Bendy × Cuphead (One shots)

By MostBoringFemaleEver

71.8K 2K 4.6K

The title basically explains this??I'm sorry if it's cringy but Imma try my best. More

Meeting the Cupbros
Drunken Love
The Surprise
Lonely Soul
My Poetic Lover
Best Birthday Ever
Thank you!
The Dress_Lemon🍋🍋
Reunited Again
Virtual Endearment
A Love Song for You~❤️
Accidental Kiss...
A Halloween with Cuphead
🍋🍋Just Friends🍋🍋
Truth or Dare?
An Old Friend
A Christmas to Remember
A Christmas to Remember (pt. 2)
Love Spell
His Only One
The fanboys: Our brothers
Abused and Hoping for You
Hey look! Mah face!!!
Li'l Prank
Who Needs True Happiness?
Thank Yoouuu!!!!
Too Little, Too Late
Crappy remake (Happy Ending!)
Rainy Day
Bullet for You
The Boy in the Moon
Not a Chapter
Lemme Smash

A Demon From Hell

1K 39 184
By MostBoringFemaleEver

Okay, so before the story starts, I want to say that this was heavily inspired by the animation "Welcome To Hell". It's an amazing animation and the characters are interesting and fun. Short summary: A guy named Sock kills himself and his soul is sent to Hell. There he is assigned to pester a human, Jonathan, until Jonathan kills himself. It's pretty funny. I'll stop talking now so you can read😅

Bendy's P.O.V.
I look down the deep hole that I've dug. Once I do that, I walk over to the body on the ground, drag it to the hole, and toss it inside. "Welp, that's it." I sit on the grassy ground in front of the graves, unsure of what I was to do next. I grab the knife next to me, then stand up and take one last look at my parents graves. "Well.... I suppose we won't be seeing each other for an eternity." I state. Despite my family consisting mainly of devils and demons, my parents were practically saints. I feel bad for sleep-murdering them, but not so much. Without a second thought, I plunge my knife into my chest. When I open my eyes, I'm greeted by what looks like a devil, though I'm pretty sure I have no familial bondings with him. "Welcome to Hell. Would ya like a hand?" He asks, offering his hand out to me. "S-Sure. Thank you, sir." I grab his hand and he lifts me up as we appear in what looks to be his office. "Not what I imagined Hell to look like..." I say to myself. "Hello Bendy. My name's Lucifer." He introduces himself. "Hi.... can I ask you a question?" "You just did, kid." He states, clearly unamused. I mentally facepalm myself. "Y-Yeah, then another question." "Go ahead." "Why am I not being tortured? Where's all the fire? Why don't I hear any tortured souls or screaming?" I ask. "Oh, that's easy enough to answer. Well, kiddo, I'm currently having Hell renovated, so everyone is off the hook." "Oh..." "The only one suffering.... is ME! Will you look at this place? It's a friggin' mess!" He opens the blinds of his office door. "Everyone is getting chummy with each other and no work is getting done!" He grabs my shoulders and sobs. "I-I'm sure it'll get done at some point. I mean, there's all of eternity to get it done." I state, trying to comfort him. He immediately lifts his head up, happy again. "Kid, I'm gonna give you an offer!" He walks to a file cabinet. "Oh, you mean like a deal with the devi-" he cuts me off. "I mean, a job offer! Oh, come off it, kid. I already have your soul." He looks through his files. "Look, I think you'll be a great fit for this job because of your... homicidal tendencies. You'll be assigned to a human counterpart whom you have to pester, annoy, and torment until he... y'know, ends his story." I stand up."You mean I get to kill people?" I ask excitedly, practically jumping. "Ehhh not exactly. You get to help people kill themselves." He seems to have found the file he was looking for. "Here's your first assignment. You work five days a week." I open the folder. Immediately, a blush spreads onto my face. This Cuphead guy looks pretty cute. Aside from being a homIcidal person, I'm also kind of a homOsexual. {Welp... let's do this.}


Bendy's P.O.V.
I slowly side-step to Cuphead at his bus stop, making sure not to make eye contact. Yet, I still feel his his glare aimed at me. The bus comes and he steps on. The doors close just as I reach the steps. Then I remember I'm a ghost. So, I float to the seat that Cuphead is sitting at. He must sense my presence because he looks at me and dramatically grabs his bag, putting it in his lap. Lucifer appears in the seat next to me. "Why is he ignoring me?" I ask. "Because he's disillusioned with humanity. I mean, he is a teenager after all." Lucifer explains. "Can he see me?" "He can, they can't." "Can he see you?" "Nope." "Can he hear us?" "He can hear you. You're talking to yourself." I cast a look at Cuphead. "Nuh-uh! He's wearing headphones!" I look back to where Lucifer was, but he's gone. Annoyed, I stare at the ceiling of the bus.

