Oliver and Company

By LunaMomochi

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A human version on Oliver and Company (Dodger love story) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

555 10 0
By LunaMomochi

I was woken up the next morning, being told that it was time to go.

"Where are we going?" i asked Once everyone was ready.

"For us to try and get the money." Einstein told me as we all walked out.

Fagin had an old pickup truck that helped them get around. Rita jumped to the front seat as the rest of us jumped in the back. It seemed like everything was fine, till he started driving. Fagin zig zagged thew the streets, going faster then he should be.

"So how much does he owe?" I leaned over to Dodger to say in his ear. With all the wind wiping around and the other cars honking, i knew he wouldn't have heard me any other way.

He leaned back over to my ear, much closer to mine then i was to his. "More then we can make in 3 normal days." i shivered from him being so close.

"Then how are we going to be able to get all the money?" I asked when the truck stopped at the light.

I ran a hand threw my hair as he spoke normally. "We have a few things in mind." The light changed and Fagin slammed on the gas making me slid on the floor. "I got ya'." Dodger called out grabbing my arms. He pulled me close to him, keeping hold of my arm the rest of the way.

Oliver had stuck his head out of my jacket pocket, but then decided that it was to much wind and ducked back down. Fagin suddenly pulled over at a corner. Everyone jumped out, Dodger taking my hand when i jumped down. Oliver climbed out of my pocket and up onto my shoulder.

"Dodger." Fagin called staying in the car.

"Hmm?" He looked threw Rita's door as she came out.

"You keep an eye on the new kid." Fagin smiled at me then looked back at Dodger. "Show her the ropes."

"No worry's." He smiled down at me, and i couldnt help but give a small smile back.

Fagin nodded. "Ill come back in a few hours. Before the sun sets." We all nodded, as he drove off.

"Alright." Dodge looked at everyone, putting his hands into his pants pockets. "If Mr. Sycks dont see some cold hard cash then we are dead. Come on, Lets start on Columbus."

"What are we going to do?" i asked walking behind everyone.

"Oh you'll soon learn." Tito said clapping his hands together.

"This should be a good spot to split." Dodger looked over everyone. "Member to spread out. 20 minutes then we move."

Everyone nodded. "What does that mean?"

"We do what we do, and meet up about 5 streets down." Franky told me as him and Einstein started to walk.

"Lets go Danni." Dodger waved at me as he started to walk the other way.

"Oh, okay."

"You'll do good hun." Rita smiled at me as her and Tito walked into a store together on the other side of the street.

I quickly caught up with Dodger. "So . . ."

"Remember how we got the hot dogs yesterday?" He asked me.


He smirked. "Well we are going to be doing something like that." He nodded over to a couple that were eating something. "But this time-" he picked Oliver up off my shoulder. "Lil' bud is going to help."

"Im not fallowing?"

"Go get them bud." he placed Oliver onto the ground. He sat there for a moment but once the couple dropped some of their food, he ran right over to them. "Now i want you to wait a few minutes then walk over there. Act all happy that they found your cat and keep their attention on you." He smiled at me. "Ill handle the rest."

I looked back at the couple. The woman bent down giving him some of her food. "Ill try."

"Your going to be fine." He patted my shoulder before fallowing behind a group of people, heading twords the couple.

Taking a deep breath i walked over to the couple. My heart was beating so hard i was worried they were going to hear it.

"Excuse me?" i say when i was close enough. Oliver looked up and me and ran over to me. I picked him up and held him in my arms. "Thank you for finding my cat."

"Oh he's yours?" The lady asked fully standing. "He's a cute cat."

"Thank you." i gave her a small smile. Behind them i could see Dodger standing behind the girls date. "I wish i could, ya'know give you something."

"Oh thats alright. We didnt really do anything." She smiled again. I could see Dodger reach for the dates back pocket, my heart dropped when they were starting to turn around.

"Wait umm . . ." i called a little to loud. They both looked at me a little startled. "I uh, im not quit sure where im at."

"Oh, do you have a map and we could show you?"

"No . . ?" Dodger held up a wallet an stuck it into his pocket. He then went around the couple.

"There you are babe." He threw his arm around my shoulder. "And you found Oliver." he patter the cat on the head.

"Uhh, yeah." I nodded.

"We better be going." He looked at the other couple with a smile. "Thanks for the help." He pulled me with him as we started to walk back the way we came. He didnt move his arm from around me. "Dont look back."


"Run!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me as he ran. We ran to where we had to meet the others, out of breath, and un fallowed.

