Ms Heartfilia (NaLu)

By Frances854

274K 7.3K 6.3K

Lucy Heartfilia, a 22 year old woman works as a Gr 4 teacher at Sunshine Hills Public School. Natsu Dragneel... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 27
Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32

Ch 22

8.1K 225 220
By Frances854

(Normal POV)

<——Sunday Afternoon——>

"And...done!" Mira clapped her hands together, happy that she has finally finished the beautiful makeup look on her gorgeous blonde best friend, "Here, look in the mirror!" She grabbed the small circular mirror from the table and handed it to Lucy.

She gasped, "Mira! Thank you so much! It looks perfect!"

Mira giggled, "I'm glad you like it! Though, it wasn't that complicated, you're already more than beautiful!" She complimented.

Mira was the chosen one to do Lucy's hair and makeup. It was very simple really, just some light brown eyeshadow, mascara, a little brown eyeliner, and some deep blood red matte lipstick.

Her hair was curled and done up in a low side bun with looser strands here and there to help frame her face. She also had a shiny little silver butterfly hair clip to add just a little more to the look.

Erza was the one who found her the perfect dress which really matches with the lipstick. It was a deep red mid thigh length dress that flowed out at the bottom. Very classy.

To top it off, Lucy had on some midnight black three inch heels because if she went any higher, she'd probably look like she was trying to imitate the walk of a goose, which was not what she was looking for.

While Lucy was looking closely at her face in the mirror, admiring Mira's work for her eyeshadow, Mira glanced at the time on the clock hung on the dining room wall.

Yes, Mira did Lucy's makeup in the dining room at the table.

The clock read, 3:52pm.

She gasped, the blonde's billionaire boyfriend said he'd be there by 4:00pm, so he should be there any minute by now.

"Lucy! Oh my gaaahhhh!! Hehehehe! Your soulmate should be here any minute!" She squealed, clapping her hands together, her charm bracelet making little jingly sounds as she moved.

Lucy blushed when she mentioned the 'soulmate' part, "Mira! Calm down, it's just a date!" She pouted cutely.

Yes, it was definitely a date, but not just any date. It was their first actual, actual, actual date. Like, for real! And not only that, but it was also going to be a very special date.


The familiar sound of Lucy's doorbell echoed through her apartment. She was about to stand up and answer it, until Mira snatched her wrist and stopped her.

"What are you doing? It's probably Natsu!" The blonde whispered harshly.

Mira only giggled, "Yes, but I want to answer it! Then, you can do a big reveal!"

Lucy nodded in understanding and quickly hid in her bedroom. She carefully left her door ajar and listened in for her cue to walk out into the living room where she could hear them talking.

"Lucy! Natsu's here!" Mira called, acting like Lucy didn't know Natsu was there the whole time. She just wanted a the best reaction she could possibly get out of Natsu.

"Here she come's!" Mira squealed as she heard the satisfying 'clicking' sounds Lucy's heels made as she made her way to the living room.

Natsu was wearing a brand new pitch black coloured suit with a white dress shirt underneath, along with a blood red tie and black leather shoes. Nothing really different compared to what he usually wears, but he was still just as handsome.

Natsu's eyes widened and his lips parted a little when he saw the love of his life step into the living room.

He couldn't even describe what he was feeling.

To him, every time he saw her, the more beautiful she became. Her beauty could easily exceed the one of a goddess. He never thought such fairness even existed. And to top it off, she didn't even try. She didn't even realize!

She stood in front of him, afraid of what he might say. He hasn't said anything in the last thirty seconds and she was beginning to worry that he didn't like her choice of clothing, or style that her best friends helped her with the day before.

"I-Is there something wrong? Do I look bad? I can change if you want." She said, worry laced through her voice.

His eyebrows furrowed,


How could she possibly think that?

He bent down and took her delicate hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing her fair skin like a gentleman.

His girlfriend blushed deeply, almost matching the colour of her lipstick.

He opened his sharp predator-like eyes slightly as he slowly removed his lips from her hands and stood back up normally. He held both her petite hands in his larger masculine ones as he stared into her sweet doe brown eyes, "You are the most beautiful creature to walk on this planet. No one, nothing can compare to you're beauty. Inside and out, darling."

