Dawn of the Evolved |•| Wakan...

Od rosegivy

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Xavier Institute For Higher Learning: Book 1 After the events of what would of been a World War 3 the X-Men w... Více

Chapter 1: Kitty
Chapter 2: Kitty
Chapter 3: Ororo
Chapter 4: Ororo
Chapter 5: Bobby
Chapter 6: Kitty
Chapter 7: Ororo
Chapter 8: Kitty
Chapter 9: The Mansion
Chapter 10: Kitty
Chapter 11: Ororo
Chapter 12: Emma Frost
Chapter 13: Ororo
Chapter 14: Ororo
Chapter 15: T'Challa
Chapter 16: Bobby
Chapter 17: Bobby
Intermission #2
Chapter 18: Kitty
Chapter 19: Bobby
Chapter 20: Bobby
Chapter 21: Kitty
Chapter 23: Bobby
Chapter 24: Ororo

Chapter 22: Bobby and Kitty

18 0 0
Od rosegivy

So sorry for the delayed updates (seems like a theme doesn't it?). I've been terribly busy but I haven't abandoned this book (I mean how could I? So many unanswered questions). I've been suffering from severe writers block and had to sideline a whole chapter. Hope this will be enough while I figure things out.

Also thank you so much for the reads!! They speak a thousand words I'm so happy people out there are enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it (I mean there's a K in front of it now!) I will stop talking/typing now. Enjoy!

"Kitty phase! Now!" Bobby yells at me. In a nick of time I narrowly avoid being impaled by a metal spike belonging to one of many contraptions in the danger room. It passes harmlessly through my chest, a metal tip retracting back to where it came. A second later I hear the now familiar sound of metal crystallizing as Bobby solidifies the machine behind me.

Quickly, I return back to my work. Afraid that we are running out of time, the Professor had made us run multiple scenarios in the danger room. Each time they get harder, much to T'Challa's approval. He rarely joins us though, insisting on his own training routine despite being obviously mildly impressed. With good reason. The danger room is a mix of futuristic virtual reality, minus the headsets, with a dynamic landscape. So Hank can make it look like whatever he wants and we feel the hits, hard.

This time, Hank has whipped up a disturbing apocalyptic scene where terminator like robots have taken over humanity and are targeting mutants. Bobby and I have to destroy all the robots before they destroy us. Seems simple enough, unless you factor in the fact that they are hooked with some intense machine learning algorithm that allows them to get better and better at finding weak spots in each of our maneuvers. It's an unpleasant change from the usual mindless dummies.

That's where my crazy idea comes in. Bobby found a control panel on one of the walls that I believe I can hack into to reverse the algorithm. But the longer I work on it the closer the bots get figuring out what we're doing and the more relentless they are in their attacks.

"Kitty are you done yet?" I hear Bobby ask between clenched teeth. There's another sound of a robot part crashing to the ground.

I furiously adjust more wires, silently thanking God that I have more control so I don't short circuit them again. "Almost. This is harder than it looks. Damn Hank is good." It doesn't help that I'm more of a programmer than a hardware person.

Finally I reach the last twist. With one tug, or else I could increase the difficultly on a magnitude of ten, the sound of machinery finally grinds to a halt. The danger room reverst back to a large, empty metal room, leaving no indication of the chaos that took place only moments ago. I let out a sigh of relief and allow myself to look at Bobby, wiping a sweat from my brow. He's grinning wide. I return the smile.

"Hey you know what? I just realized something." He says thoughtfully, panting himself. His snowy features return back to flesh.

"What?" I ask, curious.

"You're a nerd. I mean you don't always dress like one, or act like one. But sometimes I can see her coming out." He says, pointing an accusing finger.

I blush, stammering. "No.. I-I don't know what you're talking about." Am I really that transparent? I think back to the new wardrobe and tiny back pack I bought. I brought almost all of it to the mansion when I officially moved in. Had Bobby really noticed? Man I'm horrible at keeping resolutions.

He puts a hand in my shoulder, despite his powers making me sweat even more. "You know it's okay. I don't mind Nerdy Kitty either."

I huff. "Yeah well I'm cool with Bobby the Jock too." He rolls his eyes.

Suddenly Hank's voice projects throughout the room. "Sorry to interrupt this truly touching moment, but I believe congratulations are in order. Very brilliant idea you two, well done. Just in time to meet our new students."

