ContractーH.S AU

By BananasAndPotatos

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The Demon rubbed his temples, "Oh you stupid Mortal," he said in a mix of disappointment and laughter, "I me... More

Disclaimer and Cast!


431 31 94
By BananasAndPotatos

When you watch movies, there seems to be this moment that just seems to fit in perfectly. Whether it be Deadpool's kickass comebacks, Jack and Rose's kiss in Titanic, or a scene where the protagonist is helped by a character in the middle of a robbery or assault, it just always seems to fit.

Sometimes, in some cases, the hero can be a strong independent woman, or oneself, but in this case, well, let's just say it's that one person you never knew was scary when angry. Like...angry angry.

The moment I heard his voice, I instantly knew who it was. How was he supposed to know I was working this late? What was going to happen? In other words, what was he going to do to the mugger?

I mean, judging by his tall frame, current cold stare, dark hair, and threatening pose, something was going to happen right?

"Hey, hey, hey!" The familiar voice intruded. Up to this point, he had managed to forcefully get him away from me by making space between us, "Back the fuçk up!" he said as he placed his whole arm in front of me-seeming to be somehow protective.

The mugger seemed to not be intimidated and noticeably appeared to be ready to lunge at him with a sharp metallic object in his hand.

I swear today felt like some Hollywood movie because the moment that happened, the sound of a roaring engine furiously erupted and to my immediate shockingly surprise, I recognized another familiar voice that I never imagined would help me.

His furious voice yelled from the other side of the parking lot, "Hey Asshole!" He said as he applied pressure on his car's pedal, "Get a load of this you shïtball!"

The car, instantly made its way towards us as fast as the car from Back to The Future; and I could've sworn that I would have died right then but, no.

He wasn't really going towards us:

He was going after the mugger.

And the mugger knew; just like everyone else with common sense, they would know better and sca-daddle ski-doodle outta there.

Each second, he came closer and closer, noticeably making the mugger nervous because at this speed, there was no way that that car was going to stop for him and as soon as possible, the mugger finally decided to spring away from the scene heading towards the car.

"Oh no you're not!" The drivers voice shouted at the mugger before turning to his direction attempting to run him over.

"You're fucking crazy!" The guy screamed at the top of his lungs, "what kind of psychopath are you?!"

He didn't answer however, he managed to chase him down with his car until he stopped his automobile next to mine. And to my surprise, the person sitting on the passengers seat happened to be my wannabe college dropout roomie, David Dobrik.

"Dude no fucking way! This is totally gonna make a great video," he said as he turned to the drivers seat, "And Jason, my main man friend, that was some pretty damn good acting! How was the look on his face? Was it the same look on his face that your ex-wife gave you?"

Jason obviously ignored his statement, "Thanks," he replied sarcastically as he scratched his over grown grey hair and then scratched his 2 day old facial hair. By now, he had made his way to us in his car, "Hey Arihi," he said as he looked at me trying to find an answer, "you okay? Did that fucking creep do anything to you?"

This was actually the first time I felt he was genuine. Like, I didn't feel like he was acting; although Jason was a divorced man in his 40's with two kids trying to find an acting career in Southern California, he was actually really caring.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm all good. He just grabbed my arm but that was all. Thank you guys so much. I don't know what could've happened if any of you didn't show up,"

"Aww, you're welcome Ari," My other next door roomie, Josh stepped in before pulling into a hug, "Bonding moment!" He said as he pulled me into an almost suffocating hug with his big built arms.

"Ayee," David said as he pulled his camera down.

"Okay okay, Josh. It's getting pretty hard to breathe," I said as my small body gasped for air, "You're forgetting your strength buddy,"

"Oops," he said as he immediately let me go, "Sorry. I guess I still haven't gotten used to my body yet," he said shyly before patting my back. "But at least you're A-Okay!"

Josh had been obese for a large part of his life until he decided to do something about it. According to him, he was always chubby and people at school used to call him: Josh Peck who doesn't Peck his food, but Gobbles it. Overall he had moved in with me since we became friends but ever since we've been friends, he's been like my mom friend and he's an amazing listener. David? Not so much.

"Okay you guys." Jason warned, "Let's go back. I have to get back to my house and you guys to yours. I honestly don't know how you guys got me to come here but it was rad. Now, let's go or I'm ditching your sorry ass Josh."

Me and Josh both nodded, "Okay," he said, "I'll drive Arihi home and you drive David home."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jason snapped, "I had to deal with this asshole for a whole car ride and now I have to take him back?" He said before David released an offended, "Hey!"

Josh simply shook his head and sighed, "okay okay," he said, "You can take Arihi home and I'll drive with David, Okay?"

Jason offered him a thankful smile, "Thank You! Now we're being reasonable. Okay then Sweetheart," he changed his tone to sweet and cuddly. As if he was talking to a 6 year old, " get in the car before David says anything else."

