Trust Me [Taehyung]

By ghoastli

394 48 9

Oh dear turn away now More

11 part 1
11 part 2
11 part 3


7 2 0
By ghoastli

Miki pov

one of the worst days of my life

well the morning i just had ups it in the ranks but the day in a whole makes it probably top 5

so my wonderous day at school starts with being incredibly late due to the boys fight

so we all got after-school detention 

come on school i just got out of the fucking hospital come on

anyway thats were it starts


Miki, Jimin, Tae, Namjoon and Hobi slowly walked down the corridor with their heads down, Tae and Jimin giving each other death stares, Hobi and Namjoon either side of Miki being the protective brotherly type friend they were.

After a while of talking everyone was laughing and the death stares were gone, everyone sort of made up, Jimin was still sceptical but he just laughed with the others.

Though as soon as they entered the classroom Miki's smile was gone, she averted her eyes to the ground and the others soon followed after looking in the direction of her gaze.

Except for Tae, the sight just made him more furious.

In Miki, Tae and Jisoo's seats were Jisoo and Vernon.

"Miss what is HE doing here" Tae spits pointing at Vernon and silencing the class.

Vernon starts standing up but Jisoo pulls him down making tears form in hte corners of Miki's eyes.

"He got transferred and Jisoo offered him a seat" The teacher said calmy and quietly trying not to get attention from the class, but alas she was too late, everyone had stopped what they were doing and put their pens down.

"He's in my seat" Tae was getting incredibly angry but tried to remain somewhat calm.

"You can sit next to Yoongi or you can sit with Jimin if you want Taehyung" Yoongi's head perked up at the mention of his name and focused intensely on the scene ahead.

"Miss id rather die than sit net to Jimin and i would much rather sit on your lap then sit next to Yoongi" Everyones eyes were now on Yoongi wondering the same thing 'what did Yoongi do to him'.

"Whats wrong with sitting next to them Taehyung?" the class was so silent you could hear Yoongi's short breathes and Miki's quiet sniffling.

"Well miss lets start with jimin shall we..." Everyone turned their head to Jimin so fast they were sure to all have neck damage, "so this morning i came to pick up Miki here..." WHIP heads to Miki "and her lunatic of a brother starts screaming at me..." WHIP heads to Jimin "obviously i started screaming at him and then he said" his voice hitched "he said something that made me furious so i hit him and yeah thats where the bruises came from.

The class was silent.

The teacher was silent.

Jimin turned on his heel and stormed off down the corridor.

Namjoon and Hobi shot Tae death stares and ran off after him.

Tae cleared his throat ready to tell his next story.

Yoongi's throat hitched as tears formed in his eyes.


 WHIP heads to Yoongi.

"we used to be best friends, me, him, Jungkook and Jin"

Yoongi clenched his fists to stop himself from crying.

"until one day, I brought home a girl... a nice girl i really liked her but" It was Taehyungs turn to clench his fists

"It-it didn't work her dad didn't like me or something like that, well about a month later Yoongi come back with a girl"

Yoongi used everything in his body not to walk out right now.

"Guess who it was, my ex who now believed i was a horrible person and thought i cheated on her"

"THATS BECAUSE YOU DID I SAW YOU KISSING THAT OTHER GIRL YOU MOTHER FUCKER" Yoongi couldn't hold it in anymore, the class was staring at him in shock, they've never seen this side of Yoongi before.

"Yoongi proceeded to date this girl and feed her false information" Tae carried on camly angering Yoongi even more.

"YOU LIAR I SAW YOU" Everyone was turning their head from side to side, Yoongi to Taehyung.

"Then after a drunken night, Yoongi hit her"

"I-I I did not it wasnt me i swear"

"then when i confronted him he hit me aswell, so hard in fact i was hospitalised"

"THATS BECAUSE I DIDNT DO IT I WOULD NEVER HURT HER i loved her Tae, more than you'll ever know" Yoongi was full on crying now.

"She was hit so hard she lost her memory"

"it wasnt me it was- it was someone else i promise" Yoongi was on the floor crying but not even the teacher dared to move.

"That girls name..."



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