Two Hearts

By siyasarasaga

285K 12.9K 3.5K

#38 in General fiction on 3.8.18 #36 in reality on 25.10.18 #33 in reality on 10.9.18 #26 in reality on 12.9... More

Sharma's Residence
Arjun returns and Sitara's details
author note
Annual Day 1
Annual day 2
Confessing the truth
First meet
Only friend....??
First date
Being loved
Thank you
Good start
New book
Found my love
Arjun's birthday
I can't live without you
Nothing comes easy
Back to myself
Being Brave
I Love being Loved
Clever plan
Speeding up
Roti 😏 Rowdy
Again Slap🤔
When god is with us...
She is my wife
We are married
He knows better
Tied the knot
What is there to talk?
After you return
Love will bring him back
All is well
Entwined Souls
Love is in the air
Not an update
Important note
Beautiful beginning
Dreaded words

Love vs Lust

5.9K 247 33
By siyasarasaga

Sitara's Grandfather house..

No one's pov..

Shekar- Sitara's dad

Sudha - Sitara's mom

Jamuna- Shekar's elder sister. Elder to all of the three..

Vidyan -Jamuna's son

Kumar- Shekar's elder brother

Jagan- Shekar's younger brother

Appa- father of Shekar and other 3.

Amma- mother of Shekar and other 3.

Nirmal - Kumar's son. (6 months elder dhan Situ.Situ and Naveen will be together always like pencil and tip..)

Conversation as...

Shekar- appa , I am not here to get her explanations. Neither me nor Sudha had not beat Situ even once. But how could she do this.

Jamuna- Leaving that, now come to important matter. Give ur daughter in marriage to my son..

Shekar- How many times I should tell u that.... Situ will marry Arjun.. that's final.

Appa- Shekar, they r not our caste.. Sitara and Vidyan is getting married.. its my decision.. if u don't agree, then u won't even get a single rupee from my property..Shekar.

Shekar-  well Said Appa. I didn't expect this from you. I am not that cheap to spoil my daughter's life for ur property. I don't want ur property. I will sign all those papers..

Kumar- Shekar, wait don't get angry. Will talk..

Jagan- Yeah Anna(elder brother) wait..

Amma- all keep quiet..Sudha its all because of u.. this alliance is from ur sister's side that's why u r so interested in this..

Shekar- don't accuse Sudha.. u always do this amma..

Jamuna- yeah we should not speak about ur innocent wife and so innocent daughter (sarcasm)

Shekar- don't talk anything.. I will come along with Situ tomorrow and sign all papers..
Come Sudha let's go..

Shekar and Sudha left for home..

They both want to pick Situ, Shekar called Arjun.

"Uncle we r in Moon Ray restaurant. Situ is eating, We will drop her uncle " Arjun told.

"Ok Arjun thank you" Shekar told.

Situ came home. She was so tired because of so many reasons.

"Ma, pa I am going to sleep. I can't even open my eyes.."

She slept...

Next day

Sitara's pov

"Situ, Situ, get up dear." My ma woke me up.

"Maaaa" I whined.

"Situ I know u r tired but we need to talk.. get up" ma told and went.

I got up and looked at the time..

It was 10.30 in the morning... Oh god I didn't speak to Arjun for past 14 hours..

I looked at my mobile.. its battery is dead..😧😭😭😭

I went out and looked for my ma's mobile..

"Maaaaa where is ur mobile" I yelled

"It is with pa. I gave him yesterday, still I didn't get back. Now why r u asking that" my ma yelled from kitchen

"I want to make an important call. My mobile is charging ma" I told her

"As soon as u open ur eyes u look for mobile. Always roaming with ur mobile. " My ma started shouting

It doesn't affect me.. I will hear those words daily😜😜😜😜

"Pa give ur mobile please its urgent" I asked him

"If that much urgent u could have used Landline na" He told

"That J forgot pa. Now give me soon please" I told him and he gave his mobile.

Conversation as

A- hello uncle, how r u....

Me- I am fine Arjun(laughing)

A-  Situ, u naughty tease😋😋

Me- Arjunnnn if not me, then who will tease u..

A- ok fine how is ur cheek Situ

Me- it still hurts Arjun...

A- then get ready. I will take u to Sanjay.. u can get an injection for reducing pain na..

Me- I am fine Arjun.. I was kidding...

A- I know , I know( laughing)

Me- Arjun I will call u back afterwards.

A- Ok Situ bye babe..

"Situ still what r u doing" my ma yelled

"Coming ma" I yelled back and went to dinning table...

"Ma why no tea.. straight breakfast"  I asked her

"Mmm tea is for those who get up early in morning... Situ eat soon without asking questions. We need to go to ur grandpa house" my ma told..

"Hey jolly perima(means mother's elder sister) and anna (elder brother) are still there in grandma house" I asked enthusiastically..

"No Situ, not there.. this grandpa house" pa told little bit irritated.

"Whyyyyyyy" I yelled

"Situ we know how u feel.. don't worry.. we r going to finish everything today"  pa told..

"Hmm I will get ready" I told and went to my room..

I called Arjun..