Lucy teared up, "Oh no! Lucy don't cry! It took me forever to do that! Your date hasn't even started yet!" Mira exclaimed while quickly dabbing off the salty happy tears that went down Lucy's soft porcelain cheeks, being carful not to ruin her makeup.

"Well, we better get going, I have a few things planned and we need to hurry," Said Natsu glancing at his expensive watch.

Lucy nodded, "Yeah, let's go," She smiled, which the man in front of her easily returned.


"Here we are, the official Dragneel inc. building," Said Natsu as he parked his car in his own designated spot where he normally parks.

Lucy's chocolate brown eyes sparkled, "Woah..."

He chuckled, "C'mon, we need to hurry, I have more places I want to show you," He stepped out of the car and quickly went to the other side and opened the door for his girlfriend, as usual.

She smiled, "Thank you," she kissed his cheek before walking up to the front doors of the building and waiting for him.

After he closed her door and made sure that his car was all locked up, he jogged over to where she was waiting.

He smiled, "Go ahead, I'll let you open the door."

She rolled her eyes playfully and pulled the right door open. Or at least, she tried to, it wouldn't even budge.

"C'mon! Why aren't you working!" She mumbled to herself in frustration while Natsu was behind her, busy trying to contain his laughter.

She yanked and yanked, yet still, nothing happened.

"Baby, do you want some help?" Natsu asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She sighed in defeat and looked up at him, silently asking for some assistance with her eyes, if that was even possible.

He chuckled once more and gently grabbed her little chin with his index finger and his thumb, and slowly turned her head to the left.

She had a look of confusion written all over her face, but it soon vanished when she saw what was on the door.

There was a sign on the door that said 'Push'.

Her jaw dropped, "Oh...pshh, I knew that! I was just...testing you...yeah..." she scratched her head, smiling sheepishly.

Natsu shook his head, "Alright, whatever you say...Now, after you," He easily opened the door and allowed her to step inside first with him following.

Lucy gasped, everything looked so elegant and clean, and professional, even the floor was beautiful. She could even see her and Natsu's reflection in it.

Natsu then took the lead, and began the tour of the great Dragneel inc. building. He wanted her to know everything about this place, and now he was finally able to show her where he spent most of his time. He wanted to eventually share his business with her, and this was one of the first steps to doing so.

He lead Lucy in one of the elevators and pressed the button for the second floor.

He showed her all the floors of the building, what happens on each floor and what floors are for what, and so on, until finally, they finished and reached the very top floor. Floor number fifty.

That's where his office was.


The elevator dinged signalling that the it has stopped.

Natsu and Lucy walked out, his arm around her waist as they walked to his office. People would glance at them every chance they had, surprised to see their boss bring in a new lady.

So far, Lucy was very impressed. Everything inside the building looked very expensive and professional. Just like how it should be, but it was also very beautiful in a unique way.

Finally, they've reached the end of the hall and came face to face with a door with a sign that said 'Dragneel' on the front.

"I'll let you open this one. It's a push door too by the way," He chuckled.

Lucy just rolled her eyes and turned the handle, pushing open the door as he said.

Her eyes widened.

Inside, was a large room, probably three times the size of her small average bedroom back inside her apartment. The back wall had a huge rectangular window, showing many of the other buildings and roads of the city outside. In front of the window was Natsu's leather office chair and neat dark wood coloured desk.

There was a little potted tree in the right corner of the room and picture frames scattered across the blood red coloured walls with pictures of Natsu's relatives that owned the company before him.


The big window in back was what caught Lucy's eye the most, she immediately walked over to it and gazed out, admiring the breathtaking view.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Natsu whispered as he approached the blonde beauty and wrapped his safe warm arms around her slim waist from behind.

He gently swayed side to side with her as they gazed out.

She nodded, "Yeah..."

"You should see this at night, you'd love how the lights look."

After a couple moments of silence, the blonde spoke up once more,

"Hey, Natsu?"


"I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"What time do the staff get off work?"

"5:10pm, they should be leaving in a few minutes. Why?"

"Just wondering..."

They stayed there for a few moments more until Natsu decided that it was best if they left. They've been there for a little over an hour, and he didn't want to be late for the next thing he had planned.

"We better get going baby, I want to take you somewhere else." He said after kissing her soft rosy cheek.


Lucy gasped, "I haven't been to this restaurant in forever! I love this place!" She squealed excitedly, bouncing in her comfy seat.

