Short Stories

By SoulOfWoes

39.1K 1.1K 689

Hey so I made this book because I have a lot of story ideas but I don't have books for them and don't want to... More

Hello Everyone!
Crossmare -Angst/Fluff-
Just Some Cute Kustard Pictures To Make Up For The Angst
DustBerry -Fluff-
DustBerry -Bounded Part Two-
Just a Story Cover for Someone :P
(Idk What The Ship Is But The Comic Was Cute) RottenBerry(?)
Rest Of The Comic
Screats Is Now Out!
Crossmare -I Call It Snuggle Season-
Poth -Sick-
Random Story Idea
Requests Plz
Reaper X Error (DestructiveDeath)
A Sweet Little Thought (LustBerry)
I'm Sorry... (FirstStar)
๐Ÿ’ŠToxic Love๐Ÿ’‰ (ErrInk)
๐Ÿ’ŠToxic Love II๐Ÿ’‰ (ErrInk)
Small A/N
Just Somethung I found
Secret Love (Error x Sci)
"You Missed" (Error x Dream)
Your Perfect Just The Way You Are [Killmare]
A Red String [Errormare]
Important Read This [Trigger Warning]
Sweetheart [Little Short Story Idea Thing]
Always Remember [ErrorBerry]
Something For My Best Friend.
Small Sneak Peak At The New Book Coming Out Soon
Error x Ink -Sweet Love-
Snow Day Fun -ErrorFresh-
A Sweet Little Though -LustBerry Rewrite-


1.4K 57 68
By SoulOfWoes

Heya! It's been a while since I've written a short story! Sorry about that I got kind of caught up with my other stories and found myself out of ideas for a short story but now I have a good idea for a short story that I have been planning to make an actual book for but I don't know yet. 

How about this at the end of the story tell me what you think!

Should I make this a book or Not! ^^


The Anit-Void was cold and as usual devoid of life except for Error but this time there were three baby bones with him. The two eldest played while Error watched them holding the third baby bones on his arms. The three baby bones went by the names PJ, Gradient, and Hacker. Gradient being the oldest then PJ and last but no least Hacker.

Error looked down at Hacker who was speaking gibberish Error smiled. He had sat himself on the floor as he watched the other two baby bones play with each other running around in the Anit-Void. Error sighed as he hugged Hacker close to his chest who just cooed in response to this Error could help but smile at this as he looked up at the ceiling he teared up as he laughed hearing his babies play in the distance. He then looked back down at Hacker who's bones were a pearly white like his father......No it wasn't Ink.........His name was Eraser......Error doesn't know how Eraser got to his world all he knows is a lot has happened this past year...and that Eraser was gone...he had left to back to his other world and with someone else in mind. Error looked up at Gradient and PJ as they ran around chasing each other and so on. Error began to cry silently he knew he couldn't give his babies the life the needed he couldn't give the lights of his life what the so desperately needed and the broke him inside. 

Error let out a choked sob incidentally catching Gradients attention who alerted PJ and pointed at Error both of them running over to the sad god "Mommy?" PJ asked in a soft tone as he went to hug his mom. Gradient gave his mother a sad look before hugging Error as well "It's ok Mommy" Error laughed ever so slightly as his children hugged him kissing him on the cheek. Gradient looked at the ground at the ground before looking back up at his mother "Are you sad about Daddy?" Error sighed and he looked at Gradient sadly but it held a warm and comforting undertone to it before his moved Hacker more to his left arm so he could use his right hand to cup Gradient's cheek. Gradient held his mother's hand tearing up but his tears were quickly kissed away by his mother who smothered his face in kisses making Gradient laugh "Mommy stop it!" he shrieked with laughter as Error continued to smother his face with kisses a bit longer before pulling away "Yes, I am sad about Daddy, but don't worry. You three are all I need!" Gradient nodded happily before a whine broke the silence between the family.

