Wandering Fireflies

BellaCheshire द्वारा

199K 8.1K 4.4K

One road trip. That was all that it took to tear Zaavan Fleetwood and Vance Dallas's lives apart. It wasn't f... अधिक

Copyright Notice
Author's Note
Chapter 1: Troublemakers
Chapter 2: Fight Club
Chapter 3: Fright Night
Chapter 4: Old Feelings
Chapter 5: Better Off Dead
Author's Note
Chapter 6: Road Trip
Chapter 7: Frenemies
Chapter 8: A Night To Forget
Chapter 9: The Festival
Chapter 10: Bad Singers
Chapter 11: Food For Thought
Author's Note
Chapter 13: The Shack In The Woods
Chapter 14: Right By Your Side
Chapter 15: Stand Your Ground
Chapter 16: None Of The Above
Chapter 17: His Broken Smile
Chapter 18: Real Boys Don't Cry
Chapter 19: Say You'll Never Let Me Go
Chapter 20: Blanket Forts
Chapter 21: Falling Short
Chapter 22: Visiting Playgrounds At Night
Chapter 23: Testing The Waters
Chapter 24: How To Love
Chapter 25: Late Night Bad Ideas
Author's Note
Chapter 26: Something Out Of Nothing
Chapter 27: Castles Crumbling
Chapter 28: How Did We Get Into This Mess?
Chapter 29: The Land Of Tears And Shattered Dreams
Chapter 30: 05/04/18
Chapter 31: I'll Cry You A River
Chapter 32: Breathe
Author's Note
Chapter 33: One Step At A Time
Chapter 34: Love
Chapter 35: Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36: Forever A Dreamer
Thank You
Sequel Out Now!

Chapter 12: Take Me To Your Best Friend's House

4K 190 222
BellaCheshire द्वारा

Song: Tongue Tied by Grouplove

It turns out that our school takes gun threats really seriously. So, we were basically out of school until they found out who was behind the threat. Though it wasn't until the first week of April that we got word that school would start again the following week.

Now technically, teachers weren't supposed to give us work, but that didn't stop them. They posted on Google Classroom everyday with new topics we were supposed to learn by ourselves. Jerks. Don't they have a life?

That didn't stop me from having one though. Zaavan and I spent everyday at each other's houses. We spend half the time doing schoolwork (I have to practically force Zaavan) and the rest doing whatever.

Today, we were at Zaavan's house, waiting to go see the fireworks at the park.

"So what do you wanna do?" he asked.

"I dunno? You choose. It's your house."

"But you're the guest so we should do what you want to do."

"Well you're the host so technically you should have planned something for us." Yep, we do this everyday.

"Okay, how about we play PS4?" he suggested. At that, my eyes grew wide.

"Uh, sure," I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck. I looked away so that he couldn't see my face. Zaavan raised an eyebrow. During the past few weeks, he's gotten pretty good at telling when something's off.

"What's wrong?" I hesitated, not wanting to bring this up again. It didn't matter though, because he already knew.

"Does it have something to do with your aunt?" he asked cautiously.

I sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to let this go. "It's just...she bought me a PS4 for my birthday, but I stopped using it. It just kept reminding me of her." He hesitated for a minute and I knew what was coming next. Come on Zaavan, don't do this...

"Is she still..."

My breath caught in my throat. I just nodded.

"Listen Vance, you can't keep living like this..."

"The last time I checked, this was my life so yeah, I'm pretty sure I can." I hated when he did this. Somehow, every time things are going well, he had to bring her up. How does aunt Lucy manage to ruin everything?

"So can we just watch a movie instead?"

Zaavan shook his head in defeat. "Okay, Fine. What should we watch?"

"A horror movie?"

Zaavan broke into a smile. "Yep. You know it." Zaavan loves horror movies. I prefer action movies, but hey, I didn't mind. I was watching for Zaavan's sake after all. He got his laptop and took his place beside me, on his bed.

