The Other Salvatore

Galing kay miss_lavancha

1.6M 32K 12.6K

This is a story about the youngest Salvatore, Elizabeth. No one knows she's alive, not even Stefan and Damon... Higit pa

The Other Salvatore
A/N: New Cover!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - THE BALL! Part 1...
Chapter 21 - THE BALL! Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 1
Chapter 29 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 2
Chapter 30 - Season 4 Opener
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 1
Chapter 46 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 2 - THE END!!
A/N: Bullies
Hybrid in Debt
"Falling for the Original Gentleman"
Fanfiction Awards
Just In Case

Chapter 36

17.8K 375 50
Galing kay miss_lavancha

-Third Person POV-

Several people sat around a campfire. But they weren't normal people - they were werewolves. Tomorrow night was the full moon, so the pack had gathered at their secret spot up in the Smokey Mountains, to prepare for the grueling task of morphing into their wolf form.

There were 6 people in total, 3 boys and 3 girls. They were all fairly young, the youngest being 17 and the oldest being 21. They had all gone to the same school, and one way or another, had found out each others secret and formed a pack. Every full moon, they all met in this spot, to change together and enjoy the freedom being a wolf gave them.

"Did you hear that?" one of the girls, Kylie, asked suddenly. They all stopped to listen. They all heard the snap of a tree branch.

"Who's there?" called Ralph, the Alpha. Suddenly, there was a swooshing sound as two creatures ran around their campsite.

"Vampires." Ralph mumbled, and everybody stood up, and glared as the vampires raced around them.

Suddenly, they came to a stop, standing in front of Ralph. One was a male with blonde hair and blue eyes. The other was a female with raven black hair and blue eyes.

"Who... who are you?" stumbled the youngest, a girl named Tanya. The couple smirked at her.

"My name is Elizabeth." the girl answered.

"And I'm Klaus." the man answered. The group stepped back. They had heard of Klaus - the Original Hybrid who was creating hybrids.

"We don't want to be part of your little hybrid army." Ralph ground out. The two other boys nodded, stepping in front of the 3 girls protectively.

Klaus smiled evilly. Elizabeth just looked over the group, seemingly disappointed with them for some reason.

"Well, my lovely companion here had convinced me to ask your feelings on that exact subject. But since you have already expressed them..." Klaus said, glancing at Elizabeth. She sighed and nodded. Klaus rushed over to Ralph, biting into his own wrist and pushing it into Ralph's mouth. Ralph tried to resist and fight back, but the hybrid was just too strong. 

Once Klaus thought the boy had drank enough, he reached over and snapped his neck, effectively killing him. The others gasped in shock and horror.

"Run." the two other boys whispered to the girls, who ran off into the woods. Before they got too far, however, Elizabeth stood in front of them, her arms crossed over her chest. The girls changed directions, trying to avoid her, but again, Elizabeth stood in their way.

They tried changing again, and Elizabeth sighed before rushing up to each of them and gripping their arms, throwing them to the ground.

They all laid on the ground in shock, staring up at her. One of them, Tanya, tried to crawl away, but Elizabeth came up to her and stepped on her wrist, breaking it. Tanya yelled out in pain, clutching her wrist to her chest.

"Any of you try to escape, more limbs will be broken. I'm not concerned about broken bones, and neither is Klaus. They will all heal during your transition. We tried to do this the nice way, but you all had to be disagreeable and run. So now we have to be the bad guys and force you all." Elizabeth ground out, forcing the girls to their feet.

She held onto Kylie and the other girl, Sky, by their arms, her grip firm and tight. She made Tanya walk in front of her, where she could easily grab her if she tried to run. Tears of fear and pain ran down Tanya's face, and the other two were holding back tears of fear as well.

Elizabeth sighed. "I don't understand why you wouldn't want to be hybrids. You'll be more powerful, plus you don't have to go through the excruciating pain of turning every full moon. I know how painful it is. I've seen people go through it. Why you would want that, I don't know..." she rambled, almost to herself.

Sky, the oldest of the girls, answered anyway. 

"We don't want to be vampires. We don't want to have to kill innocent people to survive. Plus, we don't want to follow the Original Hybrid, and do as he says. We want the freedom to do as we please."

Elizabeth grinned.

"Being a vampire is so much more fun!" she exclaimed. "And as for killing people... You'll get over it. Besides, it's more fun then you think." she said, grinning. The girls just looked at her in disgust as she pushed them back into the clearing. 

All three boys lay on the ground dead, and Klaus was sitting by the campfire, waiting for the girls. He was pouring blood into 6 different cups, presumably for each werewolf. The girls started to struggle as they walked into the clearing, knowing what was about to happen. 

Klaus looked up and smiled. He rushed over to the group of girls. The three werewolves shrunk back from him as he appeared in front of them. Elizabeth smiled. Klaus placed a quick kiss on her lips, which she returned. The werewolves shuddered at the intimacy between the two.

Klaus turned to the werewolves and grinned.

"Alright, loves. Who's first?" he asked. The girls all stepped back. Elizabeth and Klaus both chuckled. Elizabeth turned to look at Klaus.