Bobby and I exchange glances at the last bit. A part of me dislikes the idea of new people, I kind of enjoyed the mansion with only the two of us. Well and Hank, Charles and T'Challa. Then I think if Ororo and immediately feel guilty. She should be here. That's why we're training so hard after all. I wonder what they're doing to her at the Massachusetts Academy. Is she being tortured? Does she even remember me? I should never have listened to Emma Frost.

"Let's meet the new kids shall we?" Bobby asks, his hand rests on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nod quickly and we walk out of the danger room.


When Bobby and I enter the parlor, his hand off my shoulder, Hank, Charles and two teenagers wait for us. The professor is in the middle of describing something that has to do with classes. It's strange how even though we have been here for almost 3 weeks, we haven't had a single academic class. Not that I'm complaining.

"Hank will be instructing you in the sciences..." The professor looks up at us, not even bothering to feign surprise, as he most likely sensed us coming before we even arrived. He turns back to the two teenagers, one boy and one girl. The boy is slightly shorter than the girl and about an inch taller than me. What he lacks in height he makes up for in his deep-set brown eyebrows and stern features. He's wearing a brown leather jacket, jeans and converse shoes. But what catches my attention are his ruby red sunglasses, or eyeglasses I can't tell, tucked behind his cropped brown hair. They glint in sunlight coming from the wide windows. The girl, like the boy, looks to be a year or two older than me. Her striking, long red hair goes just over her shoulder and compliments her emerald eyes. She's wearing a plain grey t-shirt and jeans.

"Scott, Jean meet your fellow classmates. Kitty Pryde and Bobby Drake." The professor gestures to each of us in turn. I give a small smile and Bobby says a short greeting. The other girl, Jean, says hello, while Scott just nods.

After a moment of tense awkward silence, Charles speaks up. "Well I will leave you four to it. Bobby, Kitty, please show them around and meet in the kitchen for lunch at 1."

"Yes professor." I say. Then he and Hank exit down the hallway, leaving Bobby and I with the new kids.

"So..." Bobby says, after another moment of silence. He puts his hand behind his neck. "Scott and Jean huh? Where you guys from?"

"Pittsburgh." Scott replies tersely.

"Annandale-on-Hudson, New York." Jean says with just a bit more enthusiasm.

Bobby glances at me, obviously struggling with these detached people. "Wow never been to either of those places. Well Kitty and I are from Boston. Nice to meet you."

Another uncomfortable pause passes. "Let's tour the mansion shall we?" I ask and we lead them out.


"And this is the outdoor pool." I explain as we walk past the Olympic-sized swimming that Bobby and I saw on our first day. I smile a little in remembrance.

Bobby is smiling too. "Personally, this is one of my favourite places for a couple reasons..." He says from behind Scott. Oh no. The only thing between Bobby and the pool is Scott and I hope that he's not going to do what I think he's going to do. He glances at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I try my best to shake my head discretely. Obviously Bobby is oblivious. Jean looks confused.

"Scott!" She yells, just before Bobby shoves him into the pool, a huge splash follows. Jean rushes to the edge.

"Bobby!" I scold him. "What if he can't swim?"

He shrugs, looking in the water. "He seems fine to me." I cross my arms in front of my chest. Scott makes his way back up with powerful strokes. I notice his glasses and jacket are sinking some ways far from him. I hope he doesn't get upset about it. He breaks through the water with a gasp of air. His soaked, dark blue t-shirt cling to his chest, outlining his arm muscles.

Bobby kneels from the deck. "Hey buddy-" Before he can finish his sentence Scott opens his eyes. I scream as huge red beams project from his face, or more specifically his eyes. They slam Bobby into the side of the mansion, causing the brick to crumble. Scott closes his eyes, just as the wall looks like it's going to fall. The beams disappear.

"Bobby!" I run towards the wall which is now encased in ice with Bobby behind it in his snowy form. He looks pretty beat up, the snow stained in red. I reach out to help him, but he ignores me, glaring daggers at Scott.

He strides towards him. "What on earth man?"

Scott lifts his face up to him, defiance written all over his face despite his closed eyes. "I should be asking you the same question."

Bobby jabs a finger in his chest, frost spreading from the contact. "It was just water. Doesn't give you permission to shoot your little laser beams."

"It was uncalled for and childish." He replies simply. He slaps his hand off of himself. "Touch me again and you can see what else my 'little laser beams' can do."

"Fine." Bobby bares his teeth. Already a chunk of ice is forming in his hands. Scott shifts into a fighter's stance, his fists up in anticipation.

