Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 24

8.3K 79 22
By ShivyMay27

I am dedicating this chapter to my mom, as well as all mothers out there, who have been, and continue to be there for their children. Being a parent is not an easy job and although we expect you guys to be perfect, you do make mistakes but you're love for us is never ending.

If it were not for my mother, I would not be doing so many of the things I have been doing or have done in my life, so for that, I say, thanks mom and I love you very much

On another note, it also seems that we have quite a few favorites for Chris poor Eric, no one loves you hon, lol. Still not sure what I will do yet but I am being persuaded.


I sat in the airport waiting to board the plane and I was still in shock. Chris seemed a little worried about me but he probably figured I was just nervous about going home after such a long time. I wanted to tell him but I didn't know how to bring it up.

Chris kept making small talk and this is the first time since I have known him that talking to him seemed, awkward. After a while he just stopped talking and we spent the rest of the time in the airport in silence.

We finally boarded and I instantly I felt at ease because I was finally going home; home that was a wonderful thing to say after all these years. I was still a bit anxious but it was a wonderful feeling and although I wasn't saying much to Chris I was glad he was here with me.

I was also glad to be leaving in a way, leaving the stress and answers behind, at least for a couple of weeks.

After an hour had passed I was relaxed enough to have a smooth conversation with Chris, who just seemed happy that I was back to my old self. We spoke about my home and my family and how much I have missed them.

I told him that although I had left, I didn't regret my decision because I believed I was where I was meant to be in life. My job was amazing, I loved my Condo, I had wonderful friends and most importantly I had found God again, or was it He that found me, whichever way you say it, I was happy with my life.

Maybe not every part of my life, like the kidnapping and the Eric situation but I was a strong believer in things happening for a reason mainly because I knew now more than ever that I was not the creator of my own destiny, God had a plan for me and He always did.

I was just honored to be accepting it this time around and not running away. The plane ride was only a few hours long and although I was tired I was too anxious to sleep, so talking seemed to do the trick.

When we landed, I rented a car and we packed our bags in and were on our way. It was strange sitting in a car with Chris and him not driving, I had my license and enough money to buy a car, and I guess I just never did. Besides; I kind of liked Chris coming to get me every once in a while.

I drove the familiar streets around the area, and was amazed at how little things changed. I passed by my old high school to show Chris, which now that I was looking at it seemed, so much smaller.

We drove through the town and I was so emotional about the atmosphere and the people, it was like nothing had changed and I had never left. I was not sure if I was getting teary eyed or if I seemed sad but Chris took my free hand and squeezed it gently.

I started the car back up and turned in the direction to my home, I finally pulled up in front of the familiar light pink two story house, I looked up at the balcony and remembered coming home from school some days and seeing my mother sitting there working on her lap top, I glanced down at the garden off to the side and remembered her out there some Saturday morning gardening and watering the flowers.

I stepped out of the car and stood there staring at the house before me, the place I grew up in, the house that had been my home for eighteen years and all memories, both good and bad flooded my mind and I took a deep breath.

Chris came around and stood beside, placing his arm around my shoulders, when I turned my head to look at him, he smiled, "you ready for this Sisi?"

I looked at him for a moment, letting his words sink in, a few months ago, I was nowhere close to even transiting at the airport much less driving out to my mother's house. Now I was more than ready. I wanted to see my family, smell the familiar scents and be in my old room.

I smiled back at him, "definitely, I have never been more ready."

He lowered his arm slowly, "then, how about we grab the bags and go see your family."

I leaned back in the car and popped the trunk then we took the bags out and headed up the drive way. As soon as I got to the door, before I could ring the door bell, it flew open and my mother threw her arms around me.

"My baby is home, praise God, my baby is finally home." She was hugging me with desperation and I dropped my bags and wrapped my arms around her, I could tell she was crying and I wanted to comfort her.

"Don't cry mom, it's alright, please don't cry."

"Oh baby you have no idea how happy I am to see you, these are tears of joy." She finally released me and placed her hands on either side of my face and looked straight into my eyes, she was a little shorter than me, so I was looking down at her.

She tilted my head down and placed a tender kiss on my forehead; I smiled and felt warm and happy. I heard music and when I glanced up I could see a lot of people standing there, looking very happy.

The faces were all very familiar and I instantly felt uncomfortable, I was not ready for a party, but I had to put on a brave face.

My mom finally released me, "Oh my, where are my manners, you must be Chris." I saw my mom address him, and when he smiled and put out his hand to greet her she looked at it like it was some type of alien.