"60." He held up the money from the wallet. "Could be worse." Oliver sat by our feet.

"Where are the others?" i asked not seeing any of them.

"We might have been a bit early."

"Hey there." a new man walked up to us. He was clean, guessing high class by his cloths. Dodger and I looked at the man, confused. "How much?" the man looked me up and down.

"Excuse me?" i asked.

"How much for an hour?" he smelled of nothing but alcohol.

I looked at him for another moment, then it hit me and my mouth dropped open. This man wanted to pay me for sex. He thought i was a hooker. "Im not a hooker asshole."

"Sure you are look how your dressed." I looked down at my self. Rita had let me use some of her cloths. She was much smaller then i was, so the shirt and jeans she gave me, was a bit on the tights side. The man stepped closer to me. "So come on."

"Back off." Dodger pushed on the guys chest with one hand, and pushed me behind him with the other.

"Look ill pay good." he stumbled a little.

"She's not interested." the man looked up at him, angry. "So if i were you, i'd start walking."

"Or what?" He stepped op to him.

"Its alright Dodge." i stepped out lightly pulling Dodger back buy his arm. Dodger looked down at me shocked. "He just wants to have a good time, right?" i looked up at the older man who smiled at Dodger.

"See she's know's what the deal-"

"Show me the money first." i cut him off. I stepped in front of Dodger.

The guy pulled patted his pockets. "Where did I . . ." He reached into his coat pocket. "There it is." He pulled out his wallet and held out a 50.

"Not enough."

"Youll get the rest when we are done." He wiggled his brow at me.

I shrugged. "So be it."

"Danni!" Dodger whispered. I walked close to the man and take the 50.

"Lets have some fun."

The man smiled down at me, but that smile soon left as i brought my knee up into his groin. The man yelled out dropping his wallet and falling to his knees.

"You . . . bitch." he started to ear up.

"That was fun, we should do it again." i reached down and grabbed his wallet.

"Dodger! Danni Lets go!" Franky called out to us across the street.

Dodger grabbed my hand as he laughed and pulled me with him again. "Thats my girl!" I was surprised to find my self smiling and laughing as well.

"Oliver come on!" i called out. He ran after us, staying close to my feet. We all ran a few more streets down before stopping. I didnt even relies that Dodger was still holing my hand.

"You guys alright?" Einstein asked us.

"Yeah." i say out of breath.

"Hey check it out." Dodger said pointing at a new limo coming down the street.

"All right." Tito sounded excited.

"Heres the deal." Dodger looked at every one, but i wasnt sure what was happening. "Einstein give me a fender-bender in two lights, Tito your in charge of electronics. Rita and I will work the crowd. Francis?"

"I know my public awaits." Francis looked un please that they were still standing there.

"What about me?" i asked.

"She can come with me." Tito threw and arm around my shoulder. "Com'on Papi Tito will show you how its done." i couldnt help but smile at him.

"All right ready?" Dodger asked, we all nodded. "Go." Dodger let go of my hand and smirked down at me. I smiled back up at him, feeling my heart jump and the simple smirk. "Go get'em babe."

I felt my face start to get warm, so i turned and fallowed after Tito. We fallowed after the limo, staying close behind it. We could see Einstein on the other side of the street along with Francis. They nodded at us and Tito nodded back. With out warning, and somehow with out anyone seeing, Einstein ran and the side of the car slamming into it.

The limo came to a sudden stop and Francis was quick to lay down where it stopped. As the driver gotten out, everyone was so worried about Francis laying in the street, they didnt see Tito and I walk up to the opened drivers door.

"What do i do?" i asked as he bent down looking under the steering wheel.

"Be a look out." He said getting half way into the car. "Dont let anyone see me."

I stepped in front of him, using the door to block him the rest of the way, so it only looked like i was by the car. I could hear Franky fake crying to the driver.

"Hey get your cat man." Tito said, but before i could look back, the car started to go off, along with the lights and the wipers.

"Go! GO!" Tito pushed me away from the car.

"Lets get out of here!" We hear Dodger call out. I fallowed after Tito as we all took off down an ally way.

"Everyone alright?" Rita asked looking everyone up and down.

I looked over at Tito, seeing his hands empty. "Where Oliver?"i asked. I looked around the ground and he was no where to be seen. "Oliver?" i called out.

"He must still be in the car man." My heart dropped.

"I thought you grabbed him!" i said looking back to see the Limo was already driving away. "Wait!" i called out. I was about to chase after it, but Dodge grabbed my arm.

