Oliver and Company

By LunaMomochi

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A human version on Oliver and Company (Dodger love story) More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

971 12 2
By LunaMomochi

For the month that fallowed, Oliver and I have grown close. He was able to gain a little bit of weight, but only grew slightly. He was a loving cat. Loved to curl up next to me while it slept, and wanted to play as much at he can.

As i walked down the street, Oliver close at my feet. My stomach growled. We were looking for something to eat, and were slowly starting to come up short the further we went. I thought New York being as big as it was, i thought wasted food would be easy to find. But the month being here i would go a day, maybe two with out food. Today was day two for me, and i was really starting to feel it. The sun was hot, and people walked the streets in a hurry.

"Im not sure where else to look Oliver." i say looking down. "Oliver?" He wasn't by my feet anymore or anywhere around me. I looked around, but all the people walking around, i couldn't see.

"Hey get outta here!" i hear a man yell. I fallowed the yelling hoping Oliver wasn't the one causing a scene. The yelling came from a large greasy man. Seeing his apron and the little stand that he was behind he was selling food. An smelling the air, it was hot dogs. It made my mouth water. "Get lost!" He yelled again.

I looked down at his feet and Oliver stood on his foot meowing. The man gave a kick and sent Oliver to the ground. "Hey back off!" I yell at the man. I quickly went and picked Oliver up from the ground keeping him in my hands. "He's just hungry."

"Yea well keep your beeast away from my stand." The man turned his back to me. "So unless your buying something, beat it."
My stomach growled smelling the food. "I dont have any money."

"Then your not my problem." The man started to serve someone, giving them a good looking hot dog.

"Come on man, i havent eaten in two day's, one hot dog isnt going to brake you." The man turned to me now, pointing his tongs at me.

"I told you to beat it. If you dont im calling the cops." The man tried to step up to me. "So whats it going to be?" I looked up and the man looked like he was seriuse. With gritting teeth i turn and started to walk the other way. "Thats what i thought."
"Asshole." i say as i walked.

"You picked the wrong guy to get a hot dog." A new voice came. I stopped and looked at the new comer. He was standing just outside of an alleyway, leaning on the side of the building. He had brown hair, and green eyes. His white shirt was clean, almost new, like his gray jeans, along with a read bandanna on his wrist.

"Get lost creep." I say.

"Whoa, hold on there." He held his hands up in surrender. "I was just watching you. And i think you need some professional guidance." He started to slowly walk around me.

"Professional?" i laughed. "For what? Begging for food?" He shrugged at me. "Would you stop walking around me?"

"How about, you and me team up." He stopped in front of me. He looked down at me with a smirk. "Change old Louie's mind about sharing some of those hot dogs?"

I shake my head. "And get the cops called? Yeah right." i looked him up and down. "And if you want one so bad why dont you just buy one?"

He put his hands into his pockets and pulled them inside out. "No money." He shoved his hands into his pockets again still smirking. "Never stopped me before."

"Funny you dont look homeless." Oliver meow at the man from my arms. The man reached over and scratched the top of his head.

"You're only what you think of yourself." He let his hand fall back to his side. "An relax, im an expert at these things. All you got to do is learn some moves."

"Moves?" I looked at him as he started to walk around again.

"Ya'know, tempo of the rythem. This city's got beat. You'll get to it." He started to walk off and i found my self starting to fallow after him. "Once you learn the beat you can do anything."

I looked up at his as he stopped at the corner of the ally. "Anything?"

"Absolutely." He looked around the corner at the hot dog man. "The man you see before you is known as Old Louie. A well known enemy." He moved his hand to my back and pushed me to stand in front of him. "Our mission is to get the hot dog's and high tail it out of there."

"Thats it?" i asked.

"Thats it." The smirk never left his lips. "Starting to feel the rythem?"

I looked back at the hot dog stand and then down at Oliver. He looked back up at me and Meow, right when my stomach growled. Looking back up at the man i nodded. "Yeah. I think so."