I shook my head and laughed, "okay," I said before opening the door. Before I knew it, Jason had already kicked David out of his car before I even got in which made me wonder what if these two were handcuffed together like in those Buzz-feed videos?


The drive was pretty much chill with Jason. Nothing much. He just asked me normal questions of what I think a dad would ask his daughter if he ever came across this kind of situation.

It felt nice.

"So you're home and safe." Jason said confirmingly, "Can you walk to your door? I can see it from here and since we're neighbors, I think we're good," he said.

I nodded, "Yeah, I can do it," I said before turning to him, "I didn't get a chance to properly thank you but thank you for coming. God knows what would've happened if no one showed up. But thank you for taking a part of your day. I really appreciate it, Jason."

He softly nodded, "Sure thing kiddo. But if you ever need anything, you call us, okay? Not that weird edgy David teen. He wouldn't even kill a fly to save your life-no offense."

I nodded, "Non-taken,"

The time remaining basically ended in another thank you and me walking towards my door as Jason did the same to his house. I waved at him and he did the same. Who knew a guy who I thought was weirdo with no social life, active life could be pretty badass at times?

Opening my door, I already knew who'd be there to welcome me. My one and only love, Maple.

"Hi baby!" I said in a baby voice, "How's my precious baby? How's my baby? You've been good haven't you?" I said as I scratched my baby behind the ear as she tried to jump on me all excited.

"Where's David and Josh?" I asked mainly to myself. She seemed to know what I meant and barked at the door.

She was right. She could probably hear them Park in front of the driveway.

"We're here!" Josh announced as he came in carrying my old boxes of cookies and stuff.

"There you guys are! What took you guys a while? Me and Jason left after you guys,"

"Ohhhh," Josh said, "David was hungry and since he was so tired of defending you, he said he at least deserved some food. So we got some McDonald's."

"Now hold on a sec," David said as he stormed in with a soda tray and two full bags of McDonald's and his camera was placed between his side and arm, "I filmed the accident meaning that if anything happened we had evidence so technically I helped. Didn't I Arihi?" He asked in hope of support from me.

I nodded, "I guess he's right. You never know,"

David sighed happily, "Alright then, Arihi, I got you your favorite: chicken nuggets, medium french fries, and a large Coke. And I didn't forget to ask for ketchup and BBQ sauce, okay? Josh was being a little bitch saying that he didn't want anything so he was gonna get ice cream but the poor guy didn't know that this McDonald's we went to has had its ice cream machine broken for the past 6 years!" He wheezed out laughing hysterically, "Oh. My. God. This is pure gold!"

I rolled my eyes, "Can I please have some food? I'm really hungry."

Josh sighed and grabbed my bag and a coke; handing it to me, "Here," he said nicely, "The straw's inside so you're good. And you've got a couple of napkins,"

"Thanks!" I beamed at him and kissed his cheek. "You're the best! And I didn't thank you enough for what you did there. You really are a hero,"

David stepped in, "What about me?" He questioned.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "You too David, you too." I said as I went over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Now," Josh said as he looked at his phone, "It's getting pretty late so I gotta get going to bed and hit the gym tomorrow morning but you are okay, right Arihi? No scratches, burns or anything right?" He asked assuringly.

"No I'm good,"

"Okay, if you need anyone to talk to or anyone to vent, you know where to find me, okay? Now, the Peck has to get to his nest if ya know what I mean. Goodnight you guys-and sweet dreams Arihi. Not for you David, cuz you don't deserve my upmost love and affection like Arihi. Goodnight!" He said as he headed to room before he ruffled my hair like an older brother.

After he was gone, I turned to David, "You Okay?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yeah, I just need to eat. And hey, are you sure you're good?"

I let out a shaky breath for some reason, "Yeah. I'm perfectly fine. Thanks for asking. Are you going to eat in the kitchen or in your room?" I asked.

"Nah," he paused as he brought up his food, "I'm taking these to my room whilst I procrastinate on my college homework. You good about that?"

"Yeah. Goodnight David-and thanks again."

He clicked his tounge, "No prob." He said as he left the main hall and into his room.

When I walked in my room, I made sure to lock it and I plopped down on my fluffy ocean blue colored bed and started to eat from my stomach as I scrolled down through my phone.

"Oooo," I said as I had a new notification pop up from my favorite reading app, SnappPad. "Oh my gosh!" I freaked out. MacNCheeseQueen69 just uploaded a new chapter of my all-time favorite favorite book characters, Allen James and Will Snow! It's such a successful hit on SnappPad that it's even got a ship name! Willen Snames! And I've got no shame in still liking them after almost 5 years.

Their love story was so romantic. Will was meant to be a Wizard and attend Manchester University of Magic. Allen was what seemed to be your ultimate bad boy-dark hair, brown eyes, and dimples. He was impulsive at times and a wiz at the sciences but meant well while Will, a blue eyed brunette was smart, philosophical and a first year wizard-while Allen was a second year wizard. Their romance had gotten popular over the years since their love was forbidden and had to keep it on the low and the writer had just announced that a new movie would be released based on the book. How wonderful!

