Our Life {YoonSeok}

By sopeeeeworld

373K 13.3K 3K

Kim Hoseok is a son of the pack leader, the head alpha. He is one the strongest alphas in his father's pack... More

Power Couple
The Golden Omega
Naps and Cuddles
Mating Season
Our New Home
The Heat
A Visit To The Doctor's
The News
Pack Meetings
Morning Showers
Our Life~ Final
Touch~ Yoonseok Oneshot
Mad~ Namjin Oneshot
Sleepover~ Yoonseok ONESHOT
Love on Ice~ Taejoon ONESHOT
Lucky Strike- Sope
Sequel Updates! (i need opinions)

The Meeting

28.5K 977 122
By sopeeeeworld

Hoseok's POV

I ran through the forest, feeling the warm air that late summer had to offer. This was my favorite part of the day. Getting to be free from my alpha responsibilities, from hunting, and from the annoying omegas throwing themselves at me. I kept running until I reached a vast meadow. I could feel the energy that my inner wolf gave off. It was pleased.
I took off my shirt then began running, shifting into my wolf form. I closed my eyes as I sprinted through the meadow's tall grass and flowers. The feel of the dirt under my paws was a familiar, yet euphoric feeling that I loved. I made my way towards my usual spot, a huge maple tree on top of a small hill. I got up on my hind legs, closing my eyes and shifting back into my human form. I sat down against the big trunk of the tree and leaned back, putting my hands behind my head. I sighed contently, closing my eyes. As I was drifting off, I heard quiet snores. I quickly shot up and looked around. On the other side of the tree sat a small boy. His black hair was slightly ruffled, and his pale skin was brightly illuminated by the sun showing through the tree branches. His mouth was somewhat agape, and he was mumbling incoherent words. I stood back, crossing my arms, and smiled at the boy, chuckling softly. He stirred, and his eyes fluttered open. He slowly looked up at me, and scurried backwards, hitting his head against the tree. I laughed and sat in front of him on my knees.
"It's okay. I'm sorry to startle you." He looked up at me, eyes wide.
"You're Mr. Min's son. Omega. Right?" He nodded, still not making eye contact.
"I've never seen you here. What's up..." "Yoongi."
"Yoongi. Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Hoseok."
"I-I know. Nice to meet you as well, Alpha Hoseok." He muttered. I smiled at his cuteness.
"Well Yoongi, what brings you up this way?"
"I was just trying to get away. So I just ran where my wolf took me." I put a hand on his shoulder and he flinched.
"Ran away from what, Yoongi?"
"My parents."
"Why? If I may ask..."
"They've been trying to get me a mate and get me out of the house. All of these hungry alphas are always at my home, trying to court me. After all, that's all my dad thinks a male omega is worth, having pups. I want someone that actually wants me and not my body." He vented, breathing heavily. His eyes widened as he realized what he said.
"I'm so sorry." Yoongi put his hands over his reddened face, trying to hide his embarrassment. I put my arm around him and pulled him into me. I breathed in his scent and it smelt amazing. Like green tea and lemon. It was very calming.
"It's okay, shh. I know how you feel. The stress of mating is insane, and we only have another month or so. I can't really relate to you, but I do have omegas throwing themselves at me, just wanting to be a golden omega. Nobody really wants me for me." Yoongi looked up at me, then leaned into my side.
"I'm sorry." I chuckled softly.
"Don't be, little omega. We'll all find the right ones soon enough. Mother Nature has her ways with these things." Yoongi nodded, a vague smile appearing on his face. I looked up in the sky, seeing that it was starting to get dark. My mom would be pissed if I was home late again. I turned to look at Yoongi who now had his eyes closed, cuddling my arm. His breathing was steady.
Does this boy even sleep at night?
I smiled, then pulled him into my lap. Standing up, I brought him to my chest and began to walk back to our territory.
I got back into our boundaries, and Yoongi shifted again.
"Huh?" He was still a bit dazed from his nap.
"Shh. Yoongi, I brought you back to the territory. I had to go and couldn't leave you out there alone." Yoongi blushed, hiding his face in my chest.
"Which cabin are you in?"
"Fifty-seven." I nodded and kept walking towards his cabin. When I got there, I saw my oldest brother, Phil with an Omega, Dan, pinned against a tree. My brother has been after that omega for years now. It's obvious that they like each other, but the brown haired omega has too much pride and loves driving my brother crazy.
"Phil, leave the poor omega alone!" I yelled walking over to them. Yoongi who fell asleep again, stirred, waking up.
"What about you, Hobi?" Phil smirked, gesturing towards the black haired male in my arms. I looked down and smiled softly at Yoongi who was still cuddled into my chest.
"I came across him when I was on my run."
"Sure, Hobi." Phil started to walk back to our cabin, but quickly turned and pushed Dan back up against the tree.
"What the hell, Phil?" He screamed, a blush creeping its way onto his cheeks.
"I'll see you later, baby boy." Phil moved Dan's hair out of his face.
"In your dreams." Dan winked at him and sauntered away. Phil just stood there watching him. Gosh, he's so whipped.
I shook my head as my brother left and continued walking, daydreaming as I went. Yoongi giggled, then snapped his fingers in front of my face. I looked down at him, confused.
"Hoseok, alpha. We're here." I looked up and saw his cabin number and blushed. I sat him down gently.
"Thanks, alpha." He whispered, looking down at his feet.
"No problem. Why don't we meet up after breakfast and I accompany you to the meadow again?" Yoongi looked up, a cheerful, gummy smile plastered on his face.
"I'd love that."
"Good, now go eat, then get some sleep. I'll be doing the same since I have to go hunt tomorrow. Goodnight, little one."
"Goodnight, Hoseokie." Yoongi got on his toes and placed a short kiss on my cheek. He turned and ran to his front door, waving at me before disappearing. I brought my hand up to my face touching the still warm area where he kissed. A small smiled made its way to my lips, and I walked back to my place, the happiest I've felt in awhile.

a/n- Well. There's the first part. Let me know what you think!

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