"Situ" he called.

"Arjun listen to me. We r going to Pa's father house. I don't know what there r going to do.. but pa told me that problem will be solved today" I told him.

"If it is solved. Then u should be happy na. But ur voice is tensed baby why" He asked

"I don't know Arjun.. there will be Vidyan... I don't like seeing him.. he.... Uh... Leave it.. Arjunnnnnn" I told him

"Situ listen to me.. baby, u r mine...I am all yours.. " Arjun told

"Arjun will u leave me?? " I asked him

"Situ I told u yesterday itself. According to others we r just engaged. But according to me we r married... the ring in ur hand with my name says that and the ring in mine tells that I am yours. I will never ever leave you dear."  Arjun told me.

"Thank you Arjun.. I miss you so much" I told

"Miss you my wife" Arjun told smirking..

"Bye hubby"  I told him.

I soon got ready and we went there..

Grand father's house

We went inside.. my grandpa sitting on the couch. Near him my father's brothers. In opposite couch my elder brother (only 6 months difference), devil, her son and her husband along with grandmother.

"Ma why all r here" I whispered to my ma in her ears

"We told u na Situ. When we sign documents, they need eyewitness na. For that" she told.

"Hmm let's see. I don't think it's going to end smoothly"  I told her

Conversation as...

G.f - Grandfather G.m - grandmother
Devil- aunt

Pa- where is the papers

G.f- lawyer will bring it wait

Devil- situ show me ur beautiful engagement ring (sarcasm)

Oh god, this woman... I didn't even move from my place..

Jagan- come situ. sit here

I smiled and sat in-between him Nirmal.  I showed them my ring..

Me- Chithappa (means small dad in tamil. Used to address dad's younger brother) u too didn't come for my engagement na..

Jagan- Situ not like that. Yesterday I was not here. Ring is so beautiful dear. His name Arjun, ok. What does he do.

Me- they own a company along with some factories Chithappa. Only son of Mr. Prakash Sharma.

Jagan- u r lucky my dear.

Me- hmm I am blessed to get Arjun. But ur sister is my only problem. Chithappa neither u nor perippa not control her..

Jagan-  Situ u leave all those things... U like Arjun na.. u think only about ur future dear..

Nirmal- come we will go upstairs. I want to speak with ur fiance.. situ

Me- ok come Nirmal..

We both went upstairs.. I called Arjun..

"Hey babe.. r u alright" He asked

"I am fine Arjun. I told u about Nirmal na. He wants to talk with you" I told and gave my mobile to Nirmal...

He told me to move aside as he wanted to speak something personal to Arjun. I smiled and moved aside.

I went to terrace. As I was looking at the garden..

Suddenly someone's hand was kept on my waist. I turned and looked at the face which I really hate.

No one's pov

Vidyan kept his arm around Situ's waist. As soon as she looked at him, she flinched and move back...

Situ - why the hell did u touch me

Vidyan(smirking)- I have full rights on you my wife..

Situ- Who is ur wife..

Vidyan- situ its you..

Situ- that's not going to happen even in your dreams..

Vidyan- Situ u r making it hard... I told you already. U r my wife. No body can change it..

Situ- please try to understand me. I don't like husband is Arjun. Please find some other girl... No no don't. U please stay single forever. Don't spoil anyone's life..

Vidyan- Sitara u r testing my patience...Arjunnnnnn... Is he that much good looking...or ... For his money

Situ- he is a man who has good character, good qualities and moreover who knows how to respect others especially elders and women.. not like u _____.

Vidyan-(fuming in anger) Just shut ur mouth.. u r mine.

Saying that loudly he pinned her with the wall holding her neck tight..

Situ started to cough...

He pushed her face sidewards to see her cheek..

"Nice slap by my mother. U deserve it.. how dare u were alone with that idiot in that room..what were u doing.. tell me now.." he shouted at her..

Situ pushed his hand from neck and shouted
"That's none of your business... How many times I should tell that to you and your mother.... don't feel yourself high that ur mother slapped me.. make a note, one day I will make her suffer for that and one more thing if u again say anything accusing Arjun, I will kick you at ur...."

Hearing Situ's words he moved back..but she didn't

"I hope u understand where I will kick you"  Situ told..

"Hey what do you think.. I will let you just like that... U will be my wife whether u like it or not.... U will be losing your virginity by me and" Vidyan was cut off by Situ's laughing sound...

"Vidyan I thought u like me but now I understand u have only lust... That's why u r asking me what I was doing in that room.... Here listen to me.. we both were kissing each other and we were about to make out... But ur stupid mother interrupted it... Ur mother don't have decency.." Situ told him...

He looked at her shockingly and when he realized that they didn't make out he sighed in relief but Situ interrupted

"Vidyan don't breath in relief.. actually after ur mother and all left.. my parents came here leaving me with Arjun.. so we both finished what we started.. so ur intention of taking my virginity not possible hereafter.. so try to change ur mind.. and don't think of second chance I am Sitara Arjun....I am all Arjun's. And he is all mine both physically and mentally".

Vidyan stood there dumbstruck. Situ left that place humming happily...

