The Red Haired Shinigami...

By annimefreakxx

138K 3.7K 573

Sarah is Toshiro's childhood friend, they were both similar in a sense that they were different from everyone... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

10.1K 280 36
By annimefreakxx



I couldn’t help but sigh as I arrived at the Head Captain's office at 6am. 

I mean come on! I thought with a tsk. Getting up early is hell! But it is for the Captain’s test, so I guess I can't argue.

I just sighed before I knocked on the door.

“Come in,” I heard his deep voice answer.

I sighed before turning the door handle before pushing the door open and walking through only to find not just the Head Captain but also Captain Komamura standing next to him. What's he doing here? I questioned with a confused expression.

“Good morning Head Captain, Captain Komamura,” I said nodding to both before shutting the door behind me.

“Morning Miss Saiako, because we haven't really time for you to take the full on test, we only wish to test your strength.” stated the Head Captain.

“So what will I be doing then?” I asked not really too fazed that they won’t be testing me on anything else.

“We trust your leadership skills to take care of a squad and organise things so I thought the best way to test your strength would be for you to fight another Captain.”

“That is why I'm here,” announced Komamura as he gave me a nod.

After a moment of processing it, I actually have to admit I am a little shocked. I mean sure let's just get straight to the point but... Well Captain Komamura has always seemed weak to me and I really don’t think I’m going to even need my bankai to defeat him.

“Okay,” I replied simply.

“Good. We will have to move outside of the seretei for this battle.” he stated as he started walking but I interrupted him.

“But Head Captain,” I interrupted as I stopped him from walking.

“What is it?” he asked, slight confused tone in his voice.

“To be honest, I don't think this battle will take that long... I think the training grounds will be fine.”

He widened his eyes slightly, a little shocked at my words.

“What do you mean 'won't take long'?” he asked now sounding a little annoyed.

“I don't mean any disrespect sir, but I know I can defeat Captain Komamura without any need for me to use my bankai.”

“What!? How dare yo-” Captain Komamura started but was stopped by the Head Captain.

“Very well.” he said as he held a hand up to Komamura but he sent me the slightest of glares. “We’ll use the squad one training grounds.

And with that, we left.


There were many members of squad one training, but the head captain told them it was their 'lucky day' because they got to watch this fight. Yet none of them knew who I was because well I’ve never been in a squad...

Once I left the academy, I went on that 10 year mission so no one really remembers or knows who I am. I think it was because of that fact that the members training thought I would get destroyed by the captain. Thanks to that they decided to pass a few rude comments, thinking I couldn’t hear.

“She thinks she can beat him without bankai?”

Who is she?”

“She looks weak.”

“She's just a child!!”

And I gotta say, all these comments were really pissing me off. I mean these comments from people who haven't even achieved a ranking in their squads! Half of them probably don’t even have a shikai!

Heck how dare they criticise me so carelessly? And I'm not someone who you could just say things like that about and get away with it!

“OII!" I yelled interrupting them all and causing them to stop and stare at me. "Yeah, I'm not deaf. I can hear all your comments about me being weak! So I've decided that I will defeat the Captain without using my shikai! And once I do, then we'll see who you are calling weak!”

They all went silent  for a moment before they cracked up laughing. I only gave them all a glare, know that they are going to be so surprised when I fuck shit up. Yet they just continued laughing until the Head Captain silenced them and we got on the battle field.

“You’re going to regret this,” Captain Komamura said as he unsheathed his sword. “I personally don’t think someone acting so childish as to take note of rude comments like those should be a Captain. And for that, I won’t go easy on you, I will show you what it means to be a captain and I will have your respect. Bankai.”

I just rolled my eyes at his words as I watched his bankai appear before my eyes.

“Miss Saiako this is your last chance to release you bankai before the match starts,” warned the Head Captain.

“I don't need it,” I said with a smirk as I pulled out of sword and took a stance, facing Komamura with a smirk.

With that, I heard the Head captain let a sigh slip before he spoke.

"Let the captains test for Sarah Saiako, begin!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Captain Komamura made the first move. He swung his arm forward and his giant’s sword came crashing down on me.

I just kept my smirk plastered to my lips as I took one step to the side at the last possible mili second, allowing the sword to crash down next to me at full force.

I felt the ground next to me begin to crack while dust and smoke rose from the ground, but once it disappeared and revealed me, everyone’s eyes widened in shock as they saw what looked like he had missed me.

