The Hunt For money

By Aduwaaaa

478 52 27

Will she ever move on? Does she have the ability to be strong? To be emotionless and fearless. Cracked from t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5

chapter 6

24 4 5
By Aduwaaaa

Important!! Important!!

Read the author's note at the bottom, very important, I've made new changes its important!! I've told you!

Inspirational quote of the day?

Third person POV

"Thank you for cleaning her up, Maggie... Scratch that, thank you for all your doing for us, I swear to you mama, I'll pay you back for all your doing I promise."

"Oh don't be silly Anna." The lady in yellow said,

"You know I love the both of you dearly, like my own daughters. So what your practically saying is that your going to pay back your own mother for taking care of you. Sweetheart, it's my job and duty to take care of you, and Kia.

So stop being silly about the hole ordeal and go eat. I believe there are still some left over spaghetti in the fridge, I suggest you worm it now before it gets too frozen." Maggie said chuckling, while positioning her self comfortably in her little warm and cozy couch, and picking up her reading glasses to continue reading the novel she had been reading before Anna's knock on the door had momentarily stopped her.

Anna just chuckled and climbed up the stairs, off to put Kia to bed. The little girl had insisted that she be the one to tuck her in, Anna didn't have a single problem with that.

It was at times like this when she missed her mother. She didn't miss her cold hearted mother, the one whom kicked her out of the house, or the one whom verbally abused her after the death of her father, the one whom became an alcoholic, or didn't even simply believed her.

No, she missed her mother, her real mother. The one who tucked her in bed and read her a story every night. The one who would wake her up every morning with kisses and tea, the one who scolded her for everything and nothing, her mentor and guide. The one who she shared everything with even her crushes, the one who was always there when she cried, failed a test or got injured, the one who cared.

I lone tear ran down her chick remembering the good times.

Annabelle quickly realized what she was doing and shook her head in denial and harshly wiped away the liquid form her paled face.

Reminiscing about the past will take you no where, she thought. Look forward to the future and what it holds. You still have Kia,mary and Maggie... Heck you also have yourself don't you.

Maggie had been a dear friend of her mother at a time. They had always been there for each other, at first as acquainted strangers, but then as very good friends.

She was a strong woman and a second mother to Anna. After all that happened to her, she was still strong and open minded. Her partner, Mr Barrows had died on duty. He was a bodyguard to the president. Saving the life of the president was his job and focus at all cost, even if it meant his life.

Of course she was compensated boldly, but that still didn't fill the huge void in her heart, the poor lady was still a slobbering mess, in her time of need, Anna and her mother had been there for her through thick and thin, they said.

So now Maggie, has felt the need to repay the family back in their own time of need and despair by simply being there for Anna.

So, after the dreadful incident with her mother and family, Maggie was always there for them.

Anna now lives with Maggie, along with her daughter; mary, and let's not forget kia.

Maggie had met Anna's mother at a vegetable fest. It was a place where they all gathered to see and buy new vegetables and fruits, imported and produced from different farms around the world.


Anna had been forced by her mother to escort her to a vegetable... Well, a vegetable something. She couldn't quite remember name of the lame event seeing as she wasn't even paying attention because she was the least interested in it

"Annie, why are you looking all glum chum honey" the voice of her Darling mother, Amelia, had asked her with the heaviest of hearts. All she wanted was a perfect mother-daughter bonding time, but apparently her thoughts don't exactly have the same pace with that of her daughters.

Anna just sighed and sadly slumped her shoulders,"Mom... You clearly know I don't want to be here. Picking vegetables and talking about different fruits isn't exactly my forte, or a pass time activity for me." 

Amelia was amazed by the maturity of her daughter, it made her heart swell in pride. If it were other kids, they'd probably be shouting and declaring how much they hated their parents..
But at the same time, she was also sad her daughter was not really enjoying the fest like she had thought.

But then suddenly, an idea came to her mind

"Tell you what honey..."

"What?" Anna said with a little hope in her brown orbs

"If you lighten up ur mood just a tad bit, I'll let you hang out with that boy you've been talking and daydreaming about" Amelia said with pure joy in her heart seeing the reaction of her little girl.

"Mom seriously!!!!??" Anna said with a very loud squill, drawing the attention of certain nosy passer-bys

"Yup" with a smile, Amelia said. Popping the 'P' in the process

Suddenly, Anna remembered something, and it made her sad all over again

"You know dad will never let me go..."

"Oh Anna, my little girl, I'm his wife. I have so many ways of convincing him, so turn that frown, upside down.. deal...?"

With new reassurance in her heart she said,

"Okay, deal." and smiled

"Great! Now let's go kick those vegetables asses...! "  Amelia said while skipping over to a boot.