"Good heavens son, this is not a business meeting," she then moved closer and gave him a solid and motherly hug.

"Mom this is Chris and Chris this is my mother Faith" I was looking on and smiling at the pair in a deep embrace.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said looking down at her when she finally let him go.

"And you also, I hear that you practically saved my baby's life, so thank you."

"Well I wouldn't go that far, but I just gave the detectives something to work with."

"Either ways my dear, I am grateful to you for even that."

I could tell that Chris and my mom liked each other, and that made me feel truly happy. We then entered the house, at which point, I was hugging cousins and aunts, a few uncles and old friends and it felt as if my whole family as well as the town was at the house.

We finally made it to the kitchen and as usual the aroma was heavenly, my mom has always been the greatest cook in the world, and her food is amazing, so the familiar smells had my taste buds going wild.

"So look who decided to finally show up." I heard the familiar yet angry voice that was my brothers'; and although when I was much younger I idolized him, as I got older, it seemed like he could do no wrong and I was always getting into trouble, so at one point I thought I hated him.

I still looked up to him, and wanted to be like him, I just didn't know how and for that I got jealous and pushed him away, but he was still an amazing brother.

"Hi, Simon, look I am really sorry for leaving and hurting everyone, you have every right to hate me and I..."

My brother raised his hand in a stop motion which cut me off and made me freeze, I didn't know how he would react, or if he would forgive me but I was starting to shake a little. He then walked closer to me and his once angry face now showed sadness.

"Sis, you think I hate you, I could never hate you, I mean I was angry that you left but nothing has brought me more joy than the moment mom told me that you were coming home."

With that said he pulled me into his arms and held me really tightly, "I love you Simone, always have and always will, now next time you leave, make sure it doesn't last another eight years before you come home."

I was crying and laughing and so happy that my brother didn't hate me, this was the best feeling in the world and the second best day of my life, the first being the day I was baptized.

I pulled away from him, "you big lug, when you came in here all angry, I was sure you were about to crucify me."

Simon laughed, "I think Jesus got that covered, so there is no need for another, crucifixion."

We all laughed and then I saw this beautiful glowing woman, step up and put her hand out at me, "Hello Simone, my name is Angela, Simon's wife and it's a pleasure to meet you. Your brother talks about you all the time and I am glad you are home, because he has really missed you.

"Really, well it's an honor to meet you as well, and you are positively beautiful, my brother has good taste."

Angela blushed and I walked closer to her and gave her a hug, my family was big on hugs.

Well, Simon, Angela, this is my best friend and the guy who helped save me, Chris.

Chris looked up and was about to shake my brother's hand when he pulled him into a bear hug, then Angela gave him a friendly one before pulling away and sitting down. I mean she was pregnant, so it was understandable.

I mingled and talked to people I have not seen in years and ate, and had fun and cried, and laughed and hugged, it was kind of exhausting but simply wonderful.

I didn't leave Chris too often, since he was a guest I didn't want to be rude and make him uncomfortable but he and my brother hit it off and were deep in conversation whenever I returned, talking from one topic to the next.

At one point they started talking about their faith in Christ and I sat down for that conversation, it was moving to hear how Chris found Jesus as a teenager who had to deal with all the peer-pressure that his friends were giving him and also an abusive home life.

My brother got baptized when he was eighteen and I was only fifteen. When I saw him come out the water I was really proud of him for taking that step and wanted to be so much like him. But as I got older, I didn't cave to peer-pressure I was the one doing the pressuring and leading my friends down the wrong path.

I was not proud of myself for all those mistakes that I made, but I realized that everyone has their own journey to make, and although we may very well end up at the same destination, our life story on the way there may inspire someone else.

As I sat there looking and listening to Chris my heart fluttered, I am not sure why but I knew it was irregular and the only reason for it was because I had strong feelings for him, and the more time I spent with him the stronger they got.

I had promised myself that I would tell him how I felt about him, but I also was afraid too because I didn't want to ruin or lose our friendship, I wanted, no I needed him in my life and couldn't imagine it without him.

I guess I sat there with a faraway look on my face for way to long because I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, when I looked up it was my mom. She smiled at me, "come out into the backyard with me a moment."

She turned and left and I climbed down off the stole I was perched on and headed out behind her, excusing myself before I left the room.

"What's up mom, wanted some alone time with your favorite daughter?" I asked when I made it over to the bench she was sitting on beside the large oak tree.

"Are you in love with him?" Before I could even sit down, I froze; I mean I was speechless and had no idea what to say.

