Unbreakable (Slowly Editing)

By BesoLove

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Life doesn't always play fair. It's a game of fight or flight. What happens when the unexpected, unexplainabl... More

The Breakup (Chapter One)
Change (Chapter Two)
Over It (Chapter Three)
Cheater (Chapter Four)
Surprise (Chapter Five)
What Did You Say? (Chapter Six)
My What? (Chapter Seven)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Nine)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Ten)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Eleven)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Tweleve)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Thirteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Fourteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Fifteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Sixteen)

Broken Hearted (Chapter Eight)

1K 15 4
By BesoLove

Happy reading loves :)

Chapter Eight


It's been about two months since the whole hospital fiasco, and everything is just so weird now. Everyone has figured out that Joey and I are no longer together. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he's fucking around with my sister still? But I will never know, and no longer car. He is an ended chapter in my life. Well Kind of. I still have not told him, I'm not really sure I want to anymore.

People have been starting to notice that I'm gaining weight. And I'm starting to run out of lies to tell them, I think I've told about two dozen people that I'm just "bloated".

Mayson has tried to talk to me about a million times, I swear this guy comes to my house every fucking day! Like get a damn life! PLEASE! Speaking of him, he's downstairs in my kitchen. I've tried so much to just avoid him but he doesn't get it an-





Oh jeez. Just great.

"What do you want Mayson?"

"Can I come in?" He said a little quieter.

Ugh, jeez. Well I could tell him I'm naked, maybe he'll go away? "Um, well I'm kind of......naked."

There was a pause. "Okay," then I heard the door opening.

Does he not understand naked?

"Yes, please just come the hell on in." Damn boy. He pisses me off sometimes.

"Stop lying, you are not naked. I can see you fully clothed, I'm not blind."

"Well I thought it was going to keep you out. But apparently not... What the hell do you want anyways? Come to annoy me some more" This guy just brings out the worst in me. Sometimes I feel the need to just punch him. Continuously...

"Actually I was coming to ask if- um, but you know... never mind, forget it."

Jeez, thanks now I just feel like a jerk.

"No, no." I said with a sigh, walking towards him. "What is it?"

"Well, I-I- um, I just wanted to say sorry." Then he turned away.

Wow, wait...what? Why is he saying sorry for? Pissing me off? Maybe?

"What are you sorry for? Annoying the hell outta me?" I said with a laugh.

"Because I know you want Joey to be the one that's here everyday instead of me." Oh great, just great.

"Actually I would rather have you here than Joey..." Oh shit did I just say that out loud? "I mean... you are nicer to me than he is being..... so yes. I sometimes enjoy your company, but you still piss me off." I just had to inform him.

"Well..." he said stepping closer. "Would this..." gently, he held my hand, "be alright then?"

Now my first thought was to slap him. Oh who am I kidding? After that thought I just wanted to. And just as I was about to slap him, he quickly got hold of my other hand.

"Hmm, very smooth." I said, then Mayson smiled. I didn't want to, but I let out a light giggle. I maned a quick 'damn' under my breath, but I think he heard me.

A coupe minutes passed and we just stayed like that, looking into each others eyes. Until I realized how close our faces were. I looked down and cleared my throat taking a step back.

"Um, was that all...you wanted to tell me?"

He looked down quickly and said, "Oh yes...um...I just wanted to ask you to go out for dinner. I mean, not like a date or anything, but your family is out. So..."

"Oh yeah right. Um... sure lemme just get changed and I'll be right down."

As Mayson left the room I flopped back on my bed.

What the heck am I doing? I fucking hate this guy. And what the hell was that Hopefully these are just the pregnancy hormones. SHIT, I've been trying to forget about it... Oh well so long to that.

I got up and changed into some skinny jeans, a tank top and a baggy sweater. I put my hair into a high ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror, "It's like you can't even tell!" I said spinning around to look at myself fully, "Good." and I went downstairs.



I was sitting in Eliana's living room thinking...

What the hell am I doing? I can't be looking at Eliana like that or even holding her hand. She's my best friend's girl- well ex girlfriend. But still, she's fucking pregnant! Well there could be a chance it's mine, but slim chance. I hope... I guess.

Just then she walked down the stairs and I stood up. "Ready to go?"

She hesitated for a moment then she smiled and said, "Sure... But where are we going, exactly?"

"Just this little place I know."

She raised an eyebrow but she followed me to the door. We got into my car, and I let her pick the music, I usually don't listen to anything while I'm driving, but I had a feeling she didn't really want to talk.

"We're almost there." I informed her.

"Okay," was all she said.

I got out of the car first then I helped Eliana out, "This place looks expensive, are you sure you want to go here? I mean I'm under dressed, I have on skinny jeans for God's sake!" I had to laugh.

"Stop freaking out, my mom and dad own the place. Relax." I said holding her hand as we walked to the door.

"I guess I should have figured that from the name of the place, 'Petite Maison Du Bonnet'."

When we got seated they brought us menu's, I let Eliana get anything she liked, and it was great. We ate, we laughed and we had a good time.



We were sitting in my driveway and I was saying goodnight to Mayson. Just as I was about to get out something came over me. I turned around to kiss Mayson's cheek, but I didn't. I full on kissed his lips. And before I knew it, his hand was in my hair, mine was on his chest and we were making out.

And I knew it was so wrong, but it felt so right. His lips on mine, being so close, inhaling in his scent. It was so different, and I liked it. We stopped kissing to catch our breath and he was kissing along my jaw line and my neck.

The I whispered, "Do you want to come inside........?"








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