"Hey hold on a minut-"

"No, no, no, no." i pulled away from Dodge, but the Limo was now out of sight. "No, no." i ran my hands threw my hair, feeling my eyes start to water.

Dodger stepped in front of me and grabbed my arms. "Calm down."

"Their going to take him to the pound." I started to feel sick. "They'll kill him there."

"We'll find him." He told me. I looked up and him. He was calm. "Just head back with the others. Tito and I will fallow the car."


"Danni trust me." hearing how confident he was, some how help my mind from racing so much. He slid his hands down my arms and grabbed my elbows. He pulled me to his chest and lowed his head to my ear. "Ill get him back to you. I promise."

I looked up at him. He looked down and me, our faces close. I slowly nodded, not wanting to pull away, and by the look on his face he didn't either.

"Dodger lets go man." Tito said starting to run backwards.

"Go with Rita." He lightly pushed me back, and i could feel Rita's hand on my shoulder as he let me go.

He gave me a small smile and a wink before he turned his back to me and running with Tito.

"They'll find him." Rita tells me as we start to walk the other way. She kept her arm around me.

"But how?"

"They the two fastest runners." Einstein said looking down at me.

"If anyone can keep up with the limo, its them." Francis walked ahead. After walking around looking for the truck, we see it parked by a pawn shop. We all waited outside outside, as Fagin was still inside.

"Danni." I looked over at Rita. She pointed down the street, and my heart started to pound again seeing Dodger and Tito running twords us.

"Did you find him?" i asked as they stopped. They were so out of breath i could see them shaking.

"They took him back to their house." Dodge said bending over and sitting on the ground against the pawn shop. "Then we fallowed them to the park but, we lost them."

"They're got to be like 50 people living in that place man." Tito said holding his side.

"We cant just leave him there." Rita said seeing my face.

"We're not. I've got a plane."

"But what about Fagin?" Einstein asked.

Dodge looked at me, then at the pawn shop. "We'll get the cat, then we'll help the old man." He stood and dusted off his cloths. "Pass the money up." He said digging in his pocket. We all did the same pulling the money out we all had.

"200." He counted. "Not a lot."

"You guys go ahead, ill find him." i say. "Just tell me where the house is."

"No way." Dodge shook his head.

"But he needs to get the money-"

"We are going to get the cat in the morning, and then we will get the rest of the money after." He looked at me sternly.

Fagin then came out the shop sighing. He didnt really say much as he walked back to the truck. Dodger pushed my lower back making me walked to the back, and helped me climb in. We went back to the boat and it seemed everyone was tiered.

I mostly sat against the wall, keeping to my self. When night fell everyone was quick to go to bed. Rita handed me a large shirt for me to sleep in, seeing it was a hot night. When i came back from the bathroom everyone was already in their own beds asleep. Dodger had taken the smaller bed again leaving the large one for me.

I laid there for what felt like hours. I couldn't get my mind off of Oliver. These people could be treating him bad, or even cruel enough to feed him to a dog if they have one. I didnt want to lay here any long, so i quietly stood up and changed back into my cloths. Being as quiet at i can i left the ship and started to walk up the dock, once i reached the top-

"Danni?" i jumped at the sudden sound and turned back to the boat. Dodger was pulling his shirt back on as he jogged up the ramp. "Where are you going?"

"Couldnt sleep." i shrugged. "I was just going to go for a walk. Get some air."

"Well uhh . . . Ill go with you." He looked at me. "Unless you dont want me to."

I smiled at him. "Thats alright." i started to walk, him next to me.

We walked around, just talking about little stuff. About how he gotten into foster care. About where i lived before my mom turned to drugs. It was nice to talk to someone. Feeling like i could trust someone, have a connection with. An it seemed me and him were starting to click. I might have thought wrong of him.

"I was wrong about you." i laugh after he was done joking around. "Your not a Jackass." He smirked down at me. "Just an ass that ran off with some food." He laughed.

"An i thought you were just a hot girl that i could get to do what i want." He chuckled. I laughed a little and nodded.

"You kind of did in a way." I sighed as we walked some more. We were quiet for a minute, but then Dodger stopped fully turning to me.

"Hey you want to go have some fun?" He asked.

"Fun? How?"

He grabbed my hand an started pulling me a new way. "Ill show you." I fallowed after him and after a few streets, we came up to this club. The music was loud and there was a large line of people waiting to go inside. The sign over it read, 'Danger Zone'.
"How are we going to get in?" i asked.