"Mommmmm...." The little girl said with a chuckle, and skipped over to meet her mother.

Once at the veggie boot, Amelia was picking different kind off vegetables, showing some to her daughter now and then, teaching her the various names

"Now this one is called a turnip contain a very big amount of vitamin K, diet fiber and calcium." Amelia said while picking up a vegetable


"Yup, did you also know, the flesh of a turnip has a very soft flavor that takes well to simple seasoning followed by grilling." Said Anna's mother with a huge grin stretched across her face

But just as she was about to put the veggie in her basket, a female voice gently interrupted

"Grilled turnips have a lightly charred exterior with a seasoning-infused starchy interior. Serve them as a side dish or dice them for a salad or soup. It would be like heaven in your mouth"  A middle aged lady had said, with a chicky grin matching that of the little girl.

"How did you know that!" The other women said with a huge smile on her face

The stranger had just let out a chuckle, and said

"I'm a huge fan of veggies, my husband and I own a little farm in the middle of our backyard. He loves anything that has to do with plants, so let's just say he rubbed off on me."

"Seriously?? I'm a huge fan too! I may not own a garden or farm but i also love plants"

"Wow... that's amazing, Nowadays you rarely see people that are even interested in this... I'm glad I met someone who actually is" the strange lady said with a gentle smile on her face

The stranger stretched out her hand

"I'm Magdalene, Magdalene Barrows" she said with a smile on her face. Amelia also stretched out her hand and shook her

"Amelia McRichard. Nice to meet you. Oh, and this is my daughter, she's the one I was explaining all those facts to. She also is not a fan of the veggie club, so I was trying to keep things interesting..." Her mother said with a chuckle, suddenly feeling a little silly.

Magdalene crouched down,the little girls level to say hi,

"Hi, I'm Magdalene but you can call me Maggie, and you are...?"
"I'm Annabelle, but my friends call me Anna, or Annie. They said Annabelle's too long and a month full, so you can call me either of those."

"Okay... How about I call you Belle, it would be my own personal nickname for you sweetheart, sounds good?"

"Yeah, okay. Sounds good."

"Great!" She lovingly pitched the little girls cheeks, and stood up from her crouching position, dusting invisible dirt from her yellow dress.

"It was nice meeting you Maggie, but we have to go before it gets late.."

"Oh yes... I perfectly understand, No biggie. how bout, your family come over for dinner to mine. I'm my husband would love to meet you" she said while writing down her number on a piece of paper for Amelia.

"I would love to. Is this Your number?" She said referring to the little piece of paper Maggie had given her.

"Yes, call me anytime you want to come over, but I'll be expecting you this Sunday"

"Will do. Thanks you so much Maggie. Expect my call this evening" she said while hugging her new found friend.

"Bye aunt Maggie.. bye Maggie" Annabelle  had her mother had said.

"Bye guys" the lady said. Sending them a little wave with her right hand.

And then they turned on their heals and left.

And from that day forward, they became best friends, but to Anna, she was a second mother.

End of flashback.

After tucking the little girl to sleep, she contemplated eating or just going straight to bed, she went with the latter. She knows if she doesn't eat, Maggie is gonna hand her, her head on a silver platter.

Coming down the stairs, Annabelle saw miss Barrows still reading her book

I think it's called 'The vault in our stars', she thought. Seeing as she couldn't really remember, she shrugged her shoulders and headed to the kitchen

Maggie had tried telling her about the movie, but she just shrugged it off and didn't pay any attention.

Anna opened up the fridge, intently looking for the left over deliciousness, Lord knows she was starving. She hadn't eaten anything since morning a that was around eight!! Well, if you count the muffin she ate before she stepped out.

"It's called the fault in our Stars" a voice said, you could literally hear the silent smugness in her words

With an overly audible gasp, she abruptly and frightendly  turned around, trying to figure out the culprit

"Jeez Maggie!! You scared me half to death. I'm sure my ghost already left my body..."  Anna said while putting her hand over her chest to express her fear properly. Maggie just rolled her eyes and muttered 'drama queen' under her breath, Anna had surely heard her, but just chose to ignore it.

Maggie adjusted herself against the side of the brown counter, folded her arms and asked Annabelle a question while watching her

"So, Miss Belle, how was your day?" She asked, while the little girl was busy warming her food over the stove.

Anna contemplated telling her the truth, or just straight up lie to her with the casual 'it was fine', but she was really tired due to all the day's activity and if she told Maggie about it, the old lady wouldn't even let her finish her story before attacking her with serious series of questions, she wouldn't let her out of her presence for a minute talk more of going to bed, and right now she was really tired, all she wanted to do was snuggle in her bed and allow sleep to consume her.