"What, what are you talking about mom."

"Simone, I may not have been a part of your life for the last eight years, but I know my child, and the way you are looking at that young man in there is the same way I looked at your father and the way your brother looks at his wife."

I was dumbfounded, my mom did know me well and although I was saying I had strong feelings for Chris in my head, I was not sure I was ready to say it out loud, but with my mom on my case I had no choice.

I sat down and leaned my head on her shoulder, "I think I do love him mom, I mean I know I do, but I am afraid to ruin our friendship especially if he doesn't feel the same and I also do have a boyfriend who just proposed to me before I left. I don't know what to do, please tell me what to do"

My mom, turned her head and kissed me on the forehead which was always very comforting, "baby you have a lot going on and although I can't tell you what to do, I can tell you this, that man in there loves you right back, I have seen the way he looks at you and his eyes light up whenever you talk to him or sit close to him. I also believe that he has not said anything to you because he is afraid of the same thing you are, but a blind man can see how much you both mean to each other."

I had seen subtle signs from Chris but I was too caught up in my own head to pay attention fully, but now that my mom pointed them out it was making more sense to me. How could I have been so stupid or blind?

"Ok mom, I get that we both have strong feelings for each other but what am I going to tell my boyfriend who just proposed, I mean I never gave him an answer before I left, I can't throw away our whole relationship even if he hurt me."

"Simone, if Chris had asked you to marry him what would you say."

I thought about that for less than a second, "Yes" I was surprised that I answered so quickly but that is how I felt.

"Well then my dear, if the man you have been dating for so long has asked you to marry him and you have yet to give him an answer then that should tell you where your heart is."

I knew that my mother was right, Eric and I had a wonderful relationship but my heart no longer belonged to him, and although I had forgiven him for cheating on me, I now knew that I no longer wanted to be with him.

It was going to be hard telling him, but I would have to the minute I got back, I couldn't do it over the phone or via email, I still cared about the guy and that would be a horrible way to end things.

But now more than ever I knew what I had to do and that was to tell Chris I loved him, and I prayed to God that he felt the same way.

Mom and I returned to the house after sitting for a while longer just enjoying each other's company, when we got back inside quite a few people were getting ready to leave, well people did have work in the morning and I really appreciated them coming out to see me.

I said good bye to everyone then my brother, Chris and I helped mom clean up after practically forcing Angela to sit down. She was carrying twins and needed her rest but wanted to help and not look lazy.

I finally convinced her that she didn't look lazy but pregnant and the babies would appreciate a little rest as well.

When everything was squared away and I was now feeling exhaustion stepping in, I sat down with my family and Chris around the table, we talk a little longer, then Simon said that he was going to take his wife home and I would see them tomorrow night because he had made dinner reservations for all of us.

I headed upstairs to my old room and felt like I had stepped into a time machine. Other than the bed being bigger and a few changes here and there, nothing had really changed and I was happy that my mom left things the same.

I took a shower and got into my PJs, I then threw on my robe before heading downstairs for a glass of water. Chris was sitting at the counter with a glass of juice in his hand.

"Hey, you still up, everything ok?"

"Hi, yeah I think everything is ok, but I umm" Chris looked down at his hand and I was wondering since when juice became so fascinating, I cleared my throat.

"Are you sure you are okay, something seems to be bothering you, oh no, did something happen with my family?"

"No, no nothing like that, listen it's late and I am really tired but I would like to know if we can talk sometime tomorrow, I mean I know you are here to spend time with your family but I would appreciate it if you can give me a few minutes of your time."

"Are you serious right now, since when do you need to schedule an appointment to speak to me, of course I will make time, haven't I always?"

He then looked up at me and I could see relief wash over his face, I am not sure how long he was down here, or how long he was even thinking of a way to talk to me for, but I could tell a weight had been lifted.

Even the way he spoke with me after felt normal and not full of tension and awkwardness. We chatted for a little while about how well things went today with my family, I got my glass of water and then we walked upstairs to head to bed, me to my old room and Chris to the guest room which was once my brother's.

I gave him a great big hug, "thanks for being here with me; it means a lot."

"It's my pleasure, your family is incredible and I can see why you are so amazing, you come from good stock."

He smiled down at me, "plus I now see why you love hugging." We both laughed softly at his last comment and then turned in the direction of our doors. I have to admit it felt hard saying good night to him, like I was missing a part of me.


hope everyone liked this chapter, comment, vote, please support, thanks a ton.

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