Welcome Back Dobre

By zariahunter

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Book 2 baby! Wooooo! If you have not yet read the first book, Married To Dobre, read it! I'm pretty sure you... More

(1)- July: United Kingdom Shows
(2)- August: Spain Shows
(3) Septemeber: France Shows
(5)- November Surprise
Instagram Followers Plan Out Or Day
(6) December: Italy Shows
(7)- January: Sweden Shows
(8)- February: Ireland Shows
(9) March: United Kingdom Shows
(10) They're Here
(11) May: Home Sweet Home
(12)- Vlog: Mara and Zara
(13)- This Is The End/ New Beginnings
(14) Goodbye! (Short Chapter.. like hella short)

(4)- October: Germany Shows

104 1 2
By zariahunter

(Mara's Point Of View)
M: What it do! I'm Mara.
Z: And I'm Zara! And this is our life.

"Hamburg! It's is good to be in you." We just touched down to the venue for tonight. We are running a little late because someone, no names, had to go pee. So when we got to Hamburg, we had to go straight to the venue because we had to get a new flight. So we are all very tired and two out of the four us get to sleep.

We literally have time to get changed, pre show ritual, and get on stage.

"I don't know how many times I can say sorry. I really had to pee," Our manager says as he walks past us to the area designated for him. "If this show is shit, it's your fault," I told him with the evil eyes. "If I could Gibbs slap him, I would," Zara walks over, "Our outfits are already in the room. Let's go get dressed."

Tonight is an all black night for me. Black poncho with black leggings and black boots. My hair has a bun at the top with the rest curled to the side. Zara has on a short sleeved grey dress that stops right at her knee with white pointy heels. I don't see myself wearing heels for a show at anytime. To much time on stage, my feet will hurt. I mean you can always take them off.

"Your phone is ringing.

(Lucas's Point Of View)

Today is just an average day here in the Dobre house. It's not a filming day for the Dobre Brothers but we do have to film for our channel. Marcus and I. We don't really know what we are going to do for today because normally, all five of us sit down and talk about video ideas when we are out of them. But two out of the five is in Germany so we only have three brains

Three guy brains.

"Come on guys! We can think of something." "Obviously we can't if we are still sitting here." "It's not that hard! Let's just call them." "They are busy! It's not their channel! It's ours! Therefore, it's our problem." "It's a problem now?" "Yes! If we can't come up with an idea, it's a problem." "Woah! Woah! Woah," Darius says walking in with Cyrus behind him. "What's with all the arguing?" "We are having a hard time thinking of ideas."

They looked at us.

"Here!" With the hand over of a phone, there they were! "What could you possibly want," my wife speaks first. "Speak fast! We have to be on stage in ten minutes." "We need a video idea." "For what channel?" "Lucas and Marcus." "You can do this popular shopping swap haul challenge they are doing now and days on YouTube," Zara suggests. "What's that?" "You and Marcus set a budget of what you can spend, so like five hundred bucks or whatever, and you go around shopping for each other. At the end, you swap bags and see if the other person knows you well! It's not hard. You guys are twins so it should be easy." "That's a great idea. We miss you over here," I told them. "We miss you too. But we really have to go!" "Can you just stay on for a few more minutes?" "Ya killing me smalls. We would love to but we have to go. Like now! Hugs and kisses."

And with that they were off.

"I guess we can do teams?" "Yeah! Why not help you guys out!" "Okay! Me and Cyrus. You and Darius," Marcus offered. "I can dig it. We should meet back here in," I looked at my phone, "five hours." "Alright! Let's go then."

(Back To Mara's Point Of View)

Show Intro
"Mara, we are here!" "Can you believe it? We are actually in Europe!" "Yeah! We are in Hamburg to be exact." "Hamburg! That's crazy. Can you believe that Cara?" Cara walks on the screen, "That's crazy! Can you believe that Eli?" I picked up Elias, "Mama," he point to the camera. "What's right there Eli? Is it the crowd of people?" "Those are the people of Hamburg! Everyone wave." We all waved. I gave Eli to Cara and they walked out. "Hamburg, are you ready to meet Mara and Zara," played behind us with a guys voice, aka our manager. "Welp! That's our cue. See you guys out there." "I'm Mara." "And I'm Zara. And here we come."

"Germany!" The crowd screams and I think there are some tears in the crowd. I know! All this awesomeness, I would cry too. Oh yeah, Zara's okay too. "How are we doing tonight?" A quick response of good followed my question. "That's good! That's good. I know there isn't an introduction needed but I'm Mara and this one here is my best friend Zara." "Hello!" "So, every show, we start things off a little differently. Today, you guys get have a Slouths Q & A. Who's ready?" Everyone cheered. "Okay! So what you have to do is tweet us @MaraAndZara with the hashtag #TourQA and we will answer those questions. So, we will play one instrumental song and then we will start." "Also, put your seat number and row number so we can see who you are."