"Do her first. I might have broken her wrist, and we want that to heal." she said, pointing at Tanya. Klaus grinned at her, and walked towards Tanya.

Tanya turned to run, but Klaus was quicker. He grabbed her neck, and forced his wrist in her mouth, forcing blood to trickled down her throat. She tried to fight, but after a few moments of his blood running down her throat, he stepped back, twisting his wrist and breaking her neck. She fell to the ground, lifeless.

The other two girls gasped, tears filling their eyes as they saw their friend killed. Elizabeth just watched with an emotionless face.

Klaus turned to look at the remaining two.

"Who's next?" he asked, just as a gasp filled the campsite.

Ralph sat up, gulping in air, and looking around frantically. When he saw the bodies of his friends, he gasped. Klaus chuckled, causing Ralph to whip his head and glare at him.

"What have you done?" he growled.

"They will awake soon. You are all in transition - well, all but these two lovely ladies." Elizabeth said, motioning to Kylie and Sky. Ralph gulped, glancing at Klaus for confirmation. Klaus grinned, then walked over to log where the cups of blood sat. He walked over to Ralph, who stepped back and put his hands up.

"Come on, mate." Klaus said, trying to hand him the cup again. Ralph glared and refused to take the cup.

"You have to drink that, or you will die." Elizabeth chimed from where she stood by the girls, who were watching Ralph wearily. Ralph stood, looking undecided.

"Drink it." Sky finally said, looking at Ralph. Ralph looked over at her questioningly.

"You will die if you don't. Just do it." she said. Ralph nodded at her, and took the cup. He looked into it hesitantly, then closed his eyes, and drank the blood.

He coughed and dropped the cup to the ground, following it down as he convulsed and coughed, seemingly in pain. Klaus and Elizabeth watch on indifferently, while the two girls watched in horror.

"Ralph!" Kylie screamed, as he growled. He lifted his head to show fangs and yellow eyes. Klaus smiled.

"Welcome to the army, mate." Klaus said. One girl looked at Ralph in sadness, while one looked on with fascination.

Sky stepped away from Kylie's arms, taking a step towards Klaus. He glanced at her questioningly.

"I'm ready." she said determinedly.

"SKY!" Kylie screeched. Ralph just looked at her, smirking. He felt the power surging through him, and he wanted this for all of his friends.

Klaus smiled at Sky, and walked over, biting into his wrist and offering it to her. Sky glanced at him, then took his wrist and put it in her mouth, drinking his blood. When she had enough she stepped back. Klaus smiled at her, then reached over and snapped her neck. 

Kylie shrieked as she collapsed. Klaus bit into his wrist again, offering it to her. Kylie stepped away.

"Kylie. Do it." Ralph said. Kylie looked at him in disbelieve. 

"Do it." he said again. "It feels amazing." Kylie just looked at him. He nodded at her. She sighed, then stepped over to Klaus, who re-bit his wrist. Kylie put it in her mouth and drank quickly. She stepped away, and then looked at Klaus, waiting for him to kill her. He smirked, then snapped her neck.

Klaus looked over at Ralph and grinned. 

"Feels amazing, does it? And here you were so resistant." he teased. Ralph just shrugged, looking at his friends dead on the ground.

"What now?" he asked, looking back at Klaus. Elizabeth just stood back, watching the interaction.

"Now, we wait for your friends to wake up." Klaus offered, looking around.

"And then, we teach you the fun stuff that comes with being a vampire." Elizabeth chimed in, grinning wildly.

"Do we have to kill?" Ralph said warily. She shrugged.

"Not necessarily. Klaus will be better at teaching you restraint, if that's what you want." she replied. Ralph nodded.

"We'll see." he said shortly, as one of the boys sat up with a gasp, looking around. Klaus walked over to the cups of blood, grabbing one and walking towards the boy, Dylan.

Dylan scooted backwards, until Ralph came over and put his hand on Dylan's shoulder. Dylan jumped, but calmed seeing Ralph.

"Drink the blood." Ralph commanded. Dylan looked at him in shock, but nodded seeing the cool confidence on Ralph's face. He took the cup and drank. 

One by one, the other four woke and drank their cups of blood. Once they had all transitioned, Elizabeth walked and stood next to Klaus.

"Now then, the fun part." she said, grinning. Klaus smiled down at her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"You do love teaching the to feed, don't you?" he said. She grinned in response.

"Where's the nearest town?" she asked, turning to the group of new hybrids.

"About 50 miles west." Ralph said, pointing in the right direction.

"50 miles? Good. We can run then." Elizabeth said. The hybrids looked at her in disbelieve.

"Come on, you'll be fine. It will be fun." she exclaimed. The hybrids looked at Klaus. He grinned at them and nodded.

"We'll run." he said. The hybrids nodded, then took off. They quickly caught on to how to use vamp speed, and soon they were soaring through the forest. The sounds of the males throaty laughs and the girls high pitched squeals of joy could be heard throughout the forest. Klaus and Elizabeth ran hand-in-hand, grinning at the joy of the hybrids.

"For people who didn't want this, they sure are enjoying it." Elizabeth commented casually. Klaus just grinned at her.