His smirk grew. "Good, now-" he reached over and grabbed Oliver. "Your going to want me to hold him."

"Why?" i asked as the man held him in his hand.

"Run." He suddenly said.


"RUN!" He yelled making me jump. With out knowing what he meant i started to run back at the hot dog cart. "Hey!" i hear him yell. I looked back to see he was close behind me. Once he was close enough he reached his free hand out and shoved my back.

With a loud crash i slammed into the hot dog man knocking him and his tongs to the ground. Before i could even understand what had happened the man grabbed my arm painfully.

"I thought i told you to get lost!" He yelled pulling me off the ground.

"Let me go!" i tried to pull out of his grip but he wouldnt let go.

"I warned you!" He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Im calling the police."

My heart was pounding and looking around, the other guy was no where to be seen. I looked around for anything that would help me. The only thing within arm length was a tube of mustered. I quickly grab it and point it at the man. As he was talking on the phone he looked over at me, giving me the opening to fire. I squeezed the bottle, hitting the man in the eyes. As he yelled he let go of my arm. I dropped the mustered and quickly took off down the road.

I didnt stop running till i ran into a construction zone. I bent over, hands on my knee's trying to catch my breath.

"That wasn't bad." The mans voice came again. Looking up, he was waiting by one of the cans. "You got rythem." He walked up at me holding Oliver out to me. I quickly grabbed him and hugged him close to me.

"I could have gotten arrested." I looked up at the man angerly.

"You were fine." He started to walk away, but he held up his arm, showing the large link of hot-dogs. I quickly fallowed after him.

"So when are we going to eat then?" i asked.

"We?" He didnt even looked back as he walked.

"Yeah?" I let Oliver down for him to walk after me so i could keep up. "Im hungry too you know."

"Sorry to brake it to you kid but, the dynamic duo, is now the dynamic uno." He jumped onto of one of the large cemented pipes.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I looked up at him.

"Meaning, our partnership is desalved." The pipe that he was standing on started to lift taking him with it.

"What? Thats not fair!" i yelled up at him.

"Fair is for tourist. Think of this as a lesson of 'Streets are not Fair'." When the pipe was close enough he jumped off the pipe and onto one of the lifts. "See you later." He waved at me as he jumped down out of sight.

"Hey wait a minute!" i yelled. I looked down at Oliver. "Come on." i picked him up and put him on the inside of my hood. "Get back here you jack ass!" I start to run trying to catch up. I jumped onto a long metal beam that was starting to lift off the ground. I held onto the it as it lifted me over to where the guy was.

I could see him turn around to see if he had lost me. Seeing the smile on his face, he really thought that he had lost me. Once the beam was far enough, i jumped down stopping the man in his tracks. He looked me up and down and smirked.

"You want them?" He held up the links, then put it around his neck. "Come get them. Why should i worry?" He darted to the side running full speed.

"Damn it!" i started to run after him again.

He ran out of the construction zone and into the street. It was rush hour and the cars were close behind each other. The guy laughed seeing me behind him, and decided to jump onto the cars to get away faster. His laugh got louder as i did the same. I wasn't going to let this guy get away. Not with out giving me some of the hotdogs. Fallowing him over the cars we ended up on the other side, landing right onto wet cement.

That didnt stop him, so i tried to run threw it. Once i had gotten out of the wet cement i see him standing by a table that was selling sunglasses. I reached out for him, but he side steped out of my way. Before i could stop my self i slammed into the table knocking down all the sunglasses.

"Whats the hell man?!" the seller yelled at me.

"Im sorry." i tell him getting up.

"Your going to have to pay for all the ones you broke." The man crossed his arms at me.

"Yeah." i try to smile at him. "I got the money in my bag." I pointed behind him. "Its over there." As soon as the man turned around to look i ran, bolting around the corner.

