a long long time." Ryeowook sang, kissing Sungah's left hand, making her blush intensify. "I'll be at your side, I do. Come on, sing it with me."

"No, Ryeowookie." Sungah giggled.

"Please?" Ryeowook kissed her nose sweetly.

"Even while it snows and rains, I'll cherish you, I do. I'll protect you, my love." Sungah gave in, making Ryeowook happy.

"Would you marry me, I do." Ryeowook smiled, capturing her lips into a long kiss.

True to her word, when the time came to cut the cake, Sungah kindly took her piece and smashed it on Ryeowook's face. Laughter erupted in the room, Sungah laughing the hardest out of all of them.

Wiping the sweetness away from his eyes, Ryeowook gladly took his revenge. He took his piece of cake and happily smashed it on Sungah's beautiful face. Sungah gasped in surprise but laughed along with him. She pulled him close to her and kissed his cake covered lips with her own.

"You're still pretty." Ryeowook giggled, kissing some frosting off of Sungah's nose.

"You ruined my makeup you know." Sungah laughed, wiping cake off her eye.

"I don't care." Ryeowook captured her sweet lips in another kiss. "Ice cream cake, huh?"


"Perfect choice."

As they ran out, it was Victoria who caught the bouquet, making her and Jiyong blush.

"I didn't realize our relationship was so serious." Jiyong joked, nudging her side.

"Who says I caught it for you?" Victoria pouted. "And our relationship isn't serious at all. That's what's so good about it."

"Fair enough." Jiyong replied.

What a wicked liar.

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