Things Left Unsaid | ✓

By infallibles

136K 4K 597

❝That's the thing about love. It isn't going to be easy, it isn't going to be smooth, but it's going to be wo... More

Chapter One: New Beginnings?
Chapter Two: Breathe
Chapter Three: Still Sane
Chapter Four: When It Counts
Chapter Five: Crumbling Down
Chapter Six: Always
Chapter Seven: Plagued
Chapter Eight: Smirks and Sweethearts
Chapter Ten: Home
Chapter Eleven: Guilt
Chapter Twelve: The Best Thing
Chapter Thirteen: Happiness Never Did Last Very Long
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Fifteen: Not Your Fairytale Ending
Bonus Excerpt
My New Story

Chapter Nine: Cheaters Never Prosper

6.6K 210 71
By infallibles

IX. Cheaters Never Prosper

Dedicated to probably my hands down favorite author here on Wattpad, hepburnettes. She has a way with words that's simply beautiful.

➳ Dylan's POV

You could say I was ecstatic about Kaylee coming over tonight, but that would be the understatement of the century. I was over-the-moon, all out excited. Maybe I was wrong for hanging on to this crush for so long when it was so obvious that she'd already moved on. But that's why they call it unrequited love right? The rest of Wednesday and Thursday dragged on slowly. I guess that's why they say everything takes longer when you're anticipating something. But finally, now that it was Friday, I just had to get by with the school day and practice, then boom - time to spend with Kaylee!

Alas, after twenty suicides, thirty lengths, and a gut-wrenching scrimmage, I finally made it out of basketball practice alive. Literally dragging myself to the locker room, I began to rummage through my locker to find my clothes and other necessities. I was so ready to go home and freshen up, considering I smelled like a rotten egg exploded on a monkey's butt - yeah, not attractive. As I was pulling my shirt over my head, I heard a feminine moan. Disgusting, I thought, wrinkling my nose. For goodness sake, if you're gonna make out at least find somewhere more classy than an old school locker room ew. I didn't even bother to see who it was until the moan got louder and clearer.

"Ryan," the girl gasped for air.

Ryan?! As in RYAN Ryan? As in Kaylee's here right now making out with Ryan?

Extra disgusting.

Wait. During lunch today, Kaylee told me she was going to go home and take a nap...

Sensing something fishy, I cautiously peered around the row of lockers. Sure enough, Ryan was there with a brunette. But as Ryan flipped the girl and rammed her against the wall (all while shoving his tongue down her throat, might I add), I could see that the brunette was most definitely not Kaylee. She looked like a skank with her low cut shirt, booty skirt, and caked on makeup. Gross, I observed. She clearly had no self-respect for herself. And as for Ryan? Well, he was an ass.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and raised it to sneakily snag a picture to prove it to Kaylee later. She was too good to date a cheater. As I pressed the camera button, my phone's shutter went off.

"Damn," I cursed under my breath.

Stupid obnoxiously loud iPhone cameras.

Ryan's head jerked around just as I pulled my head back behind the lockers.

"Who's there?" he called out.

And at that very moment, my gym bag decided to fall off the bench.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

I yanked it off the ground and ran out of the locker room as I hear Ryan mutter, "Excuse me a moment."

I could hear the locker room door slam behind him and his heavy footsteps, hot on my trail. If he caught me, I could only imagine the things he would say to me.

Oof! Of course I'd trip over a tree root. Of course. Curse my inner clutz.

"Gotcha, you little creep!" he spat, grabbing the collar of my shirt. "What's your name?!"

"Dylan Hayes," I grunted as I picked myself off the ground. I dusted off my white shirt, which was now apparently brown, as he looked at me incredulously.

His eyes widened in horror. "Dylan Hayes? As in Kaylee's ex best friend Dylan Hayes?"

"Yup," I replied, popping the 'p'. "But correction, it's current best friend."

"You're not gonna say anything to Kaylee, right?"

I scoffed at his ridiculousness. Idiot.

"Of course I'm going to tell her, asshole. You're a cheater and a liar. She deserves the world at her feet not a douchebag on her mouth."

His face reflected nervousness, but he quickly regained his composure, flashing a devilish smirk at me. "Aww does someone have a little crush on Kaylee?"

Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush -

"Aww you're blushing! Well, lover boy, I wouldn't tell Kaylee if I were you."

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because -," he grinned. "- what will Kaylee think if I tell her you're jealous and trying to split us apart? That's not a very good 'best friend' is it? And what kind of friend would you be if you destroyed Kaylee's happiness like that? Everyone but her can see that you're still in love with her and they'll hate you for breaking her relationship for your own benefit."

"You son of a bi-"

"Better watch what you say to Kaylee's lover, pretty boy. So I'm going to assume you're gonna keep that big mouth of yours shut, right?"

It took all I had not to beat the crap out of him right then and there.

"Listen up here, asshole. It's my decision whether or not I'm going to tell Kaylee, and mine alone. I'm not gonna listen to any of the crap you have to say."

He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Whatever, I know you're not going to say anything in the end."

"Shut the hell up, Gray." I said, walking away to my car.