Looking around, i couldnt find the other guy, so i kept running till i spotted him down an alleyway. He was now wearing a black pair of sun glasses. Most likely from the table that i ran into. When he turned to look behind him i dove down ducking down behind a large dumpster. I counted to five before peaking around. He had started walk again. I let out a sigh as i start to fallow after him, as quiet as i can.

It was getting dark now, and i was starting to think that this might not be worth it. I dont know who this guy is, or if he's more trouble then he seems. My worry grew when he lead me to the ship yard.

It was pretty dark now, but i was still able to see him. He walked past all the larger boats, making me think this isn't where he was stopping. But then he finally turned down onto one of the docks, but it lead under the pier. Fallowing it down i see a old broken down ship barley keeping above the water.

Maybe i was right. Maybe he's part of a gang or something.

He walked in, and i stood there for a moment. I should just leave, but when my stomach growled again. It was either this or starve. I nodded to my self and walked to the ship. I didnt want to go inside threw the front door and get caught right away. So instead i climbed onto the top.

I could hear other voice's talking as i got up. I carefully crawled to a large hole that was near by and looked down into it. Inside i could see the guy with his hands in his pockets, but i couldnt see the hot-dogs anymore.

"So how did you do it Dodger?" A female voice asked.

"Let me tell you Rita. It was a tough one." The guy replied. So his name is Dodger. Good to know. "Only i could have done it."
"Did you have to fight?" another voiced asked. He had a strong accent. "How meny was there?"

"Picture the city." Dodger started. "8th and Broadway. The crowed hassling, the traffic roaring, the hot dog's sizzling." He made it sound like a horror movie. "Enter Dodger. One bad dog. Not out for him self but community work. The only one out there." He smirked at the others. "Enter the opposition. An evil, ugly, old woman." Old woman?! I was only 24! Who is he calling old woman! I wouldn't say i was the hottest around but im know im not ugly either. I leaned in to try and see how many others where there. But i couldnt see them. "She looked at me, ready to attack. I had no where to run, but then-"

I fell. I tried to lean in more, but the wooden beam gave out sending me down crashing onto the floor. Everyone that was there started to yell and run around trying to get away from me as my butt hit the floor. I rolled over onto my side and rubbed my lower back, trying to get some of the pain to ease up.

"Who is it?" the female voice asked.

"Hey man check it out." the voice with the strong accent said coming up to me. "Its a babe."

I looked up at the guy. He was a thin tanned mad with red hair. He smiled down at me looking me over. Rolling onto my back, the others started to come out of their hiding spots. They didnt look to happy about me dropping in either. I slowly started to slid back till my back hit something.

"How did you find this place, girl?" the female asked. She was thin, thinner then me, with long dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was about the same age as me, maybe a year older.

"I fallowed this man-" i say.

"She's lie'en."

"Shut up Tito." the woman shouted at the tanned man.

"Why would a girl fallow a stranger?" Another man asked. He was short and pudgy. About my height. He was older.

"Yea?" asked another. The last dude was tall. Really tall. An older as well, maybe the same age as the other guy.

So there was four of them and one of me. Not liking my odds. Starving is kind of looking a little better. "I just . . ." i slowly stood up keeping my back to the wall. "I wanted some of the hot dog i helped get."

"She a spy man."

"No i saw him come down here." i looked around, only now taking notice that the guy i was fallowing was gone. The man was sitting in an old chair that sat in front of an old tv. I pointed at him. "Thats him right there."

The man looked back at me, like he knew i was coming. "Hey baby." He smirked at me. "What took you so long?"

The woman snickered. "Relax for a minute hunny." She winked at me as the others started to laugh. They all walked over to where the man i fallowed was.

"Evil?" the tanned one asked him, grinning.

"This young woman is hardly ugly." the short one said looking over at me.

"She cant be any older then you." The woman said laughing.

"Keep it down guy's. The game is on." the guy said looking at the tv.

"Good going Dodger." the tanned one turned off the tv still laughing. "So tough , you got to ask a girl for help."

