Lauren and Cooper's Daddy


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(English/Unbetaed) KimBas Fanfiction. This is for the people who believed and supported me. đź’• Disclaimer: Al... More



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As soon as Wayo's alarm reverberated inside his room, indicating that it’s already six in the morning, he didn't hesitated going out of his bed like how he usually does. No hitting of snooze button for a couple of times to support the excuse of 5 more minutes for the boy who sleeps like a log.

His giddiness keeps him from concentrating in his class either. Wayo was anxious and excited to see the two angels who just captured his heart the other day.

Now, he is standing frozen in front of the Daechapanya Corporation, astounded by its simple yet elegant structure that's looming over other Firms around it. His Corporation stood proud in the middle of the bustling Wall Street like city.

"Wow even his properties radiate his personality. No doubt, he really owns this place. Damn that guy and his overwhelming aura." Wayo muttered under his breath as he stride inside the infrastructure.

There are several personnel inside the main lobby and he can't help but admire the network of safety protocol and security integrated in the building.

'Gosh my Dad's own business is awesome but his' just shows how he’s better than the others in the same sector. The best in my opinion. Maybe going here after my class is not a good idea.' Wayo internalized when the employees inside looked at him curiously, somewhat shocked at his sudden presence.

He was still in his school uniform and without asking his age and just looking at his facial features they probably think he’s a high school student. Good thing his upper clothe shows the name of the Uni he's attending.

'Weird. Maybe it's the first time an university student enter the building. Wait, don’t they entertain student interns or OJTs?' Wayo dismissed his random thought and ignored the stares he's gaining. He's usually not intimidated but the stares he's getting now somehow makes him uncomfortable.

Wayo approached the front foyer where three women in corporate attires are working on their respective desks.

"Hi! Good afternoon. I'm here to talk to Mr. Daechapanya." Wayo give her his blinding smile while inquiring but it didn't work. The girl with circle specs just looked at him sternly.

Wayo was shocked but played cool anyway.

'Wow did he train his employees to be frigid too?' Wayo thought in disbelief.

"Apologies but the Secretary of the CEO or Mr. Daechapanya himself didn't informed us that there will be someone meeting him this afternoon. I can't let you in unless you make an appointment." The woman stated monotonously and checked him from head to toe.

Wayo mentally face palmed. He forgot to contact his future employer and tell him that he'll be meeting him now and showing up looking like a high schooler is not really something that any executive will be dealing with. He smiled at her sheepishly but maintained his composure. Wayo texted Mr. Daechapanya abruptly to inform him his arrival.

'Shouldn't he be expecting my appearance? He was the one who had informed me yesterday to meet him right? What the hell?' Wayo thought. He was annoyed but still continued faking his smile.

In just a minute, the IP phone near the one he had spoken rings. She answered the call and was surprised for a moment. Wayo can hear her voice quivers as she talks carefully.

"Excuse me S-sir. Are you the 178cm guy?" The girl was still holding the phone indicating that the other line is still connected. Wayo can feel his blood raised to his head and his nerves nearly popped. Every employee in the reception desk looked at him making his ears turned red.

Wayo's bubble of patience bursts and he snatches the phone from the receptionist which made everyone around them gasp and gape at his boldness.

"Yah! What's not clear with not mentioning my height? Are you stupid or what? You rude jerk!" Wayo yelled at the other line without thinking.

"Sorry Sir but my Boss did not mention your name he just said that if a boy with the height of 178cm looked for him, we will let him in." A woman, assuming his secretary, explained apologetically.

"Tell your Boss that Wayo Panichayasawad will be meeting him now." Wayo exasperated. Everyone in the lobby started whispering when they heard his name.

Seeing the youngest Panichayasawad in the Wolf's den is a bizarre view. Wayo doesn't really like mentioning his surname since it'll make a scene but the CEO made him do it, he finally enters the younger guy’s bad side.

Wayo was left with no other choice but to reveal his status. He is also a son of a famous business man and if it's the only way to make the CEO remember him, he will to do it.

Although that move is a big burden to Wayo and he doesn't want anyone to be uncomfortable around him just because of his family's status he sometimes use it as his advantage. This kind of world is survival of the riches after all.

Nevertheless, living normally is still his number one priority even though he knows it's really impossible while having Panichayasawad's blood flowing in him.

Wayo placed the phone on top of the front desk carelessly and stormed inside the elevator after asking what floor is their CEO's Office.

As soon as the enraged boy reach the front door of the office, he barge inside without talking to the frightened secretary stationed outside.

