Stranger to the Outside

By Haikyuis4U

31.7K 833 407

A story. There's a girl. A boy. Wow. Magic. Dragons. Soul mates. More magic. Countries. Problems. And hey the... More

Amazon Lily
Breaking Bonds
Annual Ball
Information Gathering

I Don't Wear Dresses

3K 77 41
By Haikyuis4U

A/N I just felt like saying this but...

Izuku POV

After we had settled down I slide off the red dragon.

The king of jerks not even bothering to help me down.

I turned to look at the mystic beast only to see it morph into a familiar face.

"Kirishima you're a dragon?!"

I was shocked not only but that but also because his clothing was shredded.

So one might find it very... revealing...

"I thought you knew."

"It's no big deal that rock head is a dragon you should see me."
- king of jerks

"Eh?! The king of jerks is a dragon too?! Just what else are you hiding from me?!"

I backed away from the two in a defensive stance.

"How do you expect me to be king of dragons then? You can't be a king of dragons when you aren't even a dragon. You sure as hell live up to your name Deku."

"Whatever... now let's get started on our mission!"

"After that fiasco earlier I say the f*ck not. Plus remember my policies."

"What about them?"

"Don't question me. Anyways as much as I sure as hell don't want to go to tonight's annual ball I have to, and so do you."

"What?! Why me?"

"Cause until we have a broken bond officially you're still my fiancé. So get dolled up cause there's no way in hell I'm going with someone who looks like trash."

"As if I'd be your fiancé! King of jerks don't think for a moment that you're in the clear either! As if I'd want to go with someone like you."

"I can still break this whole deal and I don't care if I have to hold you captive you're gonna give me a heir. That's if our little deal falls through and you don't want that do you?"

"Hmph... Fine."

"Oh and wear a dress."

"I don't wear dresses."

"Well f*cking learn to goddamnit."

"I don't even have one. This would disgrace everything I stand for."

"Figure It out."
Here I was in the edge of a town which I didn't know nor cared to know.

I had shredded every dress.

At any "ball" or special event the warrior with the best weapons and armor would be greatly admired.

Mina, one of the dragon's which I could tolerate.

We got along so much better and my tense nature had dissipated into my usual eager and friendly nature.

"Mina~ Chan I don't think I can do this..."

I added honorifics to those I deemed worthy.

"Of course you can Deku~."

"But they're too tight and they'd get in the way if a fight brought out."

"Fufufu Bakugou really does match up with you."

"What do you mean?"

"He HATES dressing up. I don't even know if he's wearing a tux or his regular warrior clothes which barely count as clothes."

"So HE gets to be a warrior!?"

"Oh! I have an idea!"

"What is it?"

"You wear your warrior get up underneath."

"Go on..."
"Arigato Mina~Chan! You look stunning by the way!"

- Kirishima

"I deem her worthy of honorifics."

"What were you two talking about earlier? It sounded to me you were planning a murder not what you would wear."

"What can I say, we all have our secrets."

"Oi Deku come on."
- king of jerks

"Nice to see you too king of jerks!"

"It's my f*cking pleasure. By the way you look f*cking great. Rock head transform or we'll be late!"

I felt my heart pound against my rib cage.

I felt so exposed, fragile.


An emerald dress accustomed with jewels.

The tight corset taking my breath from me.

The dress was sleeveless.

I had silk white gloves soft to the touch but not my cup of tea.

My hair was in an updo that complimented my curls just the right way.

Eh it wouldn't matter soon enough this was just temporary.

These stupid green glass translucent heels!

I'd break them soon enough.

Next to the king of jerk's neck for making me wear the darn thing.

The king of jerks did look nice on the eyes.

Neatly done tie with a sleek but classic black suit.

He had an orange rose pinned and it suited him I suppose.

This corset was really suffocating me though.

We arrived sliding off but tripping about to go face first into the ground.

Before my face could hit the ground I was elegantly twirled into the arms of the king of jerks.

Even with the tux I could feel the muscular build he had.

"Ehem. So..."

"Let's just f*cking go..."

There he was, same arrogant jerk as ever.

At least there was one thing I had to look forward to.

"Oh and by the way Deku..."


"We have to make a grande entrance and announcement later tonight."

"But doesn't everyone know you?"

"They know of me not my face."

"I see."


"Hmmm... in about an hour."

"See you then."

"What do you mean see you then? Oi DEKU WAIT!"

I had rushed in waddling and tripping countlessly as I did.

I had escaped him.

"You look a little out of breath there."

"Oh Prince Todoroki I didn't see you there."

"How can you not see me?"

"Simple. I didn't look. Anyways do you happen to know of any excellent mages or witches?"

"What's with the sudden bombardment?"

"It's important. Please?"


