Adeline's Reign

By DianiaSilver

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Adeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get... More

We meet again
The ups and downs of knowing everthing
I can't love
The Original Jack Harkness
Panic and Troubles
Meeting Martha
Everyone hates Torchwood
the escape attempt
Panic's Master
Adeline's return
Reality resets itself
John Hart
Family Reunion
Secrets are never good
Authors Note Sorry!
Normal at least for me
Death itself
A long over due history lesson
a first wedding
Circuses are really creepy
I get to know my niece
A worse torture
late rescue
Amy Williams, Rory Williams, and Jack Harkness
Pieces in a puzzle

Remedy Smith

12 0 0
By DianiaSilver

~ Panic's Pov~
Panic hadn't been planning on calling Remedy, but it had been two weeks and Aliyah had checked and it wasn't on Earth. She waited with Aliyah for days until an ambulance appeared out of no where. " Really an ambulance could she of not changed it to draw less attention." Aliyah sighed as it faded and reappeared. " She is and will always be the healer of her family." Panic shrugged before her TARDIS solidified. Remedy walked out her dark brown hair in a messy braid, her dark green eyes sparkled, and her skin had tanned slightly from before. She wore a short yellow dress, a white jacket, and a yellow purse that was bigger on the inside. " Hello Panic it's nice to finally meet you and Aliyah how are you?" Remedy grinned hugging them both as the door opened.
Two people came out in a hurry one a boy and the other a girl. The girl had dark brown hair, grey eyes, and pale skin wearing a silver parka, jeans, tennis shoes, a bow and a quiver with arrows in it. The boy next to her had a very similar face leading Panic to believe they were siblings he had red curly hair, blue eyes, and pale skin wearing a yellow tee shirt, khakis, yellow tennis shoes, a bow and quiver that was gold contradicting the girl's silver one. " Hello I'm Apollo Barton and it is a pleasure to meet Rin and Eron's mom." The guy Apollo grinned and Aliyah looked at her confused.
" And I'm Diana." The girl introduced with a roll of her eyes before two more came out. Panic recognized them immediately, but they had changed dramatically from when she had saved them from Gallifrey as Corrine. Rin had a red streak in her raven black hair, she wore a black top, black skirt, and black flats. Her dark brown eyes had darkened and the scars had healed making her pale skin look a lot better. Eron was next to her his blonde hair fell in front of his eyes, he wore a gold tee, white jeans, and gold tennis shoes.  His blue eyes seemed to dance as he gave her a  dazzling smile. " Remedy Matthias is worrying about Aliyah and Panic judging him." Rin complained as Panic held back a laugh. " I'll go after him." Remedy sighed going back into the ambulance. " How are you both?" Eron asked as he joined Diana and Apollo. " We're fine though I'm glad you both are here. How many more are there?" Panic frowned. " 4." Aliyah answered and Diana looked at her confused along with her brother.
" She's psychic." Rin explained as two girls came out shouting at each other. One had black hair, dark skin, brown eyes, a blue tank top, white skirt, and white flats. The other girl had white hair, purple eyes, pale skin, a black leather tank top, black jeans, black leather jacket and combat boots.
" I didn't mean to kill it!" The white haired girl yelled her hands seemed to have flames flickering on them.
" You don't kill people when you touch them yet you killed my pet turtle." The raven haired growled and Panic felt the temperature drop.She looked towards the siblings who just gave her a wait a minute look. " Can't you two get along for one minute!" A new voice yelled as another girl exited the TARDIS. She had dark red hair, purple eyes, pale skin, a light blue top, white skirt, white flats, and a purple necklace hung at her neck. " but-" the white hair girl started but the red head glared at her. " Both of you apologize or do I have to magic both your hair to pink." The red haired threatened and the two mumbled apologies as the red head came towards them. " I'm sorry about my siblings, but they are really good fighters and really good on the field. I'm Shade Matthews the oldest sister." The girl Shade told her with a tired smile. " I'm Rowan Matthews the 2nd oldest." The black haired girl said proudly. " And I'm Ransom and if you make any comment about me I'll poison you." Ransom glared and everyone except Rin sighed. " Be nice Ransom she is after all Rin's mom." Shade scolded before Remedy finally came back out with a Mantrinium man with shaggy brown hair, green eyes, yellow skin, green tee, black leggins, and black tennis shoes. " This is Matthias Dylan he's a bit shy." Remedy introduced the blushing man.
" It's nice to meet you." Aliyah smiled at him as Panic, Ransom, and Rin rolled their eyes in synchronization.
" So to business how long have they been gone?" Remedy demanded her face turning serious. " Two weeks and for Halo that is ages. It also depends on which base they're at, but they aren't on Earth." Panic informed her eyes fingers had fire lighting on them in reaction to her nerves. " Which is why you called me. I can have THE TARDIS scan your DNA to search for her it should only take a couple of minutes for my TARDIS is in perfect condition unlike Theta's was" Remedy offered with a pained smile. Panic nodded and there was a second when she wanted to tell her that her father was alive and that the Doctor was doing well, but she couldn't because of time issues.They all entered Remedy's TARDIS and Panic allowed her to draw some blood before going to wait for her to finish. " So you have fire as well." A voice stated and Panic turned to see Ransom had walked over her tone was so nonchalant that Panic was had told back a laugh. " I do and you do realize we are going into an advanced technology facility that will kill you in seconds if you don't have control of your powers." Panic said with a raised eyebrow. " No I didn't because Remedy said basically nothing and Rin just glared at me when I tried to get information, but don't worry I have control of the fire it's the poison I have trouble with." Ransom grimaced at the word. " Poison?" Panic questioned. " Ransom has a poisonous touch and can control liquid poisons as well as poisonous gas." A guys voice informed quietly and Ransom jumped. " Can you not do that!" She yelled and Panic smirked at him. " You should be used to that if you've been traveling with Rin for a while." Panic stated her mind going to all the times Rin had appeared out of the shadows and scaring her out of her mind as Adeline. " You know Rin?" Ransom said surprised. " No I knew her 10th version Adeline who is currently with Halo. This is Panic the 5th version." Rin said monatonely and Panic knew she was trying to control herself. " Found her she's on the planet Àvva in the Koróna galaxy."
Remedy said and Panics eyes widened . " How do they even know about that place let alone have a base there?!" Panic asked her tone frantic.
" What is so special about Àvva?" Apollo questioned. " Because that is where my father was born. It was the very first planet and home to the Primordials." Panic told them.

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