With out letting go of my hand Dodger walked us to the front where a large man in a black shirt stood. Dodger nodded to him, and to my surprise the man nodded back, opening the door for us. "Like that." He smirked back at me, pulling me inside.
Inside the place was packed and there were people dancing everywhere. People drinking and smocking lined the walls and the bar. Dodger pulled me threw the dancing crowed and up to the bar. I've been to a few bars before i ran away. I never drank but i would go to mostly hang out with my friends dancing with them.

"Dodger havent seen you in a while." The guy behind the bar yelled. He smiled shaking Dodgers hand. "Who's that?" ihe pointed at me.

"This is my girl Danni." He yelled back, pulling me close to the bar. I felt my face get a little hot hearing him say i was his girl. He came close to my ear, "This is Bill, a friend of mine."

I shook the mans hand. "Pleasure." he yelled before looking back at Dodger. "What you want?"

"Four horsemen."

"We have no money." i call out to Dodger.

He leaned down to my ear again. "I dont pay for drinks. Saved him from getting mugged a while back, he gives me free drinks for it."

"What about you love?" Bill called out.

"The same i guess." i called back.

We stayed up at the bar for a while, taking in drink after drink. The whole time just talking trying to make each other smile. We then started to take shots and after the third one, i had to call it quits.

"Dance with me." Dodger said leaning into my ear.

I leaned close to his, closer then i would normally. "Lets go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the bar an threw the crowed. Once we were far enough in he turned to me. I reached my hand up around his neck and stepped close to him. He put his hands onto my hips and pulled my hips to his. I swayed my hips to the music, feeling the bass shack the floor. Dodger brought his face close to fine, pressing his forehead against mine. He moved his hips with mine, making sure we didnt brake apart.

We danced like that for a while till the Dj played something else called the Cupid Shuffle. Dodger had to show me how to do the steps. After getting the hand of it i couldnt help but laugh at how much fun i was having with him. The next few song were songs like that and soon everyone was on their feet dancing the same dance.

I wasnt sure how long were there for, all i know is that i couldn't stop smile and neither could he. It had been so long since i had so much fun. I was having fun, and i was happy. I was happy every time his hands touched mine. My heart fluttered seeing his smile. An when he would laugh in my ear, i felt like i was melting away. I mean he was a really hot guy, with a fun personality. Anyone would feel the same.

After he spun me in his arms we laughed. "Last call!" the Dj called out.

Dodger looked down at his watch and sighed before leaning down to my ear. "We should go." I nodded to him. He slipped his hand into mind and pulled me threw the people that was heading twords the bar. He gave a final wave over to Bill, who waved back, before we walked out the door. Walking out, it was much cooler then it was inside.

As we walked hand in hand we joked with each other. Throwing a little bit of flirt in here and there. When we made it back to the boat it was hard for us to stop laughing. But we were able to just before walking into the door. Everyone was still asleep, and a few of them were even snoring.

Im not sure if its the drinks, but i found my self taking off my pants. Something inside me told me that it wasnt a good idea, but my drunken mind told me to worry about it later. I then pulled my shirt off. Now i was only in my tank that i had under my shirt and my underwear on. Dodger turned around stopping at the sight of me.

I felt my face get hot seeing his eyes look me up and down. I cleared my throat, snapping him out of his daze. He looked away from me as i walked closer to the bed. He pulled his shirt off throwing it to the floor.

I climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over me. Dodger laid on the floor next to me. And everything was quiet. I closed my eyes, and i felt sleep start to come, but then Oliver popped in my head again. All my worry started to build up in me again.

"Dodger?" i whisper.

"Yeah." He sat up slightly so i was able to see him.

"Im worried about Oliver." i tell him.

"I know . . ." He gave me a small smile, but i could see how tiered he was becoming. "We'll get him back."

I gave him a small smile. I dont know if it was the drinks, but i couldnt stop my self. "Do you think . . ." He raised a brow at me. "I mean . . ." i started to feel stupid. "I miss him sleeping next to me . ."

He looked at me for another second before he seemed to understand. He Shifted over, pulling my covers out enough for him to climb in. I scutted over enough for him to lay down. He reached his other arm out under my head and pulled me to him to lay my head on his shoulder. He pulled the covers up, making sure i was covered. He brought his other hand up, running his hand threw my hair. I closed my eyes loving the feeling of his hand going threw my hair, over and over again. Neither one of us said anything, and a minute later, i was able to find sleep.

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