Halo One-Shots

By Knockouts_Sparkmate

15K 146 189

One-shots from the Halo Game because Chief, the Arbiter and the other Elites don't get enough love. More

Arbiter X Marine Reader Part 2
Thel X Spartan Reader X Rtas Lemon
Just One Dance

Arbiter X Fem Marine Reader

4.9K 48 72
By Knockouts_Sparkmate

A/N: Takes place somewhere in between Halo 2 and 3. Timelines may not sync up correctly but just role with it. Enjoy!
⚠️Warnings⚠️: Contains vulgar language and sexual comments

If you weren't afraid of the repercussions of slapping your superior, you most definitely would have by now for placing you in a marine squad made up of completely perverted assholes. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if you had another female with you but, you didn't and you were this close to fighting the next person to make a sexual comment towards you.

It wasn't your fault that you had larger breasts than the other females in the corps and you most definitely didn't like the way some of the men looked at you because of it. You joined the corps to help with the Human-Covenant War and so far all you had gotten for your hard work was harassment.

Your POV:
"Damnit!" I cursed as an electrical pulse from the ship I was attempting to fix shocked the hell out of my hand.

I grumbled under my breath about how pointless this was. This pelican had already been blown to shit and probably wouldn't fly again. It was a miracle that they even got it back to the hanger with how trashed it was but of course I had to fix it anyway.

The words of my commanding officer still rung in my head, making my growing headache worsen.

"(L/N), I want this pelican fixed before I get back or you'll be cleaning latrines for the rest of the week"

Bull-fucking-shit! I was good at my job as a mechanic but it would take another miracle and a half to get this bird in the air again with how much damage it had sustained. I was almost ready to give up on my unreasonable task when I heard the sound of laughter and voices heading my way, belonging to the rest of my squad.

I fought the urge to bang my head against the bottom of the pelican I was under, knowing it would only make my headache worse.

'Maybe if I ignore them they'll go away without noticing me'

"Hey (L/N)!"

'Shit, I should have known' I rolled my eyes, continuing to "work" on fixing this piece of scrap metal.

I heard footsteps coming closer to my location and sighed in irritation.

"Hey Bitch look at us when we're talking to you!" I recognized the scraggly voice of Alex Barton, the leader of my antagonizers and bane of my existence.

"What the hell do you want Barton? Can't you see I'm busy?" I questioned annoyed, rolling out from under the pelican, sending a deep rooted glare towards the brunette man.

His laughing as well as the rest of his buddies stopped and he frowned, "Watch your tone (L/N) or you'll regret it" Alex growled trying to act tough in front of his friends.

I rolled my eyes and rolled back under the unfixable pelican.

"Whatever Barton, I don't have time for your shit. Unlike you and your buddies, I actually have work to get done instead and goofing around like a bunch of fucking idiots." I replied nonchalantly.

I had dealt with them enough times to not let their words bother me. If they wanted to act like children then I would let them, they probably wouldn't make it through the rest of the war anyway.

That may seem cold but if I'm being honest I didn't care anymore. I wasn't their mother and I sure as hell wasn't going to act like one toward them if they were going to be ungrateful assholes.

I didn't hear anything after that, assuming that they had left to go do something else but I gasped when a foot slammed down on the end of my dolly and pulled me out from under the pelican.

Alex stood above me with a pissed off look on his face before two of his friends roughly grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to my feet before pushing me up against the pelican harshly. I thrashed to get out of their grips but they only held on tighter.

'Way to go (Y/N), you just had to open your stupid mouth' I mentally scolded myself as Alex walked up to me.

He grabbed my face with an iron grip , forcing me to look at him and his ugly face. I glared up at him and spit in his face which probably wasn't such a good idea because the next thing I knew, my face was radiating pain from where he slapped it.

"I fucking told you to watch your mouth whore," he looked over to one of his friends, "Go lock the door" he ordered.

For the first time I actually feared what they would do to me. So far, the most they've ever done was make comments towards me or the occasional wolf whistle but they never actually put their hands on me before. I began struggling some more, knowing if I didn't get out of here now, bad things were going to happen.

"Let.me.go!" I hissed angrily, glaring daggers at the man before me.

The marine Barton ordered to go lock the hanger door returned with a nod and a sly look which made Alex form one of his own.

"You know, I've had enough of your attitude you little slut and I think I know just the way to make you learn your place." Alex growled as his other hand that wasn't holding my face ran up my thigh.

A shock of fear ran through my veins.
They wouldn't actually do it would they? To stoop so low as to rape a girl in the middle of a war.

In a last minute attempt at escape, I brought my foot down hard on one of the marines holding me and he let go of me with a grunt of pain. I took the opportunity and brought my free arm back to punch the other guy in the face and ripped myself from Barton's hold.

I made a mad dash towards the nearest exit and I could hear their pounding footsteps following. I was about a meter from the door when someone tackled me from behind, sending me barreling to the floor in a heap.

"You're not getting away from this bitch. You're going to please me and my friends like the little cock whore you are until we're satisfied." Alex spoke from above me, his weight pinning me to the floor but then the weight was suddenly gone.

I turned around quickly to see the towering figure of a sangheili holding Barton up by the neck. I recognized the gleaming silver armor quickly as the Arbiter. He had joined forces with us not too long ago to fight against the prophets and their plan to activate the halo rings and wipe out all life in the galaxy to fulfill some "Great Journey" or something.

"I should crush you right where I stand you disgusting creature. How dare you disrespect such a beautiful women with your filthy hands!" The clearly pissed off Sangheili bellowed as Barton struggled to breath in his tightening grasp.

I should have taken that chance to escape while I could but for some reason, my eyes were glued to the scene in front of me. The other marines were the same way, staring wide eyed at their struggling friend in the grasp of such a powerful being.

One of them snapped out of it and went to help Barton but quickly froze in his tracks when the elite's head whipped to face him with a animalistic snarl and a deadly look.

His gaze then shifted to me and his anger filled eyes softened slightly before he spoke to me in a calm, baritone voice that sent shivers down my spine, "Leave now. I will find you once I have dealt with these shameful sacks of flesh."

I was going to argue with him but decided not to with the look he was giving me. I went to leave but stopped before I could fully exit the door to the hanger.

"Whatever you do, just please don't kill them. I don't want you to get into trouble for helping me." I spoke, looking over my shoulder at the Sangheili.

He seemed to contemplate my request for a moment before nodding and I walked out the door.

A/N: Part 2 will be next!

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