Wakfu x Male Reader

By Mecha_Fenix

74.7K 906 1.3K

This is the story of the adventures of (y/n) in the world of Wakfu. I suck for descriptions :V More

Vote your character.
Chapter 1: The adventure begins
Chapter 3: Black Crow
Chapter 4: Tough decision
Chapter 5: The seven magnificents
Chapter 6: Vampyro
I'm not okay (vote)
The readers have spoken!
Chapter 7:The abyss and poisons.
Chapter 8: The life of the abyss knight.
Listen ... We need to talk
Chapter 9: Truth.
On hold for now
Chapter 10: Training
Chapter 11: Dangerous game (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Dangerous game (Part 2)

Chapter 2: Yugo

5.6K 76 141
By Mecha_Fenix

(no ones POV)

Screams, screams everywhere! The village of Elmeka was being attacked by strange small creatures whose body was composed of a strange black liquid, these creatures wore small helmets made of wood or acorns and had tentacles on their heads, those tentacles turned people into plants just by touching them. The Elmeka villagers ran in all directions in an attempt to escape, some were not as lucky as others. Some of these creatures were chasing a couple, but the creatures changed their direction to the corner of a house, then Ruel appeared in front of them with his shovel ready to go into action.

Ruel: Well, say hi to the human excavator you dirty beast! Ruel Stroud is here!

Ruel used his shovel to crush the small monsters and with all his strength he turned them into a monster cigar.

(Mecha: Really? Monster cigar? I'm very original)

Elsewhere in the village, Yugo chased the creatures on a barrel and a large wooden spoon. He hit some of the creatures with the big wooden spoon while he rolled the barrel, crushing those he couldn't hit. On the other hand, Nora found some holes in the ground through which some of the monsters came. She took her hammer and started hitting every creature who dared to bring his head to the surface.

Nora: I wonder what my prize will be?

In another part of the village, a group of children was cornered by monsters in a space between two houses and a wall. The only two exits they had were to make their way through the monsters, which as children are unlikely to succeed. The other option was to climb the wall, but being so small they would not get it in time out of there. The three children embraced each other, expecting the worst. But arriving at the best of times, you jumped in front of them with your sword drawn. You passed your hand over the blade of the sword and it was enveloped in flames, then you performed a lunge and your sword flared the monsters, turning the creatures into ashes. The children you had saved looked at you with stars in their eyes, as if they had seen a superhero.

(y/n): Are you alright kids?

Kid1: That was awesome!

(y/n): *chuckle* Thanks, but for now go somewhere safe and don't separate.

Kid2: Okay, thanks mister!

The three children took a chance you gave them and ran away from the center of the village, where most of the creatures were.

(y/n)(mind): I'd better go find Nora, 


Alibert fought bravely to the creatures in an attempt to defend his home, but being outnumbered and being surrounded by little by little, it is only a matter of time for him to end up like the other villagers.

Alibert: Get outta my village, you ugly beasts!

He began to crush the little monsters one by one, but his attention was diverted to an innocent family that had been surrounded by the monsters. This family was made up of three children and their mother, who were on a barrel trying to avoid the monsters, and their father who desperately tried to reach his family from the window of his home. 

Jason: Mia!

The father of the family was going to jump to help his family, but at the foot of the window of his house, there were three of the little creatures waiting for him.

Alibert: Stay where it's safe, Jason! Let me clean up this mess first.  

Then Alibert with his shovel hit the creatures against the wall to protect his friend. 

Jason: Mister Mayor, look out!

One of the little creatures was not finished yet, with the last ounce of his strength, he stretched out his little claw and came into contact with Alibert. Slowly, turning him into a human statue composed of plants. Yugo and Nora arrived to see how fate can sometimes take away more than it actually gives.

Yugo: Dad!

Nora: Oh no.

Alibert: Yugo, listen to me! You will get message to tell you where to find your real family. The message! Go find the message! 

Yugo: Dad! No! Move! Say something!

Yugo desperately tried to make his father move but it was in vain. Tears fell from his eyes as he saw his father become nothing more than a statue. Nora hugged Yugo, allowing him to let go of the pain as he cried on her shoulder. At the bottom of this scene was a mechanical beetle, carefully observing the situation. 


