The Other Salvatore

By miss_lavancha

1.6M 32.1K 12.7K

This is a story about the youngest Salvatore, Elizabeth. No one knows she's alive, not even Stefan and Damon... More

The Other Salvatore
A/N: New Cover!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - THE BALL! Part 1...
Chapter 21 - THE BALL! Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 1
Chapter 29 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 2
Chapter 30 - Season 4 Opener
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 1
Chapter 46 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 2 - THE END!!
A/N: Bullies
Hybrid in Debt
"Falling for the Original Gentleman"
Fanfiction Awards
Just In Case

Chapter 35

20.1K 443 157
By miss_lavancha

I want to dedicate this chapter to @Itz_someone. She has been commenting so many sweet things lately, and voting for all of my chapters. I really appreciate it, love!!!

-Klaus' POV- 

I awoke the next day to see Elizabeth dozing, the sunlight streaming in and lighting her, like a spotlight. She looked like an angel, the sunlight making her seemingly glow. 

I smiled as I stroked her hair. I couldn't believe she was back in my life. This time, I would do everything in my power to keep her where she belonged - by my side. 

Always and forever.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I awoke the next day to an empty bed. Klaus must have gotten up. I rolled over and stretched, then went to get a shower.

When I got out, I decided to curl my hair. Then I walked into the bedroom in my towel, to see Bekah folding my clothes and putting them into suitcases.

"I picked you out an outfit. It's on the bed." she said, motioning to the bed without looking away from her task.

"Um... thanks?" I said hesitantly. "May I ask what your doing?" I asked as I walked over to the bed to see the pair of leggings and tunic she had thrown on the bed.

"I'm packing for your trip." she said in a 'duh' tone of voice. I chuckled.

"I think I am capable of packing for myself." I said. She shot a glance over her shoulder, sending a brief smile.

"I know. But I was bored, so I decided to do it for you. One less thing for you to do." she said, pulling a pair of jeans from the closet.

I nodded. "Well, thanks. I guess. Are you sure you know what to pack?" I asked. She shot me a look.

"I'm packing a little bit of everything." she answered. I just nodded, holding up my hands in surrender. She went back to rummaging around, and I threw on socks and some Converse.

"Do you know when we're leaving?" I asked.

"After Elena leaves." she answered, still rummaging. I groaned.

"Elena's here?" I sighed. Bekah grinned.

"I see someone has joined my 'Elena Hate Club'." she giggled. I just rolled my eyes.

"No, she's not here yet. She will be soon, though, to donate some blood, and probably to inquire about her brother and the hunter..." she said, glancing at me.

"You'll do. You're traveling, so that outfit is okay for comfort. But if you go out tonight, please change." she said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Maybe you should come along and be my fashion adviser, because apparently I can't dress myself." I giggled. She just chuckled, then went back to packing.

"How many suitcases are you packing?" I asked. She sighed, and sat back, thinking.

"Well, there is one for long pants, one for long shirts, one for sweatshirts and jackets, one for shorts and skirts, one for dresses, one for T-shirts, tank tops, and camisoles, one for sleepwear, one for shoes, and one for accessories and toiletries."

"9 suitcases?! Bex, are you crazy? What will I ever need all that stuff for? And where are we going to keep it? How will we ever lug all this stuff around, and in and out at hotels and such?" I exclaimed. Bekah sighed.

"You are going to need a variety. And who knows how long you are going for? Plus, if you stop at any of our homes, you will have any of your stuff or mine that have been left behind. And don't worry about room or lugging it around... Nik will take care of it." she explained calmly.

I just groaned and shook my head, leaving the room in exasperation.

I walked down the stairs, and ran in Klaus. He grinned at me.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked smirking. I shook my head.

"Do you realize your sister is upstairs packing 9 suitcases for me?!" I exclaimed. His smirk fell.

"What?" he asked. I nodded.

"I will go talk to her. You stay here and wait for Elena." he said, heading upstairs. I groaned.

"Fine." I called, and headed into the living room. I poured myself a bourbon.

"Wow. Someone's hitting it heavy before their trip..." Kol said, strolling into the room. I smirked at him.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to have to see the doppelganger before I leave, plus your sister is packing 9 suitcases for me. I need something." I said, taking a large gulp. He chuckled.

"Of course Rebekah is going overboard. When does she not? And as for the doppelganger... well, she's not worth thinking about." he said, plopping down next to me. I smiled, and leaned into him.

"I'm going to miss you." I whispered. He put his arm around me, giving me a side hug.

