Sheo- Our Life [Completed]

By callie_rox

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Shailene and Theo have been together for a few years and has just finished filming Allegiant. Their lives ch... More

The Big News
Dinner and a Surprise
Baby's gender and planning it
Finding Home and an Unexpected Guest
Moving In and the Dress
Wedding Bells
Baby Fever
Going Home
Happy Birthday Daddy!!
First Christmas
First Words
Happy 1st Birthday!!
Movie Deal
Too Much
Reunited - Part 2
First Day of School
Summer Fun
Date Night
Hawaii Here We Come
Uncle Nahko?
Daddy is a Hero
Wake Up
Night Changes
Familiar Feelings
Final A/N

Epilogue - I'll Love You Forever

322 2 5
By callie_rox

My pregnancy the second time around was so much easier than my first one and didn't come with any other surprises other than having another set of twins.

Yup twins, yet again.

It still amazes both Theo and I that we managed to get pregnant again with another set of twins. Doctor Reyes, the same one we had when we were first pregnant with Skyler and Colton; monitored me more around this time in case we got a repeat of what had happened when Sky and Colton were both developing in the womb, but amazingly this time we could see both twins and hear both of them too.

The nine months of both boy and girl growing in my womb excited the whole family. Being pregnant once again was an amazing feeling. Reeling in the past memories I had with my first pregnancy except the only difference being was constantly having small hands feeling my womb every minute of the day leading up to the due date.

The delivery, on the other hand, was almost the same euphoric yet painful feeling I had but was worth going through in the end. The boy was born first, his head covered with dark brown hair similar to his fathers was the easiest out of the two to deliver. His twin sister, on the other hand, took a little longer and a little more effort with pushing but soon enough there she was. Her loud wailing cries pierce through the room as doctors scramble to get her cleaned and onto my chest as soon as they possibly can for skin to skin contact. Theo brings our second son laying him next to his twin on my chest, both of them now quietly sleeping as both Theo and I stare at them in awe.

"Congratulations once again Mr and Mrs Taptikilis on your new bundles of joy," Dr Reyes chimes as she scribbles down onto the clipboards in front of my bed, "What will you be naming them?"

When it came to naming them Theo wanted to badly name our son Tobias after finding out we were expecting. Me being me thought the cliche reason of him naming our son after one of the characters the brought us together was why he wanted the name but after telling me that he had always wanted a son named Tobias ever since he was teen made it more special. For the girl, I always loved the name Sienna as a child and funnily enough the name fit her perfectly.

Tobias Carter Taptikilis & Sienna Paige Taptikilis.

Another set of beautiful healthy twin babies lay on my chest for skin to skin contact, sound asleep all cleaned up after their birth. Tears escape the rim of my eyes as I stare at them peacefully sleeping on my chest as time stood still between the three of us while doctors rush around finishing their final checks before leaving. Soon enough the room was back to its peaceful quiet state, both Theo and I staring in awe at the two sleeping bundles on my chest, small coos breaking the silence once in a while.

"They look exactly like Skyler and Colton when they were born." I giggle as the thought crosses my mind. Theo, getting up from his seat next to me, grabbing his phone buzzing with missed calls and messages from family and friends paces around the room as he replies to each one.

"Is it weird that they look exactly like Skyler and Colton when they first arrived," Theo says seconds later as he taps on his phone screen. I pause for a second wondering if I had said those words out loud or my husband managed to magically read my mind and say almost the exact same words I had thought of.


Bringing Tobias and Sienna home was a breeze, with the mandatory stop at Target to get some essential for both me and the babies before heading back. The excitement of introducing them to their older siblings creeps into my mind as I sit with both Tobias and Sienna at the back seat of our Range Rover, imagining when they can finally run and interact with their older siblings. As we turn into our driveway the front door opens and both Skyler and Colton run out to the side of the car, my mother following behind them. Both in awe as my mother opened the car door for them to greet me and their brand new siblings they stare in both shock and adoration.

Skyler and Colton were complete polar opposites when it came for us to introduce their new siblings to them and the rest of the family. Colton absolutely fell head over heels for his new siblings and took to the 'big brother' role instantly, asking to hold one of them when they weren't fussing or crying, wanting to be fed or burped or changed. Skyler, on the other hand, took some time; observing them for a while before eventually falling head over heels for them too. All the firsts we experienced with them they got experience with their younger brother and sister. There were many days of chaos but also many more days of laughter and happiness watching each of them grow up into their own personalities, each one with their own little quirks.

But as time moved on, so did our children. As time moved forward; days turning into months then eventually to years our children grew along with it.

Soon enough our babies grew up.

Our household that was once filled with screaming and laughter from small tiny bodies running around the yard all day long slowly grew to young adolescents and teenagers no longer interested in playing tag or being chased by their father and I leading to a tickle attack.

All four of our children gaining independence and their own personalities, yet still depending on each other's twin for comfort. Raising them to have love in their hearts was the number one priority for Theo and me to engrave into their minds and to experience as they all grew up together. Although we had our ups and downs it was all worth it in the end.