Gears with lenses move continuously while a stranger's laughter echoed on the walls of his home. Once the gears stop moving, they reveal the image of Yugo in front of his vegetable father and Nora, trying to comfort him.

???: The Polters are wreaking havoc. That old oak tree didn't take kindly to my Noxin. 

The gears once again moved showing Yugo. These images were observed by a man with a peculiar armor and covered with bandages as if he were a mummy

???: Oh, my. This boy! 

One of the lenses moved zooming into Yugo's hand, showing a peculiar glow in the palm of his hand. 

???: Such energy! Amazing! It can't be true. No human contains that much wakfu.

Another of the lenses moved, but this time watching a small yellow bird with a long blue feather on his tail. These birds are called Tofu, but usually they do not carry feathers that long or of other color than a soft yellow.

???: And this Tofu. Since when do these stupid birds have such high levels of energy?

Then out of nowhere, the beetle had been lifted off the ground by a person, who happened to be you. His lens was staring at you while scanning your energy.

???: This guy has even more energy than I had seen before! His energy is comparable to that old dragon!

Then you squeezed the beetle hard, causing it to explode into small pieces.

???: I just may have found that dragon again with a small extra gift. How convenient that all that energy is in one place.

(with you)(your POV)

This is the same beetle that I saw during the morning, something or someone is watching us. Once I destroyed the little robot, Ruel approached to inspect the strange technological device. Next to him flew one of these strange yellow birds, tofu was his name? How did I not see it before?

Ruel: My, my, Az. That's quite weird.

The remains of the little robot released a small cloud in the air and I could not help but to feel that something was wrong with that.

Ruel: Stay behind, Az.

Me: Is that life essence?

Ruel: I don't like this blue smoke!

The blue smoke touched the ground and in a matter of seconds, the smoke grew a large oak that exceeded the size of the houses of the entire village.

Ruel: Holy Bwork!

Me: Yep, life essence.

Ruel: Any chance that would work on a stash of kamas?

Once Ruel finished with his financial fantasies, we headed towards Yugo and Nora. The situation was not pleasant because of Alibert, it must be hard for a child to see his father turned into a garden decoration. 

Ruel: Poor, poor Alibert! Don't worry, Yugo, we'll find a cure.

Nora: We don't need a cure, we have (y/n) with us!

Me: Nora.

Nora: He has a lot of knowledge in magic, surely he could cure your father in the blink of an eye!

Me: Nora...

Yugo: Can he really save my father?

Nora: Of course yes! You should have seen him in action back at home, one day he-


Seriously, I would like Nora not to make things worst. Now everyone expects me to give them some kind of positive solution to this problem, what can I say to not make this worst than it already is?

Me: What Nora tries to say is that I can treat some kind of wounds, but this is a curse. I can't do much for him, I'm sorry.

Ruel: Well... I know an Eniripsa who...

???: Where is he?

We all turned our attention towards the origin of this voice, it turned out to be a person with orange hair, I guess he is an Iop.

Iop: The boy who freed me from the evil Rubilax?

Ruel: Well, I had forgotten about him.

Nora: Who was him again?

Me: We never asked his name.

Ruel: You finally woke up, then?

Iop: Sir Percedal of Sadlygrove. Noble knight, Order of the guardians of the shushus. You saved my soul! I will repay debt, even if it costs me my life!

???: That's not the way he talks to me!

Nora: What the-

???: A knight. I've heard that one before.

Mr. Sadlygrove took a dagger with an eye of the case that was tied to his belt and began to shout at it, that must be the demon that possessed him.

Dally: I command you to put a sock in it, demon!

Nora: Your sword can talk!?

Dally: The problem is that he never shut up!

Rubilax: You'd still be a farmhand if it wasn't for me. And a dead one at that!

Dally: I had a moment of weakness, that's all! I'd have been just fine without you.

Me(mind): Oh for Seris, they look like a married couple.

I began to ignore this uneven couple to try to focus on the problem. But on the other hand, the situation of this village has nothing to do with our mission. Damn the code of the abyss knights but it is my duty to help those who need it, after all I have an eternity in this world to find the eliacube.

Dally: Oh, you had Polters here as well? They invaded two other villages. They come from the forbidden forest. I went myself, but didn't have time to find out very much. I was attacked by a vile monster when I was asleep. 