"And I you. But you will be having fun, and so will I." he said, grinning down at me. I chuckled.

"Ah, I forgot you get to torture someone. Such fun." I said sarcastically. He grinned, and I grinned back at him.

"Well, doesn't this look cozy?" came a familiar voice. I whipped my head up to see Stefan standing in the doorway, Elena peering around him.

Kol got up and sauntered over to him. "Who invited you?" he sneered. "I do believe Nik only wanted the doppelganger, not her bodyguard."

Stefan glared at him, then glanced at me. I looked at him, keeping my face expressionless. He turned away from me, a slight frown on his face.

"I'm here because of Jeremy. You wouldn't know where he is, would you?" Stefan asked Kol, eyebrows raised. Kol smirked.

"I'm fairly sure I have no idea." Kol said, feigning innocent. I coughed to cover my laugh. Elena and Stefan turned to glare at me, and I put an innocent expression on my face.

"And what about you?" Elena said. I just smiled sweetly and took my final sip of bourbon.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." I said. Elena glared, and I had to fight my laughter. Did she really think she could scare me?

Stefan rushed over to stand in front of me.

"Lizzie, please. This isn't like you." he pleaded, looking at me. That was the last straw.

I heard a crunch of glass, and glanced down to see I had broken the glass I had been holding. I stood up, getting right into Stefan's face.

"You don't know anything about me!" I screamed. "You haven't seen me in over a century, and even after that, you were too busy with your precious blood bag to even try to get to know me. You have no idea who I am, or what I am capable of."

Stefan stepped back, stunned. Kol stood grinning at me, and Elena looked a little frightened of me. I heard a chuckle, and whipped around to see Klaus leaning against the banister of the stairs. I took a deep breath and walked over to his side.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead.

"Now, what is all this yelling about?" he asked. Elena had taken a step back when he appeared, and Stefan had run to stand in front of her. Kol went back to sitting on the couch I had just vacated.

"Where's my brother?" Elena growled, trying to seem confident. Klaus just smirked at her.

"He's here." Klaus said, shrugging his shoulders. Elena gaped at him, as did Stefan, while I just smirked.

"You lied!" Stefan exclaimed, looking at me. I shrugged.

"Maybe. I told, you have no idea what I'm capable of." I said. Both him and Elena glared at me. I shrugged again, not really caring.

"I want him back!" Elena screeched, turning to glare at Klaus. He just chuckled and smirked.

"Trust me, love. He is better off here." he said. Elena glared.

"And why is that?" she fumed.

"Well, for one, you're a magnet for danger. It's a surprise either of you are still alive." I said, grinning at her. She just glared, but ignored me. Klaus chuckled.

"He's a Potential, darling." Kol said, speaking up from his place on the couch. We all looked at him, Klaus in annoyance, and the rest of us in shock, me included.

"Meaning?" Elena said, grinding her teeth. Kol sighed, but turned to face us.

"Meaning that if a member of the Five dies, and he kills a vamp, he will become a new member of the Five." Kol explained slowly, like he was explaining it to a child.

I nodded. That made sense. That's why the hunter wanted him; a protegee. Elena and Stefan just looked flabbergasted.

"You mean to tell me my brother is part of a group of vampire hunters?" Elena squealed. I cringed at her annoying voice.

"Pretty much, sweetheart." Kol said.

Elena just stood there shocked.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, can we get down to business?" Klaus said, annoyed. A woman in scrubs walked out, holding several blood bags and tubes.

Elena just stood there, still shocked about the revelation of her brother. Stefan had snapped out of it, and stood protectively in front of her.

"No." he growled. Klaus sighed.

"She agreed to this, Stefan." he said, exasperated. Stefan just growled and remained where he stood.

"Oh for God's sake." I suddenly exclaimed. I rushed over to Stefan and snapped his neck, letting his dead body fall to the floor. Elena jumped back in shock. Klaus and Kol both grinned at me, Kol laughing.

"You just killed your brother!" Elena exclaimed, in shock and anger.

"Only temporarily. Besides he deserved it." I stated, stepping over his body and grabbing her arm. "Just be lucky it wasn't you." I tacked on as an afterthought. She flinched, and tried to get out of my grip. I just tightened my hold.

She grimaced, and still tried to fight. I just dragged her behind me.

"Where are we doing this?" I asked impatiently. I just wanted this to be done, and her gone. Klaus grinned.

"The parlor." he said, motioning to the other room. I dragged Elena into the room, where there was a chair set up. I threw her into it, almost knocking it over. She righted herself.