"Can you believe it, our first set of twins, graduating high school and off to college in a few months time... our babies have grown up," Theo says coming out of our bathroom, cleanly shaved and fumbling with his necktie. Getting up from my vanity I head towards him, straightening his black necktie, fastening it for him the nostalgia and memories of both Skyler and Colton rushing through my mind.

"I know... I can't believe they're graduating today. Sooner or later they'll be moving out and off to college... getting married... then having their own kids..." I say my train of thought disappearing. Tears begin to well in my eyes but I quickly blink them away. Sitting back down on my vanity my phone buzzes a memory from my camera roll popping up onto my phone screen.

Memory: 13 Years Ago, Today: Sky & Colton - Hawaii

Tears begin to rim my eyes again as a soft faint knock on our door occurs. I quickly wipe them away as our eldest son emerges from behind it, fumbling around with his necktie.

"Hey... uhmm... can someone please fix my tie. Sky and I have been at it for 10 minutes now and Toby doesn't really wear ties." Colton says rubbing the back of his neck. Theo smiles at him as he makes his way to fix the knotted tie around his neck into a more presentable looking style. It still blows my mind today how our eldest son is almost the same height as his father and has managed to surpass my height at the age of 16. His twin, on the other hand, is the same height as I am.

"We should get going now, we don't want you and your sister to be late." I chime in as I straighten out the creases on his shirt, then grabbing my coat as we head out of our bedroom and downstairs to the living room where the rest of his siblings wait.


As a mother people have asked me what my favourite and least favourite moments were while my children were growing up. Out of the many lessons and memories that had happened, both good and bad one thing I have taken away from becoming a parent is that although our children learn many things from us; us parents can learn many things from them. Those sleepless nights when they were all infants to the nights of bedtime stories and imaginary friends. To the nights of pre-exam cramming and to the nights of heartaches from a break-up, I wouldn't change any of it. All the sacrifices made and time given into raising all four of our children to become the people they are today.

Now sitting here amongst the crowd, watching my two oldest children walk across the stage receiving their diplomas while their younger siblings sitting next to me are about to start their journey through High school next year, time suddenly felt like a luxury to me that I had taken for granted and although how I wished for time to slow down when they were all younger I've come to appreciate the moments we've had as a family.

As the ceremony ended a video played onto a screen in front of the stage inside the packed auditorium. All the graduates and their baby pictures flash onto the screen, some covered with food others when they were infants. Two familiar faces pop up both of their once small faces next to an image of how they look now.

Skyler Mackenzie and Colton James Taptikilis

Finally letting the tears I've held in escape my eyes I can't help but remember the times of holding them in my arms whenever they cried or whenever they looked to me or their father for comfort. The times they would mimic each other when one learned a new word or the times they mimicked each other when they fought. I hadn't noticed my youngest daughter Sienna, looking at me with her soft brown eyes holding a tissue out for me to use. Taking it from her as I give her smile and kiss on her temples before wiping the tears away I let out a helpless sigh. Theo grabs my hand as he watches on, rubbing small circles onto my palm; calming me down as the final speeches were made and eventually everyone was let out of the auditorium and into the high school courtyard.

There stood both Skyler and Colton looking for us within the crowd of parents and peers, both holding their diplomas as they spot us with gleeful smiles. Both make their way towards us, finding their way through the crowd until finally into mine and Theo's arms.

"We're so proud of you two," Theo says, a smile beaming from ear to ear as Skyler and Colton greet their siblings.

"Yeah, Mom even ended up crying a few times." Toby jokes as he gives me a cheesy grin, his father playfully hitting his arm.

"Tobias," He jokes giving him a slight scold as both Tobias and Sienna giggle at his silliness.

Both Skyler and Colton look up to me, engulfing me into an embrace their words hitting me in the heart giving me so much joy.

"Thank You, Mom... We couldn't have done it without you and Dad. You both are the reason we're here today."

As they let go of me and join they're younger sibling heading towards the parking lot, I trail behind them smiling at all of them in front of me.

A perfect scene.

My husband who aged beautifully, the man I will grow old with. My eldest set of twins, Skyler and Colton, soon leaving the nest starting their lives on their own and having their own families, but still having the support from me and their father. Finally my youngest set of twins, Tobias and Sienna, looking up to their older siblings as they grow up into teenagers and eventually young adults themselves.

Soon all of my children will get married one day and have children of their own. All of them going through the same experiences of firsts and lasts their father and I experienced with them as children.

Up until now I never understood the woman who would rock her son to sleep each night at a certain parts of his life. But now I finally understood why she did it. Why the woman who rocked her son while he was asleep during the different stages of his life, even when she climbed through her grown son's window to rock him to sleep and sang the words:

"I love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."

Although my children have grown up in my eyes and heart they will always be my babies. And it has been the greatest honour in my life to be their mother, raising them to the people they will become today.

I love you all forever, I'll like you all for always, and as long as I'm living my babies you all will be.

- Fin.

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