"Then you pick the movie, kid," I said, ruffling his hair. I wonder what kind of shampoo he used. His hair was always so soft and silky.

He scowled at me. He hated it when I did that. "Come on bro, stop that." He said.

"Aw, you're so cute when you're mad!" I joked sarcastically while laughing. His face turned beet red, probably from anger.

"Seriously Vance, stop touching me." For some weird reason, his voice was shaking.

"Fine, just hurry up and pick a movie already." Zaavan gave me one last glare before looking for a movie.

"There. How about Carrie?"

"Sounds good." As we watched the new version of Carrie, I couldn't help but look at Zaavan. Every time we watch a horror movie, his whole face lights up and he always has on a goofy smile. And a real one - not the fake kind that I see him give all the time. He was kinda cute, like a little kid. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him. He's my best friend, how did I ever hate him?

But I noticed something else this time. For some reason, Zaavan seemed really uncomfortable and he began to turn pale. I frowned and turned back to the screen. It was the scene where Carrie was panicking in the school showers about getting her period. She was wrapped in a towel and there was blood everywhere.

What was wrong with that? I mean yeah, there was some blood but we've watched really gory and violent movies before which were way worse.

I put a hand on his thigh. "You okay?" I asked. He jerked his leg back, eyes wide with panic.

"Don't touch me!" he cried.

"Bro chill." I put my hands behind my head. "I'll stop, but seriously, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just, I dunno I don't feel like horror today. Let's watch something else."

"But you always feel like horror."

"Well today I don't." Before I could argue any further, the door burst wide open.

"Yo losers, mom says we're leaving. Hurry up."

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking, Beth?"

"Yeah like I'd take advise from you, freak." With that being said, she waltzed out the room.

I shook my head. I couldn't believe she was only 12. She acted like some sort of stereotypical high school mean girl. I hated the way she treated Zaavan. He was such a cool guy, I didn't get why she hated him so much. She was a moody kid but she didn't even treat Jason, their 14 year old brother that bad. At least Jason wasn't as bad as her.

"We should probably go." With that, Zaavan and I hopped up and made our way outside.


The park was a 5 minute walk from my house so it didn't take long for us to get there and meet up with Vance's family. Honestly, I didn't really care about the fireworks and I wouldn't have gone, but Vance said he wanted to go, so here I am.

It's still pretty cold in April, but today was one of those slightly warmer days. Canadian weather is really weird like that. Sometimes you get ice storms in April and sometimes you get a really warm day in February. Sometimes, it's still cold all summer long. Anyways, if you waited for it to get warm before you did anything outdoors, you'd be inside pretty much all year long.

"Seriously? Ice cream? Bro, it's freezing out here," I said as Vance took his spot beside me on the bleachers.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Here, try some." I took a bite of his ice cream, just to piss him off.

"DUDE - who bites ice cream that's on a cone! You're supposed to lick it!"

"Well aw, sucks to be you now doesn't it." We both broke into a laugh and I felt this tingling feeling inside my chest. One that I've been trying to ignore for the past few weeks and failing miserably. I couldn't help it, it just felt so nice being around Vance. Everything he did made me so happy, I just wanted to spend every chance I got with him. Weird, right?

"Are you cold? You're kind of shivering," asked Vance.

"Yeah, I should've brought some gloves, my hands are freezing."

"Here, take mine." Vance took off his gloves and handed them to me.

"Are you sure?"

"Look, I'm eating ice cream. I don't feel cold."

"Okay, thanks." When I took the gloves from him, our hands slightly brushed. It was a simple, ordinary type of physical contact, but it felt like getting a shock. Shoot, I thought rubbing my hands. Subconsciously, my face started turning red as I snuck a quick look over at Vance, who was looking ahead and casually eating ice cream. God, why was I being so weird lately? Vance clearly didn't notice anything, so it was probably nothing.