"Enough!" Jean yells and the boys are suddenly ripped apart from each other by an invisible force. Jean's fingers rest at her temple. I stare wide eyed at the mutants in front of me, for once at a loss for words. She glares at me, her usually shy demeanor twisted into pure annoyance. I suddenly wish I could turn invisible. "If there's nothing else you would like to show us, I would like to know where the rooms are."


Given the incident, the professor thought it would be a good idea for the boys to stay in separate rooms, but insisted that Jean move in with me. So Hank brought in another single bed and placed it on the other side of the room. Jean insisted that she was tired and immediately lay in bed facing the wall.

I sigh staring up at the ceiling, as I have been doing for the past half hour, afraid any slight  movement would set her off again. Why does Bobby have to act like such a jerk sometimes? I'm glad Scott knocked his ego down a few notches, but the outcome was not worth it.

Thinking that Jean is finally asleep, I decide to get a book. I was able to bring a few of my favourites from home. As I open to the first page, Jean speaks up, startling me.

"I'm sorry I scared you." She says quietly.

"What? No, don't worry about it, I'm fine. I'm just glad you put some humility into those bone heads." I reply.

"You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better. I could feel it. You're fear I mean." She turns around her features showing immense sadness.

"Are you..."

"Telepathic, yes." I can't help the groan that escapes my mouth. I haven't had the best track record with telepaths.

"See, I can feel it again." She hugs a mound of blankets, sitting cross legged. I duck my head in shame. I shouldn't feel this way, she's not Emma Frost after all.

I get up abruptly, an idea brewing in my head. Jean looks at me curiously. I grab a deck of cards from my drawer beside my bed, holding them up proudly.

"What's... King Mao?" Jean asks tentatively, reading my mind.

I smile at her. "Let's go get the boys."


"Have a nice day Scott." Bobby says through clenched teeth, placing a seven of hearts on the pile. By now their tension has lessened and there's even a hint of a smile as he says it. We continue the card game in silence.

This is the second round and Jean insisted on being the dealer this time. Even though the point of the game is to never mention the rules of the game, Jean has quickly picked it up, probably using her mutation. Scott places his second last card. We all wait approximately five seconds, much to his confusion. Then Jean calls, "Penalty card for failure to declare last card." She hands him the top card from the pile. Scott furrows his eyebrows in frustration. No doubt holding back a curse, since those too are against the rules. I try my best to hold in a giggle.

"Point of order." Jean says, all of us put down our cards. Scott curses, finally allowed to do so. "The professor wants us at the dining table." Jean explains. I check the time on my phone. 1:15pm, we got too carried away.

I stand up. "All right we can continue later." The others agree, even Bobby nods.

We make our way down the stairs, conversation flowing more freely now. "I think the card game was a great idea."  I almost trip on step, startled at a voice other than mine or the professor's in my head. For second I think it's her, but I notice Jean looking at me with intention.

"Thanks." I reply tentatively. Jean smiles, but doesn't say, or think, anything more.

Instead of sitting in the kitchen, all of us sit at the large dining table in the room connected to the kitchen. We haven't eaten a single meal here since we arrived, the highly decorative chairs and the large polished wood make it all seem so formal. Even in my own house we ate meals in the kitchen. I guess there's a lot more of us now. Indeed, even T'Challa has decided to grace us with his presence, sitting next to the professor and Hank at the end of the table. His skin tight panther suit looking out of place in an ordinary dinner setting. Bobby and I sit across from Scott and Jean, closer to one side of the table. This time the food is already served. A Subway style sandwich buffet, complete with Kaiser buns and a variety of meats. My stomach growls in anticipation.

However, my hunger seems insignificant as I can tell something is off. The three adults look extremely tense. Even the professor seems lost in thought as he absent mindedly welcomes us to the table and mumbles the grace. Also, the fact that someone set the table instead of Charles insisting we do it ourselves makes me feel uneasy.

"What's going on?" Bobby asks.

The professor rubs his temples with his forefingers. "The White Queen and her Hellions, as they prefer to called, have departed the Massachusetts Academy. They are on their way to Wakanda now."

"What?" I ask. Although I heard everything, I still don't understand what this means.

Now T'Challa seems to be the mind reader replying, "It means suit up. We leave now."

So, I will be posting a Writer's Dump where I will just post stuff to help ward off writer's block and maybe provide exclusive content that maay be published later. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always comments and votes are welcome!

- Ivy🌿

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