By Niall_Ateit

746 54 9

"in which a boy makes mixtapes for a girl, and she gives them to her sister." @unsuccessful's story idea and... More

Part ONE
Part TWO
Part TEN

Part SIX

46 4 0
By Niall_Ateit

Part 6

 luke's pov.

"She called me cute. "

I smiled harder at the thought of it.

"She called me cute! 

I wasn't one to get so hung up on girls like this but pretty girl was special. She was beyond fantastic, she was a dream! She called me cute!"

"Mind you, Lucas. She called you a cute freeeeesssshmaaaan."  Calum pointed out. Calum and I were walking to the library so he could check out pretty girl to realize how amazing she is. I hope he doesn't end up falling in love with her too. 

Michael was hanging out with Natalie by the car, waiting for us. Natalie was a cool girl too, but she sister was way better! I mean, Natalie's sister has this vibe to her that makes her stick out from the rest. It wasn't just because she was pretty but because she seemed like she was a good person. And I needed a good person in my life right now.

"But, mind you, Calum. She called me cuuuuuuuute." I grinned. We reached the library doors and I opened it for Calum and I. 

The librarian looked up and didn't even attempt to kick me out. She rolled her eyes and looked back down at her watch. "Ten minutes, children."

Calum followed me over to the fiction section of the library which was decorated in school projects and models of space craft. I could hear whispering from the other side of the bookcase and stopped in my tracks, causing Calum to bump into me with an 'oof'. 

I shushed him and tried to listen to their conversation when Calum opened his mouth again. "Do you always do this?" he whispered. I shushed him again.

"Oh my God, guess what, bitch?" pretty girl giggled. I swooned at her giggles.

"What, bitch?" her friend replied.

"I got a mixtape!" she sang in a whisper.

"No way? From someone?" her friend asked.

"Yeah! This cute guy gave it to me yesterday." I could see her smile and watched her lips move in sync with the words coming out of her mouth. 

"No way! Cute guy from here?" her friend gasped.

"Yeah! I listened it on the way to school this morning."

"Is it any good?"

"Ehh, I mean, the Smiths aren't on it but it's sooooo cool." pretty girl giggled again.

"The Smiths are a really good band. Ugh, I want to go to one of their concerts." her friend groaned.

"The Smiths don't even fucking tour anymore." Calum whispered next to me. I nudged him to shut up again.

"I know! They must be so good live!" pretty girl exclaimed. The started to head off in the direction of the checkout. Quickly, I grabbed a book or two and headed off right behind them. Calum followed, muttering something about The Smiths again. 

They were having the librarian check out a thick young adult novel when pretty girl noticed us behind her. She furrowed her eyebrows, "Hey? What are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"Oh!" I shrugged, "Just grabbing a book." I smiled, holding up two Twilight books. I noticed this and quickly gave them to Calum, "For Calum."

Pretty girl and her friend gave each other a look and giggled. "Why are you getting two of the same book?" her friend asked Calum. 

"To burn them." he smirked. 

The librarian overheard and stopped in her pace. "If you break it you buy it."

Calum rolled his eyes and nudged me. He gave me a look and muttered, "give it to her already."

I gasped, "Oh! Oh yeah, um, I made you another mix." I swung my backpack around and pulled the CD out of a pocket, handing it to her. 

"Thank you so much!" she smiled. "I'll see you around then, Luke."

That was it. She turned and walked with her friend out of the library as Calum check out the books. I watched her as she left. I was lost in another world when Calum pulled me out of the library. "C'mon Luke, the lady just threatened me that if she sees the book even slightly charred, she's going to murder me."


natalie's pov.

I was tapping my fingers on the wheel to the beat of the CD in the stereo. Michael was in the backseat, still groaning about being in the backseat. "Why do I have to be in the back? I want to sit up there with yooooou." he pouted, looking at me in the eyes through the rear view mirrow.

"Because we're waiting for my sister and I'm not letting her back there with Luke and Calum." 

"But--" "No, Michaela, she will beat me to a pulp with her manicured finger tips and her louboutins."

Michael frowned and crossed his arms to lean back in his seat. I could see my sister approaching the car from behind and opening the passenger door. 

"Oh my God, the freshman talked to me again, Nat. I think he's following me." she groaned. She turned around to put her stuff in the back when she noticed Michael, gasping, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my car?!"

"Calm down, I'm just dropping them home." I rolled my eyes, tapping along to 'Stella'.

"Them?!" she yelled, just as Luke and Calum opened the door and slid in. "Luke?!"

He was flushed, "Hi, sorry to invade your car, we just need a ride to Michael's."

My sister looked at me with the 'Get them out of my car' look and I replied with my 'I will do your chores for a monthlook. She broke first and I smiled to myself, starting the car. 

When the song changed, Luke lit up. "Is this my CD?"

My sister nodded, proud. "Yeah! It's so good."

If I could roll my eyes any faster, they would fall out of my head. She was literally complaining about it this morning. I told you she was a two-faced bitch. I don't think I recall saying two-faced but I do remember mentioning she was a bitch.

I decided not to say anything and let Luke soak in this moment. He would need it when she finally exploded on him. My sister was like a timed bomb, she could blow up at the appointed time of if something kept poking at her, she would explode. 

The rest of the car ride was just the sound of the music and the sound of the car moving. Michael was looking out the window and would occasionally look at me in the mirror and make a face. Luke was drooling over my sister and I seriously pitied him, I didn't want to see the poor boy get hurt. Calum was tapping his foot to the music.

When a song I've never heard of clicked on, Calum gasped after the first couple of chords. "You did not put my song on this stupid mix CD." he growled. 

Luke snapped out of his daydreams with my sister and guilt spread across his face. "It's a special mix CD."

Calum's nostrils flared when I pulled into the driveway. "I'm so fucking done with you, Luke." Calum muttered, opening the door and stomping inside Michael's house. Luke followed him inside and mumbled a 'thank you', closing the door behind him.

Michael was the last to leave the car when my sister stopped him, "Don't tell Luke what I said about him, okay? I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"Oh, the tin man has a heart!" I teased. 

Michael huffed, "Fine. But I think that whatever you're going to do is driving him mad. I'm suggesting you break off what you're doing because you're going to hurt my best friend."

My sister exhaled, annoyed with him, "Fine."

Michael's smile was back again and he closed the door behind him. He knocked at my window and I rolled it down. "Thanks for the ride, babe." he grinned, leaning inside to kiss my cheek. I could feel a blush filling up my cheeks so I rolled the window back up and watched Michael go inside. 

My sister continued to rant about how I'm never giving them a ride ever again while all I could think about was Michael's kiss to my cheek and Luke, mostly Luke and the pity for him growing inside me.


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