Forever and Ever || A Lauren...


26.7K 622 151

The Cimorelli girls were making it really big after their debut album release. From press conferences, to TV... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Small Update

Chapter 23

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Ky's P.O.V.

It's been exactly two days, seven hours and eighteen minutes since I last saw Lauren. My mom has been very strict towards the subject and barely lets me out of the house anymore. I've also been trying to avoid her as much as I could: she's taking my happiness away from me.

I remembered the day after the first talk we had, when she first grounded me, when I came back from school, my father came home and confronted me.


I came home with mom in her car, desperate to arrive, since I couldn't stand being in the same place as her for a long time. She's forbidding me from doing what I love and seeing who I like. When I finally saw the house there, my face lit up, at last I was where I could be alone, or simply away from her.

As soon as she stopped the car, I opened the door and ran towards the door, opened it and got in. As I did, I saw my father sitting on the armchair in the living room. Why was he home so early? I started walking to where he was to greet him, but as soon as I got closer, he stood up and faced me, very close. I felt his breath on my face and could tell he was angry.

"Your mom told me what you did..." He said faintly but furiously.

"I-I-I..." I began but he cut me off.

"Shut up, I'm speaking." This was a side I'd never seen in him, he'd always been a caring and loving father, calm and patient. "How can you explain that you failed four tests? And I spoke to your coach and he said you've missed every practice in the last two weeks. I thought you liked soccer." He told me. "What do you have to say in your?"

"Do you want the truth?" I asked him and he nodded. "I don't like it. I've been doing it just because you like it. You've always pushed me to be this perfect child and son. And I've done it: I'm popular at school, I get good grades-"

"Until now." He muttered but I ignored him.

"I do a bunch of sports and I behave well here and everywhere. But I've done everything because of you and mom. You two have always wanted me to be perfect, and I've tried, I really have, but I can't keep it up anymore. This Ky, who misses sports practices and allows himself to fail, is the real me. Do you even know what my real passion is?" I asked and he and my mom (who joined us) stood there confused and with a face full of guilt for not even knowing. "Art. I like singing, I like playing instruments, I love editing and filming. I want to work on something that involves creativity, not a stupid lawyer or economist. And you didn't even know that because you're so focused on making me this ideal person that you can't even realize I suffer because you take control over my life, and those things you make me do? I hate them. If it were up to me, I'd stay home playing guitar all night and singing, because I love that. I don't like maths, or science, or law. My favorite subjects at school are Art, Music, Literature, literally everything that has to do with art. And the worst part is I can't really enjoy my passions because I'm constantly worried about these things you make me do, which shouldn't happen. I should do what I like, not what I hate. You know what's the worst part of the situation I'm living right now? Not being able to see the girl I like. It's only been a day and I already feel lonely, because I can't see her. She makes me happy, and smile. She means a lot to me. I need her. If it weren't for her and her band, I would probably be this numb, lifeless person, who agrees to do everything you say, and that doesn't really know what he likes. I discovered my love for music thanks to them. And one thing led to the other and now here I am, an art lover, a helpless romantic, a person who has so many dreams, but they are teared down by someone. And it makes me sad to say that the people who bring my dreams down are my own parents. I know you probably will never see my point, but this is the real me." I finished, and I was happy but scared at the same time. I'd done something that I'd never done before: rebelling against my parents and speaking my mind to them. They both stood there, in shock, just looking at me.

"I-I-I don't know what to say." My mother let out.

"Please go to your room, and stay there." My father said numbly.

"I will, and I wouldn't have a reason to come out." I said and they were even more shocked. I turned around and left.

*Later that day*

I was woken up by loud shouting and I recognized it was my parents.

"Grace, can't you see we're breaking him inside?!" My father yelled.

"It's all because of those stupid girls! They're not letting him think straight, he's not like that!" My mom shouted back.

"Oh, please, I've noticed his love for arts for some time now, even before all this happened! But I guess I was too blinded by this vision we had of him I couldn't really tell he wanted that!"

"Do you want our son to be a failure? Huh? Working as a musician, an actor, a director or whatever will take him nowhere! He needs to be a successful lawyer, accountant, doctor; you know REAL careers!"

"No, Grace, that's what you want him to be! My son will be successful at anything he does, and nothing's gonna stop him from being who he is!"

"You know, actually there is something that's gonna stop him, and that's me! And you'd better start thinking a bit like me!"

I turned my head and saw Andy looking at me, worry and pain all over his face.

"It'll be okay, Andy, don't worry." I reassured him.