"Oh and by the way," I added. "Just because you act like a dick doesn't mean yours big."


When I opened the door for Kaylee later that evening, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. She didn't do anything special - she did quite the opposite actually. Messy hair, sweats, and a makeup free face. But the smile she wore radiated happiness and was the most beautiful thing about her.

Call me whipped all you want. I didn't care. God, why did I have to move? Now she's with that asshat of a "boyfriend". Boyfriend my butt. More like lying, dirty, cheating, idiot.

"Hi Dyl! I brought chick flicks. You better have my extra buttery popcorn," she winked.

"Hold up, hold up. You get your favorite popcorn and I get chick flicks in return? That doesn't seem like a very fair trade," I pouted, pretending to be upset. "I guess I'll just eat the popcorn without you then."

And I slammed the door in her face.

Don't worry, I'm totally messing with her and I knew she wouldn't leave.

"Kaylee?" I called out. No answer.

"Kaylee?" I tried for a second time. No answer.


Third times the charm, right? Still no answer.

"Fine, have it your way Kay, I know you're out there on the concrete steps. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy myself on my soft, plush couch."

In 5, 4, 3, 2 -

"Dylan!!" she whined. "Dylan, you ass, let me in!"

The door rattled as she pounded on it. Kitty got claws. Rawr.

Sighing, I reluctantly got up from my comfy spot on the couch to open the door for her. But nothing prepared me for what happened next. As soon as I unlocked the door and turned the doorknob, the door flew open, pushing me backwards. In a matter of seconds, I found myself on the floor being squashed down by weight.

I'm gonna die. Holy crap, I'm gonna die. I was being ambushed by an ax murderer and I was gonna die.

But then, tiny little fists beat down on my chest and I knew it was no ax murderer. Did I say kitty? I meant tiger. Her thin frame shook with laughter as she punched me to a pulp.

"You-should've-seen-your-face," she said between giggles.

"Shut up, Kaylee."

I took her by the hips and flipped her over so I was straddling her. I felt her body tense and heard her breath hitch. It was so funny messing with her. As I leaned down, my lips brushed her ear.

"I didn't realize you wanted me that badly, sweetheart."

A look of shock spread across her face. But then, a devious expression soon replaced it. I felt my hips being grabbed and I found my back on the floor once more. How strong was this girl?

She teased me exactly the same way I did to her. My breath hitched.

"Sweetheart, I have a boyfriend," she mocked, shooting me a warning look. She rolled off of me and took a seat on the couch.

Ugh, speaking of that asshole.

"Hey, speaking of which, how was your date with him?"

"It was so amazing!!" she squealed. "He took me ice skating and we played the little claw game, then he took me to this crazy good restaurant!"

As she continued to divulge all the "juicy details", she beamed and her face was glowing. I hated to admit it, but assface was right. He was her source of happiness.

And that was when I made up my mind not to tell her. I couldn't bear to be the one to break it to her, especially not after seeing her this happy with him. It hurt, but sometimes, you had to consider others' feelings above your own. And I valued her happiness more than mine, as I had told her a year ago. I meant every word I said.

"I'm glad you had fun," I said, forcing a smile. Thankfully, being apart for a year prevented her from seeing through my façade.

"Thanks Dyl," she said with a grin. "So which movie's first - Mean Girls, A Walk to Remember, She's the Man, or Clueless?"

I groaned internally before pointing at the one with a hot pink background.


➳ Kaylee's POV

I have to say, I was pretty nervous about tonight. I mean it was our first hangout together that resembled the "pre-move" times we had together. But clearly I was worried about nothing, since everything was fine. More than fine, actually. Everything was perfect. Whether it was nostalgia speaking or not, I didn't know. What I did know, however, was that I was having an amazing time.

After about fifteen minutes of arguing and prodding, I finally had convinced Dylan to watch all the chick flicks. Well, almost. It was evident that he was getting restless after the third one, but it was sweet of him to attempt to put up with it. Ryan always refused to watch chick flicks with me; he preferred suspense or horror movies.

Whoa, wait. Why are you comparing Dylan and Ryan, Kaylee? Ryan's your boyfriend and you don't even like Dylan anymore.

I shook off my weird thoughts and snapped out of it just in time to see Dylan lunge at me with a pillow. Guess I was right about him being restless. He pushed me back lengthwise on the couch and once again straddled me, pummeling my face with the plush pillow while he did.

God, what was with all the straddling today? Not that I minded. Well despite the fact that I was being attacked and had a boyfriend already.

"Dylan, stop it!" I shrieked. I could've sworn my vision was getting blurry from the constant whacks in the face.

"Never!!" he screeched.

"I'm serious, Dylan, if I lose my eyesight I'm blaming it on you."

"I can live with that," he shrugged. His beating got lighter, though, when I flashed him a death glare. My infamous death glare was so unattractive that it made Voldemort's mother proud to have not produced the ugliest face ever.

"Alright, I'll stop. But on one condition -" he paused, then continued with a cheeky smile. "- you have to scream 'Dylan is the hottest guy alive' at the top of your lungs."

I scoffed at the very offer. "Not going to happen."

