All of Me (August Alsina Love...


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She was a rich girl, and he was a complicated boy. Will she get caught up in his world, and will he be able... More

Size Me Up.
Fuck With Me.
First Day Part 1


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"How long have you been coming out here?"

"Maybe a year na'. This is kind of like ma' thinking spot."

He put and arms around my shoulder as we looked out at the bay. The sun was setting over the buildings on the other side. It was beautiful.

"You're more complicated than you really let on." I stated as I looked up at him.


"Yeah." I smiled.

"Maybe your right." He smiled. "I've been told that befo'."

"I bet you have." I giggled.

After a few moments of silence, he spoke.

"So, I brought you outchea because I've always kind of wanted to share this spot with somebody. Someone that I knew would appreciate it for what it really is."

I frowned my eyebrows at him. "And what is it exactly."

"A safe haven. A place to get away from all the bullshit."

He pulled away from me and rested his forearms on his knees.

"I don't want you to think I'm moving fast, but I just wanted to bring ya' here." he smiled widely at me.

I nodded and leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder. I found myself becoming more and more comfortable with being close to him. With other guys, I was really shy and self conscious about being touchy feely with one of the opposite sex, but with Aug it was natural. Like we stuck together like magnets that were difficult to pull apart.

His phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and put is arm around me again while answering.

"Waddup bro."

"Aye, bring yo fast ass back to the crib homie. You ain't finna get away with kidnapping my little sister." he and I laughed. I could hear my brothers loud voice.

August chuckled and ran his fingers up and down my arm.

"Chill bruh, we coming back in a few." He hung up and softly nudged me to get up. We walked back to his truck and he helped me in.

"Small ass." He said before closing my door.

I giggled and watched him walk around. He got in a started up. On the way back I looked out the window and watched the sun set under the trees. The sun reflected off of the water and made it look an orange and purple color.

August turned on the radio and Into You by Tamia started to play.

With every passing moment

Thoughts of you run through my head

Every time that I'm near you

I realize that you're heaven sent.

August looked over at me and smirked. I felt my cheeks becoming hot and covered my mouth as I giggled.

"What?" he smiled. He had his left hand on the wheel and the other rested on the middle.

I shook my head no and started to sing lowly.

"I think you're truly something special. Just what my dreams are really made of. Lets stay together you and me boy. There's no one like you around, oh baby."

"Uh oh! Let me find out you can blow baby girl." He said reading me.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.

"Nah but for real. You sounded really good though."

I smiled and thanked him.

We arrived at his house a few minutes later and I saw Brians and my car parked in the driveway.

We got out and made our way to the front door.

"Your brother is finna get in my ass." He chuckled.

"Eh. He'll be alright."

August unlocked the door and as soon as we stepped in, all eyes were on us.

"Finally! The games on bruh." Chris yelled.

I walked behind him into the living room after I took my sandals off and left them at the door.

"What's the score?"

"7-10. The falcons are winning." Brian said as he put a hand full of popcorn into his mouth.

The room smelled like weed smoke and junk food.

"Nah. My saints will come back."

August grabbed my hand and led us to the love seat that was unoccupied. We sat and he immediately placed his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him.

My stomach erupted in butterflies. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his torso and began watched the game. I felt him place a sweet kiss on my forehead, never taking his eyes off of the tv.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I took it out and unlocked the screen.

Brian: Y'all two getting cozy huh? 😂

I shook my head and replied.

Me: Mind your own business boy. ✋😒

We sat and watched the game until it finished. The score was 24-17, meaning that the Saints had won. Brian and Chris both handed August crisp hundred dollar bills.

I walked into the kitchen and got myself a bottle of water. The boys' rowdiness had given me a headache.

"What's up Bri?" A voice said next to me.

I look to my left to see Trey leaning against the counter.

"Hi." I said.

He looked at me, searching my eyes. I looked at him weirdly before he opened the cabinet and reached up, grabbing an aspirin bottle. He handed it to me and I gladly accepted.

"They take a minute to get used to." He said referring to his friends.

"No they're good. I'm just a little naïve to everything that's all." I smiled. I thanked him and took two of the pills.

"So where did you and Aug end up going." He asked looking down at his feet. He placed his hands in his pockets.

I frowned my eyebrows at him. I didn't know if August had told the boys about our spot so I made something up.

"Just out to get some ice cream." I shrugged.

"Oh. Alright." He nodded.