Natsu parked in front of a huge first class five star restaurant, one of the most popular places in their area.

Lucy absolutely loved this restaurant, the last time she came here was quite a long time ago when she still lived in the Heartfilia mansion.

Natsu sighed dramatically, after he stopped the car engine, "It is, but you have to pay for our food and everything else."

Her stomach dropped.


He wanted her to pay?

She looked at him in pure shock.

"Hahaha! Oh Lucy, what am I going to do with you!? Haha, you should've seen the look you just gave me! You're too cute!" Her pink haired boyfriend teased her, laughing at how priceless the look on her face was just then.

He was never actually going to make her pay for all that, never.

She pouted and smacked his arm, which didn't really affect him at all, it felt like a fly bite to him, "You're mean."

His laughter soon died down and he looked at her. She was still pouting.

She was giving him payback. Lucy was not one to mess with when it came to these types of things, she wanted revenge. She was going to make him feel guilty. Lucy knew how to act pretty well, in her opinion, and now she was going to put that talent to good use.

"You know I was just teasing you Luce," He held her hand in his.

She just turned her head and gazed out the window, staring at the other cars parked beside them.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Now he was starting to show his worry, he was beginning to panic.

"You're so mean Natsu, why?" She forced some tears in her eyes the best she could, it was difficult because she was trying her hardest not to laugh at him for believing her.

"I-I, Luce I said I was sorry! I was just kidding!" He panicked, picking up her hand and kissing the back over and over again a couple times.

He wasn't stupid, no, he just thought that the reason behind her unusual behaviour was that maybe she was on her period. He knew that women got a little moody during that time.

He never really understood women.

Lucy's shoulders began to shake.

This was it.

She could no longer contain her laughter.

This was just hilarious. She was so proud of herself.

"Bwahahahahaha! N-Natsu! Hahahah! Y-you actually believed me! Hahaha!" She clutched her stomach, dying of laughter. She laughed so much that eventually, no noise was coming out and she was struggling to breath.

Natsu was just staring at her in disbelief.

Did she really just do that? And did he really just believe her?

Only she had this effect on him. She was the only person in all his life to make him believe something so silly.

Spending time with her was never going to get old.

"Alright, alright, let's go eat." He sighed and stepped out of the car, going on Lucy's side to open her's -as always- and guiding her to the restaurant while she kept her beautiful smile stretched across her sweet face, which Natsu secretly admired.

The sun was beginning to set, but not too much. The sky was just barely starting to turn a light shade of orange. The breeze that blew by as they walked through the parking lot was warm and pleasing.

Natsu was the one who opened the door, he let Lucy in first, then him right behind her. It smelled of really delicious food inside and it only made Lucy's stomach growl, making her realize her sudden hunger.

The woman at the front table smiled at them when they entered.

"Good evening! Are you reserved?" She asked kindly.

"Yes, we're the Dragneels." Natsu responded while Lucy just stood behind him and admired the place. She blushed when he said Dragneel in a plural form. It was as if she was a Dragneel too...

"Just you two?" The woman asked.


"Alright, you can follow me to your table Mr and Mrs Dragneel."

Natsu didn't even try to correct her...

Lucy blushed and tried to get her mind off the thought and decided to continue to admire the restaurant.

It was the same as the last time she saw it.

The floor was a beige patterned carpet, and the walls were made of dark wood. The tables were covered with a white table cloth and there were fancy crystal vases with deep red roses inside, placed in the center of each table.

The woman stopped at a table by the window that showed off the ocean and beach, and walked away after to go help out other customers.

It was certainly a view to die for.

Natsu pulled a chair out and motioned Lucy to sit down. When she did, he gently pushed her in and sat down in his own chair across from her.

Lucy sighed, "I love this restaurant, it's been so long since the last time I was here," she smiled.

"Well, im glad I chose the right place," Natsu smiled back.

'This is the best date ever,' Lucy thought as she read through the menu that was placed in front of her.

She had no idea what Natsu had planned to say later that evening after their time in the restaurant. It was certainly going to bring tears to her eyes.


Thx for reading this chapter! Plz vote and comment what you think! Bye!!💛

What is Natsu planning to ask Lucy? Do you think she'll be happy?

You'll just have to find out in the next chapter or so!!

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