"At least knock before going inside. I'm surprised you're not taught how to behave carefully around business people." The cold CEO gives him a disapproving look.

"Wow talking about manners now Mr. Daechapanya? Who was the one who mocked someone he just met the other day? Calling me short just because you couldn't remember my name. Rude." Wayo's pride screamed when he stumped over it by admitting his physical limitation and shortcomings.

Mingkwan Daechapanya just narrowed his eyes and motioned him to sit in front of his pure black wooden table.

"I see... you also have no sense of self-preservation Mr. Panichayasawad." He stated plainly.

"What? Are you playing psychological profiler again Doctor Smart Pants? Am I here to be investigated for the second time? Or maybe you already did, judging by the way you had called me earlier using my surname is enough proof. Maybe I shouldn't be accepting this job after all, Stalker." Wayo mocked the guy in front of him bravely. His sassiness strikes again.

"Haven't you realize that you're inside my property now and disrespecting the owner means you could be in a deep trouble?" Mingkwan lowered his tone while gritting his teeth.

"What are you going to do about it? You'll hurt me? Go then. Do you enjoy torturing people huh? Do you like seeing them cower their head while avoiding your gaze? Since you like doing this game let me give it a try too. You seem to be aloof and cold outside but seeing you become warm to your children proves that you just want to protect yourself from the unknown, maybe you don't want to be hurt because you have experienced it before or maybe because you have given so much that you're scared that you'll be losing the remaining part of-."

"STOP. Just stop!" Mingkwan's voice boomed inside the four walls of his minimal yet contemporary office. 

It was laced with anger and was full of suppressed frustrations which made Wayo flinch and feel shivers down to his spine. He got scared of him for the first time.

Wayo wants to hit his own head for his stupid outburst. Of course the man has been hurt. His marriage became a disaster and worst he has been accused as a murder for these past few months. He has two children to raise on his own while working to keep his multi-billion business on track.

He may have everything in his life but that doesn't mean he's happy and satisfied. He maybe heartless but still not yet flat lined. He can still feel the pain and Wayo can sense that he just choose to hide it, to look strong... to protect his self and his children.

The younger one looked at him wearily. He wanted to apologize so he did.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm not thinking properly when I blurted that out. I mean, maybe this is why my parents were always called in the guidance office when I was in grade school until high school. I just always say what I want without thinking about it. I always put my family in that kind of situation and my brother said I’m too open with my feelings or too honest that it's kind of annoying and troublesome sometimes." Wayo fidgeted while apologizing.

The CEO sighed and his gaze softened when he saw the little guy in front of him apologize sincerely. Minus the random throwing of facts about his self again. 

Wayo's openness doesn't fail to bewilder the man.

"Well that's not surprising at all... I'm sorry too. It's just your face uhmm... I mean... nevermind." Mingkwan pauses and grabs the filed papers in front of him.

"This is the employment contract my lawyer had constructed. If you want to review it first you could, you can even ask guidance and let your own legal representative review it. Just come back once you make up your mind." He stated while handing Wayo the folder.

"It's fine I don't need that contract. I just want to take care of Lauren and Cooper. I'm free the whole day of Sunday. Every Tuesday and Thursday my class will last until 12:00 pm only. Every Monday and Wednesday, I'll be in school from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm and I still need to work from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm that days and lastly, in Saturday I'll be working part time and my shift is morning this week. So how will we fix that?"

"I need someone who can take care of my children when I'm out of the house so that kind of schedule won't work. I generally work from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, that’s without any special appointment of course. I'm really free anytime unless I'll be meeting current or potential investors outside the town or country. I'll try to lessen those but I can't really promise that I can control other unexpected events."

Wayo just nodded and analyzed his schedule to work on it.

"Just leave your part time and I'll pay you double. Please if you will be working and taking care of my children, limit your connection outside besides me. I don't want anyone around Lauren and Cooper who I don't know personally. Do you understand?" Mingkwan eyed Wayo who looks like having a mental warfare.

"I can't resign, I need that job to pay for my apartment rent and other utility expenses." Wayo said while mentally computing his expenses and income.

"Why do you need to earn that much if your parents can support you? They can even buy the cafe where you're currently working. Besides, you'll be living with us so you don't need to worry about those kind of things. I can provide you everything you need." Mingkwan knitted his brows not happy about Wayo's stubbornness.

"WHAT?!" Wayo shouted again for the second time. His brain lagged making the information he just heard sink slowly.