"C-can I go with you?" He asked from his top bed and I nodded.

He climbed down and came to my bed, laying next to me. I patted his head and whispered to him.

"It will be okay..." I told him until he fell asleep and then I did too.

*End Of Flashback*

Still, that argument hadn't changed anything yet. I started getting ready for school and then went down for breakfast. My parents were sitting one in each corner, far from each other, without exchanging a word. My mom looked firm and steady but my father looked tired.

"Ky, Andrew, I can't take you to school today for some, um, personal reasons so you'll take the bus." My mom told us, and I was glad: I didn't want to go with her.

I finished eating quickly, brushed my teeth and called Andy so we would go. I opened the door and he came right behind me. I turned and closed it and headed to the bus stop. Once we were there, I texted Lauren to come see me, even if it was for a second and even if it was too early. I put my phone in my pocket, turned around and faced my little brother.

"Andrew, I need you to be strong." I started. "I know this situation hurts you, but mom and dad will be okay. This is not because of you, at most, it's my fault. But you've got to remain your peace. Breathe how I taught you and calm down." I finished and he nodded. I'd taught him how to manage these situations, since our parents' fights had been increasing in the past year.

Then, on the corner of my eye, I saw Lily, with a sad expression and tears in her eyes. She came up to us. Wow, she would actually talk to me.

"Ky, can we talk, alone?" She asked and I nodded. I told Andy to stay there and sat down on the bench by her.

"So, what do you wanna talk about, now that you're finally talking to me?" I asked and I guess I felt bad because I made her feel guilty.

"I-I-I've been avoiding you for a reason..." She started. "I know you've had problems with trusting Nate since that Shay thing and I don't want to be the reason for you two to stop being friends." She said and sighed. "N-Nate cheated on me with some random girl and broke up with me." She told me and started crying. I was so mad, I could punch someone. Nate was getting some, no one hurts my best friend. "And-and I didn't want to tell you for another reason." I gave her a confused look. "After we broke up, I started realizing, I really like you, but you're with Lauren and I couldn't bring myself to telling you." She finished.

"I... Um... Lily this is.... Too much to process... First of all, let me tell you I'll take care of that stupid jerk. And second, I don't really know what to say." I told her. She cried even more. I put my hand on her cheek and rubbed it. "It's okay..." Then all of a sudden, bam, she had her lips on me.

It felt so weird and I wanted to pull away, but something didn't let me do it. I don't know... Guilt? Worry? The need to comfort her? I opened my eyes and looked behind her. Guess what?

Lauren stood there, with her face in shock and tears forming in her eyes. I shoved Lily away a bit too strongly and stood up.

"Lauren, i-it's not what you think!" I told her but she turned around and started running and I chased her.

We ran for a good two blocks when I reached her and grabbed her wrist.

"Let me go!" She yelled at me.

"Let me explain!" I yelled.

"Explain what? That you're a disgusting pig with no feelings? I know that by now." She said and got free from my hands. She turned and ran.

I stood there, watching her go, letting her go. I had just made the worst mistake in my whole life, and couldn't regret it more. Nothing could cheer me up right now. I had just lost the girl of my dreams. My happiness had just been completely taken away from me. And there was no way I could get it back. I started feeling sick and told Andy to get on the bus and I would go back home.

As I got in, I turned and saw Lily crying. I went upstairs to my parents' room to tell them I was feeling sick. I reached my room and saw Jus sleeping in his crib and I heard drawers opening and closing from my parents' room. I walked in and saw my mom getting all her stuff inside a suitcase. She suddenly froze and looked up to me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm feeling really sick, but what are you doing?" I interrogated her. She looked guilty. Then my father came and stood behind me. He asked exactly the same.

"Ky, come, we're leaving." She said and tried to take me by my arm but I stood still, close to my father.

"No, I'm staying with dad." I told her.

"Ky, you're coming with me." She repeated.

"No." I said.

"Fine, suit yourself, I'm taking Justin and Andrew." She tried to walk out the door but we were blocking it.

"You think you can take my two sons?" My father asked.

"They're also my children."

"This is our house and legal residence and until you find one for yourself, they're staying here."

"You know what? Go to hell, both of you. I will take this to court." She said and started leaving, now with us letting her. "Oh and if it's not clear, I want the divorce." She told my dad, went down the stairs and started to open the door.

I began feeling dizzier than ever. I felt as if I was gonna collapse any moment soon. Then everything went dark.


A/N: Thank you so much for 3k reads.

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