"Tito. Cool it man."

He went on. "Come on lets see this little lady fight."

"Tito look!" He pointed at me. The tanned guy looked at me like i was about to attack them. Before he could turn back to the others, the guy tackled him. Soon all the boys started to get into a wrestling on the ground.

The woman looked over at me and shook her head. What a bunch of over grown-" A shoe flew at her, hitting her in the head. "Your in for it!" She ran in fighting against the boys. I ducked back behind a dresser as more things were thrown around. Oliver came out of my hoodie and into my arms.

"All right knock it off!" Again, another new voice. "Whats the matter with you guys?" over in the door way, a much older man stood. He was so, vary skinny, but looked healthy nun the less. In his hand was a box of something i couldnt make out. "Dont you understand Sycks will be here any minute and I-I dont have his-" they all stopped fighting and looked at the man. They all grined and walked over to him. "No, no-"

Before the man could say anymore, they all crowded around him. Some hugged, some messed with the old mans hat, others making silly jokes. The old man was smiling, and i could see a few years were slowly washing away. But when a horn blew from outside, all those years came back.

"Sycks!" the old man gasped. "Alright im coming!" He called out. "Ill be right there!" He walked over to where i was hiding and picked up an small old chest. "Guy's listen. Dont let me down!" He opened it. I couldnt see what was inside, but he didnt look to happy about what it was. "Its worthless, what have you done?" He lifted up a torn wallet. "How are we ever going to pay back Sycks with a-" Oliver meowed giving away our hiding spot. The old man looked right at him. "A Cat?" His eyes fallowed up and locked with mine. "And a girl?"

The door was then flung open making me step further back in my hiding spot. To vary clean, wealthy looking men came in. They looked like twins. Only what to tell them apart was one had a blue tie, the other red.They held their heads up high scuffing at the mess around them. They looked at the old man.

"Hurry it up." One of them said.

"Oh look who it is kids." the old man said, fear all in his voice. I couldnt really see most of their faces, but i could tell by how everyone mood changed, that they were on edge. He tried to hold out his hand to them but they looked at him disgust all over their face. "I was just on my way out." The old man quickly walked up the stairs out of the boat.

"Did you guys miss us?" one of them asked smirking at the others.

"You know Rita." They started to walk around. "I still cant figure out why you rather hang out in this dump then up in uper class with my self." The red one said to the woman with a mean grin. The other one kept walking around, walking right past me.

I ducked back a little more, but the guy stopped close to the dresser. "Isn't it dangerous to use ones whole vocabulary in one sentence?" The short guy asked making the tan one laugh.

"You got something to say to me fat-boy?" The red tie got into the mans face.

"Let me at him!" the tanned one tried, but the tall one stopped him, by grabbing the back of his shirt.

"Go ahead let him go." red tie smirked.

"Why dont you pick on someone your own size?" the tall one said.

"Like you old man?"

"Rasco." The guy i fallowed walked in front over everyone and up to the red tie. "Is that someone losing their sense of humor?" He asked keeping a calm face, but i could see his body was tense.

"Nah, i havent lost my sense of humor." The red tie then kicked the old tv sending it flying over to the dresser. "See i find that funny." He chucked.

The horn roared again But the blue tie ignored it and walked back over to the dresser. With one hand he pulled the dresser out, smirking down at me with an evilly. "Hey Rasco look what i found." He said stepping closer.

"Forget it Disoto. We got to go." The red tie started to walk off.

"I like redheads." The mans smirk scared me, but i was more scared when he reached his hand out to me trying to touch my hair. "I like to play with them."

"Dont touch me." i slapped his hand away, but he tightly grabbed my wrist.

Before i could stop my self the fear built up that was able to pull away and swung my fist, hitting him right in the jaw. He yelled out falling back a few feet. I quickly tossed Oliver into a box of close near by. When i turned back both of them were in front of me stepping closer. I held up my hands, waiting for them to attack.

