Burn (Book 2 of The Fire Tril...

By Emrald2222

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Written By: Emrald2222 The Fire Trilogy: Book 2 "Pages so flammable they'll set the house on Fire." -Tasha... More

Chapter 1: Please, just hit me in the face with a brick.
Chapter 2: Every other millennia, there is a new female werewolf. I am her.
Chapter 3: A vampire killer for hire
Chapter 4: What the hell is wrong with me?
Chapter 5: WereCat
Chapter 6: This was going to be one hell of an explanation.
Chapter 7: "You screamed bloody murder because of a TV show?"
Chapter 9: 'Ratchet ass cunt-punting mother fucker'
Chapter 10: 'Boohoo, hero. Your getting saved by the damsel in distress'
Chapter 11: Did I step through a time machine and get sent back to the 1600s?
Just Avoid This
Chapter 14: 'Ms. Drama Queen of the 21st century'
Chapter 15: I did that for NOTHING!?
Chapter 16: Urban Survival Rule: Never annoy an armed man
Chapter 17: The big bad wolf got shot with a sliver bullet.
Chapter 18: I. Hate. Pep-Rallys.
BONUS CHAPTER! (Aubrey's Letter to her Mom)
Chapter 20: I am an Alpha.

Chapter 8: My Queen

365 32 18
By Emrald2222

Unedited- feel free to point out my mistakes.

Chapter 8: My Queen

*Aubrey's POV*

I swallowed as I realized this Deputy was asking about murders.

Just keep calm, I thought, she won't notice a thing.

So that's what I did.

"So," the Deputy repeated, "do you girls know who I am talking about?"

I swallowed and shook my head no along with the others.

I heard the Deputy sigh, "Are you sure? Rumor has it that you guys knew her from a different county."

"Rumor from who," Elizabeth asked rudely getting a glare from me and a kick from Nina who was sitting next to her.

The Deputy pursed her lips and said, "I'm not sure it was anonymous."

We waited in silence and the Deputy continued, "Well I will tell you what I know. There are three girls murdered in a woods that connects to your back property, I have anonymous phone calls pointing me toward you and none of this stuff happened until you folks showed up."

Damn I couldn't argue with this lady.

But in our defense this still would of happened Joseph came here and fed on people because... he's a killer for hire and probably is hunting us... Damn...Well.... Damn.

I hate people.

And for that matter vampires.. and scientists..

You know what? I hate things!

People just... Piss. Me. Off.

"I can assure you we would never harm the people here-" Karen started.

"I'm not saying you killed them. You people don't exactly look like a merry little family that would go out and kill people for god knows what reason. I'm just saying.. Do you know anyone who may have some sort of grudge against you, or somebody who would try to pin murder on you," The Deputy said shaking her head in frustration.

"No... we just moved here... and we stay out of others ways... we havent had time to make friends let alone the time it takes to make enemies," Rae snorted from the couch.

I inclined my head. She had a point.

"Well," she said getting up, "I'm sorry to trouble you-"

She was cut off from the loudest most ear piercing sound I have ever heard in my life.

I clutched onto my ears, and groaned in pain. I gasped and looked up to see the others looking at me in confusion.

Surely they could hear it.

Nope. There face were all looking at me in confusion. What the hell?

Suddenly Maya ran into the room clutching her own ears and told Karen, "MOMMY MAKE THE SOUND STOP!"

I coughed my agreement as the ringing continued in my ears.

At this point I was wreathing on the floor. The ringing sound was unbearable.

I felt liquid come on my hands. It was my ears bleeding.

"STOP!" I screamed.

And then the ringing stopped.

I clutched onto my head as I let out a shaky breath.

I looked over to Maya who had blood trickling down the side of her ear.

Karen looked at me then Maya then me and Maya before finally resting on me.

"What happened," she asked lowly.

"Ringing," I gasped still out of breath from screaming, "Loud."

"What the hell are they talking about," The Deputy asked.

Then there was another loud pitch coming from outside.

Except this was a scream. A terrified girl scream.

I glanced at Karen before everyone got up and ran to the back door. I opened the door and the smell of blood hit my noes.

I glanced at Kelsey and Lea and I saw there fangs extend.

They both sped to the forest when they froze. I saw Elizabeth with a raised hand and she had them stopped mid-step.

Val and Nina sat there awe-struck.

"You have got to teach me that," Val said.

Ha, must be a witch thing.

I wouldn't know anything about that stuff.

I'm a werewolf and an Empath.

I don't care much at my Empathetic powers though.

It's not like I'm really strong with them.

Karen told me that Empath's are usually caring beings giving them the power to remove pain or feeling.