“Your aim seems to be a bit off, Captain.” I said with a smirk while his expression was filled with shock. “Is that all you've got? It’s a bit disappointing really.” And with that, I disappeared from sight.


"How'd she do that!?"

“I saw she it was on target…”

“She must have moved at the last possible second but… I saw the blade only an inch from her head!”

I heard the spectators commenting, before I re-appeared right in front of Komamura where I leaned in close before speaking.

“I know your bankai's weakness.” I whispered in his ear before he reacted and took another swing at me but I was gone.

Hm. I thought, too slow. There are many problems with your bankai. One, it’s too big. So you move too slow to react to my movements in time, also if anything happens to your bankai, i.e. it gets cut, the same will happen to you.

I appeared right in front of his bankai form, right before it’s heart. And with that, I quickly brought my sword back before driving it forward, right next to its heart.

Unlucky for me, he managed to react so I wasn’t able to deliver the full attack. He stepped back, bring his sword down on me but I was gone This way he won't die but he won't be able to get back up either.

"Arrggh!” I heard him yell in pain as blood splattered from him, not much but still enough to know I inflicted a reasonable wound on him.

I took the moment he was in pain to make my move fast, I appeared before Komamura himself, slashing my sword down his chest at such a speed where he couldn’t react with his wound.

He yelled out once more in pain before he fell to the ground, his bankai disappearing while I held my sword at his throat.

“I told you this battle would be over soon.” I grinned before bringing my sword closer to his throat, allowing it to slice the smallest bit, causing a small trickle of blood to roll down his neck.

“Bitch!” he growled, moving quickly as he swung his sword at me but I simply blocked it with my own before rolling my wrist, forcing his sword to roll as well, giving me a moment to flick his sword right out of his hand and send it flying onto the ground behind him.

“Game over, Captain.” I smirked before bring my sword back and sheathing it once more.

“Captain Komamura!”

“A kid defeated a Captain's bankai?”

“She didn't even use Shikai!”

 “She did it… She really did.”

I heard all the different voices of the soul reapers who were watching the match only letting my smirk widen.

Told them not to underestimate me didn’t I? I thought as I walked over to the Head Captain.

Member's of squad 4 soon appeared, rushing over to heal his wounds but I ignored them not really caring for the man in all honesty.

“Did I pass?” I asked, my expression filled with confidence.

“Yes.” He answered simply with a nod. “You will now be appointed the role to be Captain of Squad 3, starting today.”

I nodded and with that, I took my leave. I flash stepped outside the arena only to see Toshiro leaning against the wall, with his arms folded and a smirk plastered on his face.

“That was too cruel,” he said shaking his head in a disappointed manner.

I just laughed before letting a smirk cross my face too.

“He had it coming,” I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

“His pride and reputation will be ruined now, you know that right?” Toshiro stated, now locking eyes with mine but I just gave him an evil grin.

“But the truth is,” I started taking a glance back at the captain on the ground before turning back and locking eyes with Toshiro. “He is weak. Anyhow, now that I'm a Captain you’re gona shout me lunch right?”

“No.” was his flat reply but the smirk still rested on his lips. “I have Captain duties but I'll see you later.”

I pouted at his response. Really? He- but my thoughts were cut off.

“Bye,” he said and before I could say something he was gone.

DAMMIT! I thought with a slight growl. I'm hungry…


Just after lunch....


I made my way to Squad 3 barracks, wearing my new Captains' uniform and not  or anything but I think I look pretty good!

When I reached the barracks, I was greeted but my new Lieutenant, Lieutenant Kira. He took a small bow as he addressed me.

“You must be Captain Saiako,” he stated with a smile.

The word ‘Captain’ made me grin. Hehe! I'm a Captain now!

“And you must be Lieutenant Kira, nice to meet you,” I smiled as I held out my hand. He stood up straight and now seeing him like this I noticed he’s much taller than me.

“I'll show you around the squad then?” he more asked rather than offered as he took my hand, shaking it.

“That would be nice,” I gigged before a smile formed on my lips as my hand left his and I followed him around.

As I walked around, I got to meet lots of my squad, I learnt the names of everyone I met and as I walked around I heard a lot of all the gossip flying around.

“I heard she defeated Captain Komamura without even realising her shikai!”

“She seems kinda… ridiculously strong?”

“Where did she even come from?”

“I don’t know eh… Never heard of her before today…”

"Do you think we can even trust her?"

"I don’t know… She seems too cruel."

I smiled to myself as I heard some comments and frowned at most others. But I knew that it was going be awkward like this for me.