Next thing i knew the guy from before stepped in front of me, his back twords me. He looked like he was ready to fight.

"Get out of my way Dodger!" The red tie growled.

"Thats enough Rasco." he told them as everyone else came over to join him. The other two looked like they were still going to fight, but when the honking came again the red tie looked back twords the door.

"Go on Rasco, your masters calling." The woman smirked at him.

The honking continued. "Come on Disoto." Red tie grabbed the other mans arm and pulled him twords the door.

"We are not finished Dodger." the red tie looked back smirking. "You guys are going to pay for this, starting with that redhead." He pointed at me before they both walked out. No one moved till we hear their feet dissapear off the boat.

"You alright hun?" the woman asked me as i drop my hands to my side.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"What did i tell you guys." The guy threw his arm around my shoulders. "Dodger can really pick'em huh?"

"Ew." I push him off of me.

"That was a nice hit young lady." the tell one told me. He held out his large hand out to me. "Im Einstein." I reached out and grabbed his hand. My hand must felt like a baby's hand to him.

"Nice to meet you." i gave him a small smile.

"And im Tito." The tan man came up taking my hand. "But you can call me papi." He wiggled his brow at me. I pulled my hand away. "And thats Franky." He pointed at the short man.

"My name is Francis." He said upset.

"And im Rita." The woman patted my shoulder.

"And you already know who i am." The guy smirked at me crossing his arms at me.

"Dodger." I crossed my arms back at him. "The Jackass." That made him laugh.

"Oh i like her." Rita smiled. A meow came out, making me remember that i had someone with me. I turned my back to everyone and leaned down into the box, pulling Oliver out. He quickly climbed up my shoulder. "And who is this little guy?"

"Oliver." She reached out an scratched under his chin. "An im Danni. Who were those guys?"

"Rasco and Disoto?" Dodger waved his hand. "Just a pair of punks."

Before anyone else could say anymore the old man from before walked in, soaked from head to toe. He dropped his jacket onto the floor as he walked. "Three days." he said. He walked over to the chair and sat down kicking of his shoes. "How am i ever going to come up with all that money?"

Everyone slowly walked over to him, and each one of them did something to make the old man more comfortable. They got him a blanket, lifted up his feet with slippers, and got him something to eat. Once he was done eating he looked at everyone around him and smiled. Again i could see a few years erase from him face."Thanks guys." Everyone else started to smile around him. "And i saw Disoto's face. Who did that?"

Dodger waved over to me. "She did." i slowly walked over. Dodger put his hand onto the middle of my back and pushed me a little closer.

"You?" the man smiled up at me. Oliver jumped from my shoulder and into the mans lap, making him laugh. "That took a lot of guts little lady." He started to pet Oliver. "Never had a cat in the gang before."

"His name is Oliver." i tell him. "An im Danni."

The old me shook my hand. "Welcome to the family Danni. Im Fagin." He yawned once he let go of my hand.

"Family?" I looked up at Dodger.

"Fagin, has taken us in, gave us a home. We are family here." He smiled a real smile at me.

"But now its time for bed." Fagin said pulling the blanket up and around him. "Big day tomorrow."

I looked up at Dodge again hoping for him to explain, but he held up a finger to me. They made sure Fagin didnt need anymore, as soon, the man fell asleep. Everyone started to go their own ways, each having their own bed's on different sides of the room.

Dodger nudged his arm at mine and i fallowed him and Rita over by the door. "So . . ." i crossed my arms at the two.
"Fagin had borrowed money from this guy name Sycks. He's not able to pay the guy back." Rita told me.

"Sychs wants his money. If we dont get it for him with in 3 days . . ." Dodge's face looked tiered all of a sudden. "Well lets just say we wont be here."

"Sorry to hear that." i could see that all this has really taken a toll on them. "Wish i could help."

"Why cant you?" Rita asked looking confused.

"Where ive been staying is pretty far from here-"

"Your leaving?" Dodge raised his brow at me.