But some Empath's who are powerful can be evil. They can suck a persons feelings away and just leave them a shell of a person.

Isn't that just... nice..

I look to Elizabeth and then to Kelsey and Lea who look like freaking psychopaths... Well they are attracted to blood really badly... so...

I ran out toward the woods following the smell of blood. I navigated my way easily throughout the thick underbrush.

I stumble upon a clearing with a girl lying in it. She may be a little older then me. Probably in her twenties.

"Please. Help me," she says as I stumble towards her.

"Please, it hurts."

I felt my throat constrict in sympathy. I couldn't help her, but I could take away her pain. 

I grabbed her hand and called on my weak empathetic powers that were lying somewhere inside me.

Blackness coursed up from her veins into mine.

I felt the pain hit me like running into a brick wall.

"Mmmm," I groaned in pain.

"You know there's nothing you can do," a voice close to me said.

I jumped away from the girl and looked back to see somebody who looked a lot like John and Henry White.

"Joseph," I said lowly.

He looked at me and gave me a pleased smile, "I'm glad to see you know who I am."

"Yeah, the out of control vampire for hire came up," I sneered at him.

He scowled at me and said, "Who said I was out of control maybe I just like acting like this."

I tilted my head to the side, "There could be truth to that."

I walked toward him. I should end this once and for all.

"Ehh ehh ehh," he said pulling at a tube like thing.

I gave him a look and he put the tube toward his mouth and blew in it.

All of a sudden the ear piercing sound from earlier rang out and I clutched my ears.

"Dog whistle," I said.

"More like improved werewolf whistle," he said with a smile in his voice.

I groaned in pain as he came toward me.

Then he pulled out a syringe and stuck it not-so-gently in my neck.

I let out a yelp of pain before darkness consumed me.


I don't know the time.

Or where I am for that matter.

And I really should want to know here I am as i wake up to a cold concrete floor.

But none of those things register first.

The first thing that my mind registers is the smell of my flesh burning under silver cuffs and that I can't move my arms or legs.

The second thing that registers is that I can hear people.

Lots of people.

I move my head up with much effort and I look to take in my surroundings.

I look down at my body and see that I am in a very sliver and beautiful dress and matching heels.

What the hell?

Then I see a man chained to the wall beside me.

I pull at the chains furiously.

"No use," the man says, "trust me I already tried."

"Who are you?"

"Your Mother," he scoffed.

"My Mom's dead," I said plainly.

"Oh I'm sorry- I didn't mean-"

"I'm kidding," I said laughing hysterically.

Judge me all you want. If you were in my situation you would be laughing hysterically to.

"Okay," the guy said sounding kind of scared.

"Sorry, where are we?" I asked.

He looked around, "As far as I can tell, chained probably in a cell."

I shivered, "Why are you in here?"

The guy gave me a look. He was probably about my age.

I rolled my eyes, "I swear I wont attack you or ask you a bunch of deep uncomfortable questions."

The guy shook his Midnight black hair out of his eyes and looked back at me, "My name is Alex Montgomery."

I gave him a blank look and stared into his ice blue eyes, "That's cool. My name is Aubrey Foster. Why are you here?"

He gave me a blank stare, "You don't know know who I am?"

"Am I supposed to," I said with a suspiciously raised eyebrow.

"I am the son of John Montgomery," he said and I waited impatiently.

"Look, would you just tell me who the hell you are," I told him coldly.

" I am the son of the strongest witch bloodline in the world."

I tilted my head to the side. Well now that I know why he's here. I'm probably in the right place.

"Who are you?" He asked then.

I sighed. He told me the truth so I should probably tell him, "I am the female werewolf of this millennia."

The guys eyes widened and he let out a head like bow, "My Queen. My Family has spent years searching for you."

What. The. Hell?

"Dude I'm the same age as you I'm not your Queen," I said in confusion.

"My Family has served Her for as long as we could she gave us our power and in return we protected her. She died October 22. In 998 C.E. You are her successor to the throne."

October 22? That's when I was born...

I smiled and gave out a little chuckle, "I'm not a Queen."

"You may deny it but you are, Your Highness."

"What was the Queen's name?"

"Aubrianna Mondella," he said his head still bowed, "I suspect you are named after her."

Aubrey Mondell.

"I shall help you get out of here My Queen," he said, "My Family is forever indebted toward you."

Just then a door I hadn't noticed to the side opened.

And for the love of myself. I couldn't believe who's face I saw.

Adam Dell'Antonio.

"Hello Aubrey," he said flashing his white teeth toward me, "welcome back."



But I still finished it.

Even though it took forever.

A picture of Alex Montgomery is to the side.

I hope you liked this chapter!

If you would comment or vote! Thanks!




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