We played Bad At Love by Hasley which we all just sung along with as everyone types away. Now that there is more than one forty characters on twitter, it will give everyone more time to ask what they really want without having to short hand the shit out of it.

"Okay! First question," Zara starts out, "comes from the person in Row N, so up there, seat 12. I see you! Hi! I see your name is Hailey! Hi Hailey." "What it do Hailey!" "Hailey wants to know what is something we don't like about each other." "Only one?" "Shut up." "Ice! She eats so much ice. Like a ridiculous amount of ice." "I can't help it. It's like when I'm bored, I just want something to chew on. It doesn't have calories so I'm good." "Whatever helps you sleep at night. What's your thing on me?" "The constant calling. If I don't answer, she will keep calling." "Because I'm important. More important than anything you are doing at the moment! Including your husband." You know I had to make it sexual. "Whatever helps you sleep at night. Go to the next question."

"I'm looking for a Jesse in Row A, seat 3," There was this guy with his arms flinging forwards and backwards, "There you are!" "Hey Jesse!" "Your question to us is if there was something that we could only eat for the rest of our lives, what would it be? My answer is wings. I love eating wings and there are so many flavors." "Obvi, I'm going to say pizza. That was easy."

"Where is beautiful Anika? Row Z, best letter ever, seat 21, my favorite number and favorite seat in the house. I see you up there! Hey girl hey!" "What's groovy?" "If you weren't married to the Dobre Brothers, who do you think you would be married to? Damn! I actually have to think about this." "It can only be one person?" "Yes! What the hell!" "Ugh! Making my life harder." "Aren't you married to just one person now?" "He has a twin so kinda have two." "Don't ever say that again! Like ever! I would probably be with William Singe because I think he's hinting to me that he loves me. He has posted a love song on my birthday for two years straight. So we can see there would most definitely be something there." "I think I would have to chose Ian Eastwood Cos he's just so, amazing. No long ass explanation! Simple shit. Next question."

"Shania, Row K, seat 7, what's Gucci! Your question is what would we be if we weren't YouTuber? I would be an artist." "I would be a writer. I love writing. We both love creativity."

We did a few more but this is the last one.

"Quan! Where you at my boy? Row C, seat 15!" I heard a loud scream from the girls around him, pointing at him. "Do you like pickles? Yes, yes I do." "Alright! Let's end this vlog and we can get back to the show." "But that is all we have for you today! Hope you enjoyed this video so much." "If you did, be sure to press the like and subscribe button." "Also comment down below your favorite part of the video." "I'm Mara." "I'm Zara." "And this is the end of the video." "Bye!" "See you Slouths later."

(Steve's Point Of View)
D: Hi, I'm Darius!
Z: I'm Zara!
L: I'm Lucas
M: I'm Mara
All: And this is Married To Dobre
Z: Elias, get back here

Today, I am filming for Lucas and Darius. They are each making a video to tell the girls how much they miss them! I am too. We are doing Mara first and then Zara So this is going to be one long ass video. Everyone is getting dressed and I'm setting up the equipment.

"Hey Steve!" "Hey, Lucas! You guys almost ready?" "Yeah! So we are doing the intro and then everyone shoots their videos, correct?" "Yeah! You can do yours for Mara." "Okay! Let's do it." I made sure to get him in shot before he started."

"Hi baby! I know I just got off the phone with you but this is for the days where our schedules don't match up. I miss you! More than anything. And the fact that you are thousands of miles away from me, instead of right here in my arms, freaking sucks. I know December is only a few months away but I always want to see you and be with you. You are my sunshine and I love you. Hope Europe is treating you well." "That was great," I told him, stopping the recording, "I'm going to see if the backup battery is on the charger."

I walked to my room and there is was. Battery on the charger. To most people, it wouldn't matter because hashtag break time but I want the girls to get this message. It's like Married To Dobre special edition. Special Cos I'm in it.

"Hey Mara! It's the other M in the house. I miss you and hope that you are having fun I'm Europe. Bring me back some candy or send me some. Y'all have a do not touch box which makes it harder not to touch. Whenever you guys make the candy haul video and trying it, I'm taking part of it all. Can't wait to join you guys in December. Love you!"

"Hey! I hope everything over there is super groovy! Hope you are taking care of my hearts over there. Hope you are taking care of yourself over there. Best friend, I can't wait for you to just come back and tell your adventures. I miss you and can't wait to see you in December."

"Hey Mara! Hope all is well. I'm pretty sure it is. You guys make sure to post about it all the time. We miss you at home and hope that you are having a lit ass time over there. I'm watching my little brother's over here so you have nothing to worry about. Love you little sis. See you soon."

"Hey Mara! Look who's not behind a camera. I had to tell you how much I missed you and wish you were here everyday to bring laughs back into the house. All your craziness is missed. Seems empty without y'all here. Just know we miss you guys."

Telling someone you miss them is easy! Telling two people and not trying to duplicate your responses is the hard part.

