The Twice Blessed Children

By StarlightTwili

13.9K 257 49

Chris is struggling to save his brother from turning evil while also having to live with his family who are d... More

Chapter 2: Just hold on
Chapter 3: How could you?!
Chapter 4:Wyatt's decision
Chapter 5: Can you hear me?
Chapter 6: For the greater good
Chapter 7: Please wake up
Chapter 8: Chris?
Chapter 9: You're safe now
Chapter 10: The Talk
Chapter 11: Rest and Recover
Chapter 12: Not Now

Chapter 1: The visitor from the future

2.1K 23 1
By StarlightTwili

"I'm sorry" said Chris as he orbs out.

"I can't believe him!" screamed Piper as she made her way to the attic. She never really trusted Chris but now she was on full alert, if she ever saw him again she'd blow him back to the future. "Piper wait!" said Phoebe as she rushed after her sister. "What are you doing?" asked Paige wondering why they going to the attic. "I'm going to look for a way to vanquish Chris!" said Piper as she made her was to the Book of Shadows. "Wait let's think about this. We can't just vanquish him." said Phoebe.

"And why not?! Don't tell me you actually believe what he said about Wyatt!" screamed Piper as she continued her task. "No honey but we can't just vanquish him without answers." said Paige.

"He is a liar. He won't give any answers. We cannot trust him, can't you see he's evil!?" screamed Piper losing patience with her sisters. Can't they see that Chris is out to get Wyatt, for all they know he's the one after her baby. Quickly seeing that he wasn't in the book, Piper called for the only other source of information she could think of. "LEO! LEO GET YOUR ELDER A** DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!"

Just as she was about to call again the room glowed with the familiar blue orbs taking the form of Leo. "Blessed be" he said.

Meanwhile in the year 2026. . . .

Wyatt was sitting in his room pondering a new way to get his brother to understand that there is no good or evil just power. He wants Chris to join him more than anything he just has to make him see that the only thing that matters is power. Just as he started to think about their last meeting he felt it. . . .utter sadness, pain and hopelessness. He couldn't possibly be feeling this so the only other explanation would be. . . . . 'Chris but how, he's been blocking me since he left unless something has happened to him. But what would make him feel like this?' Just then he felt a sudden jolt of pain run through his chest 'Chris is in trouble, I have to get to him.' He thinks as he quickly orbs to the manor.

Back in 2003. . . .

"Piper I really think we should think this through." said Phoebe trying to reason with her enraged sister. "What if he's telling the truth? Could you really live with yourself if Wyatt did turn evil and you didn't do everything you could to prevent it. Which includes accepting Chris' help." said Paige.

"How can you even be considering Wyatt turning evil. He is the twice-blessed" said Leo. "I would never let him turn evil! Never!" screamed Piper. "We know that but this is the future we are talking about, we don't know what happens, now I'm not saying I fully trust Chris but we should at least consider what he's saying." reasoned Paige.

"NO" said Piper and Leo at the same time. Just as they were about to argue more a portal in the form of a triquetra opened and out stepped a man with blond hair, familiar blue eyes, clad in black. They could easily recognize the man right away however his appearance confused them.

"Wyatt?" asked Piper cautiously. "Hello mother." he says coldly. He's so dark and cold. Piper couldn't believe her eyes, how could her sweet son turn into something like this? Was she a bad mother? "Where is Chris?" Wyatt asks looking around. Why wasn't his brother here? "I kicked him out, I was just working on a way to vanquish him before you came." stated Piper coldly. "WHAT?!" What the heck was wrong with her? How could she possibly want to vanquish her son? "What has he told you about the future?" he asked. "Next to nothing, he said that he was here to save you, that he was a whitelighter. He only just now told us about you supposedly becoming evil. He said that you are obsessed with power that you said that's the only thing that matters." said Paige.

"He hasn't told you who he is?" asked Wyatt. "No not really. He said his name is Chris Perry but other than that he's only said that saying anymore will have future consequences." said Phoebe. He couldn't figure it out, why hadn't Chris told them? A better question, how did their mother recognize him but not Chris? As she observed him she could tell that he was angry with them and frustrated with Chris. But somewhere there was a lot of love for Chris however she couldn't figure out why. "Call him." said Wyatt. "Why, he's evil. He was trying to get me to bind your powers, he lied to us about why he was here and that he was half witch and he also manipulated us." said Piper angrily. "CALL HIM NOW!!" demanded Wyatt coldly. Piper was shocked with his coldness towards them. She couldn't believe that this was the same baby that was currently taking a nap in his nursery. "Chris!" yelled Piper. They waited a few minutes but nothing happened. "Chris, we need to talk to you." called Phoebe. But still he didn't come. Finally Piper lost her temper, she already hate him but now he had the gall to ignore them. "CHRISTOPHER PERRY YOU GET YOUR A** DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR WE WILL SUMMON YOU!!!" Piper angrily screamed.

Still nothing happened, at this point Wyatt was starting to worry, Chris would never ignore their mother when she talked like that. He was about to try and sense Chris when he felt pain. When he got here he couldn't feel anything which meant the block was back up but now it's down again which means Chris was weak. He could feel pain, fear and weakness. Quickly sensing where he was, Wyatt orbed to get his brother.

They watched in shock as Wyatt orbed away. "His orbs are black." said Leo in disbelief. "Well we have no choice but to believe Chris now. But why'd he orb so suddenly?" asked Paige.

With Wyatt. . . .

He reformed in front of a cave with two demons guarding the opening. Quickly killing the guards he entered the cave and tried to locate his brother. There were demons crowding around what looked like a cage that had a bed in the middle of it. The occupant of the bed was what stole his attention. 'Chris.' His brother lay in the bed, he had blood all over him, pouring from the wounds on his torso and chest. Beside the bed loomed a demon holding an athame that he was constantly stabbing Chris with. The sight enraged him. He was soon killing all of the demons that were watching and cheering with each stab. Seeing this the demon in the cage quickly registered the threat and stabbed Chris in the chest. With that last strike he tried to escape but didn't get far as he was killed before he could shimmer. Quickly breaking open the cage door, Wyatt ran over to Chris.

"Chris!" said Wyatt as he got to his brother's side. Chris was bleeding from each wound on his chest and his stomach. It looked like the demon wanted to mainly torture Chris because there were mainly cuts on his chest with the exception of the one stab wound, all of the stab wounds were on his stomach. "Wy. . .what are. . . . . you doing. . . .here?" asked Chris weakly. "Isn't it obvious, I'm here to save you." said Wyatt as he unstrapped Chris from the bed and scooped him into his arms. Wyatt didn't miss the whimper that Chris let slip at the sudden movement, this making him even angrier at the demons. With this he quickly orbed back to the Manor.

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