Where Did You Go? (William T...

By Forever_Alone0104

47.6K 1.9K 642

I don't really know what to say but lets just say that it's a story how you and William become friends and wh... More

Chapter 1 The Boy With Green Eyes
Chapter 3 His Name Is William. William T. Spears
Chapter 4 How My Dad Acts When Someone Dies
Chapter 5 Looks like I'm Staying With Grandma
Chapter 6 Life With Grandma
Chapter 7 Finding A Glove.
Chapter 8 The Note,Skeleton, And Key
Chapter 9 I Saw Him Smile :)
Chapter 10 How?
Chapter 11 m I Going Crazy?
Chapter 12 Alone At Grandma's House
Chapter 13 That Was Not A Dream/Nightmare!!!
Chapter 14 The Kiss.....Well Almost A Kiss ._.
Chapter 15 The Library
Sneak Peak~ Well Somewhat of A Sneak Peek xP
Chapter 16 H-huh?...
Chapter 17 W-what Are You Doing Here?

Chapter 2 The Sad Day

4.1K 154 26
By Forever_Alone0104

  When the bell rang for dismissal, I pretty much ran to my locker. The hall way was so crowded, so it took some time to get there. When I finally reached it I took out my phone and called my dad to tell him I might be late getting home. “(Y/n) don’t walk home today something happened with your mom I’m going to pick you up and we’re going to head to the hospital, Bye.” “Wait! What happened?” I asked but before I could finish saying what I was going to tell him he ended the call.
                I was panicking right then. So many things were going to my head. I then grabbed all my thing and headed out the school doors.
        ~William’s Pov~ The hall way was so crowded I barely made it getting to my locker. When I finally got my things I went outside and started to read a book. I then heard someone running. I looked to my right and saw the same girl I asked about the library running and then go into a blue car. She seemed to have worry on her face. Like something horrible just happened. As I saw the blue car fade in the distance I began to read again, but I was still wondering what happened.
        ~(Y/n)’s Pov~ As my dad was asking for the room my mom was in I just imagined the most terrible things that could have happened to her. I was wishing this was all a dream and any second I was going to wake up. “ She’s in room 450 in the fourth floor.” I heard the secretary lady say to my dad. We then go to the elevators and go up the fourth floor. It was silent and awkward. “Daddy? What happen to mom?” I asked him making thing a bit more awkward.
        “*sighs* Your mom got into a car accident when she was going to work in the morning.” He said as he looked really sad that he might cry. “If this happened in the morning why didn’t you call me and pick me up from school?!?!” I asked him yelling a bit. “I didn’t want to take out of school since it was the first day of school.” He told me. I was mad that he didn’t take me out of school. So what if it was the first day of school. My mom is in the hospital for crying out loud.      
        When we arrived in the fourth floor we started searching for room 450. I found it and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. “Come in.” I hear someone say. My dad and I enter to find my mom in a hospital bed sound asleep. “She’s in a coma right now. The doctor told me to tell you that she might not make it. It was a really bad car crash so there’s a 99 present chance she might not.” The nurse explained to us.
I didn't want my mom to die. Not right now. Not ever. I looked at mom and saw her face as full of bruises and cuts. I started to cry then. I then felt a movement. It was my mom! She was moving! “Mom your awake!” I said as she looked like she was trying to talk. “(y/n)…Be strong….I’ll always be there….for you. I’ll…be…in…you’re…dreams…. And….take care…of….the…family….” She said.         “Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppp”
Her life then ended there. I started to cry while I was holding her hand in mine. I cried and cried in her chest until the nurse told me to let go. But I didn't. So my dad had to pull me off of my mom. I watched as the nurse took my mom to how knows were in the hospital. They told us that they were very sorry for our lose and that they hope for the best for us. And with that they left us crying our hearts out. Mostly me. Why did this had to happen to me?! Why!?!
        Then after we calmed down we left the hospital. The drive back home was silent. When we arrived home my little brother and sister we’re asking where mommy was. I didn’t have the heart to tell them so my dad told them. I didn’t want to hear it so I told him I was going to sleep. When I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth I looked at myself in the mirror. “I look like a mess.” I said to myself.
Then I went upstairs into my room, not saying good night to anyone. I walked past a picture where me and my mom were at the beach one summer day. I wanted to cry all over again. As soon as I walked into my bedroom I went to my bed and cried myself to sleep.

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