Rubilax: And that's when you cried, so I promised to save your life. And then remember wh...

Me: Can we get to the point! We are wasting time here!

Dally without listening to me, began to hit Rubilax against a rock while both said curse words towards each other. Nora did not stop laughing out loud and Ruel was facepaming himself. 

Yugo: Let's go! If we can find out why these polters attacked us, we might be able to find a solution.

Mia: Be careful, Yugo. Terrible things have happened in that forest.

Me: I will make sure to keep them safe.

Yugo: Don't worry, Ruel and I will sort it all out. 

Ruel: I usually don't work free of charge, but I'll make an exception for an old friend.

Nora: This sounds like a new adventure!

I hope to find the solution for this fast, so I can refocus on my main mission.

(time skip)

We were in the forbidden forest, Nora and I stayed behind the group while we watched how fast Yugo learned how to use his powers. 

Me: Nora, something was watching us since we arrived at the village.

Nora: You mean Ruel.

Me: I mean something that doesn't try to take the coins from our pockets.

Nora: Who?

Me: I have no idea. Whoever this person is, it is seems to have a superior technological knowledge.

Nora: Do you think it's related to Eliacube.

Me: I'm not sure. We can't afford to jump to conclusions just like that.

???: HELP!!!

Dally: A damsel in distress! Awesome!

Me: How in the heck that is awesome!?

Dally and I quickly headed towards the direction of the cries for help. I use my magic to control the wind and accelerate my speed, I hope it's not too late. I arrived first and saw a girl with pointed ears and a bow riding a kind of dinosaur, and a green-haired girl standing on a branch. It is difficult to remember the name of all the species in this world.

Me: Time to work!

I covered my sword of fire and then I used my sword to cut and burn the little monsters. Dally arrived shortly and helped me to finish off the monsters. Those who didn't stay to fight escaped to the center of the forest. One of the creatures had sneaked off to the plant girl, but Yugo appeared and used his portals to make it fall off the branch where the creature was making it fall to the floor and be stunned. The dinosaur that the elf girl mounted was frightened and ran away, causing her to fall off her mount. Luckily Dally caught her and held her like a princess. The girl who was on the branch lose her balance and began to fall, I quickly ran and jump to catch her and so she wouldn't get hurt. Unfortunately, her fall was stronger than I expected and when I caught her, we both fell together to the ground. She was on top of me and was getting up slowly, but when she saw me she kept frozen in place, sitting on my stomach.

Me: Umm... Hi?

(Mecha: This is not going to be an Amalia x Reader. but I wanted to add a bit of spice to the story, if you know what I mean?)

(Amalia POV) 

I had fallen off the branch when the little boy saved me from that Polter, I was preparing myself for the pain and close my eyes. But I had landed in something very soft, as if it was a person. When I opened my eyes I could see a boy with (f/c) hair, tied in a ponytail. He has beautiful blue eyes like the ocean. This boy is pure gold!

(Mecha: the blue eyes will make sense in the future)

(y/n): Umm... Hi?

Okay, Amalia, this is the first impression. Whatever you do, don't ruin it. 

Me: You have blue eyes.

(y/n): Thanks?

Me(mind): For sadida, I already ruined it!

After getting up from the handsome knight, the old man that I meet this morning began to introduce his entire group. So the name of my savior is (y/n) (l/n), It is peculiar and mysterious. For some reason the girl in their group Nora threw knives at me with her eyes, did I make her angry?

(Your POV)

I know that look from Nora, it's the look of "I'm going to break your legs". Returning to the point, Ruel finished explaining the reason for our trip to the forbidden forest.

Eva: Well, my name is Evangelyne and this is Amalia. We're on a pilgrimage together. 

Ruel: And what are you two pilgrims doing in the forbidden forest, if I may be so bold as to ask?

Eva: We-

Amalia: The same as you! Two nights ago I had a prophetic dream. Sadida told me to go to the forbidden forest for a special mission. So we were destined to meet each other and follow the same path! Even if some people think my imagination is overactive.

Dally: Like who?

Everyone was staring at Eva except for Nora, she was still looking with hatred at Amalia.

Eva: Someone has to be realistic, don't they?

Yugo: Cool! The more of us there are, the better the chance of saving my village.