Arjun's pov

I was in our company when Situ called me. Then she asked me to speak with her brother.

He seemed to be good and cool guy.. we talked for few minutes and he told everything about their aunt and her plan.. then we exchanged our numbers and hang call after that.

I was sitting in my room signing some files.. my mind is fully occupied with Situ's thoughts..

I can't work properly... I want to be with her always..

My phone rings..

Me- Situ

S- Arjun ...umm.uh

Me- Situ what happened to you... Ur voice doesn't sound good

S- Arjun I want to tell you something...

Me- tell me Situ

S- Arjun where r u now?

Me- In office Situ why

S- shall we go somewhere

Me- ok situ I will come and pick you in 20 mins.. get ready

S- sorry to disturb you Arjun.

Me- u can order me anything to do.. don't worry I will be there soon.

I went to inform pappa.

"Pappa situ called me and asked to take her somewhere" I asked him

"My son is this information or Permission??" Pappa asked smirking

" Just information pappa. I told you  because you have to attend the meeting by yourself . Take care pappa bye" I told him

"Arghhh......Arjun  it will be boring.. u take situ after completing that meeting" He tried to convince me

"Pappa u r going or else I will tell mamma that u dumb all business matters in my head and not allowing me to spend time with Situ" I told smirking

"Arjun I was kidding. I will take care u enjoy ur date, bye " he told

"Bye pappa"

Sitara's pov

When Vidyan told me that, my blood boiled. With that anger, I didn't think too much.. I told him that lie..

He believed that.. one part of my mind says that it's right but my another part says that if this matter comes out, my name as well as Arjun's name will be spoiled..

We came home from there after signing all those papers. I should tell everything to Arjun.. he will come to pick me as I asked him to take me out..

He came. I told ma that I am going out with Arjun.

After bidding bye I got inside his car..

Conversation between us..

"Situ how r u.... Ur cheek looks good.."

"Arjunnn  am fine.. where r we going"

"U only asked me to take you somewhere. Shall we go for a movie" asked smiling

"Arjun I want to tell you something. so go to some isolated place,please"

"Ok that's a small thing.. " he told and we reached city outskirts..

We got down and walk for few mins.

I stood there. Arjun turned and looked at me..

"Arjun ..... "

"Yeah situ.. tell me whatever eats ur brain"

"Arjun will u leave me if I do anything wrong"

"Situ what question is this. No one is perfect and mistakes are inevitable. If u think that I will leave u then that is the big mistake "

"Arjun....what will you do if I become more fat, more ugly"

"Situ what happened to you.. why r speaking like this.... "He asked angrily

"Arjun please answer me"

"Situ see here, I will tell you my answer but before that promise me that u will never ask this question again in your life" asked extending his hand..

"Um promise" I placed my hand in his.

"Situ get this into ur tiny brain.. I like you... That's is not because of ur physical appearance alone.. I like your character,attitude, childishness, caring behavior, Sweet gestures.. u may ask me why did I agreed to marry you after seeing ur pic...."

"Hmm continue Arjun"

"When I saw u for the first time in that restaurant parking, I admired ur beauty.. but it was not the reason.. when I saw u with my parents.. the first thing I noticed is my mamma's happiness and second the way u spoke with them.. not all girls will speak with that much respect to unknown people .. I don't want only a wife but also a daughter who will bring happiness to our life.... Its you Situ.. "

(A/n : as it is a tamil song its meaning..four lines which I want to convey

I didn't have faith in last life memories, but when I see ur eyes I believe it

Physical beauty fades off as we grew old, but our love will be forever)

"Arjun "

"Situ wait I didn't complete my answer.. physical appearance will be there for some years... It will fade off as we grew old.. but our relationship is same till the end... So please don't think about stupid things" he smiled

"Arjun I am so blessed to have you  " 

"Me too situ..tell about that too"

"Which Papu"

"What papu..hey u r also calling me papu.." he asked laughing

"Papu.. Arjun. I will tell you but you should not scold me"

"If u tell something which needs scolding, then I will scold you. Spill it out"

"I told Vidyan.... Um.... That.. we ... Uh"

"Situ tell me"

"I told him that we both kissed and we we had made out " I spilled out and closed my face with palms..

"Situ why did you told like this."

"Arjun.. that" my eyes started pooling..

Arjun hugged me.. I buried my head into his chest.. he kissed my forehead...

"Arjun he told me that I will give my virginity to him.... I can't even hear those words.. I am all yours Arjun.. so told him he can't even think about that as I already gave me to that wrong" I asked him with my puppy dog eyes..

"Nothing wrong in that.. until our parents know about this... But we can manage it.. u r unbelievable Situ.." he told and pinched my cheeks..

"That is all because of you, Arjun Sharma" I told pinching his cheeks.

"U r Adorable... Situ I love you"  Arjun told looking into my eyes...

"Situ I love you" Arjun screamed ..


How was this chapter..??

I hope you all liked it...

I  humbly thank some people who constantly support me..and I thank all my silent readers.. please vote too.

Please continue your support..

With love,

Yours siyasarasaga❤❤❤❤

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