Error looked at PJ who was whining and hugging Error's arm tightly. Error laughed before giving PJ a sly smirk. Making PJ laugh as he already knew what was coming "Oooooh~ Did you think I forgot about you~?" Error asked in a soft tone he would normally use this tone only with kids and to force himself not to glitch or anything really helped with controlling his reboots and such. Error then smothered PJ's face with kisses making PJ shrike with laughter as he hugged his moms arm tighter finding joy in being around Error "Ok! Mommy that's enough!" PJ yelled while laughing as Error just continued before stopping shortly after. PJ and Gradient laughed then looked at Hacker knowing his doom of affection was coming making the two giggle more.

Error looked down at Hacker who squirmed around and giggled making Error's SOUL flutter with a sense of love and happiness before he put his face to Hacker's belly(?) and started to blow razzberries making Hacker shrike with laughter as he squirmed around more kicking his small feet around. Soon the Anit-Void was filled with the laughter of children as Error practically smothered his children with affection.

Hacker soon started to whine while tearing up, Error was quick to act on this seeing as Hacker was a weak and sickly child and has been that way since birth. Error cooed to Hacker trying to find out what he needed quickly finding out that Hacker was hungry. Error looked at Gradient and PJ and smiled at them standing up "Alright. Who's hungry?" Error asked the two baby bones in front of them who both raised their hands in unison. Error giggled at this and shooed them off to get ready as they both were still in their little onesies. Error carried Hacker over to a rather large box that held all of Hacker's stuff, Error set Hacker down for a moment before pulling out a backpack he had managed to steal and fill with stuff Hacker might need like medicine or a breathing machine. Some may call Error crazy for being so prepared but you never know what might happen and Error liked to be prepared for anything if he had the chance. Error the set the backpack down before he rummaged through the large box for some clothes that Hacker could wear. Error then soon found a cute little outfit that consisted of little overalls and a striped long sleeved undershirt. Error smiled at the tiny clothes remembering when Gradient and PJ were babies he looked their little feet and hands he couldn't get over how cute they were and basically ended up keeping all their baby clothes which came in handy when Hacker came along. 

Error smiled more as he sat down in front of Hacker was rolling around and cooing adorably. Error couldn't help but giggle at the little one before he picked him up helping Hacker out of his onesies seeing as Hacker was still too young to get dressed by himself. Error didn't mind though he would take care of his babies even when they were adults, Error shrugged off the though focusing on getting Hacker dressed and ready to go out and eat.


After what seemed like an hour Error finally got everyone dressed and ready to go, everyone seemed happy with their clothes and with what they had. Gradient had a purple bunny with him that he refused to part with, PJ had his favorite sippy cup, and Hacker had his favorite blanket and backpack full medicine and other things which of course Error carried. Error wore a gray sweater with some jeans along with some red flip-flops. making sure to cover his echo body that seemed to never want to go away. He even tried to cancel out the magic a few times but it never seemed to work. Error smiled at his babies as PJ held his hand and Gradient held onto the leg of Error's pants.

Gradient wore a superhero T-Shirt he got from some AU on the surface along with that he wore cream-colored shorts with blue tennis shoes. PJ wore a little jacket that had 'PJ' written on the back, he also had on jeans with black tennis shoes. Error cleared his throat getting the baby bones attention "Where will we be going today?" Error asked in a soft motherly tone. Gradient was the first to answer jumping up and down as he did so "OUTERTALE!" Error giggled at this and nodded looking at PJ who gave a thumbs up in approval while drinking from his sippy cup that was currently filled with apple juice.

Error nodded at PJ before he opened a portal to OuterTale and stepped through followed by his kids who ran around the small clearing they had landed in. Error had normally come to this spot to star gaze but now it had become more of a family meeting place. Error had built a sturdy fence around the edge of the rather large island before the fence circled in on itself making a play-pin like area a gate built into the fence so Error could get in and out but his children would be safe. Error sighed in content as he set Hacker down on grass before he set the backpack down and pulled out a picnic blanket and laid it on the grass so his baby bones didn't have to sit on the itchy grass.