I had decided that it was time for me to go. I really wanted to finish unpacking and laying out all of my things for classes on Monday.

I walked out of the kitchen, leaving Trey in his weird thoughts.

"I'm about to go." I said to the boys.

August and Brian got up to walk me to the door.

"Bye Chris, bye Red." I waved at them and my hugged my goodbye. I looked at Trey as he emerged from the kitchen.

"Later Bri." He smirked. He gave me a side hug and I pulled away quickly.

I walked in front of Brian and August. We got outside and my brother handed me my keys.

"Call me when you get back to your room." Brian said as he gave me a brotherly hug.

"Alright" I giggled and pulled away, smiling at him.

He kissed my cheek and walked back inside, leaving August and I alone.

"What time is your first class on Monday?" he asked as I walked to the drivers side of my BMW.

"9:00 I think. Maybe 9:30."

"Oh, you're an early bird huh?" he smiled.

"Yeah. I guess you can say that."

"Well, maybe we can get lunch, or dinner." He looked down at me and licked his lips. I looked into his eyes.

"Y-yeah. We can. I'll see what time I'm free."

He nodded and placed his hands on my waist. He leaned down and placed his forehead on mine.

"You know, I still don't have your number?" he smiled.

I laughed, and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I handed it to him and he started to put his number in.

"Text me before you go to bed." He placed his hand behind my back and slipped my phone in the back pocket of my jeans.

Our bodies were so close that I felt myself getting hot. I squeezed his arms what were wrapped tightly around me. He looked down at me again, licking his lips as he looked at mine.

I wanted him to kiss me. But I thought it was too soon. We had just met and despite our body language, it was all too early for that. As if he read my mind, he kissed my forehead sweetly. I smiled and placed my hands on his chest. Butterflies flooded my stomach for the second time today.

"I'll text you later."

He nodded. I felt like he didn't want me to leave. The way me was holding into my waist.

I reluctantly pulled away from him. I got in my car and started it up. I watched August stand in the driveway and wait for me to pull off. I waved at him as I shifted into drive, and rode down his neighborhood street.


I walked back into the house after Bri pulled off. To say that I liked her was a understatement. I caught myself smiling all the time when she was around. And I could control it. She brought out the good in me. I just had to control myself before she saw the worst of me.

I noticed Trey talking to her at breakfast this morning and in the kitchen earlier, with his sneaky ass. We were all friends and brothers, but I always said that I would keep my eye on Trey.

I sat on the couch next to Brian and sighed.

"What's up bro?" He said.

"Yeah Aug, you seem stressed bruh." Trey smirked.

I looked at him a squinted my eyes.

"Don't even talk to me bruh." I said as I sat back and closed my eyes.

"Aye. I was just asking you a question."

I leaned forward again and looked at him.

"Yeah bruh you was. Just like you were JUST trying to holla at Bri on some slick shit today. TWICE."

He chuckled lowly. "Man whatever. Y'all ain't even official. We'll see what happen."

"Don't fuck with my emotions nigga. Official or not, that's my girl. Point blank period. And I won't hesitate to put one of my 'friends' in his place. So watch your mouth bruh."

I got up and went upstairs. I slammed the door behind me. I swear this nigga is a snake. The fact that he's doing exactly what I though he was trying to go pissed me off. I know he won't stop either, that's the worst part.

My phone rang and I picked it up instantly with out looking at the name.

"Hello." I said harshly.

"Uh, Hi Aug." She said hesitantly.

I sighed realizing that it was Bri.

"Sorry. What's up baby girl? I though you would've called me later."

"Well I just got in and I know that I'll probably be too tired and forget to call you so I did it now." I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Damn, am I that forgettable?" I chuckled. She made me half way forget about what's had happened just two minutes ago.

"No. Not at all. But what's got you sounding so hostile." She questioned.

I sighed and sat on the bed. "Nothing. Trey and I just kind of got into it."

"Really? What about?"

"Nothing that I would want you ta' worry 'bout."

"Oh...alright. Well I just wanted to hear your voice. I'll text you in the am?"

I heard shuffling on her end, I assumed that she was getting ready to unpack and get ready for bed.

"Yeah. Make sure you don't forget." I chuckled. She gave me a laugh in return and we hung up.

I know that Brielle and I could develop and good connection and she wasn't like the rest of these hoes outchea. She had a good head on her shoulders and she knew what she wanted. Whether or not I was one of those things was for me to find out.

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