I happily nodded and threw my food in the trash. Romance. It was so wonderful in the movies.

"Hey," I heard a voice behind me that sent me chills. I knew that voice. And his breath sure as Hell sent shivers down my spine.

I immediately turned around surprised.

"Oh hey demon! I didn't know you'd stop by! How're things doing? Do you have any updates on my soon to be boyfriend slash husband???"

He sighed and bit his lip. "Actually," he said as he scratched the back of his neck, there was a mistake in our contract..."

"A mistake?" I widened my eyes.

"Yeah. It was on we were set on getting from one another..."

My heart stopped beating for a second, "Please don't tell me instead of love, I'm getting a Grove, or a Glove, or a Dove as nice as it sounds."

The Demon rubbed his temples, "Oh you  stupid Mortal," he said in a mix of disappointment and laughter, "I meant your fist Porn, not your first Born!"

"Well, this is awkward." I said between breaths, "So lemme get this straight: you don't want to take my first born but instead, you wanna take my first porn? As in, first Sex Tape?" I asked in clarification, "Why mine?"

The Green eyed being hissed in annoyance, "Human Pornography is quite an exquisite form of art you know?"

I grimaced as the Demon casually sipped his wine that had somehow popped in at some point, "Yeah, I don't do that. Plus, I'm the most Asexual person you'll ever meet so..."

He chocked, "Asexual?" He parroted.

"Yeah," I bopped, "It means a person without sexual feelings."

The Demon cocked an eyebrow, "How can you mortals live without sex? You mortals need sex in order to reproduce." He explained like an old middle school science teacher I had.

"Well it's 2018, modern up a bit." I said before I picked up my old cassette tape that had momentarily fallen out of my back pack.

"And if I remember correctly," I said as I held my tape, "We made a deal. And I think I was supposed to get my part of the deal first,"

"You were that one kid that wanted love?" He snorted, "How Pathetic if you'd ask me,"

I frowned, "Not as pathetic as asking someone for their first porn."

That shut him up for good, "So look, I can't tell when your love' is supposed to come to you. Hell, I don't even know who it is, so I can't really help you out here, you know? But it's coming."

"You're the Devil! Can't you like, at least tell me what his favorite drink is?"

He sighed, "It's not that easy, we're not as psychic as we seem to be. It's harder with you."

"So you have been asked for love?"

The Demon scratched the back of his head, "I mean, yes. But not the kind of love you want. Whenever someone asks for love, it usually falls in the 'Lust' category here- which is easier to predict; but what you're asking for, it's not that easy."

I nodded, " there anything I can do in the meantime?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Just go back to your normal human life and you'll have your normal little human in no time,"

Sighing, I shrugged and nodded, "Okay," I breathed out, "Sounds good. I'm just gonna go home and take a nice relaxing bath after a long day and ooh! Get some scented candles! I haven't been able to treat myself in 2 days! Can you believe it?!"

"Yeah yeah, once you get what you want, you come to me okay? Then we figure out what I want. In the meantime," he paused as he snapped his fingers and instantly, a basket of scented soaps and candles appeared right before me, "You go home and enjoy these scented soaps and candles, Got it?"

I nodded like a child on Christmas morning, "Got it! You're the best! Thanks!" I said before he lightly nodded and before I knew it, I was back home on my bed.


Apparently, Demons really did have good taste.

Especially Bath Bombs.

Looking back at the plastic wrapping titled, "Souls in A Ball," was so satisfying. Once the bath bomb had made contact with the water, almost instantly, the bomb erupted in glitter. It was as if there was a unicorn massacre-scratch that, unicorn party, going on.

I couldn't help but think of the Demon's intentions. Why would he ever want such a thing like that? Was he going to expose me? I sure hope not because I wouldn't like my Grandmother looking at me doing the 'do' with someone. So my top priority was to follow to Granny rule. Don't do something you wouldn't want your grandmother to see. It's simple.

**✿❀ ❀✿***✿❀ ❀✿***✿❀ ❀✿**

A lot of you guys were asking "when are you going to update??" And here I am!

Sorry for the slack. I actually had some family issues but it's all good fam! I hope you like this semi-unedited chapter and I added somethings wayyy last minute. But happy 3.1K word chapter!

Hahaha I totally fûcked you guys up thinking it was Harry who was gonna save Ari but nah lol he's an asshole rn ((;

Here's a gif or two of our lovely Arihi! I love this girl so much!

Let's have one for our Daddy Harry

Final note: Do you guys want a LONG haired Harry or a SHORT haired Harry? Go cast your votes on the Gifs by commenting and majority wins so have fun saying why you think long/short haired Harry is the best!
(The gifs are in this order: short 2018 hair, medium 2014 hair, or long 2015/16 hair).

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