"Hi Zara! Hi Eli! It's me Steve! Your favorite camera man! Maryland isn't the same without you. This house isn't the same without you. We miss you here! Even though December is not that far away, it's not that close either! Be safe over there. I love you sis. Love you little guy!"

"Hey baby girl! It's your favorite one of the twins." "You don't know that," Lucas shouts. "But I do! Anyways, when are you coming home? It seems like you've been gone for to long. Missing you and Eli. And you're giving us twins! We won't be the only twins of the family. Maybe we can change the channel from Lucas and Marcus to Dobre Twins so we all can share the channel. I miss you sis. I love you. See you soon."

"Hey! It's me, Lucas. You obviously know that. I hope that things are well with you and the babies. Hope you are taking care of my wife too." "She has three babies and herself to take care of. Mara is a grown ass woman!" "Darius! My video! Hush. Anyways, we miss your gentle touch here. Two more months until we get you all back. We love you!"

"Best friend, my little sister, I miss you. I know we are all going to say it but it's so true. I'm so ready to spend those two months with you! I miss my godson too. How is he doing? He's normally sleep when we talk. How are you feeling? I wish we could go through this pregnancy with you! It sucks! But at least you will be home when you have them. I can't believe you're having twins still. Hope at least one is a girl. You can't see this, but your husband is rushing me behind the camera. But I love you. Love you Eli."

"Hi baby! Eli, how's daddy's boy? Are you being good for mommy? I miss you. I miss you too, Zara. It feels like pieces of me are far away. The best pieces of me. I know you expect me to say that I wish December would come soon but that would be a lie. I want this tour to end so you can come home. I don't want to see you guys for only two months and have to keep missing you. I want you home! With me! All of you. And to my little ones who haven't heard my voice up close yet, that is why I'm ready for December to be here. I miss you. I love you. Daddy loves you."

Damn! That kind of fucked me up. So much love and sadness in that speech. I wish there is something I could do to help. Maybe there is! I need to make a phone call.

(Zara's Point Of View)

Today, we are in Berlin. We just got done with the show! It was an early show so we have time to discuss shipment of more Merch and something that our Manager wants to discuss something about the tour. To be honest, he should let us sleep. We have a late meet and greet tomorrow so getting my boy to sleep will have to mean he has to stay at the hotel! With Cara! Who fixes our hair! Which means we have to do our own hair. Which means basic ass hair style for me.

M: What it do! I'm Mara.
Z: And I'm Zara! And this is our life.

"Hello everyone! I told you we will be back after the show. Let you see our outfits. I have on a black leather jacket and black shirt where you can see the little ones starting to make me fat. Comment down below what you think the babies are. Next month, we will find out the genders next month! How exciting! But do you want the new baby to be a girl and a boy, two boys like the twins or two girls? I want at least one like Cyrus said. I don't get to buy dresses and make Eli into a mini me. He literally gets his style from his father and it drives me crazy. So at least one more girl would be amazing."

"Hell, a girl would be nice because we are out numbered." Mara walked in with black joggers, white vans, and a tan sweatshirt. "You can always join the boat of having kids." "Bite your fucking tongue." "I'm just offering since you seem so vocal." "Fuck that." "Hey! I have a question!" "What?" "Why can't I remember our manager's name?" "Yo! I thought I was the only one." "No! I call him Yo. Bro, how do we find out?" "Find our what?" Cara walks into the room with Eli wrapped in a towel. "Had fun at the pool baby?" "Yeah!" "What are y'all trying to figure out?" "Our Managers name." "Oh, just make Eli go up to him one day and ask him to ask his name." "That is so fucking brilliant! Holy shit! Why didn't I think of that."

"So, tonight, we are going to dinner. We are going to meet up with our manager and have this meeting. We are going to get a little fancy and then we will see you at dinner.

We are getting more Merch from over seas and we should have them by next week. "Name!" "Huh?" "You name." "Your name," I corrected Eli. "Oh! My name is Gunnie. Gunnie Wilson." I looked at Mara as she looked at me. Holding back every fucking thing we ever thought. What kind of fucking name is Gunnie? It better be short for Gunther. Or it better be a fucking nickname. I'm trying so hard not to laugh.

"Okay! So, I received a phone call a couple days ago from someone you all know very well." "Okay, who?" "Steve!" "Videographer, Steve?" "Yes, that Steve. And we had a very good conversation." "About," Mara asks. "I will tell you! But you remember that week you had off?" "Yeah," we both said at the same time. "You have things to do now!" "What?" "Are you fucking kidding me?" "No I'm not! And I think you will like it." "What could we possibly like?"

"You're going home and your husband's and brothers don't know. Steve wants it to be a surprise."

"Hello my beautiful babies! Zara here! You have reached the end of this very chapter! We are going home! Ugh! I'm so excited. Get to see my babies! And it's a surprise? I love it!

QOTC: What do you want us to have? One girl, one boy? Two boys? Two girls?

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