"I said read the contract but you refused, Now that I'm telling you the clauses you're reacting violently?" Mingkwan answered him sarcastically.

"I-i... why do I have to live with you? I mean it’s okay I can go home even after midnight, after the babies fall asleep and just come back early before they wake up. I don't need to stay. Besides, what will your maids and employees think if I live there?" Wayo asked frantically not minding if he completely lose composure. He's really confused with their situation right now.

"I don't have a maid. It's just me, the children and some security personnel. I don't trust anyone when it comes to my children's safety." The older man explained shortly.

Wayo snorted at his stoic face and cold statement. 'Who would be questioning you with that?' Wayo thought and furrowed his brows.

"As if I'm someone familiar to you." Wayo whispered but the man heard him.

"Your face is familiar but not your careless attitude and cheekiness. Besides, you’re clean." Daechapanya's CEO answered his not so subtle roast.

"Clean? You really got me checked huh? I'm super worried now, I bet you even know my favorite color... and can you stop that please? I don't appreciate you associating me with your former wife more than mentioning my height." Wayo rants without thinking again.

Mingkwan just looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Of course I did. I should in fact. You will be handling my children. I'm just making sure everything’s going to be alright. Besides, you're the one who acted like a mad man when I just wanted to hire you on the spot in the baby center. Why feel offended now? And don’t fret because I don’t like mentioning her too so please stop doing something that will remind me of her. Just do something about your talking back habit and useless side comments." 

The older guy was still bothered with the similarities of his ex wife’s face and the boy’s in front of him. He just convince himself that this was all for the sake his precious children.

Wayo choose to ignore his last statement. The shorter guy tried to read him but he failed. 

He was also amazed by the longest statement which came from the great Mingkwan Daechapanya ever since they met each other.

Mingkwan's phone suddenly rings and it cuts their argument. He picked it up and after ten seconds his expression immediately turned sour.

"Okay I will be there in ten minutes." He cut the phone call and grabbed his car keys.

He was about to go out when he remembered that Wayo was there with him. He hissed and rubbed his nape awkwardly. Mingkwan held his wrist and dragged the shocked boy with him.

"Cancel every schedule I have this afternoon. I’ll be out for the whole day. My child was sent to the hospital." Mingkwan spoke to his secretary. His voice is still straight but Wayo can hear a hint of distress in it.

"What happened? Who's sick?" Wayo asked him even before they ride the elevator but the taller guy didn't answer him. The younger one just protrude his lower lip.

When the two have reached the main lobby, every employee there lowered their head not wanting to meet their Boss' gaze but still did not miss the two connected arms of him and the loud short guy who caused a little scene earlier.

Their CEO's facial expression doesn't look pleased and the boy with him looks like a shocked kitten popping out his eyes while panting heavily. Their phase is faster than how Wayo usually walks and being tired from his school is not helping him at all.

Wayo did not try to create another argument between him and Mingkwan so he just let the man drag him to where he's heading.

"Lauren has been a little sensitive yesterday until this morning before I drop them to the center. I was worried but I can't really take another day off because I have to meet an important client a while ago. She keeps on sneezing and coughing last night and she didn't really get a decent amount of sleep. I even put Cooper to the other room so he could rest, away from her fuzzing sister."

Mingkwan explained when they reach the parking lot. His eyes looks tired and worried at the same time. Wayo can feel his chest constrict because of it. He just nodded and let the man continue speaking.

"Also, when I checked her temperature yesterday it was normal so I thought she's fine and she just needs a long sleep. The manager of the Day Care Center called to inform me that she's burning up and throwing a fit so they'll be bringing her to hospital now. It was unusual since she's so behave and a sweet baby girl but I dismissed the thought. It's my fault, I didn't realize it sooner." Mingkwan's hands are balled tight showing his frustrations.

Wayo can feel the man's sadness and guilt. 'How can they accuse this kind of person? How can they judge him? He doesn't deserve all the hate he gets.' Wayo held his arms and soothe it to calm the supposed to be cruel and cold business man.

"Mr. Daechapanya, Lauren is a brave and lovely baby girl. I know she'll be okay. She just needs his father’s warmth. Now, calm down so she won't feel your sadness okay? It will affect her mood." Wayo spoke softly while thinking about the baby. It looks like his words worked because Mingkwan actually relaxed his tensed jaws.

The two entered his Bentley. Wayo can’t help but wander his eyes, it’s his nature to be curious in everything new to him. He noticed the seat at the back has two baby car seats, one black and one white.