But it didn't feel like nothing. Lately, it was as if every little thing meant something to me, but nothing to Vance. And being real, stupid things like these shouldn't mean anything. So why do I always make such a big deal out of them?

"Hey, I think you're mom's calling you." I turned to where Vance was looking and saw my mom waving frantically.

"Oh God, she's so embarrassing."

Vance smirked. "You better go see what she wants before she starts calling your name."

I groaned and quickly made my way down to where my mom was sitting with my dad and Vance's family.

"What do you want?" Yeah okay, I know I'm rude.

"Zaavan, Dr. Jones called and he wants to see you sometime next week..."

"I know, I'll make an appointment with him. It's fine."

"Zaavan, he wants an answer..."

"And I keep giving him one but he won't listen to me."

"Do you want your father and I to go with you? We can help you decide..."

"NO! You just want to go so you can help Dr. Jones force me to change my mind!"

"Sweetie that's not true-"

"Yeah it is. I'll go myself." I turned and started to walk away, desperate to get away from all of this.

"Zaavan he knows what's best for you-"

"No he doesn't! Just leave me alone!" God, I hated her! Why couldn't she listen to me for once instead of the stupid doctor? Pissed, I made my way back to Vance. The second he saw my face, he understood. That's another thing I liked about Vance. He only knows what I tell him and he never asks for more.

"Mom harassing you about your doctor's appointment again?" Vance gave me a familiar look. I knew that look - he wanted to know why I was always at the doctor's. It was the one thing I won't tell him and he knew better than to ask.

I snorted. "Yeah. I swear she thinks I'm still a kid and that she can just force me to do whatever she wants. I know what I'm doing - besides - that guy calls me a hundred times per day to keep reminding me to make an appointment. I couldn't forget if I wanted to! God, I just hate people!"

"People as in who?" he laughed.

"As in everyone!" I glared at him. Seriously, what the hell was so funny?

"Aw, even me?"

No way, I could never hate Vance. I think he was the first person I could say for sure that I didn't hate. When I was with him, nothing else mattered. Being with him made me forget about everything, like my stupid fight with Dr. Jones, my stupid parents, Beth... Vance was my best friend. It was like what Kolton and I had, but even better. Way better.

And that's when it hit me. Oh shit. OH SHIT. I liked Vance. No I REALLY liked Vance. Not just as a friend, but more than one.

"Zaavan? You okay?" Vance gave me a worried look. Dammit, what the hell? Why did I have to ruin everything like this. This is what ruined my friendship with Kolton (not that I'd still want to be friends with that asshole, but still). And now, these same freaking messed up feelings were going to ruin what I had with Vance.

"Zaavan? Should I get your dad?" Vance was starting to panic. Snapping back to reality, I put on a fake smile.

"No, I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"Oh," he said relieved. "Thinking about what?" You. How you have the most amazing smile, perfect face and can make me happier than I've been my entire life. I internally groaned. God there's something seriously wrong with me.

"Nothing really."

I took a look around while waiting for the fireworks to start. Everywhere I looked, there were couples holding hands, or kissing or just laughing with each other. I looked over at Vance and suddenly, I felt the urge to touch him. Maybe hold his hand...

And then it hit me - HARD. I liked Vance, my best friend. Who was a GUY. Does that mean I'm...gay? Shit, that just screws everything up. I can't be, I mean, I like girls, right? Even though I've never dated one before, or even liked one before...crap. This can't be happening right now. My eyes grew wide and I started breathing rapidly.

No, I'm not gay. I don't even like Vance like that. I'm just confused because Vance has just been really nice to me. I really like him, but just as a friend. Yeah, that's it. Relieved, I ran a hand through my hair and calmed myself down.

"Hey look, they're starting!" Vance said excitedly grabbing my arm. I followed his gaze. I don't get it - I only like Vance as a friend, so why is my heart racing so fast right now?

A/N: What do you think is up with Zaavan's doctor's appointments? + Question: where are you guys from, I'm curious. (I'm from Canada <3)

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