As soon as Gradient and PJ saw that the blanket was laid down the jumped onto the blanket rolling around getting rid of any air bubbles underneath the blanket. Error giggled at them before his picked up Hacker and set him on the blanket next to a now clam Gradient and PJ, Error kneeled down in front of Gradient "Mommy's going to go get some food, you keep your brother's safe and if anything happens call for me." Gradient gave Error a confident nod as he picked up Hacker and held him in his lap and hugged him "Promise!" Gradient said with a large smile on his face. Error smiled and nodded at Gradient before kissing all three of the baby bones heads "Stay safe!" Error called out to them as he walked away opening the gate and closing it behind him.


Gradient watched the gate intently for anyone that wasn't mommy while PJ and Hacker played Gradient had started to become worried it had been an hour and mommy still wasn't back. Gradient looked over his shoulder watching as PJ and Hacker seemed to trying to play pat-a-cake. Gradient wiped his head back over to the gate when he heard voices in the distance he perked up at this but slowly shied away when he didn't hear his mommy's voice in the group of voices that seemed to be getting closer. Gradient started to panic more as Hacker went into a coughing fit and didn't seem to stop as he gasped for air and began to cry. PJ ran to the backpack and looked through it but didn't know what he needed as mommy usually helped Hacker. Gradient began to cry too as well as PJ as they all freaked out Gradient then screamed "MOMMY!" at the top of his lungs he could he multiple footsteps rushing towards him he just hoped one of the owner's of those footsteps where his mommy.

A moment of silenced passed and Gradient got ready to scream again despite his throat hurting from the first time he screamed but before he could do so four people arrived at the gate....none of them were his mommy... Gradient backed away hugging Hacker and crying more as Hacker cried and gasped for air coughing more PJ ran to Gradients side hiding behind him. 

Before Gradient or the people at the gate could do anything a multi-color blur jumped the fence and grabbed the backpack quickly in front of Hacker getting out what looked like a breathing machine and something else. Gradient smiled as he saw that the multi-colored blur was his mommy. Error quickly set the machine up and hooked it up to Hacker who seemed to be blue in the face.

Error looked at Hacker worriedly ignoring his aching bones and cuts as he helped his baby bones breath. He ignored the people behind him completely focused on Hacker. Gradient tugged on his mommy's sleeve "Yes sweetie?" Error asked not looking away from Hacker as Gradient spoke "M-m-m-mommy...Th-those people look r-really mad." Gradient said in a fearful tone as he shook. Error checking to make sure Hacker was ok then looked over his shoulder once he was sure Hacker was ok his eyes widening. 

There at the gate and climbing over was, Ink, Blueberry, Classic, Outer, and Dream. Error grabbed his children being careful with Hacker ignoring his bones that creaked and groaned in protest as he shields his children from his enemies fearful of what they would do to them. Ink was quick to throw red paint at Error it almost hit the backpack were the machine was that was helping Hacker breath making Error gasp as he quickly shielded the backpack hissing at the burning pain on his back "Mommy!?" PJ and Gradient shrieked in unison quick to try and help Error "I'm ok." Error whispered to them not daring to move in fear of one of them attacking his children. Classic and Blue, as well as Dream and Outer, seemed more hesitant in attacking Error with the children around him Ink didn't seem to care but hesitated as well. Classic then pushed Ink back before he did anything else "Error what the hell?" Error hissed when Classic cussed in front on the children making Classic back away slightly but not back down he was determined to find out why Error had three kids with him "Why do you have those children with you?! Who did you take them from?!" Ink yelled at Error who just sighed in response and sat up properly Hacker clinging onto Error's shirt tears stained Hacker's cheeks but he seemed calm now as well as Gradient and PJ who also clung to Error. "They're my children. I didn't take them from anyone..." Error said shocking the trio of five when his voice didn't glitch.

Classic mumbled to himself in disbelief but each time he looked at the kids and back to Error he found no evidence of it not being true "No. way." Classic mumbled loud enough that only the trio of five around him could hear and when Classic said that realization seemed to hit them as they all gasped and stared at Error in shock.


So theirs the end of this chapter. What do you guys think?

Also what ship should I do if this does become a book? 

I had a plan for the ship but I'd rather let you guys choose as it makes for a more interesting story that way! ^^

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