He low key judged the blandness of their father's taste, not surprised that the guy likes monotone colors too. ‘So Mingkwan Daechapanya's style.’ He thought before asking the man about his daughter.

"Did you notice something odd before she fell ill? Did you use a different brand of detergent or change the brand of baby food? Or was she exposed to flowers and pollens? If she have hives or she kept on scratching her skin, I think she's having an allergic reaction to something she was unknowingly exposed to." Wayo asked knowing the symptoms perfectly. He has been in this kind of commotions before because he's from a family with three lovely toddlers.

Mingkwan just looked at road blankly.

"I think it's about the detergent. I noticed that the smell of my newly washed clothes and bed sheets was different, that was like two days ago. I think the laundry shop changed the one they're using." The CEO tried raking his memory bank from the past two days.

"What?! You should just hand wash the babies' garments and don't mix it with your own clothes! And you should have use baby detergent too. You don’t know what kind of things cling to your bed sheets and clothes. The normal detergents or fabric softeners sometimes had some junks mixed in it which are bad for the babies" Wayo explained, more like scolded the single father.

Mingkwan stopped himself from glaring at the perky boy and continued driving.

"To be honest, I actually still doubt if I should really be accepting the job yet but from now on I'll be the one doing your laundry. Whether you like it or not." Wayo crossed his arms.

When they arrived at the Hospital, they head straight to the paediatric section.

The two saw the stress expression of Beam while holding and trying to calm the shrieking baby girl.

"P'Beam!" Beam immediately turned his head to Wayo's direction and throw him a helpless glance. Lauren's cries seized when she saw her Daddy and Wayo.

"M-mama!" The baby girl shouted on top of her lungs and Wayo didn't even had the heart to reject her call.

"My poor baby girl. It's okay. Your Daddy and I are here now." Wayo automatically rock and sway the baby in his arms. Lauren tucked her head in his neck and shed silent tears. Beam sighed in relief and mouthed thank you to Wayo.

"Lauren Daechapanya?" A nurse who came out from one of the room clinic of the paediatrician.

We approached her and she handed us the clipboard.

"Parents of Lauren? Please fill out this form and hand it back to me when you're done. I'll guide you inside the clinic. The doctor will be ready in 5 minutes." The nurse instructed the two while handing Mingkwan a pen.

Mingkwan stayed silent and started filling out every details required and leaving out the minor ones. Wayo continued soothing the baby in his arms not bothered with the stares given to them by some random patients or nurses inside the hospital. Lauren seems to calm down now but she still keep on scratching her hands. Her nose is red and it breaks Wayo’s heart seeing her in this kind of state. He wish he can take away all the pain she feels now.

"Sir I need to go back to the center. Cooper is doing fine and he's somewhat behave today. I guess he can feel his sister's agony as well. I didn't bring him with us because I don't want him to catch some random viruses circulating here." Beam explained to Mingkwan carefully trying not to show his nervousness to him.

"It's okay. Thank you Khun Baramee. I appreciate your effort. Thank you for taking care of my children." Beam was stunned when the cold guy showed him his genuine gratitude.

"No need to thank me Sir. I'm happy to take care of your lovely babies." Beam smiled softly. His nervousness was long gone the moment he witness the cold guy's warm side.

"Yo. Take care. Bye!" Beam waved his hands to the younger boy and dashed to the exit.

The two males stopped talking and only the usual sound in the hospital was heard.

"I hope the meaning of the ‘parents’ part of the nurse's instruction a while ago only means you right?"

"Huh?" Mingkwan spared him a quick glance and continued working on the form again.

"The nurse called us her parents." Mingkwan didn't answer the boy and just nodded.

"Aren’t you bothered?" Wayo mumbled while peppering some soft kisses on the sweaty forehead of the baby girl. A tinged of red decorates his fluffy cheeks so he tried to hide it.

"It doesn't matter. You're far better parent than me anyway." Mingkwan whispered shyly before handing the papers back to the waiting nurse waiting for them.

Wayo watched the back of the walking CEO, not believing that the guy just praised him. His heart soared in delight. He knows he’s good in taking care of babies and he sometimes boast to his siblings that he’s better than them when it comes to parenting but hearing compliments coming from Mingkwan Daechapanya made him happy and he doesn't know why.

He just knows that he wants to hear more of it.

(A/N: Hello lovely readers. I hope you like this update.

Please kindly tell me your opinions on the story so far. Some kind of reactions will be really appreciated. Thank you.

Don't forget to vote too. 🙏💕😊)


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