I mean to be taking over this squad when their recent Captain had betrayed them… I’ve already noticed that Kira seems unsure about me. So when I get a moment with him, I’m going to speak with him.

“Lieutenant,” I said grabbing Kira’s attention as we were now in my office alone together.

“Yes, Captain Saiako?” he answered turning around to face me.

“I know that this may be hard for you, just accepting me as your new Captain… Especially since we have never met before and no one really knows anything about me. But I will do my best to take care of this squad and I will protect everyone with my life.”

I watched as his eyes wided slightly at my words, seeming a little shocked at what I said but soon sent him a reassuring smile.

“Thank you, Captain.” he replied before turning back around, walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

And as the door shut I let out a small sigh of relief. Seems like Kira will hopefully trust me soon. I thought to myself. I just hope the rest of the squad does as well.



Captain Saiako seems....strange. I thought as I finally showed her, her office. I mean just showing up out of nowhere like that? She’s never even been in a squad before! How can someone who has never been in a squad before suddenly become captain like that? And how is she so strong? She is the same age as Captain Hitsugaya but… still.

“Lieutenant,” she said interrupting my thoughts.

“Yes captain Saiako?” I answered turning back around to face her.

“I know that this may be hard for you, just accepting me as your new Captain. Especially since we have never meet before and no one really knows anything about me. But I will do my best to take care of this squad and I will protect everyone with my life.”

Wow. I thought with slight shock. She’s still a child but is so... Discipline? I never thought she would say something like that. But I think... I think I might be able to trust her.

"Thank you, Captain." I replied before walking out the door and shutting it behind me.

I made my way back to the rest of the squad and the moment I got there, they all bombarded me with the questions they had concerning our new Captain.

"Lieutenant!" I heard someone in the back call before rushing over to me.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Lieutenant, well me and the rest of the squad were-" but before they could finish, a hell butterfly flew in through the window and landed on my hand.

"Attention, all Squad 3 units are to make their way to the South-East area of the seretai. A large amount of hollows have appeared. Repeat. All Squad 3 units are to make their way to the South-east area of the seretai. A large amount of hollows have appeared. Pursue them immediately, Squad 8 will help with back-up soon."

"You heard," I yelled loud enough so everyone could hear, "All units to the South-East area of the seretai!" 

"Yes sir!" and with that everyone got their zanpaktos' and began moving out at a quick pace.

I too was just about to leave until I remembered. 

Oh shit! The Captain still needs to be informed! I thought as I turned back, about to get her but as soon as I turned I heard someone call me.

"Lieutenant,” called a voice causing me to snap my head back around only to see my new captain standing in front of me with a playful smirk on her lips yet her eyes filled with confidence. “You're not just gonna let the rest of the Squad do everything now, are you?"

"No Captain," I replied surprised at how she appeared behind of me like that without me noticing a thing. 

"Good, then let’s go." she grinned and with that, we flash stepped towards the South-east area of the seretai.



The moment I arrived with Lieutenant Kira, I saw that there were a hell of a lot of hollows.

This will be a pain- I thought but cut myself off when I sensed something stronger, a presence much greater than that of the hollows before us. Someone else is pulling the strings, but I can't fully sense where it was coming from... But- yet my thoughts were interrupted once more, this time by a scream.


"Are you ok?"

"Yuki! Get up!"

I instantly flashed-stepped over to see if Yuki was okay, she was hurt bad and was bleeding a lot. Dammit! I thought. They just keep coming! I need to find that- but my thoughts were cut off when I finally found a strong spiritual pressure. Got it.

"Captain!" I heard Kira yell.

"Yeah I know," I replied not bothering to look at him. "EVERYONE FALL BACK!"

Yet even after calling out, no one moved, they just looked at me confused but I just carried on. 

"Fall back! Get the wounded to safety! I won't have any of my Squad die!" I order and everyone looked a little shocked at my words but nodded.

I watched with my prereferral vision out the corner of my eyes, studying the area while my squad began to take the wounded off the field and away from the fight.

"I'll deal with the hollows." I added my last words with a confident smirk.

This will be fun.


Soooo..... do you like it?? 

I realize that Sarah seems sort of ridiculously strong defeating the captain that easily in the test but its because they were a bad match up so he's slow and strong but cause Sarah's really fast, he was easy for her to beat where as if she was to vs Ichigo, obviously because his bankai is one of speed, it wouldn't be so easy for her.

Any who! Please tell me what you think! 

Comment, vote fan??? Please!! XD

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