Me: Then we should continue.

Amalia: *blushing* (y/n), can I hold your hand? I'm a little scared.

Nora: I'm sorry but (y/n) is going to take my hand to protect me.

Me: Nora, you have a hammer. 

Nora's expression changed into yandere mode... I have a bad feeling about this.

(time skip)

After a few minutes of a long walk that seemed hours by the discussions between Nora and Amalia. Finally, we reached the center of the forest. The trees were completely dry and the vegetation around was dead.

Me: Who would do something like this?

Eva: What's the matter?

Amalia: I... I felt something. An ancient, evil presence. We really aren't welcome here.

Nora: Then we will have to break their legs!

Rubilax: I like that girl.

Nora: *doing a cute pose* Thank you!

Me: What's up with this giant tree? I feel an angry essence coming from him.

Amalia: He's been affected, too. 

Ruel: That machine there.

On the ground near the tree, there was one of these mechanical beetles. But this one was completely destroyed.

Ruel: (y/n) pulverized one of those back in Emelka.

Yugo: Do you think this thing is related to the condition of the forest?

Some strange crows began to scream and one could feel the danger in the air, something bad is about to happen.

Me: Something is coming! 

From among a pile of remains of other adventurers who didn't have luck in the forbidden forest, some monster trees appeared, and they didn't look happy.

Ruel: Relax! I just hate seeing waste.

Nora: I don't think you can talk about recycling with the angry monster.

Dally: That's what attacked me in the middle of the night! 

Amalia: Treechnids!

The tree-like creatures surrounded us in a circle. Now there is only one obvious solution to the problem, defeat them one by one. Nora swapped her hammer to her grenade launcher mode and shot two of the monsters destroying them, then she made a victory pose as the rose smoke vanished with hearts. Amalia touched the ground causing giant vines to grow, they trapped and crushing one of the creatures. Dally used Rubilax to cut and easily defeat the evil trees. Ruel launched his shovel that worked like a boomerang, cutting and pulverizing several of the monsters. Then one of them tried to take me by surprise and attack me from behind, but I but I side step his attack while I took my sword out of its case. In a quick movement I cut first the arm with which the monster tried to attack me, then I ducked evading his next blow and cut his other arm. Finally I cut the creature in half, defeating it easily. The last of the monsters was frozen by one of Evangelyne's ice arrows.

Eva: Not bad for a doddery, old Enutrof.

Ruel: Not bad for two kamaless pilgrims and two tourists!

Dally: We sure showed 'em!

Me: There could be more.

I curse my own words, immediately after saying that, Dally and Amalia had been captured by the largest oak in the forest, which also turned out to be a hostile creature.

Nora: Don't you get tired of being right?

Me: *Sigh* Sometimes.

The great monstrous oak tree had dropped Dally and he was walking towards a painful death. Fortunately for Dally, Yugo created two portals that saved his life. Allowing him to enter by one and exit by the other, completely decreasing his fall, but with sickness of side effects. 

Ruel: Hmm, remind me never to set foot in a portal. There are safer ways to travel. 

Yugo: And Amalia?

For our bad luck, we had been completely surrounded by the same dwarf monsters that attacked the village.

Me: Give me a break!

The tree seemed to be talking to Amalia and for some reason the creatures around us stopped. Unfortunately, I can not hear what he is saying to her because of Nora.

Nora: Just give me the signal to knock him down with my grenade launcher.

Me: Don't do it, for some reason the monsters stopped. If they detect hostile signals from us, be sure that they will attack us again. Besides Amalia is still up there, you would only put her in danger or hurt her.

Nora: I hate when you are right!

Me: You mean always?

Nora: Yep.

I don't know what Amalia said to the great Oak, but it seems to have hurt his feelings. Then Again, the dwarf creatures approach us with not very friendly intentions. I low my guard for a moment when I saw Dally turned into a statue made of plants, which for some reason was trying to kiss Evangelyne.

Me: When did that happen?

Then, Nora crushed with her hammer one of the creatures that almost touch my leg from behind.

Nora: Less questions, more crushing!

Amalia was still talking to the great Oak, but this time it seemed to calm him down. Then, she used her powers to heal the great Oak and make the withered parts of her body grow back.