So Anna, just choose the easiest option.

"It was fine Maggie, same ol, same ol 'well call you back tomorrow' or 'we'll take your application to heart. But we all know they don't even think once, talk more of twice after you've left." With a heavy heart and sigh she said, you could feel the sadness and guilt radiating off every inch of her.

Not Telling Maggie about her day was probably not the wisest idea she's come up with, and she was sure it would probably end up biting her in the ass at some point. And plus if she had told her, the poor woman would probably have a heart attack due to worry, she won't even let the girl step out of the house claiming it was to dangerous, and Anna wouldn't forgive her self if the sweet' ol woman would have a heart attack because of something so insignificant.

Maggie just smiled and waved her hands in the air, "sweetheart, it's fine. I believe everything has a reason and if you've not found a job now, is because God has something greater in store for you, so cheer up, and stop looking all glum chum."

Glum chum.

Something that her mother use to always say to her when she was down. But not anymore...

Maggie probably didn't know this fact or she or wouldn't have used those words. The lady was aware with her situation with her mother, and wouldn't have said those exact words if she knew.

So Anna just shrugged it off and set her dinner in a bowl and dug in, not before muttering a light 'yeah' as her response to Maggie.

When Anna started eating, she had expected the woman to leave her be, or just stop looking at her, but she was wrong. Maggie stood proud and tall, looking at the little girl with adoration and love in her eyes, as well as heart.

Anna felt really uncomfortable at her scrunting gaze, she awkwardly shifted side to side, trying to alert the woman about how uncomfortable she felt, but Maggie didn't get the gist, so she sighed and dropped her spoon, looked up, only to see Maggie starting at her, not making any sign to move back anytime soon

"Umm Maggie your-" she was interrupted by Maggie herself.

"I wish you were my own daughter, your parents should be proud of you..."

Anna had not been expecting those all

"Thank you. Well, I'm glad you think so, but unfortunately Amelia does not share those thoughts with you.." she trailed off,  trying to sound like it didn't affect her, but it did...a lot.

"She dosen't know the real you. Your smart, beautiful independent and talented. Don't allow any body to tell you otherwise." Maggie said in the most loving and stern voice she could muster

"I-..." But before Anna could reply, the lady in yellow, turned on her head and headed back to the chair to continue reading her book, like nothing happened.

To say Anna was taken back would be an understatement, she was speechless, she tried to speak, she really did. but her mouth would just open and close like a fish out of water. so she just stuck to finishing her dinner and washed the plates and any other one she saw in the sink, and they weren't a lot of them.

After she was done, she double checked their security, wouldn't want any buglers or bad guys now would we, she thought.

After internally debating whether to wish Maggie a good night or not, she just chose to do it. It would be impolite if she didn't.

"Umm... Maggie-..." Maggie just looked up and smiled, clearly noticing the child's discomfort

"Good night sweetheart." Anna just signed in relief and said,

"Good night Maggie." And With that she turned on her heal and went to bed.

Once in her room; in the basement, she loosened her hair from the ponytail she had done when she was in the chase.

She brushed her teeth, and changed into something more comfortable, while Reminiscing over the remaining encounters from her hectic night

With that on her mind, she slumped on her medium sized bed and fell into the deep slumber she has oh so been praying for.


AuThor's note

Forgive me my pretties...!!! *Sobs heavily while kneeling down in my pool of tears with the spotlight on me and my face covering my hands in shame.*

I am so sorry pretties, I don't know I just got a slight writers block... I don't know why...

Can someone please tell me why?? Weird... I know✌

But I'm back in action. Believe me..I feel as strong as a bull😏...I wish.

Well, I can't believe I finally updated do you guys know how I've been wanting to. I felt really bad.

So this chapter is out, I just wanted to let you have an insight of how her life is when she's not being chased my gang members and imprisoned with a hottie😉

I've made a few changes to the book, if you haven't already realized.

1: silver's name is now Annabelle

2: Annabelle's name is now Kia

3: I'm changing Nathaniel's name to Nicolai. The person whom I named the male lead is now acting like an ass... So I was lyk y not... and voila..🙌 and plus I just realized I loved the name... It fits him more.

Anymore questions? Dm me or comment, I'll reply.

What do you think is going to happen to her now that Nathaniel/Nicolai knows of her existence?

Who is this Nicolai we speak off?

What do you think happened to her that she stopped talking to her mom? beware, Kia has to be involved.

What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Please comment or dm me your answers.

Btw I'm writing a new book titled:kisses and tea.

I haven't really started writing it yet, but just check it out, add it to ur library and follow me to receive new updates about both books...💗💗💗

Until later my pretties *red curtain closes*

Love, vote, comment, share.💖

Xoxo aduwaaaa


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