"Now are you going to stay there, or am I going to have to strap you down?" I asked sweetly. She just glared at me, as she rolled up her sleeve. I smiled. "Good choice."

Klaus chuckled as he walked into the room with the nurse, obviously enjoying my fit. I just glared at him.

"How much are you taking?" Elena asked nervously, as the nurse tied the tourniquet on her arm, and prepared the spot for the needle.

"Oh, maybe about 3 pints. That should be enough to make plenty of hybrids, and keep you alive. That's about 3 bags, if you were unsure." Klaus said casually, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. I snuggled into him, glancing at Elena.

"Maybe I should go." I whispered to him, loud enough for Elena could hear. "I don't know if I can control myself while her blood is drawn. I might try to drain her." Elena flinched hearing his, and her eyes widened in fear. Klaus chuckled, knowing I was trying to scare her. But I was actually being partly serious. I didn't know if my control would hold seeing and smelling her blood flow freely from her body.

"I will hold you back." Klaus whispered, nuzzling my neck. I sighed in contentment, and nodded. Klaus pecked me on my lips. Knowing it would disgust Elena, I pulled him back to me, kissing him full on. Klaus chuckled deep in his throat, knowing what I was doing, but went along with it, grabbing my waist and pulling me close.

I heard Elena cough and squirm in discomfort and disgust, so I wrapped my arms around his neck, and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist, pushing him against the wall, and trailing kisses hungrily down his neck. The playfulness left him, as lust filled his eyes.

He spun us around, pushing me back into the wall, and bringing my lips back to his, kissing me with passion. I kissed him back with as much fervor, honestly forgetting about Elena and the nurse. This was actually a good distraction from the blood.

We continued our heavy make out session and I was just about to rid him of his shirt, when we heard a chuckle come from the door. We turned to see Kol leaning against the door, smirking at us.

"There are children present." he chuckled, and I turned to see Elena staring at us, disgust all over her face. I grinned at her, but jumped down from Klaus, giving him one final peck.

"Later." I said to him, to which he nodded, grinning.

"Done." the nurse proclaimed, removing the needle from Elena's arm, and putting 3 full blood bags in a cooler. Klaus nodded to her, and she walked out, leaving with the rest of her equipment. Elena remained sitting, looking a little pale and woozy. I grinned at her. She glared at me weakly. I just chuckled, then left the room. Klaus and Kol followed me, leaving Elena alone.

Stefan's body was still laying in the foyer, the same as we left it. I didn't spare him a glance as I went upstairs to see if Bekah was done.

"How many suitcases are we up to now?" I asked, strolling into the room. Bekah was zipping up a suitcase, and she glanced at me, annoyed.

"Well, thanks to you, and your yapping to my brother, I had to whittle it down a little. I think there are about 6 or 7." she said. I sighed.

"That's not much better, Bex, but it will have to do." I said. She just glared at me.

"A thank you would have been so much better." she said, stomping out of the room. I just sighed. I would have to apologize and thank her before we left.

"What is wrong with her?" came a soft voice from my doorway. I turned to see Elijah in the door. I just sighed.

"She packed 9 suitcases for me, and Klaus made her repack and condense it. Now I only have 7." I said. He chuckled and shook his head. I smiled at him.

"So I suppose now that Niklaus has his blood, you will be leaving?" He questioned. I nodded.

"I think so." I said. He nodded, and came into the room.

"In that case." he said, and came over and gave me a hug. I was slightly surprised; Elijah wasn't one from displays of affection. I hugged him back for a moment. He stepped away, and then placed a kiss on my head.

"Be careful, but enjoy yourself." he said, looking into my eyes. I nodded, still surprised. He offered me a smile, then turned to leave.

"Elijah?" I called before he left. He turned to look at me.

"Thank you." I said softly. He smiled and nodded, then left.

A few hybrids came into the room then and started taking my suitcases down to the car. I looked around, making sure Bekah hadn't forgotten anything. She hadn't, of course. I left the room, closing the door behind me.

I walked downstairs to see Stefan's body gone. I glanced into the parlor, to see Elena had gone as well. I shrugged, not caring when or how that had happened.

I walked outside to see all the Originals gathered around the car. I walked over, briefly glancing into the trunk to see how many suitcases where in there. There were 9, one of them being the cooler with Elena's blood. 7 of them were mine, meaning Klaus only had one. I rolled my eyes, but turned away.