Oak: Amalia of the sadida kingdom. Thank you. You have calmed my anger. Like little Leaf did, oh, so long ago. Out of friendship for you and your people, I shall remain patient and have hope in mankind. 

Me(mind): Then you will be disappointed, my friend.

The big oak used the power of the gem that was on his forehead to heal the forest and order the little creatures to reverse the damage they did. Then, Dally returned to normal and continued his attempt to try to kiss Eva without knowing what had happened. But she eluded him and Dally mistakenly ended up kissing Ruel on the lips.

Rubilax: Now that is classy. 

Yugo: Thanks Amalia. You saved my village! Dad isn't gonna believe the adventure we had!

Me: Then let's go back so we can all tell him the story.

(time skip)

The little creatures were very kind to take us back to the village, once there they quickly reversed all the people to normality. Everything seemed to be fine again here, that means that Nora and I must return to our mission in search for Eliacube. 

???: Greetings. My name is Nox.

Me(mind): What now?

A mysterious man wearing armor had appeared out of nowhere and was levitating in front of us.

Nox: Do exactly as I say and everything will be... not so bad.

Nora quickly pulled out her hammer and got into a combat instance while I unsheathed my sword. The others also took out their weapons ready to attack Nox.

Nora: And if he does not want to listen to you?

Nox: I will attend to you two immediately, but first. You! The boy in the blue hat. We have a lot to talk about, too!

Alibert: The inn is closed! Come back tomorrow!

Eva: Get behind me, princess!

Me: This guy is dangerous!

Nox: You're quick, young Cra, but not as quick as I am!

Eva shot an arrow of light at Nox but he stopped the attack with what appeared to be telekinetic powers, then I shot with one of my runes a lightning bolt at the arrow, causing it to explode in front of him. But Nox had teleported behind us to avoid the damage.

Ruel: He's a Xelor. A time wizard! 

Nox raised his arms and after a small shock wave, He stoped the time around us.

Nox: And my time is precious. And your time is up! Now, my boy, you will tell me everything you know about Grougaloragran the dragon. And I mean everything!

Yugo: Dragon? I... I don't understand.

Nox: Maybe you'll talk more if I deal with your friends first. Starting with this little tofu. My machines will pluck it one feather at a time to find out why it is so filled with wakfu.

Nox used his telekinesis to take Az and tear off the blue pen he had in his tail. I try to struggle against his magic but without any result, I do not want to use the power of the abyss here and in this place. The feather that Nox take from Az flew out of his hands towards the sky. Then, the feather formed a magic circle in the sky in a strange letter.

Nox: Very interesting! It's in dragonish! 

???: Eliatrope child. You must set out to find your real family immediatly. They live on Oma island.

Me(mind): Why I can heard that?

The letters of the circle get inside of Yugo's head but for a strange reason, I could hear the message too. After those little seconds, Nox created a sword and pointed it at Yugo's head. He began to threaten him unless he told him the content of the message.

Me(mind): I had no option now!

My eyes began to shine in a strong blue light and the magic of Nox lost all its effect on me,  I began to levitate in the air while generating a strong wind pressure around the place.

Nox: What is this energy?

Me: This is the power of the abyss, Xelor!

I took a quick jump and punch Nox in the head so hard that I make him hit the ground, generating a crater on the floor and making some cracks on his mask. Then I create a sword made of magic that shine in the same color as my eyes and I try to stab him in the chest, but Nox created a barrier of energy around his body to protect himself. Just when my attack had destroyed his barrier, he teleported and escaped from the place, making me stab my magic sword on the ground. After my sword disappeared, Nox's magic had dissipated and It stopped affecting others as well. Being a normal person, the magic of Nox would have stolen years of my life.

Yugo: That was so cool!

Amalia: My hero!

Eva: What is the power of the abyss?

Me: I'll explain everything later but first, Nora?

Nora: Yes?

Me: Catch me.

I use too much magic of the abyss in a single moment to break a very powerful spell, normally nothing bad shoultd happen. Unfortunately, Nora and I are a little weakened due to the change of dimension. As a side effect, that led me to extreme exhaustion. My body fell and everything felt in slow motion while the world disappeared around me. The last thing I felt was Nora's arms, and the last thing I heard was the screams of the others saying my name.

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