"Well . . . yeah."

"But we want you to stay." Rite smiled at me.

"You do? But you dont even know me."

"I can read people really well. An i can tell that you are a sweet girl."

Dodged smirked again. "Unless you want to go back to begging for scraps." At that point my stomach growled. Louder then normal. This made them both laugh. "Hang on." he walked off and brought back one of the hot dogs. "Here."

He passed it to me and without a second thought i ate it in just 3 bites. "How long since the last time you ate?" Rita asked.
"2 day's." i say after swallowing.

"Ill make sure to save one for the cat." Dodger say's walking off. He walked over to an area that had blankets stacked on top of each other and a few pillows. Most likely his bed.

"We would like it if you stayed hun." Rita smiled at me again.

I sighed and looked over at Oliver, who was fast asleep in Fagin's lap. It would be nice to not have to walk all the way back to the junked car. But i dont know these people either. Looking at the old man, when i looked at his face. His eyes. It was warm. Something i havent seen in a long time.

"Alright." I say. "But just for the 3 days. Then im going to be out of here."

Rita smirked at me. "Alright. We'll see."

"Danni." Dodger half yells half whispers. I looked at him and waved for me to come over.

Rita walked of to the other side of the room as i walked over to Dodger.

His bed had to be the largest out of everyone here. He had so meny blankets that it was a foot off the ground, and had so meny pillow's. Next to it was a much smaller bed. With one blanket and one pillow.

"You made me a bed next to your?" i ask crossing my arms at him. He looked at me confused then looked at the two beds. He pointed to the bigger one.

"You sleeping there." He nodded to the other one as he bent down near an old suitcase. "Im going to sleep on that one.
"I looked at him shocked. "I cant push you out of your bed Dodger. Ill sleep in that one."

"Already made up my mind." When he stood he pulled off his shirt showing off his chest and abs. His pants were un-buttoned showing off a little of his boxers. I blinked a few times not really sure what to do. Seeing me staring at him he smirked. "Unless you want to sleep in the same bed."

I felt my face get hot, so i looked away. "Creep." I hear him chuckle. "Are you sure you dont want to switch?"

"Im sure." I still couldnt look at him, so instead i pulled off my shoes and my hoodie, then climbed onto the blanket bed. When i laid down, it was so soft that i thought i was going to fall right threw. I pulled the covers over me as Dodger laid in his bed. "So let me guess, runaway."

"What?" i asked.

"How you came to the streets." I looked over at him. He had pulled the blanket over him, covering his abs at least. "Im guessing you were a run away."

"How did you figure?" He turned his head twords me.

"Cause your to good looking to be out here." That made me blush again, making me look back up at the roof.

"I guess you can say that. . ."

"What made you run?"

I sighed, not liking the memory. "Mom was a druggy. She tried to sell me to some guy when she ran out of money." He was quiet. "What about you?"

"Foster care." I looked back over to him as he looked at the roof now. "After being sent to home after home, i figured i'd do better on my own." He looked back at Fagin. "When Fagin found me he brought me back here. I had found where i belonged."

"Seems nice." He looked back at me.

"So your not going to stay?" I shook my head. "You'd do good here."

"I would feel like im imposing." I shrugged. "I just want to help. Once he's paid his dept. Im gone."

He was quit for a moment. "Shame. Hate to see you leave."

It was quiet for a while. I dont know how long i was laying there, just looking up at the roof. I knew i was tiered but i couldn't fall asleep. I turned onto my side and leaned over. Dodger was sound asleep. His chest and abs were still exposed, the blanket only covering from his waist down. His face seemed so peaceful. So relaxed. He was really hot. I'd give him that.

A meow brought my attention to the foot of the bed. Oliver had jumped up onto the bed and was making its way over to me. I smiled at him and he curled up by my stomach. I laid back down and ran my hand down his fur. Feeling his warmth, i felt sleep coming to me. An soon, i was able to fall asleep.

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