It Started In Gary IN. (a Mic...

Bởi Groovysm00thie

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(Starts in 1987) When Michael Jackson and his family go back to Gary, Indiana, Michael meets a girl in the WE... Xem Thêm

Chapter one: Ready for church, Mrs. Henderson?
chapter two- Her Voice
chapter four- A weird Meeting
chapter five- Nice To Meet You
Chapter six: No Where In Particular
chapter Eight- The Hospital Room
Chapter Nine: Waking Up
Chapter Ten- Adjusting
Chapter Eleven- Gettin Out
Chapter Twelve: Emergency stop
Chapter Thirteen: Welcome To Kentucky
Chapter fourteen: Smile
Chapter fifthteen: Beat It!
Chapter Sixteen: Rapist
Chapter seventeen: Going home
Chapter eighteen: The Pastors Daughter
Chapter Nineteen: Birthday surprise
Chapter Twenty: Telling Her Parents
Chapter Twenty one- Dancing in my bedroom
Chapter twenty two: Welcome to Neverland!
Chapter Twenty three: Model
Chapter Twenty four- First Day
Chapter twenty five: Decisions
Chapter Twenty six- Secrets
chapter Twenty seven: Fixing the Problen
chapter twenty eight- EAT
Chapter Twenty Nine: That Slut!
Chapter Thirty: A New Friend
Chapter thrity one: Weaves have been snatched
Chapter Thrity two: Talking
Chapter Thrity three: Healed
Chapter thirty four: halloween
Chapter thirty five: finding out
Chpater 36: The word is out
Chapter 37: Really Jermaine?
Chapter 38: Bad News
Chapter 39: Jolene
Chapter 40: Will you?
Chapter 41: The Grammys
Chapter 42: Girl or a Boy?
Chapter 43: Victim of Tatiana
Chapter 44: Letter
Chapter 45: Horribly wrong
Chapter 46: Gone to soon
Chapter 47: without you
Chapter 48: baby
Chapter 49: Adopting
Chapter 50: Breakdown
Chapter 51: Janet to the rescue
Fun fact
Chapter 52: Wedding
Chapter 53: Dem Babies
Chapter 54: Tabloid Image
Chapter 55: Getting ready for Matthew
Chapter 56: big brother
Chapter 58- 1989 recap
Chapter 60: in trouble
Chapter 61: thunder storm
Chapter 62: It Gets Worse
Chapter 63: Show Off!
Chapter 64: final chapter in this book

Chapter 57: Christmas

110 3 0
Bởi Groovysm00thie

Michael's POV
December 25th 1988

"Mommy, daddy wake up it's Christmas!" Matthew came running in at like, 7:30 in the morning.

We don't really celebrate Christmas, but Shelby and I have decided with two young kids that we'll have it from now on.

"Mommy wake up its Christmas!" He said, pulling her arm.

"Daddy! It's Christmas, Santa came, Santa came!" He said, pulling me to the floor.

"I'm up," I said, getting to my feet.

"Daddy it's Christmas! Santa came, I wonder if he ate the cookies we put out!" He exclaimed, jumping around the room.

"Well I'm glad you're excited," I said, messing up his blond hair with my hand.

"Shelby, wake up," I said, laying back on the bed to wake her up.

"Mmh. But I don't wanna get up," she exaggerated

"Come on, do it for me, for your kids," I said, laying on top of her as Matthew ran out of the room to get something from his room.

"Ugh, Okay. I'll do it for you all," she said, kissing my cheek.

It was funny to see Shelby in her short, silk, pink night gown or dress, Matthew in his cartoon pajamas, and me in my blue pajamas pants and white tee shirt.

I slowly walked down the hall to Sofie room to see she was already awake.

"Good morning princess. Are you excited for your first Christmas?" I asked her, picking her up.

She made a little noise and then gave a beautiful little smile.

"Awww, you have the most beautiful smile," I said, pinching her cheeks which made her laugh.

"Daddy come on! Mommy and I are waiting down stairs," Matthews said, running into the room.

"We're on our way," I laughed

I took Sofie in my arms and Matthew's hand in mine and we walked downstairs to the living room where all the presents were.

"Oh my gosh that's a lot of presents!" Matthews exclaimed

"Yeah, Santa Claus really out did himself," Shelby winked at me, as she took the baby.

"Alright, which one do you wanna open first, Matthew?" I asked him

"Ummm, how about this one?" He asked, holding up a good sized box.

"Okay, go ahead and open it," i motioned, sitting next to Shelby and Sofie on the couch.

"Oh ma gosh! It's my own baseball bat!" He exclaimed, holding the wooden bat it his arms, almost dropping it.

"You like that, huh?" Shelby laughed

"Yes I do, thank you Santa!" He exclaimed as Shelby and I exchanged looks.

"Alright, Sofie's turn, Matthew will you hand me that pink one please?" I asked him.

"Yeah here," He said, handing it to me.

"Alright Sofie, your first Christmas present," I said, handing the small box to her.

At first, she just kinda pulled at the wrapping paper, finally ripping it with her little hands. After a while, I opened it for her. It was just funny to all of us that she tries so hard to open it.

"Woah new bath toys, huh Sof!" Shelby exclaimed, rubbing her little hand.

We finished opening all of the presents until there were two left.

"Oh, Matthew, who's are those?" I asked, pointing to the small boxes.

"Oh um, I made them there for you all," he said, handing us the multiple wrapping paper wrapped boxes.

Shelby and I both opened them to reveal two string bracelets that had little colored pieces of paper that said "to the best daddy in the whole world, love Matthew," and Vise versa for Shelby.

"Awww, Matthew! That's so sweet!" Shelby said, taking him into a hug.

"What do you think," he asked me shyly.

"I love it. When ever I do a live performance, I'll wear it, okay?" I said, hugging him and kissing his forehead.

He then started jumping around in excitement, which made Shelby and I both laugh.

"So daddy, when are you gonna teach me to moonwalk?" He asked shyly.

"We can do it right now if you want," I laughed.

"Yeah, let's see you moonwalk Mr. Jackson," Shelby joked.

"Alright, So first you wanna start on your right foot, now it's always the right foot. And slide it back, see?" I said, showing him.

"Okay," He said, trying to do the move.

"Yeah like that, now you just take the next you take your left foot and do the same, got it?" I showed him, as he followed me.

Surprisingly, he did it pretty well for a 4 year old.

"Wow, I'm impressed little man, you really can moonwalk," I said, high fiving him.

All of the sudden, we hear something.

"Munwook," a babies voice said from behind us.

"Oh my gosh, she said her first word!" Shelby exclaimed.

"Say it again Princess, for daddy," I said, picking up the video camera and kneeling in front of her.

"Munwook!" She exclaimed happily

"Good job, princess! I can't believe your first word was moonwalk," I laugh

"Wow! My first word was toe!" Matthew laughed as we laughed along with him.

"What a great Christmas," Shelby said, as we did a family group hug.

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