"Have it your way then."

And the beatings continued, with the lovely addition of Dylan putting more weight on me. I felt like a whole herd of cows were sitting on me.

Holy crap, I thought as he shifted his weight around. Did I say a herd of cows? I meant a herd of pregnant, obese cows.

"Fine!! I surrender, okay?" I murmured. "Dylan is the hottest guy alive."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"Dylan is the hottest guy alive." I said a little louder.

"Man, I think I need to get my ears checked."

Obnoxious asshole.

"DYLAN IS THE HOTTEST DAMN GUY ALIVE, OKAY?!?" I screamed. "Happy now?"

"Well, I didn't know you felt that way about Dylan again, Kaylee."

My cheeks flushed at the comment Michelle, one of Dylan's younger twin sisters, made about my previous crush on Dylan. Or maybe it was due to the very compromising position she had found us in.

"Oh trust me, Mich, she never stopped," Dylan winked at me.

"No, Michelle, don't listen to your brother. And I don't have feelings for him. I have a boyfriend."

"I have a boyfriend," Dylan mocked. "He's not that hot, okay Kaylee?"

"Shut up Dylan, you're just jealous that you're the human version of the first piece of bread."

"You just crossed the line. You know what? You're a little - he protested.

"Why don't you guys go finish this in Dylan's room? There are some things my eleven year old ears don't need to hear."

I hesitated at the suggestion, remembering what happened the last time I was in Dylan's room. Not very good memories. However, Dylan removed himself from on top of me and grabbed my hand to drag a very reluctant me upstairs. When I resisted, I felt my waist being grabbed by very muscular arms and me being hoisted over his shoulder. My attempt to make him put me down by beating on his back failed miserably.

When we - well, he - walked into his room, everything seemed the same. Sure, it was a different house, but he still had the same contents in it as his old room. Same basketball trophies, same plushie I gave him for a birthday one year, same posters of his favorite band - Arctic Monkeys. Being in here made me realize that I did miss spending time with a guy best friend. While Bree was great, we didn't have the same playful banter that Dylan and I shared daily.

He plopped me on his bed and took a seat next to me. The bed shifted downwards to his side since he was so much heavier than me. My body slid down towards his side, causing our legs to touch. I felt my body ignite with fire, starting at the point where his leg met mine.

"Hey, Kaylee?"

"Mmm...yeah?" I replied rather distractedly.

"I've missed you."

His voice sounded timid, vulnerable almost. It was unnerving to see him like this, but also very sweet. It reminded me of the side of him I saw during that one night at the kickback.

"I missed you too."

I could see his tense muscles relax, as if he was anticipating my response. His fingers brushed mine as he moved his hand and both our eyes flocked to look at our newly contacted hands. We looked up at the same time, locking eyes.

Holy cow, what those eyes could do to me. He was my best friend, but that didn't mean he wasn't attractive. And that messy hair falling over his eyes...oh my god, Kaylee stop it. Wait, what was he doing?

Dylan began leaning forward, lessening the distance between our faces. His eyes flickered shut and I could feel his hot breath on my face. Wait, what? No, no, no!!! Dylan was trying to kiss me. What the hell?

"Dylan, stop!" I said, shoving him backwards. Apparently, I had caught him off guard because he toppled backwards, almost rolling onto the floor.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Oh my god. Was he dense or something?

"Are you seriously asking me that right now? Dylan, I have a BOYFRIEND. If you haven't forgotten that!" I yelled. Now, I was angry.

It wasn't just that he had tried to kiss me, it was that he actually believed I would've given into it. That's what pissed me off. There was nothing more I hated than cheaters, and the fact that he thought I would become one for him infuriated me.

"Wait - what - I thought - um - shoot," he stammered.

"I should go," I stood up abruptly, eyes blazing with fury. I stormed out of the room and down the steps, all while listening to Dylan calling after me.

"Kaylee, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it was just -"

"Just what???" I snapped, spinning around to face him. He looked shocked to see me so angry. "You just thought I wanted to? You just thought I'd give in? Well no, Dylan, I don't work like that. Call me what you will, but I won't tolerate being called a cheater or even being one at that. And you know why? Because cheaters are assholes who never prosper."

Hurt flickered across his blue eyes and regret was evident on his face. He didn't stop me as I turned and walked out the door, however. I think he knew better than to do that now.

"Goodbye, Dylan," I said emotionlessly.

And as he closed the door, I heard him murmur in a pained voice, "Bye, sweetheart."


Whoo another update yay! Slightly faster than the last update, so I hope that makes some of you happier. Oh, for the record, this story is now officially going to be a short story, because I think it's easier to convey what occurs this way. I'm also very anxious to start another story, but I want to focus on one at a time for now!

Now for the questions:

Thoughts on the sleazeball, Ryan?

Thoughts on the little Kaylan moment?

Thoughts on Kaylee's reaction?

If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment, and stay tuned for the chapters to follow! Add this story to your reading list or follow me if you'd like to be notified of every update :) Also, please share this story with your friends or followers if you think they'd enjoy it!

P.S. Things Left Unsaid trailer 2.0 is in the side :)

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