I looked over at Bekah to see tears in her eyes. 

"Oh, Bex." I whispered, walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her. She squished me to her, trying to fight the sobs.

"I'm going to miss you."  she exclaimed. I laughed tearfully.

"I'm not dying, Bex. Just going away for a while." I said. She stepped back, looking at me.

"I know it. It's just that I'm going to have to deal with Kol and doppelbitch by myself for a while." she said, chuckling. I laughed, and hugged her again.

"Thank you for packing for me. Even if you did go a little overboard." I whispered in her ear. She laughed, then stepped away.

"You're welcome." she said. "And now you will have everything you need, where ever you go." she said, before turning to Klaus.

"Goodbye sister." he said. She shook her head, and gave him a brief hug.

"Take care of her." she warned him, glaring into his eyes. He nodded, smirking. She just shook her head, then went back into the house.

I turned to look at Elijah. He smiled and nodded at me, then looked at his brother.

"Be safe, Nikalus." he said seriously. Klaus nodded. Elijah gave me one last smile before following Bekah into the house. That only left Kol. I turned to look at him. His usual smirk wasn't on his face as he looked back at me.

I rushed over to him, and embraced him. He hugged me back, squeezing tight.

"Kol... can't... breathe..." I choked out. He chuckled and released me, keeping his hands on my arms.

"Sorry, darling. I'm just going to miss you is all." he said, his trademark smirk coming onto his face, although it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Aw, Kol. I'll miss you too. It won't be for forever. Besides, you get to torture the hunter. You'll be having some much fun, you won't even realize I'm not here." I said. He frowned, but nodded.

"I hope you're right." he mumbled, before giving me one more hug, and a quick kiss on the forehead, before turning and offering Klaus a smirk.

"Have fun making your army." Kol said to Klaus, grinning cheekily. Klaus chuckled.

"I will. Have fun torturing our prisoner - but just the hunter. And please, don't kill him." Klaus stated, sending Kol a warning glare. Kol just shrugged off the warning.

"Whatever you say, Nik." he said, smirking at Klaus. Klaus just sent him one last warning glare before walking around and getting into the drivers seat. Kol chuckled, then turned back to me.

"Be careful, darling, and have fun." he said, smiling down at me. I smiled and gave him one last quick hug. He gave me a quick squeeze before releasing me and pushing me towards the car.

"Go have fun with your lover." he teased. I sent him a glare before climbing into the car. He sent me a smirk and a wave before heading back into the house. I sighed, then turned to look at Klaus. He sent me a smile, before starting the car.

Suddenly, my phone ran. I looked down at it, then answered, seeing who it was.

"Damon." I answered.

"YOU'RE LEAVING!?!" he shouted. I flinched back, surprised at the anger in his tone.

"No! Well, yes, but only for a short trip." I said. Klaus looked at me. I just turned to look at the window.

"AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME?!?" he yelled. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Damon. I'm not used to having you around to tell." I whispered. I could hear him sigh, calming down.

"It's alright. I just freaked out when I heard you were leaving. I can't lose you again." he admitted.

"You're not. It's just a quick trip. We'll be back soon." I assured him.

"Alright. Hey, put me on speaker quick?" he asked suddenly.

"O...k..." I said, confused. I pushed the button. "Alright." I called.

"Klaus." Damon said.

"Yes, mate?" Klaus called.

"If anythings happens to my baby girl while she's with you, I will find a White Oak Stake and personally stab you through the heart." Damon growled. I stared at the phone, shocked.

To my surprise, Klaus chuckled.

"Mr. Salvatore, I assure you, your sister will be safe with me." he said, fighting to hide the smile in his voice.

Damon growled, but let it go.

"Alright. Just... be careful, Lizzie." he said. I nodded, then realizing he couldn't see me...

"I will." I promised. Damon sighed.

"I love you, Lizzie." he said.

"I love you, too." I responded. He hung up, and I decided to switch off my phone. I threw it into the backseat.

"Your brother is quite protective over you." Klaus said, smirking at me. I sighed.

"Yeah. Him and Stefan have always been like that. At least until Katherine showed up. And now Elena too..." I mumbled. Klaus shot me a sympathetic look, but said nothing, for which I was grateful. We sat in a comfortable silence as we drove past the sign.

"Now Leaving Mystic Falls." the sign read as we left the town on our own little adventure.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Because of the heat, I've had to work downstairs and my mom gets annoyed by all the typing, so I can only do little bits at a time. I made this chapter extra long to make up for the wait. I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think.

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