When the group of 8 reassembled, Elizabeth took the lead.

"Now. Who here is against killing people?" she asked. Kylie and Tanya were the only two to raise their hands. They looked at the others in shock and dismay. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow questioningly at the other four.

Ralph spoke up.

"It's a means of survival." he said, shrugging his shoulders. The other three nodded, agreeing.

"But... you're killing someone. An innocent. Someone with a family..." Kylie protested.

"Oh, they would have killed us if they knew what we were." Sky spat. Kylie looked at her, dismay all over her face.

"No need to argue, lovelies." Elizabeth commented. "You two..." motioning to Kylie and Tanya, "...can go with Klaus. He can teach you snatch, eat, erase. The rest of you..." looking at the other four, "...can come with me. I'll show you how to really live it up." she said, grinning. The four nodded, and stepped towards her, after seeking Klaus' approval. 

"Don't kill too many, love." Klaus told Elizabeth, giving her quick peck on the cheek. She grinned at him.

"We'll see." she responded. The two girls looked at her in disgust. 

"Here I thought it would be Klaus who was the monster..." Tanya muttered to Kylie quietly. Or so she thought.

Elizabeth turned her head and offered the girls a megawatt smile.

"Oh, I'm a monster that monsters run from. Remember that." she said, before turning and strutting away. The four in her group looked at each other, before quietly following her.

The two girls looked at each other in shock and fear. Klaus chuckled, shaking his head before turning to the two girls.

"Shall we?" he questioned, gesturing the opposite way, before walking that way. The girls glanced at each other before nodding and following the Original hybrid.


A short time later, Tanya, Kylie, and Klaus had each drank from, and compelled, 2 people, before calling it a night. The girls had caught on fairly quickly, not even killing their first victim. Maybe it was there repulsion to the thing that they craved most.

Tanya and Kylie followed Klaus as he lead them across town, presumably to meet up with the other group.

They arrived at a dark alley. The four new hybrids were standing at the mouth, looking inside. They all had blood on their faces and clothes, and grins on their faces. Tanya and Kylie looked into the alley, and were instantly repulsed by the image they found.

Elizabeth crouched over the body of a man, draining him. There was a small mound of bodies, maybe 11 bodies, which would soon include a 12th.

Klaus walked over to Elizabeth, putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, blood flowing from her mouth. Tanya turned in disgust at the sight. Elizabeth grinned up at Klaus, wiping her mouth quickly.

"I think you've had enough, sweetheart." Klaus said, grinning down at her. Elizabeth scowled.

"Alright. Just let me finish this one up." Elizabeth said grumpily. Klaus grinned, then leaned down to whisper something in her ear that the hybrids couldn't hear. Elizabeth looked up and grinned evilly, and nodded. She went back to feeding, more frantically than before.

"Watch and learn what other vampires fear they could become." Klaus mumbled to hybrids after strolling back towards them. All 6 of them turned to watch Elizabeth in wonder and confusion. She was really ripping into the man now.

Klaus was watching her in fascination and admiration. The four who had chose to feed and kill watched with wonder, while the two other girls watched in dismay and disgust.

Suddenly, the mans head was no longer attached to his body. Instead it dropped and fell to the pavement, rolling and stopping at Kylie's feet. She jumped back from it in disgust, cringing. Elizabeth looked up at the seven of them and grinned, blood and flesh on her mouth and teeth.

She slowly stood up, tossing the mans body on the pile. She pulled out a water bottle and poured the contents on the pile, then grabbed a box of matches. Lighting one, she throw it on the pile, which quickly caught fire and burst into flame. Elizabeth walked away, never looking back. She shoved her way past Tanya and Kylie, offering them each a wicked grin as she passed.

Klaus chuckled then walked over and wrapped an arm around her waist. She cuddled into him, and he gave her a kiss on the lips. This one lasted longer then the others had. When they pulled away, they were both smiling. 

"That's my girl." Klaus mumbled, grinning at her. She smiled back, and snuggled into his side. Klaus looked back at his new hybrids.

"Come along, now. Time to get back to our home." Klaus called. The four who had fed with Elizabeth grinned and followed behind the couple. The two girls, looked at each other, a hundred emotions passing through their eyes. Slowly, Tanya followed after the 6 ahead of her. Kylie gave one last glance at the head on the ground, before quickly picking it up and throwing it into the fire. She wiped off her hands in disgust, then ran to catch up with Tanya.

The group walked down the road, the couple in the front, followed by four happy hybrids, who were then followed by two hesitant hybrids.

A/N: Okay, so I don't think this is the best chapter, but I wanted to include a third person, and a chapter on what exactly Klaus and Elizabeth are doing on their trip, among other things. I also wanted to show a little more of Elizabeth's ripper, evil side. She started out, seemingly sweet and caring about their feelings on this whole thing, but then did a 180, saying she figured all werewolves would want this.

I think there are two distinct viewpoints on hybrids, even among the hybrids themselves.

 Anyway, a new update may take a few days - I have a few things going on right now, and I might not get time to write. Just bear with me, please.

Please let me know what you think. Comment and vote away! Until next time!!

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