"Great! Oh this really—."

"If I can have this dance with you."

My face noticeably dropped and my eyebrows twitched and I wanted to strangle him.

Why does everyone want something in return?

I smiled and through clenched teeth said...

"I'll have to politely decline."

I turned to go.


"Oh and one last thing prince don't come near me again unless you want me to beat you to the ground."

I bowed and smiled but my smile didn't reach my eyes nor my heart.

"Have a nice rest of the ball."

I hadn't noticed the crowd gathering at our exchange.

"Did she just..."

"No did HE just..."

"Excuse me but did you turn done the Prince Todoroki?"

"I did."

"But WHY?!"

"Why not? I don't associate myself with those types of people other than one particular one. Plus he doesn't interest me in the slightest. Prince or not if you're cliche you already lost my interest. I'm a girl with a mission I'm not here to make friends."

"What do you mean those types of people?"

"Exactly as I said. I despise people who can't ever do a nice act truly from their heart without wanting something back."

"He just asked you to dance..."

"I suppose it's from my anger earlier... anyways I just go."

I actually had an excuse since it was about time to make our announcement and entrance.

I headed towards the king of jerks.

"After you mi'lady."

"Oh so the dragon jerk does have manners."

"While you seem to lack them."

"So what's the plan?"

"Let me do the talking and just nod along."

"As if! I already prepared my own speech."

A look of amusement crossed his face.

"You can say you're little speech."

Bad move.

I smiled genuinely.

I hugged him out of excitement for my dubious plan.

"Ariagato Bakugou!"

"Woah woah. Chill lady it wasn't anything big..."

He turned his head from me but the noticeable red on his cheeks was evident.

I poked his cheek playfully.

Harmless teasing is my favorite kind of teasing.

"Aw is the king of dragons socially awkward. Oh or maybe he can't handle a lady such as myself."

He swatted my hand away but still refused to look at me.

"Now ladies and gentlemen please turn your attention towards the north wing."
(- Present Mic)

The crowd broke out into murmurs.

The lights turned off and a singular light shone on the north wing.

I walked up the right staircase while the king of jerks walked up the left.

Meet in sync.

We had met at the top and it begun.

Hopefully this works.

"Hello as you probably know the king of dragons is ruthless conqueror without our a name or face... but I'm here to tell you I am he."

The crowd gasped and fearful talking ensued.

"Quiet! Finally... I don't usually go to this things but I wanted to give you a name to a face because it's apart of a bigger plan. My conquests won't be stopping anytime soon. However, I do wish to maintain peaceful ties with the Yuuei."

He waited for the crowd to die down yet again.

"And this is... my soulmate... my fiancé. She refuses to state her name and goes by Deku. Do respect her or you'll be dealing with me."

He looked like he wanted to continue but I stopped him, in fact I stopped them all.

I took off my glass heels first breaking them to pieces when I slammed them to the ground.

I tore my gloves and continued.

I began with the dress ripping it to shreds.

As soon as I'd started to rip the dress the effects of Mina's magic came into play.

A green smokescreen went up and I felt the magic caress my body.

My weapons at hand and an extra dagger in my bra for safe measure.

I was a warrior and I intended to show it.

The smoke cleared and I smirked.

I slammed the butt of the spear on the ground while maintaining a firm grip.

"What are you doing?!"
- king of jerks

I ignored him.

"I am Deku but I can go by warrior princess or whatever you wish to call me, I care not. And this man, king of dragons is my fiancé you laugh about death until it comes knocking on your door... you think it all a game until every chess piece has been taken off the broad. You who live in arrogant bliss.
I do not simply want your respect but rather your peace. If someone so much as challenges the king of dragons you challenge me warrior and princess of Amazon Lily. Any challenge Offered I am more than willing to accept. I will not degrade myself by putting on a mask and attending balls such as these because while the wealthy and noble drink themselves dry people die of starvation. The poor build an empire the noble just dictate it. You who have never known the struggle of seeing your home burned to the ground have never stared down death in the eyes."

I paused taking a deep breath in.

"You who have failed your people. Help the poor with your endless money. As for those who oppose the idea of peace do not think for a second I am not as ruthless as the king of dragons."

I bowed.

"Arigato for listening to my speech and I do wish we have good relations in the future!"

I had heard the four one one of what happened here the Yuuei from Mina.

It was a facade.

A brave front.

But also a part of the plan.

Get all the challengers out of the way then we can focus all our time on the mission.

I even put up the facade of being his fiancé!

Plus I had noticed how badly the poor were treated when I got here.

Hopefully, somehow, someway, everyone will be truly apart of this kingdom.

The speech also posed a warning and highlighted me as a warrior.

I can't just stand back hoping for change the only change that will ever happen is from my own two hands.

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