Hase story/love story

By Daphne_catty

33.1K 544 260

this time they will be 3rd year high school hawk and rose will start their date idea and there will be a new... More

First day of school
First day of school part 2
First day of school part 3
First day of school part 4
Slumber party
not chapter
Slumber party part 2
New enemy
new enemy part 2
New Rose
I will save my princess
return of Rose
Preparing for the grand ball
The Grand ball
Grand ball part 2
New problem for the Cinderella family
The revenge and curse
Looking for cure
The revealed(Kelly and Hawk this time)
The reveal to everyone
Return to normal
Big revenge and curse
The new Rose
not chapter
New lover of Rose
Falling inlove with a wrong prince
Falling down or pulling up
The *BIG* final revenge part 1
The *BIG* final revenge part 2
Happily ever after of Hase
New story

New problem

1K 22 8
By Daphne_catty

Bella pov.

"I hate you Rose!!" Bella said

"Calm down we will think a new plan" Snow queen said

"What plan?!" Bella said

"I will sent my daughter Kira but she will have a new identity and we will steal the wand of Cinderella family" Snow queen said

"Do you that will work?" Bella said

"Yeah believe me in this part" Snow queen

Rose pov.

"Hawk do you know where did I put my notebook? " Rose said

"No...Why?" Hawk ask

"I lost it" Rose said

"Well I......" Hawk said

"You what?" Rose said

"I kinda give it to Astoria when your gone" Hawk said

"What?!" Rose shout

"Why?" Hawk said

"All of my secret is there!" Rose said

"Opss hihi" Hawk laugh nervously cuz he think Rose will kill him😂😂

"I have to get that" Rose rush off and left Hawk behind

"Well I think that secret is very important" Hawk said and follow Rose

Astoria pov.

"Well......should I read this" Astoria said holding Rose notebook

"Come on read it" Travis said

"What if Rose will get mad" Ling ling said

"Don't worry she wont find out" Joy said

but they don't know Rose is behind the wall listening to them

"Guys did you see Rose?" Hawk ask

"No we don't. ......why?" Astoria said

"Oh you still have Rose notebook" Hawk said

"ye--" Astoria was cut off when Rose get her notebook

"No one allow to read my notebook" Rose said

"Oh hey there Rose" Astoria said nervously

"Well let's go to the class now" Rose said

"Are you still under course?" Travis ask

"No why?" Rose ask

"Cuz the Rose we know is always getting late not early" Shawn said and they all laugh

"Not funny" Rose said

inside the class

"Class today we will have a new student" Cinderella said

"Hi,I'm carly mermaid" New student said

"Well pls give us a time think of your team" Snow white said

"Pls put me in thats girl team the girl have a bow tie  and yellow hair" carly said

"Sure.....Vicky pls welcome her in your team" Snow white said

"Oh sure" Vicky said

after class

"Well why yoy choose us?" Vicky said

"Well maybe this remind you about me" Carly said
and bring out a Snow ball made of ice

"Wait........................Kira!!!!!!" Vicky shout

"Shhhh.....someone will hear you" Carly said

"Opss sorry.....well I guess we will have more evil plan" Vicky said

"Of course we have the strongest villan you know the one who kidnap Rose" Carly said

"Really?" Cyrus ask

"Yup" Carly said

"What's the plan?" Vicky ask

"Still the Cinderella family wand" Carly said

"That's hard" Cyrus said

"That's the only way to rule the whole fairly tale and if we have that we will destroyed the Cinderella family simbol and my family will be the number one out of sev....I mean one out of the six family" Carly said

"Well this is really sneaky" Cyrus said

"Yeah" Vicky said

"Well evil laugh time" Carly said they laugh

back to the regal team

Hawk pov.

"That's weird why she want to be with Vicky?" Hawk ask

"Maybe she think they are great but not really" Astoria said

"You got a point Astoria" Rose said

"Why Hawk do you like her?" Joy said

"What?!" Hawk said

"Joy,Hawk choose Rose already" Ling ling said

"Yeah" Shawn

Rose face is getting RED

"Guy's can we join Asquire(A/N I dont know if my spelling is right) in our group?" Rose ask

"Why?" Joy ask

"So you won't feel lonely cuz I have a feeling you like Asquire" Rose said Joy didn't Answer cuz her face is getting RED

All of them said"I agree"

"Why?!" Joy said

"Hi, Joy" ??? said

That's it for today guys who do you think is that strange guy's leave a comment down below and don't forget to vote


Hawk:Rose do you love me?


Hawk:I guess you don't like me

Rose:Hawk wait!


Rose Kiss Hawk passionately Hawk was shock all he only do is Kiss back

Me:Go on have your moment

Hawk and Rose still kissing

Me:Bye guys


Shawn:Wanna hang out some where?

Astoria:Sorry Shawn I'm busy


Astoria:Just kidding of course I want too

at thier hanging place

Shawn:Astoria. ....


Shawn get close to Astoria and kiss her slowly cuz he know Astoria is not ready but she kiss back and make Shawn shock


Travis:Hi Ling ling

Ling ling:Hi Travis

Travis rush to Ling ling and kiss her passionately kiss Ling ling just kiss back


Me:I think we're single?

Joy:I'm not single.....bye

Me:Why😭😭 why I'm single.......I wonder who is Joy crush......well bye guys😭

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