-Timeskip to when they arrive at school-

Bendy's P.O.V.
I follow Cuphead to wherever he's going. Which is to a table. Alone. I sit down next to him, resting my head on my hand and smiling. Annoyed, he takes off his headphone. "What do you WANT?" "I-I'm a demon... and I'm here to haunt you." I mentally slap myself for being so straight up. "Psh. Whatever." He gets up and walks off. I float over to his first class and sit next to him. I lean over my desk to try to see what he's doing but the desk tips over, causing Cuphead to get in trouble. His next class is P. E. The guys get changed into shorts. Cuphead has the ball and he's looking for someone to pass it to. When he looks at me, I wave my hands. He throws the ball to me. I pretend I'm gonna catch it, but when it gets closer, I move to the side. His classmates playfully push him and laugh as they pass him. He groans and tilts his head looking at me quite frustrated.

-Timeskip to a few weeks later-

Bendy's P.O.V.
I've actually become good friends with Cuphead over the past few weeks. I'm not sure if I can go through with making him commit suicide as originally planned. At the moment, we're laying down in a field talking. "So, how did it feel when you stabbed yourself?" Cup asks. "I was in excruciating pain for a few seconds, then it stopped." I respond. "Oh. Okay, here's another one. Why do you wear a skirt?" (This refers to Sock's design. He wears a cute li'l dress with pants underneath.) {Hmmm..... how to answer that one?} "I dunno. I hate gender stereotypes and I wanted to be different." I answer. "Honestly, I find it pretty cute." {Did he just say that?} "Uhhh.... th-thanks." I try to hide my flustered face. "Can I ask you a question now?" "Sure." "Why aren't you phased by the fact that people think you're crazy?" "Opinions, especially negative ones, aren't really important to me. I mean, we have different perspectives. I see you and they can't. It makes no sense. Why judge me or label me if they haven't seen my perspective?" He answers nonchalantly. "Oh...." "Hey! Here's another question!" He practically shouts. "What?" "Can you touch things? Without going through them?" "If I focus enough energy on it, then I can. Why?" I ask, curious. He looks a little hesitant. "Can you focus your energy right now? I have something cool to show you. But you have to close your eyes first." He explains. "Uhhh okay?" I close my eyes and focus all my energy as best as I can. Suddenly, I feel two lips touch mine. My eyes immediately open only to reveal Cup's closed ones. I break the kiss, unable to tell if it was real or not. I hold my hand to my lips. Cuphead looks a little hurt. "I-I'm sorry! I should've asked first! I'm really sorry, Bends...." Now he looks guilty. "N-No! It's okay. I was just.... surprised is all." He looks at me. "Have you ever liked anyone? Before you died?" He asks, clearly to take away some of the awkwardness. "Ummm.... yeah. There was this one girl. I killed a squirrel for her and later I offered it to her but she just ran away screaming." I frown at the memory. "Well... you can give me a dead squirrel whenever you want." He smiles. "Heh... thanks." He stands up. "We should go home now." Before he starts walking away, I stop him. "Wait!" Cup stops and looks at me. "Canyoushowmethatcoolthingagain????" I ask, blushing. He gives me a shy smile. "Sure."

The End😊😊
A/N: So, again the main concept of this story doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Erica Wester whom is the creator of the animation. I suggest you watch it because it's again, very interesting. All you have to do is type in, Welcome To Hell on YouTube.  Welp, that's all and I hope you all liked this story. I thought it would kinda fit with Bendy and Cuphead. Also.... SOCKATHAN!!!!! 💖💖 Okay, I'll stop ranting now😅byyeee

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i wrote this a long time ago so sorry for grammar mistakes or if it's just plain horrible or cringe
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The title explains what it is. Hope you enjoy, feel free to comment what you thought or what you think I should add. Laters.